raise (Parse_error ("Variables can not be declared with a " ^
"precedence in an associative notation"))
(* avoid camlp5 divergence due to non-Sself recursion at the same level *)
- | Ast.TermVar (s,Some l) when l=level ->
- incr variables;
- Ast.TermVar (s,None)
- (* avoid camlp5 divergence due to non-Sself left recursion *)
- | Ast.TermVar (s,Some _) when !symbols = 0 && !variables = 0 ->
- raise (Parse_error "Left recursive rule with precedence not allowed")
+ | Ast.TermVar (s,Some l) when l <= level && !variables=0 && !symbols=0 ->
+ raise (Parse_error ("Left recursive rule with precedence not greater " ^
+ "than " ^ string_of_int level ^ " is not allowed to avoid divergence"))
| Ast.TermVar _ as t -> incr variables; t
| Ast.IdentVar _ as t -> t
| Ast.Ascription _ -> assert false (* TODO *)
[ Grammar.Entry.obj (term: 'a Grammar.Entry.e),
Some (Gramext.Level level),
[ None,
- Some (*Gramext.NonA*) Gramext.LeftA,
+ Some (*Gramext.NonA*) Gramext.NonA,
[ p_atoms,
(fun (env: CicNotationEnv.t) (loc: Ast.location) ->
| i when i < first -> acc
| i ->
- ((Some (string_of_int i ^ "N"), Some (*Gramext.NonA*)Gramext.LeftA, dummy_prod)
+ ((Some (string_of_int i ^ "N"), Some (*Gramext.NonA*)Gramext.NonA, dummy_prod)
:: acc)
(i - 1)
term: LEVEL "70N"
- [ p1 = term; p2 = term ->
+ [ p1 = term; p2 = term LEVEL "71N" ->
let rec aux = function
| Ast.Appl (hd :: tl)
| Ast.AttributedTerm (_, Ast.Appl (hd :: tl)) ->
let rec aux =
| Ast.Appl ts ->
- let rec aux_args pos =
+ let rec aux_args level =
| [] -> []
| [ last ] ->
- let last = k last in
- [ last ]
+ [ Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level level,k last) ]
| hd :: tl ->
- (k hd) :: aux_args `Inner tl
+ (Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level level, k hd)) :: aux_args 71 tl
add_level_info Ast.apply_prec
- (hovbox true true (CicNotationUtil.dress break (aux_args `Left ts)))
+ (hovbox true true (CicNotationUtil.dress break (aux_args 70 ts)))
| Ast.Binder (binder_kind, (id, ty), body) ->
add_level_info Ast.binder_prec
(hvbox false true