(* let tactic = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactic" *)
(* let tactical = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactical" *)
-let return_term loc term =
- CicTextualParser2Ast.AttributedTerm (`Loc loc, term)
+let return_term loc term = CicAst.AttributedTerm (`Loc loc, term)
(* let return_term loc term = term *)
let fail (x, y) msg =
] ->
(match subst with
- | Some l -> CicTextualParser2Ast.Ident (s, l)
- | None -> CicTextualParser2Ast.Ident (s, []))
+ | Some l -> CicAst.Ident (s, l)
+ | None -> CicAst.Ident (s, []))
name: [ (* as substituted_name with no explicit substitution *)
[ "arrow" RIGHTA
[ t1 = term; SYMBOL <:unicode<to>>; t2 = term ->
return_term loc
- (CicTextualParser2Ast.Binder (`Pi, (Cic.Anonymous, Some t1), t2))
+ (CicAst.Binder (`Pi, (Cic.Anonymous, Some t1), t2))
| "binder" RIGHTA
(fun var body ->
let name = name_of_string var in
- CicTextualParser2Ast.Binder (b, (name, typ), body))
+ CicAst.Binder (b, (name, typ), body))
vars body
return_term loc binder
| "eq" LEFTA
[ t1 = term; SYMBOL "="; t2 = term ->
- return_term loc (CicTextualParser2Ast.Appl_symbol ("eq", 0, [t1; t2]))
+ return_term loc (CicAst.Appl [CicAst.Symbol ("eq", 0); t1; t2])
| "add" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
| "mult" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
sort_kind = [
"Prop" -> `Prop | "Set" -> `Set | "Type" -> `Type | "CProp" -> `CProp
] ->
- CicTextualParser2Ast.Sort sort_kind
+ CicAst.Sort sort_kind
| n = substituted_name -> return_term loc n
| PAREN "("; head = term; args = LIST1 term; PAREN ")" ->
- return_term loc (CicTextualParser2Ast.Appl (head :: args))
- | i = NUM -> return_term loc (CicTextualParser2Ast.Num (i, 0))
+ return_term loc (CicAst.Appl (head :: args))
+ | i = NUM -> return_term loc (CicAst.Num (i, 0))
+ | IMPLICIT -> return_term loc CicAst.Implicit
| m = META;
substs = [
PAREN "["; substs = LIST0 meta_subst SEP SYMBOL ";" ; PAREN "]" ->
with Failure "int_of_string" ->
fail loc ("Invalid meta variable number: " ^ m)
- return_term loc (CicTextualParser2Ast.Meta (index, substs))
+ return_term loc (CicAst.Meta (index, substs))
(* actually "in" and "and" are _not_ keywords. Parsing works anyway
* since applications are required to be bound by parens *)
| "let"; var = typed_name;
t1 = term;
IDENT "in"; t2 = term ->
- return_term loc (CicTextualParser2Ast.LetIn (var, t1, t2))
+ return_term loc (CicAst.LetIn (var, t1, t2))
| "let"; ind_kind = [ "corec" -> `CoInductive | "rec"-> `Inductive ];
defs = LIST1 [
var = typed_name;
(var, t1, (match index with None -> 0 | Some i -> i))
] SEP (IDENT "and");
IDENT "in"; body = term ->
- return_term loc (CicTextualParser2Ast.LetRec (ind_kind, defs, body))
+ return_term loc (CicAst.LetRec (ind_kind, defs, body))
| outtyp = OPT [ PAREN "["; typ = term; PAREN "]" -> typ ];
"match"; t = term;
SYMBOL ":"; indty = IDENT;
PAREN "[";
patterns = LIST0 [
lhs = pattern; SYMBOL <:unicode<Rightarrow>> (* ⇒ *); rhs = term ->
- ((lhs: CicTextualParser2Ast.case_pattern), rhs)
+ ((lhs: CicAst.case_pattern), rhs)
PAREN "]" ->
return_term loc
- (CicTextualParser2Ast.Case (t, indty, outtyp, patterns))
+ (CicAst.Case (t, indty, outtyp, patterns))
| PAREN "("; t = term; PAREN ")" -> return_term loc t