aux paths
- with Unix.Unix_error _ as exc -> raise (UnableToInclude path)
+ with Unix.Unix_error _ -> raise (UnableToInclude path)
let eval_command opts status cmd =
"name/uri. This should be fixed!")
| _-> command_error "You can't Qed an incomplete theorem"
- let suri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
if metasenv <> [] then
command_error "Proof not completed! metasenv is not empty!";
let name = UriManager.name_of_uri uri in
let report_error ~title ~message ?parent () =
- let rc = ref false in
let callback _ = () in
let buttons = GWindow.Buttons.ok in
(fun () -> develList#toplevel#misc#hide());
(fun _ -> develList#toplevel#misc#hide();true));
- let selected_devel = ref None in
connect_menu_item main#developmentsMenuItem
(fun () -> refresh_devels_win ();develList#toplevel#misc#show ());
let loadScript () =
let script = s () in
- let status = script#status in
match self#chooseFile () with
| Some f ->
(selection_mode :> Gtk.Tags.selection_mode);
let model = new stringListModel dialog#uriChoiceTreeView in
let choices = ref None in
- let nonvars = ref false in
(match copy_cb with
| None -> ()
| Some cb ->
assert (choices <> []);
let dialog = gui#newRecordDialog () in
let model = new interpModel dialog#recordChoiceTreeView choices in
- let interp_len = List.length (List.hd choices) in
dialog#recordChoiceDialog#set_title "Interpretation choice";
dialog#recordChoiceDialogLabel#set_label "Choose an interpretation:";
let interp_no = ref None in
let module CTC = CicTypeChecker in
let module CU = CicUniv in
(* no idea why ocaml wants this *)
- let advance ?statement () = script#advance ?statement () in
let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in
let dbd = MatitaDb.instance () in
match mac with
let module TAPp = GrafiteAstPp in
let module MD = MatitaDisambiguator in
let module ML = MatitacleanLib in
- let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in
match ex with
| TA.Command (loc, _) | TA.Tactical (loc, _, _) ->
xmlunivgraphpath, univgraphuri =
paths_and_uris_of_obj uri status
- let path_scheme_of path = "file://" ^ path in
List.iter HExtlib.mkdir ( Filename.dirname [xmlpath]);
(* now write to disk *)
ensure_path_exists xmlpath;
let rex_d = Pcre.regexp "^Debug" in
let rex_noendline = Pcre.regexp "\\n" in
let s = Pcre.replace ~rex:rex_noendline s in
- let len = String.length s in
let tokens = Pcre.split ~rex s in
let logger = ref MatitaLog.message in
let rec aux =