commits and my recent commits (that added notation here and there).
-(* ___ *)
+(* __ *)
(* ||M|| *)
(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
(* ||T|| *)
set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/Z/times".
+include "nat/".
include "Z/".
definition Ztimes :Z \to Z \to Z \def
-(*CSC: da qui in avanti niente notazione *)
theorem symmetric_Ztimes : symmetric Z Ztimes.
change with \forall x,y:Z. eq Z (Ztimes x y) (Ztimes y x).
intros.elim x.rewrite > Ztimes_z_OZ.reflexivity.
elim y.simplify.reflexivity.
-change with eq Z (pos (pred (times (S e1) (S e)))) (pos (pred (times (S e) (S e1)))).
+change with eq Z (pos (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (pos (pred (times (S n1) (S n)))).
rewrite < sym_times.reflexivity.
-change with eq Z (neg (pred (times (S e1) (S e2)))) (neg (pred (times (S e2) (S e1)))).
+change with eq Z (neg (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (neg (pred (times (S n1) (S n)))).
rewrite < sym_times.reflexivity.
elim y.simplify.reflexivity.
-change with eq Z (neg (pred (times (S e2) (S e1)))) (neg (pred (times (S e1) (S e2)))).
+change with eq Z (neg (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (neg (pred (times (S n1) (S n)))).
rewrite < sym_times.reflexivity.
-change with eq Z (pos (pred (times (S e2) (S e)))) (pos (pred (times (S e) (S e2)))).
+change with eq Z (pos (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (pos (pred (times (S n1) (S n)))).
rewrite < sym_times.reflexivity.
elim y.simplify.reflexivity.
elim z.simplify.reflexivity.
change with
-eq Z (neg (pred (times (S (pred (times (S e1) (S e)))) (S e2))))
- (neg (pred (times (S e1) (S (pred (times (S e) (S e2))))))).
-rewrite < S_pred_S.
-theorem Zpred_Zplus_neg_O : \forall z:Z. eq Z (Zpred z) (Zplus (neg O) z).
-intros.elim z.
-elim e2.simplify.reflexivity.
-theorem Zsucc_Zplus_pos_O : \forall z:Z. eq Z (Zsucc z) (Zplus (pos O) z).
-intros.elim z.
-elim e1.simplify.reflexivity.
-theorem Zplus_pos_pos:
-\forall n,m. eq Z (Zplus (pos n) (pos m)) (Zplus (Zsucc (pos n)) (Zpred (pos m))).
-elim n.elim m.
-elim m.
+eq Z (neg (pred (times (S (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (S n2))))
+ (neg (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (times (S n1) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < assoc_times.reflexivity.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+change with
+eq Z (pos (pred (times (S (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (S n2))))
+ (pos (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (times (S n1) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < assoc_times.reflexivity.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+elim z.simplify.reflexivity.
+change with
+eq Z (pos (pred (times (S (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (S n2))))
+ (pos(pred (times (S n) (S (pred (times (S n1) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < assoc_times.reflexivity.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+change with
+eq Z (neg (pred (times (S (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (S n2))))
+ (neg (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (times (S n1) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < assoc_times.reflexivity.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+elim y.simplify.reflexivity.
+elim z.simplify.reflexivity.
+change with
+eq Z (pos (pred (times (S (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (S n2))))
+ (pos (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (times (S n1) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < assoc_times.reflexivity.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+change with
+eq Z (neg (pred (times (S (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (S n2))))
+ (neg (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (times (S n1) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < assoc_times.reflexivity.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+elim z.simplify.reflexivity.
+change with
+eq Z (neg (pred (times (S (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (S n2))))
+ (neg(pred (times (S n) (S (pred (times (S n1) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < assoc_times.reflexivity.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+change with
+eq Z (pos (pred (times (S (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))) (S n2))))
+ (pos (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (times (S n1) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < S_pred ? ?.rewrite < assoc_times.reflexivity.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+variant assoc_Ztimes : \forall x,y,z:Z.
+eq Z (Ztimes (Ztimes x y) z) (Ztimes x (Ztimes y z)) \def
+theorem distributive_Ztimes: distributive Z Ztimes Zplus.
+change with \forall x,y,z:Z.
+eq Z (Ztimes x (Zplus y z)) (Zplus (Ztimes x y) (Ztimes x z)).
+intros.elim x.
+(* case x = neg n *)
+elim y.reflexivity.
+elim z.reflexivity.
+change with
+eq Z (pos (pred (times (S n) (plus (S n1) (S n2)))))
+ (pos (pred (plus (times (S n) (S n1))(times (S n) (S n2))))).
+rewrite < times_plus_distr.reflexivity.
+simplify. (* problemi di naming su n *)
+(* sintassi della change ??? *)
+cut \forall n,m:nat.eq nat (plus m (times n (S m))) (pred (times (S n) (S m))).
+rewrite > Hcut.
+rewrite > Hcut.
+rewrite < nat_compare_pred_pred ? ? ? ?.
+rewrite < nat_compare_times_l.
+rewrite < nat_compare_S_S.
+apply nat_compare_elim n1 n2.
+(* per ricavare questo change ci ho messo un'ora;
+change with (eq Z (neg (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (minus (S n2) (S n1)))))))
+ (neg (pred (minus (pred (times (S n) (S n2)))
+ (pred (times (S n) (S n1))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.
+rewrite > minus_pred_pred ? ? ? ?.
+rewrite < distr_times_minus.
+(* we start closing stupid positivity conditions *)
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
-rewrite < plus_n_O.reflexivity.
+apply le_SO_minus. exact H.
+intro.rewrite < H.simplify.reflexivity.
+change with (eq Z (pos (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (minus (S n1) (S n2)))))))
+ (pos (pred (minus (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))
+ (pred (times (S n) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.
+rewrite > minus_pred_pred ? ? ? ?.
+rewrite < distr_times_minus.
+(* we start closing stupid positivity conditions *)
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
-rewrite < plus_n_Sm.reflexivity.
-theorem Zplus_pos_neg:
-\forall n,m. eq Z (Zplus (pos n) (neg m)) (Zplus (Zsucc (pos n)) (Zpred (neg m))).
-theorem Zplus_neg_pos :
-\forall n,m. eq Z (Zplus (neg n) (pos m)) (Zplus (Zsucc (neg n)) (Zpred (pos m))).
-elim n.elim m.
-elim m.
-theorem Zplus_neg_neg:
-\forall n,m. eq Z (Zplus (neg n) (neg m)) (Zplus (Zsucc (neg n)) (Zpred (neg m))).
-elim n.elim m.
-elim m.
-simplify.rewrite < plus_n_Sm.reflexivity.
-simplify.rewrite > plus_n_Sm.reflexivity.
-theorem Zplus_Zsucc_Zpred:
-\forall x,y. eq Z (Zplus x y) (Zplus (Zsucc x) (Zpred y)).
-elim x. elim y.
-rewrite < Zsucc_Zplus_pos_O.
-rewrite > Zsucc_Zpred.reflexivity.
-elim y.rewrite < sym_Zplus.rewrite < sym_Zplus (Zpred OZ).
-rewrite < Zpred_Zplus_neg_O.
-rewrite > Zpred_Zsucc.
-rewrite < Zplus_neg_neg.reflexivity.
-apply Zplus_neg_pos.
-elim y.simplify.reflexivity.
-apply Zplus_pos_neg.
-apply Zplus_pos_pos.
-theorem Zplus_Zsucc_pos_pos :
-\forall n,m. eq Z (Zplus (Zsucc (pos n)) (pos m)) (Zsucc (Zplus (pos n) (pos m))).
+apply le_SO_minus. exact H.
+(* questi non so neppure da dove vengano *)
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+(* adesso chiudo il cut stupido *)
-theorem Zplus_Zsucc_pos_neg:
-\forall n,m. eq Z (Zplus (Zsucc (pos n)) (neg m)) (Zsucc (Zplus (pos n) (neg m))).
-apply nat_elim2
-(\lambda n,m. eq Z (Zplus (Zsucc (pos n)) (neg m)) (Zsucc (Zplus (pos n) (neg m)))).intro.
-intros.elim n1.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-elim e1.simplify. reflexivity.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-intros. elim n1.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-rewrite < (Zplus_pos_neg ? m1).
-elim H.reflexivity.
-theorem Zplus_Zsucc_neg_neg :
-\forall n,m. eq Z (Zplus (Zsucc (neg n)) (neg m)) (Zsucc (Zplus (neg n) (neg m))).
-apply nat_elim2
-(\lambda n,m. eq Z (Zplus (Zsucc (neg n)) (neg m)) (Zsucc (Zplus (neg n) (neg m)))).intro.
-intros.elim n1.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-elim e1.simplify. reflexivity.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-intros. elim n1.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-rewrite < (Zplus_neg_neg ? m1).
-theorem Zplus_Zsucc_neg_pos:
-\forall n,m. eq Z (Zplus (Zsucc (neg n)) (pos m)) (Zsucc (Zplus (neg n) (pos m))).
-apply nat_elim2
-(\lambda n,m. eq Z (Zplus (Zsucc (neg n)) (pos m)) (Zsucc (Zplus (neg n) (pos m)))).
-intros.elim n1.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-elim e1.simplify. reflexivity.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-intros. elim n1.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-rewrite < H.
-rewrite < (Zplus_neg_pos ? (S m1)).
-theorem Zplus_Zsucc : \forall x,y:Z. eq Z (Zplus (Zsucc x) y) (Zsucc (Zplus x y)).
-intros.elim x.elim y.
-simplify. reflexivity.
-rewrite < Zsucc_Zplus_pos_O.reflexivity.
-elim y.rewrite < sym_Zplus.rewrite < sym_Zplus OZ.simplify.reflexivity.
-apply Zplus_Zsucc_neg_neg.
-apply Zplus_Zsucc_neg_pos.
-elim y.
-rewrite < sym_Zplus OZ.reflexivity.
-apply Zplus_Zsucc_pos_neg.
-apply Zplus_Zsucc_pos_pos.
-theorem Zplus_Zpred: \forall x,y:Z. eq Z (Zplus (Zpred x) y) (Zpred (Zplus x y)).
-cut eq Z (Zpred (Zplus x y)) (Zpred (Zplus (Zsucc (Zpred x)) y)).
+elim z.reflexivity.
+cut \forall n,m:nat.eq nat (plus m (times n (S m))) (pred (times (S n) (S m))).
rewrite > Hcut.
-rewrite > Zplus_Zsucc.
-rewrite > Zpred_Zsucc.
-rewrite > Zsucc_Zpred.
-theorem associative_Zplus: associative Z Zplus.
-change with \forall x,y,z:Z. eq Z (Zplus (Zplus x y) z) (Zplus x (Zplus y z)).
-intros.elim x.simplify.reflexivity.
-elim e1.rewrite < (Zpred_Zplus_neg_O (Zplus y z)).
-rewrite < (Zpred_Zplus_neg_O y).
-rewrite < Zplus_Zpred.
-rewrite > Zplus_Zpred (neg e).
-rewrite > Zplus_Zpred (neg e).
-rewrite > Zplus_Zpred (Zplus (neg e) y).
-apply eq_f.assumption.
-elim e2.rewrite < Zsucc_Zplus_pos_O.
-rewrite < Zsucc_Zplus_pos_O.
-rewrite > Zplus_Zsucc.
+rewrite > Hcut.
+rewrite < nat_compare_pred_pred ? ? ? ?.
+rewrite < nat_compare_times_l.
+rewrite < nat_compare_S_S.
+apply nat_compare_elim n1 n2.
+(* per ricavare questo change ci ho messo un'ora;
+change with (eq Z (pos (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (minus (S n2) (S n1)))))))
+ (pos (pred (minus (pred (times (S n) (S n2)))
+ (pred (times (S n) (S n1))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.
+rewrite > minus_pred_pred ? ? ? ?.
+rewrite < distr_times_minus.
+(* we start closing stupid positivity conditions *)
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply le_SO_minus. exact H.
+intro.rewrite < H.simplify.reflexivity.
+change with (eq Z (neg (pred (times (S n) (S (pred (minus (S n1) (S n2)))))))
+ (neg (pred (minus (pred (times (S n) (S n1)))
+ (pred (times (S n) (S n2))))))).
+rewrite < S_pred ? ?.
+rewrite > minus_pred_pred ? ? ? ?.
+rewrite < distr_times_minus.
+(* we start closing stupid positivity conditions *)
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply le_SO_minus. exact H.
+(* questi non so neppure da dove vengano *)
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+(* adesso chiudo il cut stupido *)
+change with
+eq Z (neg (pred (times (S n) (plus (S n1) (S n2)))))
+ (neg (pred (plus (times (S n) (S n1))(times (S n) (S n2))))).
+rewrite < times_plus_distr.
-rewrite > Zplus_Zsucc (pos e1).
-rewrite > Zplus_Zsucc (pos e1).
-rewrite > Zplus_Zsucc (Zplus (pos e1) y).
-apply eq_f.assumption.
-variant assoc_Zplus : \forall x,y,z:Z. eq Z (Zplus (Zplus x y) z) (Zplus x (Zplus y z))
-\def associative_Zplus.
+(* and now the case x = pos n *)
| (pos m) \Rightarrow
match y with
[ OZ \Rightarrow x
- | (pos n) \Rightarrow (pos (S (m+n)))
+ | (pos n) \Rightarrow (pos (pred ((S m)+(S n))))
| (neg n) \Rightarrow
match nat_compare m n with
[ LT \Rightarrow (neg (pred (n-m)))
[ LT \Rightarrow (pos (pred (n-m)))
| EQ \Rightarrow OZ
| GT \Rightarrow (neg (pred (m-n)))]
- | (neg n) \Rightarrow (neg (S (m+n)))]].
+ | (neg n) \Rightarrow (neg (pred ((S m)+(S n))))]].
(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
interpretation "integer plus" 'plus x y = (cic:/matita/Z/z/Zplus.con x y).
intros.elim x.rewrite > Zplus_z_OZ.reflexivity.
elim y.simplify.reflexivity.
-rewrite < sym_plus.reflexivity.
+rewrite < plus_n_Sm. rewrite < plus_n_Sm.rewrite < sym_plus.reflexivity.
rewrite > nat_compare_n_m_m_n.
simplify.elim nat_compare ? ?.simplify.reflexivity.
simplify.elim nat_compare ? ?.simplify.reflexivity.
simplify. reflexivity.
simplify. reflexivity.
-simplify.rewrite < sym_plus.reflexivity.
+simplify.rewrite < plus_n_Sm. rewrite < plus_n_Sm.rewrite < sym_plus.reflexivity.
theorem Zpred_Zplus_neg_O : \forall z:Z. Zpred z = (neg O)+z.
elim m.
+simplify.rewrite < plus_n_Sm.
rewrite < plus_n_O.reflexivity.
+simplify.rewrite < plus_n_Sm.
rewrite < plus_n_Sm.reflexivity.
elim m.
-simplify.rewrite < plus_n_Sm.reflexivity.
+simplify.rewrite > plus_n_Sm.reflexivity.
simplify.rewrite > plus_n_Sm.reflexivity.
+theorem S_pred: \forall O n \to eq nat n (S (pred n)).
+intro.elim n.apply False_ind.exact not_le_Sn_O O H.
+apply eq_f.apply pred_Sn.
+theorem nat_compare_pred_pred:
+\forall n, O n \to lt O m \to
+eq compare (nat_compare n m) (nat_compare (pred n) (pred m)).
+apply lt_O_n_elim n H.
+apply lt_O_n_elim m H1.
theorem nat_compare_to_Prop: \forall n,m:nat.
match (nat_compare n m) with
[ LT \Rightarrow n < m
set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/div_and_mod".
include "nat/".
-include "nat/".
+include "nat/".
include "nat/".
let rec mod_aux p m n: nat \def
apply lt_to_le.
apply H6.
+theorem div_mod_spec_times : \forall n,m:nat.div_mod_spec ((S n)*m) (S n) m O.
+intros.constructor 1.
+simplify.apply le_S_S.apply le_O_n.
+rewrite < plus_n_O.rewrite < sym_times.reflexivity.
+theorem div_times: \forall n,m:nat. div ((S n)*m) (S n) = m.
+apply div_mod_spec_to_eq ((S n)*m) (S n) ? ? ? O.
+apply div_mod_spec_div_mod.
+simplify.apply le_S_S.apply le_O_n.
+apply div_mod_spec_times.
+theorem injective_times_r: \forall n:nat.injective nat nat (\lambda m:nat.(S n)*m).
+change with \forall n,p,q:nat.(S n)*p = (S n)*q \to p=q.
+rewrite < div_times n.
+rewrite < div_times n q.
+apply eq_f2.assumption.
+variant inj_times_r : \forall n,p,q:nat.(S n)*p = (S n)*q \to p=q \def
+theorem injective_times_l: \forall n:nat.injective nat nat (\lambda m:nat.m*(S n)).
+change with \forall n,p,q:nat.p*(S n) = q*(S n) \to p=q.
+apply inj_times_r n p q.
+rewrite < sym_times.
+rewrite < sym_times q.
+variant inj_times_l : \forall n,p,q:nat. p*(S n) = q*(S n) \to p=q \def
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| A.Asperti, C.Sacerdoti Coen, *)
+(* ||A|| E.Tassi, S.Zacchiroli *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/exp".
+include "nat/".
+let rec exp n m on m\def
+ match m with
+ [ O \Rightarrow (S O)
+ | (S p) \Rightarrow (times n (exp n p)) ].
+theorem exp_plus_times : \forall n,p,q:nat.
+eq nat (exp n (plus p q)) (times (exp n p) (exp n q)).
+intros.elim p.
+simplify.rewrite < plus_n_O.reflexivity.
+simplify.rewrite > H.symmetry.
+apply assoc_times.
+theorem exp_n_O : \forall n:nat. eq nat (S O) (exp n O).
+theorem exp_n_SO : \forall n:nat. eq nat n (exp n (S O)).
+intro.simplify.rewrite < times_n_SO.reflexivity.
+theorem bad : \forall n,p,q:nat.
+eq nat (exp (exp n p) q) (exp n (times p q)).
+elim q.simplify.rewrite < times_n_O.simplify.reflexivity.
+simplify.rewrite > H.rewrite < exp_plus_times.
+rewrite < times_n_Sm.reflexivity.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| A.Asperti, C.Sacerdoti Coen, *)
+(* ||A|| E.Tassi, S.Zacchiroli *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/le_arith".
+include "higher_order_defs/".
+include "nat/".
+include "nat/".
+include "nat/".
+(* plus *)
+theorem monotonic_le_plus_r:
+\forall n:nat.monotonic nat le (\lambda n m).
+simplify.intros.elim n.
+simplify.apply le_S_S.assumption.
+theorem le_plus_r: \forall p,n,m:nat. le n m \to le (plus p n) (plus p m)
+\def monotonic_le_plus_r.
+theorem monotonic_le_plus_l:
+\forall m:nat.monotonic nat le (\lambda n m).
+rewrite < sym_plus.rewrite < sym_plus m.
+apply le_plus_r.assumption.
+theorem le_plus_l: \forall p,n,m:nat. le n m \to le (plus n p) (plus m p)
+\def monotonic_le_plus_l.
+theorem le_plus: \forall n1,n2,m1,m2:nat. le n1 n2 \to le m1 m2
+\to le (plus n1 m1) (plus n2 m2).
+apply trans_le ? (plus n2 m1).
+apply le_plus_l.assumption.
+apply le_plus_r.assumption.
+theorem le_plus_n :\forall n,m:nat. le m (plus n m).
+intros.change with le (plus O m) (plus n m).
+apply le_plus_l.apply le_O_n.
+theorem eq_plus_to_le: \forall n,m,p:nat.eq nat n (plus m p)
+\to le m n.
+intros.rewrite > H.
+rewrite < sym_plus.
+apply le_plus_n.
+(* times *)
+theorem monotonic_le_times_r:
+\forall n:nat.monotonic nat le (\lambda m.times n m).
+simplify.intros.elim n.
+simplify.apply le_O_n.
+simplify.apply le_plus.
+theorem le_times_r: \forall p,n,m:nat. le n m \to le (times p n) (times p m)
+\def monotonic_le_times_r.
+theorem monotonic_le_times_l:
+\forall m:nat.monotonic nat le (\lambda n.times n m).
+rewrite < sym_times.rewrite < sym_times m.
+apply le_times_r.assumption.
+theorem le_times_l: \forall p,n,m:nat. le n m \to le (times n p) (times m p)
+\def monotonic_le_times_l.
+theorem le_times: \forall n1,n2,m1,m2:nat. le n1 n2 \to le m1 m2
+\to le (times n1 m1) (times n2 m2).
+apply trans_le ? (times n2 m1).
+apply le_times_l.assumption.
+apply le_times_r.assumption.
+theorem le_times_n: \forall n,m:nat.le (S O) n \to le m (times n m).
+intros.elim H.simplify.
+elim (plus_n_O ?).apply le_n.
+simplify.rewrite < sym_plus.apply le_plus_n.
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| A.Asperti, C.Sacerdoti Coen, *)
+(* ||A|| E.Tassi, S.Zacchiroli *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/lt_arith".
+include "nat/".
+(* plus *)
+theorem monotonic_lt_plus_r:
+\forall n:nat.monotonic nat lt (\lambda n m).
+elim n.simplify.assumption.
+apply le_S_S.assumption.
+variant lt_plus_r: \forall n,p,q:nat. lt p q \to lt (plus n p) (plus n q) \def
+theorem monotonic_lt_plus_l:
+\forall n:nat.monotonic nat lt (\lambda m n).
+change with \forall n,p,q:nat. lt p q \to lt (plus p n) (plus q n).
+rewrite < sym_plus. rewrite < sym_plus n.
+apply lt_plus_r.assumption.
+variant lt_plus_l: \forall n,p,q:nat. lt p q \to lt (plus p n) (plus q n) \def
+theorem lt_plus: \forall n,m,p,q:nat. lt n m \to lt p q \to lt (plus n p) (plus m q).
+apply trans_lt ? (plus n q).
+apply lt_plus_r.assumption.
+apply lt_plus_l.assumption.
+theorem lt_plus_to_lt_l :\forall n,p,q:nat. lt (plus p n) (plus q n) \to lt p q.
+intro.elim n.
+rewrite > plus_n_O.
+rewrite > plus_n_O q.assumption.
+apply H.
+simplify.apply le_S_S_to_le.
+rewrite > plus_n_Sm.
+rewrite > plus_n_Sm q.
+exact H1.
+theorem lt_plus_to_lt_r :\forall n,p,q:nat. lt (plus n p) (plus n q) \to lt p q.
+intros.apply lt_plus_to_lt_l n.
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+rewrite > sym_plus q.assumption.
+(* times and zero *)
+theorem lt_O_times_S_S: \forall n, O (times (S n) (S m)).
+intros.simplify.apply le_S_S.apply le_O_n.
+(* times *)
+theorem monotonic_lt_times_r:
+\forall n:nat.monotonic nat lt (\lambda m.times (S n) m).
+change with \forall n,p,q:nat. lt p q \to lt (times (S n) p) (times (S n) q).
+intros.elim n.
+simplify.rewrite < plus_n_O.rewrite < plus_n_O.assumption.
+change with lt (plus p (times (S n1) p)) (plus q (times (S n1) q)).
+apply lt_plus.assumption.assumption.
+theorem lt_times_r: \forall n,p,q:nat. lt p q \to lt (times (S n) p) (times (S n) q)
+\def monotonic_lt_times_r.
+theorem monotonic_lt_times_l:
+\forall m:nat.monotonic nat lt (\lambda n.times n (S m)).
+change with
+\forall n,p,q:nat. lt p q \to lt (times p (S n)) (times q (S n)).
+rewrite < sym_times.rewrite < sym_times (S n).
+apply lt_times_r.assumption.
+variant lt_times_l: \forall n,p,q:nat. lt p q \to lt (times p (S n)) (times q (S n))
+\def monotonic_lt_times_l.
+theorem lt_times:\forall n,m,p,q:nat. lt n m \to lt p q \to lt (times n p) (times m q).
+elim n.
+apply lt_O_n_elim m H.
+cut lt O q.
+apply lt_O_n_elim q Hcut.
+intro.change with lt O (times (S m1) (S m2)).
+apply lt_O_times_S_S.
+apply ltn_to_ltO p q H1.
+apply trans_lt ? (times (S n1) q).
+apply lt_times_r.assumption.
+cut lt O q.
+apply lt_O_n_elim q Hcut.
+apply lt_times_l.
+apply ltn_to_ltO p q H2.
+theorem lt_times_to_lt_l:
+\forall n,p,q:nat. lt (times p (S n)) (times q (S n)) \to lt p q.
+(* convertibility problem here *)
+cut Or (lt p q) (Not (lt p q)).
+elim Hcut.
+absurd lt (times p (S n)) (times q (S n)).
+apply le_to_not_lt.
+apply le_times_l.
+apply not_lt_to_le.
+exact decidable_lt p q.
+theorem lt_times_to_lt_r:
+\forall n,p,q:nat. lt (times (S n) p) (times(S n) q) \to lt p q.
+apply lt_times_to_lt_l n.
+rewrite < sym_times.
+rewrite < sym_times (S n).
+theorem nat_compare_times_l : \forall n,p,q:nat.
+eq compare (nat_compare p q) (nat_compare (times (S n) p) (times (S n) q)).
+intros.apply nat_compare_elim.intro.
+apply nat_compare_elim.
+intro.absurd eq nat p q.
+apply inj_times_r n.assumption.
+apply lt_to_not_eq. assumption.
+intro.absurd lt q p.
+apply lt_times_to_lt_r n.assumption.
+apply le_to_not_lt.apply lt_to_le.assumption.
+intro.rewrite < H.rewrite > nat_compare_n_n.reflexivity.
+intro.apply nat_compare_elim.intro.
+absurd (lt p q).
+apply lt_times_to_lt_r n.assumption.
+apply le_to_not_lt.apply lt_to_le.assumption.
+intro.absurd eq nat q p.
+apply inj_times_r n.assumption.
+apply lt_to_not_eq.assumption.
set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/minus".
-include "nat/".
+include "nat/".
include "nat/".
let rec minus n m \def
apply plus_minus_m_m.assumption.
+theorem minus_S_S : \forall n,m:nat.
+eq nat (minus (S n) (S m)) (minus n m).
+theorem minus_pred_pred : \forall n,m:nat. lt O n \to lt O m \to
+eq nat (minus (pred n) (pred m)) (minus n m).
+apply lt_O_n_elim n H.intro.
+apply lt_O_n_elim m H1.intro.
theorem eq_minus_n_m_O: \forall n,m:nat.
n \leq m \to n-m = O.
intros 2.
theorem trans_le: \forall n,m,p:nat. n \leq m \to m \leq p \to n \leq p
\def transitive_le.
+theorem transitive_lt: transitive nat lt.
+simplify.intros.elim H1.
+apply le_S. assumption.
+apply le_S.assumption.
+theorem trans_lt: \forall n,m,p:nat. lt n m \to lt m p \to lt n p
+\def transitive_lt.
theorem le_S_S: \forall n,m:nat. n \leq m \to S n \leq S m.
intros.elim H.
apply le_n.
apply le_S_S_to_le.assumption.
-(* ??? this needs not le *)
-theorem S_pred: \forall n:nat.O<n \to n=S (pred n).
-intro.elim n.apply False_ind.exact not_le_Sn_O O H.
-apply eq_f.apply pred_Sn.
+(* not eq *)
+theorem lt_to_not_eq : \forall n,m:nat. n<m \to \lnot (n=m).
+simplify.intros.cut (le (S n) m) \to False.
+apply Hcut.assumption.rewrite < H1.
+apply not_le_Sn_n.
(* le vs. lt *)
apply le_S. assumption.
+theorem lt_S_to_le : \forall n,m:nat. n < S m \to n \leq m.
+apply le_S_S_to_le.assumption.
theorem not_le_to_lt: \forall n,m:nat. \lnot (n \leq m) \to m<n.
intros 2.
apply nat_elim2 (\lambda n,m.\lnot (n \leq m) \to m<n).
apply H2.apply lt_to_le. apply H3.
+theorem not_lt_to_le: \forall n,m:nat. Not (lt n m) \to le m n.
+apply lt_S_to_le.
+apply not_le_to_lt.exact H.
+theorem le_to_not_lt: \forall n,m:nat. le n m \to Not (lt m n).
+change with Not (le (S m) n).
+apply lt_to_not_le.simplify.
+apply le_S_S.assumption.
(* le elimination *)
theorem le_n_O_to_eq : \forall n:nat. n \leq O \to O=n.
intro.elim n.reflexivity.
apply H3. apply le_S_S. assumption.
+(* lt and le trans *)
+theorem lt_to_le_to_lt: \forall n,m,p:nat. lt n m \to le m p \to lt n p.
+intros.elim H1.
+assumption.simplify.apply le_S.assumption.
+theorem le_to_lt_to_lt: \forall n,m,p:nat. le n m \to lt m p \to lt n p.
+intros 4.elim H.
+assumption.apply H2.simplify.
+apply lt_to_le.assumption.
+theorem ltn_to_ltO: \forall n,m:nat. lt n m \to lt O m.
+intros.apply le_to_lt_to_lt O n.
+apply le_O_n.assumption.
+theorem lt_O_n_elim: \forall n:nat. lt O n \to
+\forall P:nat\to Prop. (\forall m:nat.P (S m)) \to P n.
+intro.elim n.apply False_ind.exact not_le_Sn_O O H.
+apply H2.
(* other abstract properties *)
theorem antisymmetric_le : antisymmetric nat le.
simplify.intros 2.
left.apply le_S_S.assumption.
right.intro.apply H1.apply le_S_S_to_le.assumption.
+theorem decidable_lt: \forall n,m:nat. decidable (n < m).
+intros.exact decidable_le (S n) m.
-(* ___ *)
+(* __ *)
(* ||M|| *)
(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
(* ||T|| *)
set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/times".
-include "logic/".
-include "nat/".
include "nat/".
let rec times n m \def
match n with
[ O \Rightarrow O
- | (S p) \Rightarrow (m+(times p m)) ].
+ | (S p) \Rightarrow m+(times p m) ].
(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
interpretation "natural times" 'times x y = (cic:/matita/nat/times/times.con x y).
theorem times_n_Sm :
-\forall n,m:nat.n+n*m = n*(S m).
+\forall n,m:nat. n+(n*m) = n*(S m).
intros.elim n.
simplify.apply eq_f.rewrite < H.
apply assoc_plus.
-(* same problem with symmetric: see plus
-theorem symmetric_times : symmetric nat times. *)
+theorem times_n_SO : \forall n:nat. eq nat n (times n (S O)).
+rewrite < times_n_Sm.
+rewrite < times_n_O.
+rewrite < plus_n_O.
-theorem sym_times :
-\forall n,m:nat.n*m = m*n.
-intros.elim n.
+theorem symmetric_times : symmetric nat times.
+intros.elim x.
simplify.apply times_n_O.
simplify.rewrite > H.apply times_n_Sm.
+variant sym_times : \forall n,m:nat. n*m = m*n \def
theorem distributive_times_plus : distributive nat times plus.
intros.elim x.
rewrite > assoc_plus.reflexivity.
-variant times_plus_distr: \forall n,m,p:nat. n*(m+p)=n*m+n*p
+variant times_plus_distr: \forall n,m,p:nat. n*(m+p) = n*m + n*p
\def distributive_times_plus.
+theorem associative_times: associative nat times.
+elim x.simplify.apply refl_eq.
+simplify.rewrite < sym_times.
+rewrite > times_plus_distr.
+rewrite < sym_times.
+rewrite < sym_times (times n y) z.
+rewrite < H.apply refl_eq.
+variant assoc_times: \forall n,m,p:nat. (n*m)*p = n*(m*p) \def