| _ -> assert false\r
-let rec no_leading_lambdas hd_var j = function\r
- | L t -> 1 + no_leading_lambdas (hd_var+1) j t\r
- | A _ as t -> let hd_var', n = get_inert t in if hd_var = hd_var' then max 0 (j - n) else 0\r
- | V n -> if n = hd_var then j else 0\r
+(* precomputes the number of leading lambdas in a term,\r
+ after replacing _v_ w/ a term starting with n lambdas *)\r
+let rec no_leading_lambdas v n = function\r
+ | L t -> 1 + no_leading_lambdas (v+1) n t\r
+ | A _ as t -> let v', m = get_inert t in if v = v' then max 0 (n - m) else 0\r
+ | V v' -> if v = v' then n else 0\r
| B | C _ -> 0\r
let subst = subst 0 false;;\r
-let subst_in_problem sub p =\r
-print_endline ("-- SUBST " ^ string_of_t (V (fst sub)) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t (snd sub));\r
+let subst_in_problem ((v, t) as sub) p =\r
+print_endline ("-- SUBST " ^ string_of_t (V v) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t t);\r
{p with\r
div=subst sub p.div;\r
conv=subst sub p.conv;\r
- stepped=(fst sub)::p.stepped;\r
+ stepped=v::p.stepped;\r
| A(t1,t2) as t ->\r
let hd_var', n_args' = get_inert t1 in\r
if hd_var' = hd_var + lev && n_args <= 1 + n_args'\r
+ (* the `+1` above is because of t2 *)\r
then Some (lift ~-lev t)\r
else match aux lev t2 with\r
| None -> aux lev t1\r
let div = purify p.div in\r
let conv = purify p.conv in\r
let sigma = List.map (fun (v,t) -> v, purify t) sigma in\r
- let freshno = List.fold_right (fun (x,_) -> max x) sigma 0 in\r
+ let freshno = List.fold_right (max ++ fst) sigma 0 in\r
let env = Pure.env_of_sigma freshno sigma in\r
assert (Pure.diverged (Pure.mwhd (env,div,[])));\r
print_endline " D diverged.";\r
(* drops the arguments of t after the n-th *)\r
+(* FIXME! E' usato in modo improprio contando sul fatto\r
+ errato che ritorna un inerte lungo esattamente n *)\r
let inert_cut_at n t =\r
let rec aux t =\r
match t with\r
in snd (aux t)\r
+(* FIXME! eta_difference dovrebbe restituire un int partendo da 0 *)\r
let find_eta_difference p t n_args =\r
let t = inert_cut_at n_args t in\r
let rec aux t u k = match t, u with\r