--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/Level-1/LambdaDelta/C/defs".
+include "T/defs.ma".
+inductive C: Set \def
+| CSort: nat \to C
+| CHead: C \to (K \to (T \to C)).
+definition cweight:
+ C \to nat
+ let rec cweight (c: C) on c: nat \def (match c with [(CSort _) \Rightarrow O
+| (CHead c0 _ t) \Rightarrow (plus (cweight c0) (tweight t))]) in cweight.
+definition clt:
+ C \to (C \to Prop)
+ \lambda (c1: C).(\lambda (c2: C).(lt (cweight c1) (cweight c2))).
+definition cle:
+ C \to (C \to Prop)
+ \lambda (c1: C).(\lambda (c2: C).(le (cweight c1) (cweight c2))).
+definition CTail:
+ K \to (T \to (C \to C))
+ let rec CTail (k: K) (t: T) (c: C) on c: C \def (match c with [(CSort n)
+\Rightarrow (CHead (CSort n) k t) | (CHead d h u) \Rightarrow (CHead (CTail k
+t d) h u)]) in CTail.
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/Level-1/LambdaDelta/C/props".
+include "C/defs.ma".
+include "T/props.ma".
+theorem clt_cong:
+ \forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).((clt c d) \to (\forall (k: K).(\forall (t:
+T).(clt (CHead c k t) (CHead d k t))))))
+ \lambda (c: C).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (H: (lt (cweight c) (cweight
+d))).(\lambda (_: K).(\lambda (t: T).(lt_le_S (plus (cweight c) (tweight t))
+(plus (cweight d) (tweight t)) (plus_lt_compat_r (cweight c) (cweight d)
+(tweight t) H)))))).
+theorem clt_head:
+ \forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(clt c (CHead c k u))))
+ \lambda (_: K).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq_ind_r nat (plus (cweight
+c) O) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt n (plus (cweight c) (tweight u)))) (lt_le_S (plus
+(cweight c) O) (plus (cweight c) (tweight u)) (plus_le_lt_compat (cweight c)
+(cweight c) O (tweight u) (le_n (cweight c)) (tweight_lt u))) (cweight c)
+(plus_n_O (cweight c))))).
+theorem clt_wf__q_ind:
+ \forall (P: ((C \to Prop))).(((\forall (n: nat).((\lambda (P: ((C \to
+Prop))).(\lambda (n0: nat).(\forall (c: C).((eq nat (cweight c) n0) \to (P
+c))))) P n))) \to (\forall (c: C).(P c)))
+ let Q \def (\lambda (P: ((C \to Prop))).(\lambda (n: nat).(\forall (c:
+C).((eq nat (cweight c) n) \to (P c))))) in (\lambda (P: ((C \to
+Prop))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c: C).((eq nat (cweight c)
+n) \to (P c)))))).(\lambda (c: C).(H (cweight c) c (refl_equal nat (cweight
+theorem clt_wf_ind:
+ \forall (P: ((C \to Prop))).(((\forall (c: C).(((\forall (d: C).((clt d c)
+\to (P d)))) \to (P c)))) \to (\forall (c: C).(P c)))
+ let Q \def (\lambda (P: ((C \to Prop))).(\lambda (n: nat).(\forall (c:
+C).((eq nat (cweight c) n) \to (P c))))) in (\lambda (P: ((C \to
+Prop))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (c: C).(((\forall (d: C).((lt (cweight d)
+(cweight c)) \to (P d)))) \to (P c))))).(\lambda (c: C).(clt_wf__q_ind
+(\lambda (c0: C).(P c0)) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt_wf_ind n (Q (\lambda (c0:
+C).(P c0))) (\lambda (n0: nat).(\lambda (H0: ((\forall (m: nat).((lt m n0)
+\to (Q (\lambda (c: C).(P c)) m))))).(\lambda (c0: C).(\lambda (H1: (eq nat
+(cweight c0) n0)).(let H2 \def (eq_ind_r nat n0 (\lambda (n: nat).(\forall
+(m: nat).((lt m n) \to (\forall (c: C).((eq nat (cweight c) m) \to (P c))))))
+H0 (cweight c0) H1) in (H c0 (\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (H3: (lt (cweight d)
+(cweight c0))).(H2 (cweight d) H3 d (refl_equal nat (cweight d)))))))))))))
+theorem chead_ctail:
+ \forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (k: K).(ex_3 K C T (\lambda (h:
+K).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C (CHead c k t) (CTail h u d))))))))
+ \lambda (c: C).(C_ind (\lambda (c0: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (k: K).(ex_3
+K C T (\lambda (h: K).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C (CHead c0 k t)
+(CTail h u d))))))))) (\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (k:
+K).(ex_3_intro K C T (\lambda (h: K).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C
+(CHead (CSort n) k t) (CTail h u d))))) k (CSort n) t (refl_equal C (CHead
+(CSort n) k t)))))) (\lambda (c0: C).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (t: T).(\forall
+(k: K).(ex_3 K C T (\lambda (h: K).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C
+(CHead c0 k t) (CTail h u d)))))))))).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t:
+T).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (k0: K).(let H_x \def (H t k) in (let H0 \def
+H_x in (ex_3_ind K C T (\lambda (h: K).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C
+(CHead c0 k t) (CTail h u d))))) (ex_3 K C T (\lambda (h: K).(\lambda (d:
+C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C (CHead (CHead c0 k t) k0 t0) (CTail h u d))))))
+(\lambda (x0: K).(\lambda (x1: C).(\lambda (x2: T).(\lambda (H1: (eq C (CHead
+c0 k t) (CTail x0 x2 x1))).(eq_ind_r C (CTail x0 x2 x1) (\lambda (c1:
+C).(ex_3 K C T (\lambda (h: K).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C (CHead
+c1 k0 t0) (CTail h u d))))))) (ex_3_intro K C T (\lambda (h: K).(\lambda (d:
+C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C (CHead (CTail x0 x2 x1) k0 t0) (CTail h u d))))) x0
+(CHead x1 k0 t0) x2 (refl_equal C (CHead (CTail x0 x2 x1) k0 t0))) (CHead c0
+k t) H1))))) H0))))))))) c).
+theorem clt_thead:
+ \forall (k: K).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (c: C).(clt c (CTail k u c))))
+ \lambda (k: K).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (c: C).(C_ind (\lambda (c0: C).(clt
+c0 (CTail k u c0))) (\lambda (n: nat).(clt_head k (CSort n) u)) (\lambda (c0:
+C).(\lambda (H: (clt c0 (CTail k u c0))).(\lambda (k0: K).(\lambda (t:
+T).(clt_cong c0 (CTail k u c0) H k0 t))))) c))).
+theorem c_tail_ind:
+ \forall (P: ((C \to Prop))).(((\forall (n: nat).(P (CSort n)))) \to
+(((\forall (c: C).((P c) \to (\forall (k: K).(\forall (t: T).(P (CTail k t
+c))))))) \to (\forall (c: C).(P c))))
+ \lambda (P: ((C \to Prop))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (n: nat).(P (CSort
+n))))).(\lambda (H0: ((\forall (c: C).((P c) \to (\forall (k: K).(\forall (t:
+T).(P (CTail k t c)))))))).(\lambda (c: C).(clt_wf_ind (\lambda (c0: C).(P
+c0)) (\lambda (c0: C).(match c0 in C return (\lambda (c1: C).(((\forall (d:
+C).((clt d c1) \to (P d)))) \to (P c1))) with [(CSort n) \Rightarrow (\lambda
+(_: ((\forall (d: C).((clt d (CSort n)) \to (P d))))).(H n)) | (CHead c1 k t)
+\Rightarrow (\lambda (H1: ((\forall (d: C).((clt d (CHead c1 k t)) \to (P
+d))))).(let H_x \def (chead_ctail c1 t k) in (let H2 \def H_x in (ex_3_ind K
+C T (\lambda (h: K).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C (CHead c1 k t)
+(CTail h u d))))) (P (CHead c1 k t)) (\lambda (x0: K).(\lambda (x1:
+C).(\lambda (x2: T).(\lambda (H3: (eq C (CHead c1 k t) (CTail x0 x2
+x1))).(eq_ind_r C (CTail x0 x2 x1) (\lambda (c2: C).(P c2)) (let H4 \def
+(eq_ind C (CHead c1 k t) (\lambda (c: C).(\forall (d: C).((clt d c) \to (P
+d)))) H1 (CTail x0 x2 x1) H3) in (H0 x1 (H4 x1 (clt_thead x0 x2 x1)) x0 x2))
+(CHead c1 k t) H3))))) H2))))])) c)))).
T).(match us with [TNil \Rightarrow t | (TCons u ul) \Rightarrow (THead k u
(THeads k ul t))])) in THeads.
-inductive C: Set \def
-| CSort: nat \to C
-| CHead: C \to (K \to (T \to C)).
+definition tweight:
+ T \to nat
+ let rec tweight (t: T) on t: nat \def (match t with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow
+(S O) | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow (S O) | (THead _ u t0) \Rightarrow (S (plus
+(tweight u) (tweight t0)))]) in tweight.
H5) in (let H8 \def (eq_ind K k (\lambda (k: K).((eq T (THead k t0 t1) t1)
\to (\forall (P: Prop).P))) H7 k0 H6) in (H8 H4 P)))))) H3)) H2))))))))) t))).
+theorem tweight_lt:
+ \forall (t: T).(lt O (tweight t))
+ \lambda (t: T).(match t in T return (\lambda (t0: T).(lt O (tweight t0)))
+with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow (le_n (S O)) | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow (le_n (S O))
+| (THead _ t0 t1) \Rightarrow (le_S_n (S O) (S (plus (tweight t0) (tweight
+t1))) (le_n_S (S O) (S (plus (tweight t0) (tweight t1))) (le_n_S O (plus
+(tweight t0) (tweight t1)) (le_O_n (plus (tweight t0) (tweight t1))))))]).
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/Level-1/LambdaDelta/clen/defs".
+include "C/defs.ma".
+definition clen:
+ C \to nat
+ let rec clen (c: C) on c: nat \def (match c with [(CSort _) \Rightarrow O |
+(CHead c0 k _) \Rightarrow (s k (clen c0))]) in clen.
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/Level-1/LambdaDelta/flt/defs".
+include "C/defs.ma".
+definition fweight:
+ C \to (T \to nat)
+ \lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(plus (cweight c) (tweight t))).
+definition flt:
+ C \to (T \to (C \to (T \to Prop)))
+ \lambda (c1: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (t2: T).(lt
+(fweight c1 t1) (fweight c2 t2))))).
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/Level-1/LambdaDelta/flt/props".
+include "flt/defs.ma".
+include "C/props.ma".
+theorem flt_thead_sx:
+ \forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(flt c u c
+(THead k u t)))))
+ \lambda (_: K).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(lt_le_S
+(plus (cweight c) (tweight u)) (plus (cweight c) (S (plus (tweight u)
+(tweight t)))) (plus_le_lt_compat (cweight c) (cweight c) (tweight u) (S
+(plus (tweight u) (tweight t))) (le_n (cweight c)) (le_lt_n_Sm (tweight u)
+(plus (tweight u) (tweight t)) (le_plus_l (tweight u) (tweight t)))))))).
+theorem flt_thead_dx:
+ \forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(flt c t c
+(THead k u t)))))
+ \lambda (_: K).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(lt_le_S
+(plus (cweight c) (tweight t)) (plus (cweight c) (S (plus (tweight u)
+(tweight t)))) (plus_le_lt_compat (cweight c) (cweight c) (tweight t) (S
+(plus (tweight u) (tweight t))) (le_n (cweight c)) (le_lt_n_Sm (tweight t)
+(plus (tweight u) (tweight t)) (le_plus_r (tweight u) (tweight t)))))))).
+theorem flt_shift:
+ \forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(flt (CHead c
+k u) t c (THead k u t)))))
+ \lambda (_: K).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(eq_ind nat
+(S (plus (cweight c) (plus (tweight u) (tweight t)))) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt
+(plus (plus (cweight c) (tweight u)) (tweight t)) n)) (eq_ind_r nat (plus
+(plus (cweight c) (tweight u)) (tweight t)) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt (plus (plus
+(cweight c) (tweight u)) (tweight t)) (S n))) (le_n (S (plus (plus (cweight
+c) (tweight u)) (tweight t)))) (plus (cweight c) (plus (tweight u) (tweight
+t))) (plus_assoc (cweight c) (tweight u) (tweight t))) (plus (cweight c) (S
+(plus (tweight u) (tweight t)))) (plus_n_Sm (cweight c) (plus (tweight u)
+(tweight t))))))).
+theorem flt_arith0:
+ \forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (i: nat).(flt c t
+(CHead c k t) (TLRef i)))))
+ \lambda (_: K).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (_: nat).(le_S_n (S
+(plus (cweight c) (tweight t))) (plus (plus (cweight c) (tweight t)) (S O))
+(lt_le_S (S (plus (cweight c) (tweight t))) (S (plus (plus (cweight c)
+(tweight t)) (S O))) (lt_n_S (plus (cweight c) (tweight t)) (plus (plus
+(cweight c) (tweight t)) (S O)) (lt_x_plus_x_Sy (plus (cweight c) (tweight
+t)) O))))))).
+theorem flt_arith1:
+ \forall (k1: K).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).((cle
+(CHead c1 k1 t1) c2) \to (\forall (k2: K).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (i:
+nat).(flt c1 t1 (CHead c2 k2 t2) (TLRef i)))))))))
+ \lambda (_: K).(\lambda (c1: C).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda
+(H: (le (plus (cweight c1) (tweight t1)) (cweight c2))).(\lambda (_:
+K).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (_: nat).(le_lt_trans (plus (cweight c1)
+(tweight t1)) (cweight c2) (plus (plus (cweight c2) (tweight t2)) (S O)) H
+(eq_ind_r nat (plus (S O) (plus (cweight c2) (tweight t2))) (\lambda (n:
+nat).(lt (cweight c2) n)) (le_lt_n_Sm (cweight c2) (plus (cweight c2)
+(tweight t2)) (le_plus_l (cweight c2) (tweight t2))) (plus (plus (cweight c2)
+(tweight t2)) (S O)) (plus_comm (plus (cweight c2) (tweight t2)) (S
+theorem flt_arith2:
+ \forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (i: nat).((flt c1
+t1 c2 (TLRef i)) \to (\forall (k2: K).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (j: nat).(flt
+c1 t1 (CHead c2 k2 t2) (TLRef j)))))))))
+ \lambda (c1: C).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (_: nat).(\lambda
+(H: (lt (plus (cweight c1) (tweight t1)) (plus (cweight c2) (S O)))).(\lambda
+(_: K).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (_: nat).(lt_le_trans (plus (cweight c1)
+(tweight t1)) (plus (cweight c2) (S O)) (plus (plus (cweight c2) (tweight
+t2)) (S O)) H (le_S_n (plus (cweight c2) (S O)) (plus (plus (cweight c2)
+(tweight t2)) (S O)) (lt_le_S (plus (cweight c2) (S O)) (S (plus (plus
+(cweight c2) (tweight t2)) (S O))) (le_lt_n_Sm (plus (cweight c2) (S O))
+(plus (plus (cweight c2) (tweight t2)) (S O)) (plus_le_compat (cweight c2)
+(plus (cweight c2) (tweight t2)) (S O) (S O) (le_plus_l (cweight c2) (tweight
+t2)) (le_n (S O)))))))))))))).
+theorem flt_wf__q_ind:
+ \forall (P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(((\forall (n: nat).((\lambda (P: ((C
+\to (T \to Prop)))).(\lambda (n0: nat).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((eq
+nat (fweight c t) n0) \to (P c t)))))) P n))) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall
+(t: T).(P c t))))
+ let Q \def (\lambda (P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(\lambda (n: nat).(\forall
+(c: C).(\forall (t: T).((eq nat (fweight c t) n) \to (P c t)))))) in (\lambda
+(P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c:
+C).(\forall (t: T).((eq nat (fweight c t) n) \to (P c t))))))).(\lambda (c:
+C).(\lambda (t: T).(H (fweight c t) c t (refl_equal nat (fweight c t))))))).
+theorem flt_wf_ind:
+ \forall (P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(((\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t2:
+T).(((\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).((flt c1 t1 c2 t2) \to (P c1 t1)))))
+\to (P c2 t2))))) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(P c t))))
+ let Q \def (\lambda (P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(\lambda (n: nat).(\forall
+(c: C).(\forall (t: T).((eq nat (fweight c t) n) \to (P c t)))))) in (\lambda
+(P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t2:
+T).(((\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).((flt c1 t1 c2 t2) \to (P c1 t1)))))
+\to (P c2 t2)))))).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(flt_wf__q_ind P (\lambda
+(n: nat).(lt_wf_ind n (Q P) (\lambda (n0: nat).(\lambda (H0: ((\forall (m:
+nat).((lt m n0) \to (Q P m))))).(\lambda (c0: C).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda
+(H1: (eq nat (fweight c0 t0) n0)).(let H2 \def (eq_ind_r nat n0 (\lambda (n:
+nat).(\forall (m: nat).((lt m n) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((eq nat
+(fweight c t) m) \to (P c t))))))) H0 (fweight c0 t0) H1) in (H c0 t0
+(\lambda (c1: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (H3: (flt c1 t1 c0 t0)).(H2
+(fweight c1 t1) H3 c1 t1 (refl_equal nat (fweight c1 t1))))))))))))))) c
include "iso/defs.ma".
-theorem iso_trans:
+axiom iso_trans:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((iso t1 t2) \to (\forall (t3: T).((iso t2
t3) \to (iso t1 t3)))))
- \lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (iso t1 t2)).(iso_ind (\lambda
-(t: T).(\lambda (t0: T).(\forall (t3: T).((iso t0 t3) \to (iso t t3)))))
-(\lambda (n1: nat).(\lambda (n2: nat).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H0: (iso
-(TSort n2) t3)).(let H1 \def (match H0 in iso return (\lambda (t: T).(\lambda
-(t0: T).(\lambda (_: (iso t t0)).((eq T t (TSort n2)) \to ((eq T t0 t3) \to
-(iso (TSort n1) t3)))))) with [(iso_sort n0 n3) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq
-T (TSort n0) (TSort n2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (TSort n3) t3)).((let H2 \def
-(f_equal T nat (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).nat) with
-[(TSort n) \Rightarrow n | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow n0 | (THead _ _ _)
-\Rightarrow n0])) (TSort n0) (TSort n2) H0) in (eq_ind nat n2 (\lambda (_:
-nat).((eq T (TSort n3) t3) \to (iso (TSort n1) t3))) (\lambda (H3: (eq T
-(TSort n3) t3)).(eq_ind T (TSort n3) (\lambda (t: T).(iso (TSort n1) t))
-(iso_sort n1 n3) t3 H3)) n0 (sym_eq nat n0 n2 H2))) H1))) | (iso_lref i1 i2)
-\Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (TLRef i1) (TSort n2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T
-(TLRef i2) t3)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T (TLRef i1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e
-in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef
-_) \Rightarrow True | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow False])) I (TSort n2) H0) in
-(False_ind ((eq T (TLRef i2) t3) \to (iso (TSort n1) t3)) H2)) H1))) |
-(iso_head k v1 v2 t1 t2) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (THead k v1 t1)
-(TSort n2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (THead k v2 t2) t3)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T
-(THead k v1 t1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop)
-with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _
-_) \Rightarrow True])) I (TSort n2) H0) in (False_ind ((eq T (THead k v2 t2)
-t3) \to (iso (TSort n1) t3)) H2)) H1)))]) in (H1 (refl_equal T (TSort n2))
-(refl_equal T t3))))))) (\lambda (i1: nat).(\lambda (i2: nat).(\lambda (t3:
-T).(\lambda (H0: (iso (TLRef i2) t3)).(let H1 \def (match H0 in iso return
-(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (_: (iso t t0)).((eq T t (TLRef
-i2)) \to ((eq T t0 t3) \to (iso (TLRef i1) t3)))))) with [(iso_sort n1 n2)
-\Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (TSort n1) (TLRef i2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T
-(TSort n2) t3)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T (TSort n1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e
-in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow True | (TLRef
-_) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow False])) I (TLRef i2) H0) in
-(False_ind ((eq T (TSort n2) t3) \to (iso (TLRef i1) t3)) H2)) H1))) |
-(iso_lref i0 i3) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (TLRef i0) (TLRef
-i2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (TLRef i3) t3)).((let H2 \def (f_equal T nat
-(\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).nat) with [(TSort _)
-\Rightarrow i0 | (TLRef n) \Rightarrow n | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow i0]))
-(TLRef i0) (TLRef i2) H0) in (eq_ind nat i2 (\lambda (_: nat).((eq T (TLRef
-i3) t3) \to (iso (TLRef i1) t3))) (\lambda (H3: (eq T (TLRef i3) t3)).(eq_ind
-T (TLRef i3) (\lambda (t: T).(iso (TLRef i1) t)) (iso_lref i1 i3) t3 H3)) i0
-(sym_eq nat i0 i2 H2))) H1))) | (iso_head k v1 v2 t1 t2) \Rightarrow (\lambda
-(H0: (eq T (THead k v1 t1) (TLRef i2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (THead k v2 t2)
-t3)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T (THead k v1 t1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T
-return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _)
-\Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (TLRef i2) H0) in
-(False_ind ((eq T (THead k v2 t2) t3) \to (iso (TLRef i1) t3)) H2)) H1)))])
-in (H1 (refl_equal T (TLRef i2)) (refl_equal T t3))))))) (\lambda (k:
-K).(\lambda (v1: T).(\lambda (v2: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (t4:
-T).(\lambda (t5: T).(\lambda (H0: (iso (THead k v2 t4) t5)).(let H1 \def
-(match H0 in iso return (\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (_: (iso t
-t0)).((eq T t (THead k v2 t4)) \to ((eq T t0 t5) \to (iso (THead k v1 t3)
-t5)))))) with [(iso_sort n1 n2) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (TSort n1)
-(THead k v2 t4))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (TSort n2) t5)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T
-(TSort n1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with
-[(TSort _) \Rightarrow True | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _)
-\Rightarrow False])) I (THead k v2 t4) H0) in (False_ind ((eq T (TSort n2)
-t5) \to (iso (THead k v1 t3) t5)) H2)) H1))) | (iso_lref i1 i2) \Rightarrow
-(\lambda (H0: (eq T (TLRef i1) (THead k v2 t4))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (TLRef
-i2) t5)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T (TLRef i1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T
-return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _)
-\Rightarrow True | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow False])) I (THead k v2 t4) H0)
-in (False_ind ((eq T (TLRef i2) t5) \to (iso (THead k v1 t3) t5)) H2)) H1)))
-| (iso_head k0 v0 v3 t0 t4) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (THead k0 v0 t0)
-(THead k v2 t4))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (THead k0 v3 t4) t5)).((let H2 \def
-(f_equal T T (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).T) with
-[(TSort _) \Rightarrow t0 | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow t0 | (THead _ _ t)
-\Rightarrow t])) (THead k0 v0 t0) (THead k v2 t4) H0) in ((let H3 \def
-(f_equal T T (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).T) with
-[(TSort _) \Rightarrow v0 | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow v0 | (THead _ t _)
-\Rightarrow t])) (THead k0 v0 t0) (THead k v2 t4) H0) in ((let H4 \def
-(f_equal T K (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).K) with
-[(TSort _) \Rightarrow k0 | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow k0 | (THead k _ _)
-\Rightarrow k])) (THead k0 v0 t0) (THead k v2 t4) H0) in (eq_ind K k (\lambda
-(k1: K).((eq T v0 v2) \to ((eq T t0 t4) \to ((eq T (THead k1 v3 t4) t5) \to
-(iso (THead k v1 t3) t5))))) (\lambda (H5: (eq T v0 v2)).(eq_ind T v2
-(\lambda (_: T).((eq T t0 t4) \to ((eq T (THead k v3 t4) t5) \to (iso (THead
-k v1 t3) t5)))) (\lambda (H6: (eq T t0 t4)).(eq_ind T t4 (\lambda (_: T).((eq
-T (THead k v3 t4) t5) \to (iso (THead k v1 t3) t5))) (\lambda (H7: (eq T
-(THead k v3 t4) t5)).(eq_ind T (THead k v3 t4) (\lambda (t: T).(iso (THead k
-v1 t3) t)) (iso_head k v1 v3 t3 t4) t5 H7)) t0 (sym_eq T t0 t4 H6))) v0
-(sym_eq T v0 v2 H5))) k0 (sym_eq K k0 k H4))) H3)) H2)) H1)))]) in (H1
-(refl_equal T (THead k v2 t4)) (refl_equal T t5)))))))))) t1 t2 H))).
iso_trans (in iso/props)
+theorem iso_trans:
+ \forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((iso t1 t2) \to (\forall (t3: T).((iso t2
+t3) \to (iso t1 t3)))))
+ \lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (iso t1 t2)).(iso_ind (\lambda
+(t: T).(\lambda (t0: T).(\forall (t3: T).((iso t0 t3) \to (iso t t3)))))
+(\lambda (n1: nat).(\lambda (n2: nat).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H0: (iso
+(TSort n2) t3)).(let H1 \def (match H0 in iso return (\lambda (t: T).(\lambda
+(t0: T).(\lambda (_: (iso t t0)).((eq T t (TSort n2)) \to ((eq T t0 t3) \to
+(iso (TSort n1) t3)))))) with [(iso_sort n0 n3) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq
+T (TSort n0) (TSort n2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (TSort n3) t3)).((let H2 \def
+(f_equal T nat (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).nat) with
+[(TSort n) \Rightarrow n | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow n0 | (THead _ _ _)
+\Rightarrow n0])) (TSort n0) (TSort n2) H0) in (eq_ind nat n2 (\lambda (_:
+nat).((eq T (TSort n3) t3) \to (iso (TSort n1) t3))) (\lambda (H3: (eq T
+(TSort n3) t3)).(eq_ind T (TSort n3) (\lambda (t: T).(iso (TSort n1) t))
+(iso_sort n1 n3) t3 H3)) n0 (sym_eq nat n0 n2 H2))) H1))) | (iso_lref i1 i2)
+\Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (TLRef i1) (TSort n2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T
+(TLRef i2) t3)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T (TLRef i1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e
+in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef
+_) \Rightarrow True | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow False])) I (TSort n2) H0) in
+(False_ind ((eq T (TLRef i2) t3) \to (iso (TSort n1) t3)) H2)) H1))) |
+(iso_head k v1 v2 t1 t2) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (THead k v1 t1)
+(TSort n2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (THead k v2 t2) t3)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T
+(THead k v1 t1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop)
+with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _
+_) \Rightarrow True])) I (TSort n2) H0) in (False_ind ((eq T (THead k v2 t2)
+t3) \to (iso (TSort n1) t3)) H2)) H1)))]) in (H1 (refl_equal T (TSort n2))
+(refl_equal T t3))))))) (\lambda (i1: nat).(\lambda (i2: nat).(\lambda (t3:
+T).(\lambda (H0: (iso (TLRef i2) t3)).(let H1 \def (match H0 in iso return
+(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (_: (iso t t0)).((eq T t (TLRef
+i2)) \to ((eq T t0 t3) \to (iso (TLRef i1) t3)))))) with [(iso_sort n1 n2)
+\Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (TSort n1) (TLRef i2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T
+(TSort n2) t3)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T (TSort n1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e
+in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow True | (TLRef
+_) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow False])) I (TLRef i2) H0) in
+(False_ind ((eq T (TSort n2) t3) \to (iso (TLRef i1) t3)) H2)) H1))) |
+(iso_lref i0 i3) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (TLRef i0) (TLRef
+i2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (TLRef i3) t3)).((let H2 \def (f_equal T nat
+(\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).nat) with [(TSort _)
+\Rightarrow i0 | (TLRef n) \Rightarrow n | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow i0]))
+(TLRef i0) (TLRef i2) H0) in (eq_ind nat i2 (\lambda (_: nat).((eq T (TLRef
+i3) t3) \to (iso (TLRef i1) t3))) (\lambda (H3: (eq T (TLRef i3) t3)).(eq_ind
+T (TLRef i3) (\lambda (t: T).(iso (TLRef i1) t)) (iso_lref i1 i3) t3 H3)) i0
+(sym_eq nat i0 i2 H2))) H1))) | (iso_head k v1 v2 t1 t2) \Rightarrow (\lambda
+(H0: (eq T (THead k v1 t1) (TLRef i2))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (THead k v2 t2)
+t3)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T (THead k v1 t1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T
+return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _)
+\Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (TLRef i2) H0) in
+(False_ind ((eq T (THead k v2 t2) t3) \to (iso (TLRef i1) t3)) H2)) H1)))])
+in (H1 (refl_equal T (TLRef i2)) (refl_equal T t3))))))) (\lambda (k:
+K).(\lambda (v1: T).(\lambda (v2: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (t4:
+T).(\lambda (t5: T).(\lambda (H0: (iso (THead k v2 t4) t5)).(let H1 \def
+(match H0 in iso return (\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (_: (iso t
+t0)).((eq T t (THead k v2 t4)) \to ((eq T t0 t5) \to (iso (THead k v1 t3)
+t5)))))) with [(iso_sort n1 n2) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (TSort n1)
+(THead k v2 t4))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (TSort n2) t5)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T
+(TSort n1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with
+[(TSort _) \Rightarrow True | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _)
+\Rightarrow False])) I (THead k v2 t4) H0) in (False_ind ((eq T (TSort n2)
+t5) \to (iso (THead k v1 t3) t5)) H2)) H1))) | (iso_lref i1 i2) \Rightarrow
+(\lambda (H0: (eq T (TLRef i1) (THead k v2 t4))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (TLRef
+i2) t5)).((let H2 \def (eq_ind T (TLRef i1) (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T
+return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _)
+\Rightarrow True | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow False])) I (THead k v2 t4) H0)
+in (False_ind ((eq T (TLRef i2) t5) \to (iso (THead k v1 t3) t5)) H2)) H1)))
+| (iso_head k0 v0 v3 t0 t4) \Rightarrow (\lambda (H0: (eq T (THead k0 v0 t0)
+(THead k v2 t4))).(\lambda (H1: (eq T (THead k0 v3 t4) t5)).((let H2 \def
+(f_equal T T (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).T) with
+[(TSort _) \Rightarrow t0 | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow t0 | (THead _ _ t)
+\Rightarrow t])) (THead k0 v0 t0) (THead k v2 t4) H0) in ((let H3 \def
+(f_equal T T (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).T) with
+[(TSort _) \Rightarrow v0 | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow v0 | (THead _ t _)
+\Rightarrow t])) (THead k0 v0 t0) (THead k v2 t4) H0) in ((let H4 \def
+(f_equal T K (\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).K) with
+[(TSort _) \Rightarrow k0 | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow k0 | (THead k _ _)
+\Rightarrow k])) (THead k0 v0 t0) (THead k v2 t4) H0) in (eq_ind K k (\lambda
+(k1: K).((eq T v0 v2) \to ((eq T t0 t4) \to ((eq T (THead k1 v3 t4) t5) \to
+(iso (THead k v1 t3) t5))))) (\lambda (H5: (eq T v0 v2)).(eq_ind T v2
+(\lambda (_: T).((eq T t0 t4) \to ((eq T (THead k v3 t4) t5) \to (iso (THead
+k v1 t3) t5)))) (\lambda (H6: (eq T t0 t4)).(eq_ind T t4 (\lambda (_: T).((eq
+T (THead k v3 t4) t5) \to (iso (THead k v1 t3) t5))) (\lambda (H7: (eq T
+(THead k v3 t4) t5)).(eq_ind T (THead k v3 t4) (\lambda (t: T).(iso (THead k
+v1 t3) t)) (iso_head k v1 v3 t3 t4) t5 H7)) t0 (sym_eq T t0 t4 H6))) v0
+(sym_eq T v0 v2 H5))) k0 (sym_eq K k0 k H4))) H3)) H2)) H1)))]) in (H1
+(refl_equal T (THead k v2 t4)) (refl_equal T t5)))))))))) t1 t2 H))).
(* Problem 1: does not typecheck a match on an empty type *)