include "".
-coercion cic:/matita/dama/bishop_set/eq_sym.con.
+coercion eq_sym.
lemma eq_trans:∀E:bishop_set.∀x,z,y:E.x ≈ y → y ≈ z → x ≈ z ≝
λE,x,y,z.eq_trans_ E x z y.
interpretation "eq_rew" 'eqrewrite = (eq_trans _ _ _).
lemma le_rewl: ∀E:ordered_set.∀z,y,x:E. x ≈ y → x ≤ z → y ≤ z.
-intros (E z y x Exy Lxz); apply (le_transitive ???? ? Lxz);
+intros (E z y x Exy Lxz); apply (le_transitive ??? ? Lxz);
intro Xyz; apply Exy; right; assumption;
lemma le_rewr: ∀E:ordered_set.∀z,y,x:E. x ≈ y → z ≤ x → z ≤ y.
-intros (E z y x Exy Lxz); apply (le_transitive ???? Lxz);
+intros (E z y x Exy Lxz); apply (le_transitive ??? Lxz);
intro Xyz; apply Exy; left; assumption;
interpretation "ap_rewr" 'aprewriter = (ap_rewr _ _ _).
lemma exc_rewl: ∀A:ordered_set.∀x,z,y:A. x ≈ y → y ≰ z → x ≰ z.
-intros (A x z y Exy Ayz); cases (hos_cotransitive ??? x Ayz); [2:assumption]
+intros (A x z y Exy Ayz); cases (exc_cotransitive ?? x Ayz); [2:assumption]
cases Exy; right; assumption;
lemma exc_rewr: ∀A:ordered_set.∀x,z,y:A. x ≈ y → z ≰ y → z ≰ x.
-intros (A x z y Exy Azy); cases (hos_cotransitive ???x Azy); [assumption]
+intros (A x z y Exy Azy); cases (exc_cotransitive ??x Azy); [assumption]
cases (Exy); left; assumption;
notation > "'Ex'≫" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'ordered_setrewriter}.
interpretation "exc_rewr" 'ordered_setrewriter = (exc_rewr _ _ _).
lemma lt_rewr: ∀A:ordered_set.∀x,z,y:A. x ≈ y → z < y → z < x.
intros (A x y z E H); split; cases H;
[apply (Le≫ ? (eq_sym ??? E));|apply (Ap≫ ? E)] assumption;
interpretation "lt_rewl" 'ltrewritel = (lt_rewl _ _ _).
notation > "'Lt'≫" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'ltrewriter}.
interpretation "lt_rewr" 'ltrewriter = (lt_rewr _ _ _).
alias symbol "pi2" = "pair pi2".
alias symbol "pi1" = "pair pi1".
alias symbol "and" = "logical and".
- apply (∃d:unit.∀n:C square.(\fst n ≈ \snd n → P n) ∧ (P n → \fst n ≈ \snd n));
+ apply (∃d:unit.∀n:C squareB.(\fst n ≈ \snd n → P n) ∧ (P n → \fst n ≈ \snd n));
|2: intros 4 (U H x Hx); simplify in Hx;
cases H (_ H1); cases (H1 x); apply H2; apply Hx;
|3: intros; cases H (_ PU); cases H1 (_ PV);
include "nat/".
include "".
+lemma hint1:
+ ∀l,u.sequence (Type_of_ordered_set (segment_ordered_set nat_ordered_set l u))
+ → sequence (hos_carr (os_l (segment_ordered_set nat_ordered_set l u))).
+intros; assumption;
+coercion hint1 nocomposites.
alias symbol "pi1" = "exT \fst".
-alias symbol "leq" = "natural 'less or equal to'".
+alias symbol "N" = "ordered set N".
lemma nat_dedekind_sigma_complete:
∀l,u:ℕ.∀a:sequence {[l,u]}.a is_increasing →
∀x.x is_supremum a → ∃i.∀j.i ≤ j → \fst x = \fst (a j).
intros 5; cases x (s Hs); clear x; letin X ≝ ≪s,Hs≫;
fold normalize X; intros; cases H1;
-alias symbol "plus" = "natural plus".
-alias symbol "N" = "Uniform space N".
-alias symbol "and" = "logical and".
+alias symbol "N" = "Natural numbers".
letin spec ≝ (λi,j:ℕ.(u≤i ∧ s = \fst (a j)) ∨ (i < u ∧ s+i ≤ u + \fst (a j)));
(* s - aj <= max 0 (u - i) *)
letin m ≝ (hide ? (
rewrite > (H4 ?); [2: reflexivity]
apply le_to_le_to_eq;
[1: apply os_le_to_nat_le;
- apply (trans_increasing ?? H ? ? (nat_le_to_os_le ?? H5));
+ apply (trans_increasing ? H ? ? (nat_le_to_os_le ?? H5));
|2: apply (trans_le ? s ?);[apply os_le_to_nat_le; apply (H2 j);]
rewrite < (H4 ?); [2: reflexivity] apply le_n;]
-alias symbol "pi1" = "exT \fst".
-alias symbol "leq" = "natural 'less or equal to'".
+lemma hint2:
+ ∀l,u.sequence (Type_of_ordered_set (segment_ordered_set nat_ordered_set l u))
+ → sequence (hos_carr (os_r (segment_ordered_set nat_ordered_set l u))).
+intros; assumption;
+coercion hint2 nocomposites.
alias symbol "N" = "ordered set N".
axiom nat_dedekind_sigma_complete_r:
∀l,u:ℕ.∀a:sequence {[l,u]}.a is_decreasing →
∀x.x is_infimum a → ∃i.∀j.i ≤ j → \fst x = \fst (a j).
generalize in match (refl_eq ? (a i):a i = a i);
generalize in match (a i) in ⊢ (?? % ? → %); intro X; cases X; clear X;
intro; rewrite < H9 in H7; simplify; rewrite < H7; simplify;
- apply (us_phi1 nat_uniform_space ? H3); simplify; apply eq_reflexive;
+ apply (us_phi1 nat_uniform_space ? H3); simplify; apply (eq_reflexive (us_carr nat_uniform_space));
|2: cases (nat_dedekind_sigma_complete_r l u a H1 ? H2);
exists [apply w1]; intros;
apply (restrict nat_ordered_uniform_space l u ??? H4);
generalize in match (refl_eq ? (a i):a i = a i);
generalize in match (a i) in ⊢ (?? % ? → %); intro X; cases X; clear X;
intro; rewrite < H9 in H7; simplify; rewrite < H7; simplify;
- apply (us_phi1 nat_uniform_space ? H3); simplify; apply eq_reflexive;]
+ apply (us_phi1 nat_uniform_space ? H3); simplify; apply (eq_reflexive (us_carr nat_uniform_space));]
simplify; intros 7; cases H3;
cases H (_); cases (H8 y); apply H9; cases (H8 p);
lapply (H12 H1) as H13; apply (le_le_eq);
-[1: apply (le_transitive ???? H4); apply (Le≪ ? H13); assumption;
-|2: apply (le_transitive ????? H5); apply (Le≫ (\snd p) H13); assumption;]
+[1: apply (le_transitive ??? H4); apply (Le≪ ? H13); assumption;
+|2: apply (le_transitive ???? H5); apply (Le≫ ? (eq_sym ??? H13)); assumption;]
interpretation "Ordered uniform space N" 'N = nat_ordered_uniform_space.