| (C|I)::tl -> new_dir dir tl
-let string_of_dir = function Le -> "<=" | Ge -> ">=";;
let string_of_w w =
String.concat ""
(List.map (function I -> "i" | C -> "c" | M -> "-") w)
-let string_of_eqclass eqc =
- let eqc = List.sort compare eqc in
- String.concat "=" (List.map string_of_w eqc)
-let print = List.iter (fun eqc -> prerr_endline (string_of_eqclass eqc));;
exception NoMatch;;
let (@@) l1 ll2 = List.map (function l2 -> l1 @ l2) ll2;;
let uniq l =
- let rec aux l =
- function
- [] -> l
- | he::tl -> aux (if List.mem he l then l else he::l) tl
+ let rec aux acc = function
+ | [] -> acc
+ | h::[] -> h::acc
+ | h1::h2::tl when h1=h2 -> aux (h2::acc) tl
+ | h1::tl (* when h1 <> h2 *) -> aux (h1::acc) tl
- aux [] l
+ List.rev (aux [] (List.sort compare l))
let rec apply_rule_at_beginning (lhs,dir',rhs) (w,dir) =
(function w ->
List.map (fun x -> x@w)
- (if List.mem M w then
+ (if List.length (List.filter (fun w -> w = M) w) >= 2 then
- [[I];[C](*;[M]*);[]])
+ [[I];[C];[M];[]])
) l))
-let leq rels x y =
- let rec aux avoid x y =
- x = y ||
- List.exists
- (fun (x',z) -> x=x' && not (List.mem z avoid) && aux (z::avoid) z y) rels
- in
- aux [x] x y
-let in_class rels eqc he =
- match eqc with
- [] -> assert false
- | k::_ -> leq rels k he && leq rels he k
-let add_class rels classes he =
-prerr_endline "Add";
- let rec aux visited =
+let mapi f l =
+ let rec aux acc i =
- [] -> [he]::visited
- | eqc::tl ->
- if in_class rels eqc he then
- (he::eqc)::tl@visited
- else
- aux (eqc::visited) tl
+ [] -> acc
+ | he::tl -> aux (f i he :: acc) (i+1) tl
- aux [] classes
+ List.rev (aux [] 1 l)
-let classify (l : w list) =
-prerr_endline ("Classify: " ^ string_of_int (List.length l));
+let normalize (l : w list) =
+ print_endline (string_of_int (List.length l) ^ " nodes to be normalized");
let rels =
- List.flatten (List.map (fun x -> apply_rules (x,Le) @ apply_rules (x,Ge)) l)
- in
- uniq
- (List.map
- (function (x,rel,y) -> match rel with Le -> x,y | Ge -> y,x) rels)
+ List.flatten
+ (mapi
+ (fun i x ->
+ if i mod 100 = 0 then print_string ("@" ^ string_of_int i ^ " ");
+ apply_rules (x,Le) @ apply_rules (x,Ge)) l) in
+ print_newline ();
+ let arcs =
+ List.rev (List.rev_map
+ (function (x,rel,y) -> match rel with Le -> x,y | Ge -> y,x) rels) in
+ let res = uniq arcs in
+ res
-let visualize graph =
- let dot = "" in
- (*Graph.Pack.Digraph.dot_output graph dot;*)
- Graph.Pack.Digraph.display_with_gv graph;
-exit 1;
+let visualize describe graph =
+ let module G =
+ struct
+ include Graph.Pack.Digraph;;
+ let edge_attributes _ = []
+ let default_edge_attributes _ = []
+ let get_subgraph _ = None
+ let vertex_attributes v = [`Label (describe (Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.label v))]
+ let vertex_name v = "v" ^ string_of_int (Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.label v)
+ let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
+ let graph_attributes _ = []
+ end in
+ let module D = Graph.Graphviz.Dot(G) in
let ch = open_out "/tmp/comb.dot" in
- output_string ch dot;
+ D.output_graph ch graph;
close_out ch;
- Unix.system ("tred /tmp/comb.dot > /tmp/red.dot");
- Unix.system ("dot -Tps /tmp/red.dot > /tmp/red.ps");
- Unix.system ("ggv /tmp/red.ps");
-*) ()
-let analyze arcs =
- let mk_vertex =
- let cache = ref [] in
- function w ->
- try
- List.assoc w !cache
- with
- Not_found ->
- let n =
- let rec aux acc =
- function
- [] -> acc
- | he::tl -> aux (acc * 4 + (match he with I -> 1 | C -> 2 | M -> 3)) tl
+ ignore (Unix.system ("tred /tmp/comb.dot > /tmp/red.dot"));
+ ignore (Unix.system ("dot -Tps /tmp/red.dot > /tmp/red.ps"));
+ (*Unix.system ("ggv /tmp/red.ps");*)
+let mk_vertex_and_dsc_vertex =
+ function () ->
+ let cache1 = Hashtbl.create 37 in
+ let cache2 = Hashtbl.create 37 in
+ (function w ->
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find cache1 w
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let n =
+ let rec aux acc =
+ function
+ [] -> acc
+ | he::tl -> aux (acc * 4 + (match he with I -> 1 | C -> 2 | M -> 3)) tl
+ in
+ aux 0 w
- aux 0 w
- in
-prerr_endline (string_of_w w ^ " => " ^ string_of_int n);
- let v = Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.create n in
- cache := (w,v)::!cache;
- v in
+ let v = Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.create n in
+ Hashtbl.add cache1 w v;
+ Hashtbl.add cache2 v w;
+ v),
+ (Hashtbl.find cache2)
+let string_compare s1 s2 =
+ let c = compare (String.length s1) (String.length s2) in
+ if c = 0 then String.compare s1 s2 else c
+let normalize_and_describe norm mk_vertex dsc_vertex =
+ let cache = Hashtbl.create 37 in
+ (function n ->
+ let v = mk_vertex n in
+ let normalized = norm v in
+ let dsc = dsc_vertex v in
+ if not (List.mem dsc (Hashtbl.find_all cache normalized)) then
+ Hashtbl.add cache normalized dsc;
+ normalized),
+ (function v ->
+ let vertexes = uniq (Hashtbl.fold (fun k _ l -> k::l) cache []) in
+ let ll =
+ List.map
+ (fun v ->
+ v,
+ List.sort string_compare
+ (List.map string_of_w (Hashtbl.find_all cache v))
+ ) vertexes in
+ let is_not_redundant s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ if len <= 1 then true
+ else
+ let w = String.sub s 1 (len - 1) in
+ List.exists (function w'::_ -> w=w' | [] -> false) (List.map snd ll)
+ in
+ let l = List.filter is_not_redundant (List.assoc v ll) in
+ let s = String.concat "=" l in
+ if s = "" then "." else s)
+let classify arcs =
+ print_endline (string_of_int (List.length arcs) ^ " arcs to be classified");
+ let mk_vertex,dsc_vertex = mk_vertex_and_dsc_vertex () in
let graph = Graph.Pack.Digraph.create () in
(function (x,y) ->
Graph.Pack.Digraph.add_edge graph (mk_vertex x) (mk_vertex y)) arcs;
-prerr_endline ("<CLASSI>");
- let classes = Graph.Pack.Digraph.Components.scc_list graph in
-List.iter (function l -> prerr_endline (String.concat "=" (List.map string_of_int (List.map Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.label l)))) classes;
-prerr_endline ("</CLASSI>");
- let classes,normalize = Graph.Pack.Digraph.Components.scc graph in
-prerr_endline (string_of_int classes ^ " CLASSI");
- let arcs = uniq (List.map (fun (x,y) -> normalize (mk_vertex x),normalize (mk_vertex y)) arcs) in
+ print_endline ("<scc>");
+ let classes,norm = Graph.Pack.Digraph.Components.scc graph in
+ print_endline (string_of_int classes ^ " classes");
+ norm,mk_vertex,dsc_vertex,arcs
+let analyze (norm,mk_vertex,dsc_vertex,arcs) =
+ print_endline "building class graph";
+ let normalize,describe = normalize_and_describe norm mk_vertex dsc_vertex in
+ let arcs = uniq (List.map (fun (x,y) -> normalize x,normalize y) arcs) in
let cgraph = Graph.Pack.Digraph.create () in
(function (x,y) ->
- Graph.Pack.Digraph.add_edge cgraph (Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.create x) (Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.create y)) arcs;
- visualize cgraph
+ if x <> y then
+ Graph.Pack.Digraph.add_edge cgraph (Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.create x
+ ) (Graph.Pack.Digraph.V.create y)) arcs;
+ print_endline "visualize";
+ visualize describe cgraph;
+ print_endline ("-----");
let rec iter n l =
- let arcs = analyze (classify l) in
- (*print_graph' (analyze arcs);*)
+ let pkg = classify (normalize l) in
if n > 0 then
iter (n - 1) (step l)
+ else
+ analyze pkg
- iter 4 [[]]
+ iter 10 [[]]