universe constraint Type[0] < Type[1].
-(* notations ****************************************************************)
notation "hvbox(a break \to b)"
right associative with precedence 20
for @{ \forall $_:$a.$b }.
-notation "hvbox( T . break ⓑ { term 46 I } break term 48 T1 )"
- non associative with precedence 47
- for @{ 'DxBind2 $T $I $T1 }.
-(* definitions **************************************************************)
-inductive lenv: Type[0] ≝
-| LAtom: lenv
-| LPair: lenv → lenv → lenv → lenv
+notation "hvbox( * )"
+ non associative with precedence 90
+ for @{ 'B }.
-inductive genv: Type[0] ≝
-| GAtom: genv
-| GPair: genv → genv → genv → genv
+inductive l: Type[0] ≝ L: l.
-axiom fw: genv → lenv → Prop.
+inductive g: Type[0] ≝ G: g.
-(* interpretations **********************************************************)
+axiom f: l → Prop.
-interpretation "environment binding construction (binary)"
- 'DxBind2 L I T = (LPair L I T).
+interpretation "b" 'B = L.
-interpretation "environment binding construction (binary)"
- 'DxBind2 G I T = (GPair G I T).
+interpretation "b" 'B = G.
-(* statements ***************************************************************)
+(* FG: two interpretations of the same notation and with the same description
+ override eachother, so the description is not just informative
-axiom fw_shift: ∀I,G,K,V. fw G (K.ⓑ{I}V).
+axiom s: f *.
+ <keyword>associative</keyword>
+ <keyword>left</keyword>
- <keyword>notation</keyword>
+ <keyword>non</keyword>
+ <keyword>notation</keyword>
+ <keyword>precedence</keyword>
+ <keyword>right</keyword>