% \end{motto}
- \TODO{scrivere abstract}
+ \MATITA{} is a new document-centric proof assistant that integrates several
+ Mathematical Knowledge Management techniques and tools. In this paper
+ we describe the architecture of \MATITA{} and the peculiarities of its user
+ interface.
\keywords{Proof Assistant, Mathematical Knowledge Management, XML, Authoring,
% toc & co: to be removed in the final paper version
-We do not plan to maintain the library in a centralized way,
-as most of the systems do. On the contrary we are currently
-developing Wiki-technologies to support collaborative
-development of the library, encouraging people to expand,
-modify and elaborate previous contributions.
+\section{Conclusions and future works}
+In this paper we have described the architecture of the \MATITA{} proof
+assistant and the peculiarities of its user interface. \MATITA{} is
+characterized by the central role played by its library and the integration
+with modern Mathematical Knowledge Management techniques and tools.
+Among them, an innovative searching technique that is equally addressed to
+end users and to automatic proof searching procedures; a \MATHML-based
+rendering interface coupled with a disambiguating parser to fully exploit
+the usual mathematical notation, peeking constants and symbols from the
+whole library; direct manipulation of terms, with a corresponding elaborated
+textual syntax to record the user actions; a fine-grained execution of
+tacticals to simplify script structuring and replaying; an integrated
+browser to navigate the hypertext formed by the concepts in the library,
+integrated with natural language rendering of proof; compatibility with
+the library of the Coq proof assistant.
+In the near future we plan to continue development focusing on and enhanching
+the peculiarities of \MATITA, starting from its document centric phylosophy.
+In particular, we do not plan to maintain the library in a centralized way,
+as most of the systems do. On the contrary we are currently developing
+Wiki-technologies to support collaborative development of the library,
+encouraging people to expand, modify and elaborate previous contributions.
+As a first step in this direction, we will integrate \MATITA{} with a
+revision control system, building on the invalidation and re-generation
+concepts already implemented to grant logical consistency.
+Thanks to an increasing dissemination activity, we hope in the medium
+term to attract users to form a critical size community for entering in
+direct competition with the (still too few) major actors in the field.
+To this aim, we are also progressing in the development of a core library,
+mainly to identify possible unnoticed problems and to give evidence of the
+usability of the system.
We would like to thank all the people that during the past