raise (AssertFailure (lazy (Printf.sprintf "eat_lambdas (%d, %s)" n
(NCicPp.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv ~context te))))
-and eat_or_subst_lambdas
- ~subst ~metasenv app_all_args n te to_be_subst args (context, recfuns, x as k)
+and eat_or_subst_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv n te to_be_subst args
+ (context, recfuns, x as k)
match n, R.whd ~subst context te, to_be_subst, args with
- | (0, _,_,_) when args = [] || not app_all_args -> te, k
- | (0, _,_,_::_) -> C.Appl (te::args), k
| (n, C.Lambda (name,so,ta),true::to_be_subst,arg::args) when n > 0 ->
- eat_or_subst_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv app_all_args
- (n - 1) (S.subst arg ta) to_be_subst args k
+ eat_or_subst_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv (n - 1) (S.subst arg ta)
+ to_be_subst args k
| (n, C.Lambda (name,so,ta),false::to_be_subst,arg::args) when n > 0 ->
- eat_or_subst_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv app_all_args
- (n - 1) ta to_be_subst args (shift_k (name,(C.Decl so)) k)
- | (n, te, _, _) when args = [] || not app_all_args -> te, k
- | (n, te, _, _::_) -> C.Appl (te::args), k
- | (_,_,_,[]) -> assert false (* caml thinks is missing *)
+ eat_or_subst_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv (n - 1) ta to_be_subst args
+ (shift_k (name,(C.Decl so)) k)
+ | (_, te, _, _) -> te, k
and guarded_by_destructors r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv context recfuns t =
let recursor f k t = NCicUtils.fold shift_k k (fun k () -> f k) () t in
| _,C.Decl _ -> ()
| _,C.Def (bo,_) -> aux k (S.lift m bo))
| C.Meta _ -> ()
- | C.Appl (C.Const ((Ref.Ref (_,uri,Ref.Fix (i,_))) as r)::args) ->
+ | C.Appl (C.Const ((Ref.Ref (_,uri,Ref.Fix (i,recno))) as r)::args) ->
if List.exists (fun t -> try aux k t;false with NotGuarded _ -> true) args
let fl,_,_ = E.get_checked_fixes r in
let extra_recfuns =
HExtlib.list_mapi (fun _ i -> ctx_len - i, UnfFix fa) ctx_tys
- let k = context, extra_recfuns@recfuns, x in
+ let new_k = context, extra_recfuns@recfuns, x in
let bos_and_ks =
- HExtlib.list_mapi (fun bo fno ->
- (* potrebbe anche aggiungere un arg di cui fa push alle safe *)
- eat_or_subst_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv (fno=i) j bo fa args k) bos
+ HExtlib.list_mapi
+ (fun bo fno ->
+ let bo_and_k =
+ eat_or_subst_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv j bo fa args new_k
+ in
+ if
+ fno = i &&
+ List.length args > recno &&
+ (*case where the recursive argument is already really_smaller *)
+ is_really_smaller r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv k
+ (List.nth args recno)
+ then
+ let bo,(context, _, _ as new_k) = bo_and_k in
+ let bo, context' =
+ eat_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv context (recno + 1 - j) bo in
+ let new_context_part,_ =
+ HExtlib.split_nth (List.length context' - List.length context)
+ context' in
+ let k = List.fold_right shift_k new_context_part new_k in
+ let context, recfuns, x = k in
+ let k = context, (1,Safe)::recfuns, x in
+ bo,k
+ else
+ bo_and_k
+ ) bos
List.iter (fun (bo,k) -> aux k bo) bos_and_ks
| C.Match (Ref.Ref (_,uri,_) as ref,outtype,term,pl) as t ->