(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
interpretation "integer 'less or equal to'" 'leq x y = (cic:/matita/Z/orders/Zle.con x y).
+(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
+interpretation "integer 'neither less nor equal to'" 'nleq x y =
+ (cic:/matita/logic/connectives/Not.con (cic:/matita/Z/orders/Zle.con x y)).
definition Zlt : Z \to Z \to Prop \def
\lambda x,y:Z.
(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
interpretation "integer 'less than'" 'lt x y = (cic:/matita/Z/orders/Zlt.con x y).
+(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
+interpretation "integer 'not less than'" 'nless x y =
+ (cic:/matita/logic/connectives/Not.con (cic:/matita/Z/orders/Zlt.con x y)).
theorem irreflexive_Zlt: irreflexive Z Zlt.
change with \forall x:Z. x < x \to False.
(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
interpretation "natural 'less or equal to'" 'leq x y = (cic:/matita/nat/orders/le.ind#xpointer(1/1) x y).
+(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
+interpretation "natural 'neither less nor equal to'" 'nleq x y =
+ (cic:/matita/logic/connectives/Not.con
+ (cic:/matita/nat/orders/le.ind#xpointer(1/1) x y)).
definition lt: nat \to nat \to Prop \def
\lambda n,m:nat.(S n) \leq m.
(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
interpretation "natural 'less than'" 'lt x y = (cic:/matita/nat/orders/lt.con x y).
+(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
+interpretation "natural 'not less than'" 'nless x y =
+ (cic:/matita/logic/connectives/Not.con (cic:/matita/nat/orders/lt.con x y)).
definition ge: nat \to nat \to Prop \def
\lambda n,m:nat.m \leq n.
(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
interpretation "natural 'greater than'" 'gt x y = (cic:/matita/nat/orders/gt.con x y).
+(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
+interpretation "natural 'not greater than'" 'ngtr x y =
+ (cic:/matita/logic/connectives/Not.con (cic:/matita/nat/orders/gt.con x y)).
theorem transitive_le : transitive nat le.
simplify.intros.elim H1.