almost all explicit occurrences of carr have been removed.
definition relS: ∀o: BP. binary_morphism1 (concr o) (Ω \sup (form o)) CPROP.
intros (o); constructor 1;
- [ apply (λx:concr o.λS: Ω \sup (form o).∃y:carr (form o).y ∈ S ∧ x ⊩ y);
+ [ apply (λx:concr o.λS: Ω \sup (form o).∃y:form o.y ∈ S ∧ x ⊩ y);
| intros; split; intros; cases e2; exists [1,3: apply w]
[ apply (. (#‡e1^-1)‡(e^-1‡#)); assumption
| apply (. (#‡e1)‡(e‡#)); assumption]]
coercion Type_OF_setoid1_of_carr.
+definition carr' ≝ λx:Type_OF_category1 SET.Type_OF_Type0 (carr x).
+coercion carr'. (* we prefer the lower carrier projection *)
interpretation "unary morphism1" 'Imply a b = (arrows2 SET1 a b).
lemma unary_morphism1_of_arrows1_SET1: ∀S,T. (S ⇒ T) → unary_morphism1 S T.
interpretation "unary morphism1 comprehension with proof" 'comprehension_by s \eta.f p =
(mk_unary_morphism1 s _ f p).
-definition carr' ≝ λx:Type_OF_category1 SET.Type_OF_Type0 (carr x).
-coercion carr'. (* we prefer the lower carrier projection *)
(* per il set-indexing vedere capitolo BPTools (foundational tools), Sect. 0.3.4 complete
lattices, Definizione 0.9 *)
-(*alias symbol "comprehension_by" = "unary morphism comprehension with proof".*)
record OAlgebra : Type2 := {
oa_P :> SET1;
- oa_leq : binary_morphism1 oa_P oa_P CPROP; (* CPROP is setoid1, CPROP importante che sia small *)
+ oa_leq : binary_morphism1 oa_P oa_P CPROP;
oa_overlap: binary_morphism1 oa_P oa_P CPROP;
oa_meet: ∀I:SET.unary_morphism2 (I ⇒ oa_P) oa_P;
oa_join: ∀I:SET.unary_morphism2 (I ⇒ oa_P) oa_P;
oa_leq_antisym: ∀a,b:oa_P.oa_leq a b → oa_leq b a → a = b;
oa_leq_trans: ∀a,b,c:oa_P.oa_leq a b → oa_leq b c → oa_leq a c;
oa_overlap_sym: ∀a,b:oa_P.oa_overlap a b → oa_overlap b a;
- (* Errore: = in oa_meet_inf e oa_join_sup *)
oa_meet_inf: ∀I:SET.∀p_i:I ⇒ oa_P.∀p:oa_P.oa_leq p (oa_meet I p_i) = ∀i:I.oa_leq p (p_i i);
oa_join_sup: ∀I:SET.∀p_i:I ⇒ oa_P.∀p:oa_P.oa_leq (oa_join I p_i) p = ∀i:I.oa_leq (p_i i) p;
oa_zero_bot: ∀p:oa_P.oa_leq oa_zero p;
∀p,q:oa_P.oa_overlap p q → oa_overlap p
(oa_meet ? { x ∈ BOOL | match x with [ true ⇒ p | false ⇒ q ] | IF_THEN_ELSE_p oa_P p q });
- (* ⇔ deve essere =, l'esiste debole *)
∀I:SET.∀p.∀q:I ⇒ oa_P.
oa_overlap p (oa_join I q) = ∃i:I.oa_overlap p (q i);
notation < "hovbox(mstyle scriptlevel 1 scriptsizemultiplier 1.7 (∧) \below (ident i ∈ I) break term 90 p)"
non associative with precedence 50 for @{ 'oa_meet_mk (λ${ident i}:$I.$p) }.
-notation < "hovbox(a ∧ b)" left associative with precedence 35
-for @{ 'oa_meet_mk (λ${ident i}:$_.match $i with [ true ⇒ $a | false ⇒ $b ]) }.
notation > "hovbox(∧ f)" non associative with precedence 60
for @{ 'oa_meet $f }.
-notation > "hovbox(a ∧ b)" left associative with precedence 50
-for @{ 'oa_meet (mk_unary_morphism BOOL ? (λx__:bool.match x__ with [ true ⇒ $a | false ⇒ $b ]) (IF_THEN_ELSE_p ? $a $b)) }.
interpretation "o-algebra meet" 'oa_meet f =
(fun12 __ (oa_meet __) f).
interpretation "o-algebra meet with explicit function" 'oa_meet_mk f =
[ intros (R12 R23);
constructor 1;
constructor 1;
- [ alias symbol "and" = "and_morphism".
- (* carr to avoid universe inconsistency *)
- apply (λs1:carr A.λs3:carr C.∃s2:carr B. s1 ♮R12 s2 ∧ s2 ♮R23 s3);
+ [ apply (λs1:A.λs3:C.∃s2:B. s1 ♮R12 s2 ∧ s2 ♮R23 s3);
| intros;
split; intro; cases e2 (w H3); clear e2; exists; [1,3: apply w ]
[ apply (. (e^-1‡#)‡(#‡e1^-1)); assumption
coercion setoid1_of_REL.
lemma Type_OF_setoid1_of_REL: ∀o1:Type_OF_category1 REL. Type_OF_objs1 o1 → Type_OF_setoid1 ?(*(setoid1_of_SET o1)*).
- [ apply (setoid1_of_SET o1);
+ [ apply rule o1;
| intros; apply t;]
coercion Type_OF_setoid1_of_REL.
(* the same as ⋄ for a basic pair *)
definition image: ∀U,V:REL. binary_morphism1 (arrows1 ? U V) (Ω \sup U) (Ω \sup V).
intros; constructor 1;
- [ apply (λr: arrows1 ? U V.λS: Ω \sup U. {y | ∃x:carr U. x ♮r y ∧ x ∈ S });
+ [ apply (λr: arrows1 ? U V.λS: Ω \sup U. {y | ∃x:U. x ♮r y ∧ x ∈ S });
intros; simplify; split; intro; cases e1; exists [1,3: apply w]
[ apply (. (#‡e^-1)‡#); assumption
| apply (. (#‡e)‡#); assumption]
(* the same as □ for a basic pair *)
definition minus_star_image: ∀U,V:REL. binary_morphism1 (arrows1 ? U V) (Ω \sup U) (Ω \sup V).
intros; constructor 1;
- [ apply (λr: arrows1 ? U V.λS: Ω \sup U. {y | ∀x:carr U. x ♮r y → x ∈ S});
+ [ apply (λr: arrows1 ? U V.λS: Ω \sup U. {y | ∀x:U. x ♮r y → x ∈ S});
intros; simplify; split; intros; apply f;
[ apply (. #‡e); assumption
| apply (. #‡e ^ -1); assumption]
(* the same as Rest for a basic pair *)
definition star_image: ∀U,V:REL. binary_morphism1 (arrows1 ? U V) (Ω \sup V) (Ω \sup U).
intros; constructor 1;
- [ apply (λr: arrows1 ? U V.λS: Ω \sup V. {x | ∀y:carr V. x ♮r y → y ∈ S});
+ [ apply (λr: arrows1 ? U V.λS: Ω \sup V. {x | ∀y:V. x ♮r y → y ∈ S});
intros; simplify; split; intros; apply f;
[ apply (. e ‡#); assumption
| apply (. e^ -1‡#); assumption]
definition minus_image: ∀U,V:REL. binary_morphism1 (arrows1 ? U V) (Ω \sup V) (Ω \sup U).
intros; constructor 1;
[ apply (λr: arrows1 ? U V.λS: Ω \sup V. {x | (*∃x:U. x ♮r y ∧ x ∈ S*)
- exT ? (λy:carr V.x ♮r y ∧ y ∈ S) });
+ exT ? (λy:V.x ♮r y ∧ y ∈ S) });
intros; simplify; split; intro; cases e1; exists [1,3: apply w]
[ apply (. (e ^ -1‡#)‡#); assumption
| apply (. (e‡#)‡#); assumption]
| intros; whd; split; assumption
| intros; apply transitive_subseteq_operator; [2: apply f; | skip | assumption]
| intros; cases f; exists [apply w] assumption
- | intros; intros 2; apply (f ? f1 i);
- | intros; intros 2; apply f;
- (* senza questa change, universe inconsistency *)
- whd; change in ⊢ (? ? (λ_:%.?)) with (carr I);
- exists; [apply i] assumption;
+ | intros; split; [ intros 4; apply (f ? f1 i); | intros 3; intro; apply (f i ? f1); ]
+ | intros; split;
+ [ intros 4; apply f; exists; [apply i] assumption;
+ | intros 3; intros; cases f1; apply (f w a x); ]
| intros 3; cases f;
| intros 3; constructor 1;
| intros; cases f; exists; [apply w]
[ assumption
| whd; intros; cases i; simplify; assumption]
| intros; split; intro;
- [ cases f; cases x1;
- (* senza questa change, universe inconsistency *)
- change in ⊢ (? ? (λ_:%.?)) with (carr I);
- exists [apply w1] exists [apply w] assumption;
- | cases e; cases x; exists; [apply w1]
- [ assumption
- | (* senza questa change, universe inconsistency *)
- whd; change in ⊢ (? ? (λ_:%.?)) with (carr I);
- exists; [apply w] assumption]]
+ [ cases f; cases x1; exists [apply w1] exists [apply w] assumption;
+ | cases e; cases x; exists; [apply w1] [ assumption | exists; [apply w] assumption]]
| intros; intros 2; cases (f (singleton ? a) ?);
[ exists; [apply a] [assumption | change with (a = a); apply refl1;]
| change in x1 with (a = w); change with (mem A a q); apply (. (x1‡#));
| change with (a1 ∈ a → ∀x. x ♮(id1 REL o1) a1→x∈a); intros;
change in f1 with (x = a1); apply (. f1‡#); apply f;
| alias symbol "and" = "and_morphism".
- change with ((∃y: carr o1.a1 ♮(id1 REL o1) y ∧ y∈a) → a1 ∈ a);
+ change with ((∃y:o1.a1 ♮(id1 REL o1) y ∧ y∈a) → a1 ∈ a);
intro; cases e; clear e; cases x; clear x; change in f with (a1=w);
apply (. f‡#); apply f1;
- | change with (a1 ∈ a → ∃y: carr o1.a1 ♮(id1 REL o1) y ∧ y∈a);
+ | change with (a1 ∈ a → ∃y:o1.a1 ♮(id1 REL o1) y ∧ y∈a);
intro; exists; [apply a1]; split; [ change with (a1=a1); apply refl1; | apply f]
- | change with ((∃x: carr o1.x ♮(id1 REL o1) a1∧x∈a) → a1 ∈ a);
+ | change with ((∃x:o1.x ♮(id1 REL o1) a1∧x∈a) → a1 ∈ a);
intro; cases e; clear e; cases x; clear x; change in f with (w=a1);
apply (. f^-1‡#); apply f1;
- | change with (a1 ∈ a → ∃x: carr o1.x ♮(id1 REL o1) a1∧x∈a);
+ | change with (a1 ∈ a → ∃x:o1.x ♮(id1 REL o1) a1∧x∈a);
intro; exists; [apply a1]; split; [ change with (a1=a1); apply refl1; | apply f]
| change with ((∀y.a1 ♮(id1 REL o1) y→y∈a) → a1 ∈ a); intros;
apply (f a1); change with (a1 = a1); apply refl1;
∀A:SET.∀I:SET.unary_morphism2 (setoid1_of_setoid I ⇒ Ω \sup A) (setoid2_of_setoid1 (Ω \sup A)).
intros; constructor 1;
[ intro; whd; whd in A; whd in I;
- apply ({x | ∃i:carr I. x ∈ t i });
+ apply ({x | ∃i:I. x ∈ t i });
simplify; intros; split; intros; cases e1; clear e1; exists; [1,3:apply w]
[ apply (. (e^-1‡#)); | apply (. (e‡#)); ]
apply x;