let subsets = power_upto just_factor constants in
(* let _ = prerr_endline (("subsets: ")^
(string_of_int (List.length subsets))) in *)
- let types_no = List.length types in
- List.map (function (n,l) -> (n+types_no,types@l)) subsets
+ let types_no = List.length types in
+ if types_no > 0 then
+ List.map (function (n,l) -> (n+types_no,types@l)) subsets
+ else subsets
prerr_endline ("critical_value exceded..." ^ string_of_int constants_no);
let all_constants =
compute_with_only ~dbd ~where main subsets all_constants
+ (prerr_endline ("all subsets..." ^ string_of_int constants_no);
let subsets =
let subsets = power constants in
let types_no = List.length types in
if types_no > 0 then
(0,[]) :: List.map (function (n,l) -> (n+types_no,types@l)) subsets
else subsets
- in
- compute_exactly ~dbd ~facts ~where main subsets
+ in
+ prerr_endline "fine1";
+ compute_exactly ~dbd ~facts ~where main subsets)
(* match query wrappers *)
module UriManagerSet : Set.S with type elt = UriManager.uri
+module SetSet: Set.S with type elt = UriManagerSet.t
(** @return <main, constants>
* main: constant in main position and, for polymorphic constants, type