match l with
| Terms.Equation (l,r,_,o) ->
(match l,r,o with
- | Terms.Var _, _, (Terms.Incomparable | Terms.Invertible) -> true
- | _, Terms.Var _,(Terms.Incomparable | Terms.Invertible) -> true
+ | (Terms.Var _ | Terms.Node (Terms.Var _::_)), _, (Terms.Incomparable | Terms.Invertible) -> true
+ | _, (Terms.Var _ | Terms.Node (Terms.Var _::_)),(Terms.Incomparable | Terms.Invertible) -> true
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let bag,clause = P.mk_passive bag (t,ty) in
if Terms.is_eq_clause clause then
if tooflex clause then (print (lazy "pruning tooflex"); s)
- else P.forward_infer_step (P.replace_bag s bag) clause 0
+ else
+ P.forward_infer_step (P.replace_bag s bag) clause 0
else (debug (lazy "not eq"); s)