-# -- fine --
-# # the same fix in different contexts has different lamb-lifted counterpart + generative fix
-# cic:/matita/demo/realisability/correct2.con
-# cic:/matita/demo/realisability/correct.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/ap_fm_cotransitive.con
-# # depending on the previous
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SemiGroups/Astar_is_CSemiGroup.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SemiGroups/Astar_as_CSemiGroup.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/free_csetoid_is_CSetoid.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/free_csetoid_as_csetoid.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/app_strext.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/app_as_csb_fun.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/appA.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/ap_fun.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/ap_fm_tight.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/ap_fm_symmetric.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/ap_fm_irreflexive.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/UR.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/UQ.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/UP.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Tlist_rect.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Tlist_rec.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Tlist_ind.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Tlist.ind
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Tapp.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Prop_OF_pfdom1.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Prop_OF_pfdom.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Prop_OF_bpfdom1.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Prop_OF_bpfdom.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/PartFunct_rect.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/PartFunct_rec.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/PartFunct_ind.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/PartFunct.ind
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Inv_bij.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Inv.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Fid.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Fconst.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Fcomp.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/FS_is_CSetoid.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/FS_as_CSetoid.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Dir_bij.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CSetoid_bijective_fun_rect.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CSetoid_bijective_fun_rec.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CSetoid_bijective_fun_ind.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CSetoid_bijective_fun.ind
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CSap_fm.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CAnd_rect.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CAnd_rec.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CAnd_ind.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/CAnd.ind
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/BinPartFunct_rect.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/BinPartFunct_rec.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/BinPartFunct_ind.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/BinPartFunct.ind
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/BinFcomp.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/BR.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/BQ.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/BP.con
-# cic:/matita/algebra/CoRN/SetoidFun/Astar.con
# # mutual fix
# cic:/matita/demo/propositional_sequent_calculus/not_nf_elim_not.con
# # depending on the previous
module Ref = NReference
+type ctx =
+ | Ce of NCic.hypothesis * NCic.obj list
+ | Fix of Ref.reference * string * NCic.term
+(***** A function to restrict the context of a term getting rid of unsed
+ variables *******)
+let restrict octx ctx ot =
+ let odummy = Cic.Implicit None in
+ let dummy = NCic.Meta (~-1,(0,NCic.Irl 0)) in
+ let rec aux m acc ot t =
+ function
+ [],[] -> (ot,t),acc
+ | ohe::otl as octx,he::tl ->
+ if CicTypeChecker.does_not_occur octx 0 1 ot then
+ aux (m+1) acc (CicSubstitution.subst odummy ot)
+ (NCicSubstitution.subst dummy t) (otl,tl)
+ else
+ (match ohe,he with
+ None,_ -> assert false
+ | Some (name,Cic.Decl oty),Ce ((name', NCic.Decl ty),objs) ->
+ aux (m+1) ((m+1,objs,None)::acc) (Cic.Lambda (name,oty,ot))
+ (NCic.Lambda (name',ty,t)) (otl,tl)
+ | Some (name,Cic.Decl oty),Fix (ref,name',ty) ->
+ aux (m+1) ((m+1,[],Some ref)::acc) (Cic.Lambda (name,oty,ot))
+ (NCic.Lambda (name',ty,t)) (otl,tl)
+ | Some (name,Cic.Def (obo,oty)),Ce ((name', NCic.Def (bo,ty)),objs) ->
+ aux (m+1) ((m+1,objs,None)::acc) (Cic.LetIn (name,obo,oty,ot))
+ (NCic.LetIn (name',bo,ty,t)) (otl,tl)
+ | _,_ -> assert false)
+ | _,_ -> assert false in
+ let rec split_lambdas_and_letins octx ctx infos (ote,te) =
+ match infos, ote, te with
+ ([], _, _) -> octx,ctx,ote
+ | ((_,objs,None)::tl, Cic.Lambda(name,oso,ota), NCic.Lambda(name',so,ta)) ->
+ split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some(name,(Cic.Decl oso)))::octx)
+ (Ce ((name',NCic.Decl so),objs)::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
+ | ((_,objs,Some r)::tl,Cic.Lambda(name,oso,ota),NCic.Lambda(name',so,ta)) ->
+ split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some(name,(Cic.Decl oso)))::octx)
+ (Fix (r,name',so)::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
+ | ((_,objs,None)::tl,Cic.LetIn(name,obo,oty,ota),NCic.LetIn(nam',bo,ty,ta))->
+ split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some (name,(Cic.Def (obo,oty))))::octx)
+ (Ce ((nam',NCic.Def (bo,ty)),objs)::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
+ | (_, _, _) -> assert false
+ in
+ let long_t,infos = aux 0 [] ot dummy (octx,ctx) in
+ let clean_octx,clean_ctx,clean_ot= split_lambdas_and_letins [] [] infos long_t
+ in
+(*prerr_endline ("RESTRICT PRIMA: " ^ CicPp.pp ot (List.map (function None -> None | Some (name,_) -> Some name) octx));
+prerr_endline ("RESTRICT DOPO: " ^ CicPp.pp clean_ot (List.map (function None -> None | Some (name,_) -> Some name) clean_octx));
+ clean_octx,clean_ctx,clean_ot, List.map (fun (rel,_,_) -> rel) infos
+(**** The translation itself ****)
let cn_to_s = function
| Cic.Anonymous -> "_"
| Cic.Name s -> s
-type ctx =
- | Ce of NCic.hypothesis * NCic.obj list
- | Fix of Ref.reference * string * NCic.term
let splat mk_pi ctx t =
(fun (t,l) c ->
split true 0 1 ctx
-let splat_args_for_rel ctx t =
+let splat_args_for_rel ctx t ?rels n_fix =
+ let rels =
+ match rels with
+ Some rels -> rels
+ | None ->
+ let rec mk_irl = function 0 -> [] | n -> n::mk_irl (n - 1) in
+ mk_irl (List.length ctx)
+ in
let bound, free, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
if free = 0 then t
let rec aux = function
- | 0 -> []
- | n ->
- match List.nth ctx (n+bound) with
- | Fix (refe, _, _) when (n+bound) < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
- NCic.Const refe :: aux (n-1)
- | Fix _ | Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) -> NCic.Rel (n+bound)::aux (n-1)
- | Ce ((_, NCic.Def _),_) -> aux (n-1)
+ | n,_ when n = bound + n_fix -> []
+ | n,he::tl ->
+ (match List.nth ctx (n-1) with
+ | Fix (refe, _, _) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
+ NCic.Const refe :: aux (n-1,tl)
+ | Fix _ | Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_)-> NCic.Rel (he - n_fix)::aux(n-1,tl)
+ | Ce ((_, NCic.Def _),_) -> aux (n-1,tl))
+ | _,_ -> assert false
- NCic.Appl (t:: aux free)
+ NCic.Appl (t:: aux (List.length ctx,rels))
-let splat_args ctx t n_fix =
+let splat_args ctx t n_fix rels =
let bound, free, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
if ctx = [] then t
let rec aux = function
- | 0 -> []
- | n ->
+ | 0,[] -> []
+ | n,he::tl ->
(match List.nth ctx (n-1) with
- | Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) when n <= bound -> NCic.Rel n:: aux (n-1)
+ | Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) when n <= bound -> NCic.Rel he:: aux (n-1,tl)
| Fix (refe, _, _) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
- splat_args_for_rel ctx (NCic.Const refe):: aux (n-1)
- | Fix _ | Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) -> NCic.Rel (n - n_fix):: aux (n-1)
- | Ce ((_, NCic.Def _),_) -> aux (n - 1)
+ splat_args_for_rel ctx (NCic.Const refe) ~rels n_fix :: aux (n-1,tl)
+ | Fix _ | Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) -> NCic.Rel (he - n_fix)::aux(n-1,tl)
+ | Ce ((_, NCic.Def _),_) -> aux (n - 1,tl)
+ | _,_ -> assert false
- NCic.Appl (t:: aux (List.length ctx))
+ NCic.Appl (t:: aux ((List.length ctx,rels)))
exception Nothing_to_do;;
(function () -> seed := 0)
+exception Found of NReference.reference;;
+let cache = Hashtbl.create 313;;
+let same_obj =
+ function
+ (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (_,[_,_,_,ty1,_],_)),
+ (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (_,[_,_,_,ty2,_],_))
+ when ty1 = ty2 -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let find_in_cache name obj ref =
+ try
+ List.iter
+ (function (ref',obj') ->
+ let recno =
+ match ref with
+ NReference.Ref (_,_,NReference.Fix (_,recno)) -> recno
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let recno' =
+ match ref' with
+ NReference.Ref (_,_,NReference.Fix (_,recno)) -> recno
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ if recno = recno' && same_obj (obj,obj') then
+(*(prerr_endline "!!!!!!!!!!! CACHE HIT !!!!!!!!!!";*)
+ raise (Found ref')
+ else
+(prerr_endline ("CACHE SAME NAME: " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref ^ " <==> " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref');
+ raise Not_found
+ ) (Hashtbl.find_all cache name);
+(*prerr_endline "<<< CACHE MISS >>>";*)
+ Hashtbl.add cache name (ref,obj);
+ None
+ with Found ref -> Some ref
(* we are lambda-lifting also variables that do not occur *)
(* ctx does not distinguish successive blocks of cofix, since there may be no
* lambda separating them *)
splat_args ctx
(NCic.Const (Ref.reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.CoFix cofixno)))
- n_fix,
+ n_fix (assert false),
fixpoints @ [obj]
- | Cic.Fix (fixno, fl) ->
+ | Cic.Fix _ as fix ->
+ let octx,ctx,fix,rels = restrict octx ctx fix in
+ let fixno,fl =
+ match fix with Cic.Fix (fixno,fl) -> fixno,fl | _ -> assert false in
let buri =
(UriManager.buri_of_uri uri^"/"^
let obj =
NUri.nuri_of_ouri buri,max_int,[],[],
- NCic.Fixpoint (true, fl, (`Generated, `Definition))
+ NCic.Fixpoint (true, fl, (`Generated, `Definition)) in
+ let r = Ref.reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.Fix (fixno,!rno_fixno)) in
+ let obj,r =
+ let _,name,_,_,_ = List.hd fl in
+ match find_in_cache name obj r with
+ Some r' -> [],r'
+ | None -> [obj],r
- splat_args ctx
- (NCic.Const
- (Ref.reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.Fix (fixno,!rno_fixno))))
- n_fix,
- fixpoints @ [obj]
+ splat_args ctx (NCic.Const r) n_fix rels, fixpoints @ obj
| Cic.Rel n ->
let bound, _, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
(match List.nth ctx (n-1) with
| Fix (r,_,_) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
- splat_args_for_rel ctx (NCic.Const r), []
+ splat_args_for_rel ctx (NCic.Const r) n_fix, []
| Ce _ when n <= bound -> NCic.Rel n, []
| Fix _ when n <= bound -> assert false
| Fix _ | Ce _ when k = true -> NCic.Rel n, []