* new = supright e'' A'' *
* new'= demod A'' new *
* P' = P + new' *)
- debug (lazy "Forward infer step...");
+ debug (lazy ("Forward infer step for "^ (Pp.pp_unit_clause current)));
debug (lazy("Number of actives : " ^ (string_of_int (List.length (fst actives)))));
noprint (lazy (pp_clauses actives passives));
+ let _ = noprint
+ (lazy
+ ("Actives before simplification:" ^ (String.concat ";\n"
+ (List.map Pp.pp_unit_clause (fst actives))))) in
match Sup.keep_simplified current actives bag maxvar
- | _,None -> s
+ | _,None -> debug(lazy("None")); s
| bag,Some (current,actives) ->
debug (lazy ("simplified to " ^ (Pp.pp_unit_clause current)));
+ let _ = noprint
+ (lazy
+ ("Actives after simplification:" ^ (String.concat ";\n"
+ (List.map Pp.pp_unit_clause (fst actives))))) in
let bag, maxvar, actives, new_clauses =
Sup.infer_right bag maxvar current actives
remove_passive_goal g_passives g in
let current = snd g in
let _ =
- debug (lazy("Selected goal : " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current))
+ debug (lazy("Selected goal gn: " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current))
(* we work both on the original goal and the demodulated one*)
let acc = check_and_infer ~no_demod:false iterno acc current