open NTacStatus
open Continuationals.Stack
-let debug = true
+let debug = false
let pp =
if debug then (fun x -> prerr_endline (Lazy.force x)) else (fun _ -> ())
(* input: nome della variabile riscritta
* output: lista dei nomi delle variabili il cui tipo dipende dall'input *)
-let cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst ctx iname =
+let cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst ctx skip iname =
let lctx, rctx = HExtlib.split_nth (iname - 1) ctx in
let lctx = List.rev lctx in
let rec rm_last = function
(fun (acc,context) item ->
match item with
| n,(NCic.Decl s | NCic.Def (s,_))
- when not (List.for_all (fun x -> NCicTypeChecker.does_not_occur ~subst context (x-1) x s) acc) ->
+ when (not (List.for_all (fun x -> NCicTypeChecker.does_not_occur ~subst context (x-1) x s) acc)
+ && not (List.mem n skip)) ->
List.iter (fun m -> pp (lazy ("acc has " ^ (string_of_int m)))) acc;
pp (lazy ("acc occurs in the type of " ^ n));
( ((+) 1) acc, item::context)
NTactics.merge_tac; print_tac (lazy "the end of discriminate")]
) status
+let saturate_skip status context skip =
+ HExtlib.list_uniq
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun acc x ->
+ let ix = HExtlib.list_index ((=) x) ( fst context)
+ in match ix with
+ | None -> acc
+ | Some (i,_) ->
+ fst (cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context [] (i+1)) @ acc) skip skip)
-let subst_tac ~context ~dir cur_eq =
- fun status ->
+let subst_tac ~context ~dir skip cur_eq =
+ fun status as oldstatus ->
let eq_name,(NCic.Decl s | NCic.Def (s,_)) = List.nth context (cur_eq-1) in
let _,ctx' = HExtlib.split_nth cur_eq context in
let status, s = NTacStatus.whd status ctx' (mk_cic_term ctx' s) in
let status, s = term_of_cic_term status s ctx' in
+ let skip = saturate_skip status context skip in
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "subst: equation %s" eq_name));
let l, r = match s with
| NCic.Appl [_;_;t1;t2] | NCic.Appl [_;_;t1;_;t2] -> t1,t2
let names_to_gen, _ =
match var with
| NCic.Rel var ->
- cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context (var+cur_eq)
- | _ -> cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context cur_eq in
+ cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context skip (var+cur_eq)
+ | _ -> cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context skip cur_eq in
let names_to_gen = List.filter (fun n -> n <> eq_name) names_to_gen in
+ if (List.exists (fun x -> List.mem x skip) names_to_gen)
+ then oldstatus
+ else
let gen_tac x =
~where:("",0,(Some (mk_id x),[], Some CicNotationPt.UserInput)) in
~what:("",0,mk_id eq_name) ~where:default_pattern;
NTactics.reduce_tac ~reduction:(`Normalize true)
- NTactics.clear_tac [eq_name]]@
+ NTactics.try_tac (NTactics.clear_tac [eq_name])]@
( NTactics.intro_tac (List.rev names_to_gen))) status
-let clearid_tac ~context cur_eq =
+let clearid_tac ~context skip cur_eq =
fun status ->
let eq_name,(NCic.Decl s | NCic.Def (s,_)) = List.nth context (cur_eq-1) in
let _,ctx' = HExtlib.split_nth cur_eq context in
let status, s = NTacStatus.whd status ctx' (mk_cic_term ctx' s) in
let status, s = term_of_cic_term status s ctx' in
+ let skip = saturate_skip status context skip in
+ (*
let streicher_id =
match s with
| NCic.Appl [_;_;_;_] -> mk_id "streicherK"
| [] -> []
| _::tl -> tl in NTactics.intro_tac names_to_intro)) status
+ pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "clearid: equation %s" eq_name));
+ match s with
+ | NCic.Appl [_;_;_;_] ->
+ (* leibniz *)
+ let streicher_id = mk_id "streicherK"
+ in
+ let names_to_gen, _ =
+ cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context skip cur_eq in
+ let names_to_gen = names_to_gen @ [eq_name] in
+ let gen_tac x =
+ NTactics.generalize_tac
+ ~where:("",0,(Some (mk_id x),[], Some CicNotationPt.UserInput)) in
+ NTactics.block_tac (( gen_tac names_to_gen)@
+ [NTactics.clear_tac names_to_gen;
+ NTactics.apply_tac ("",0, mk_appl [streicher_id;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne]);
+ NTactics.reduce_tac ~reduction:(`Normalize true)
+ ~where:default_pattern] @
+ (let names_to_intro =
+ match List.rev names_to_gen with
+ | [] -> []
+ | _::tl -> tl in
+ NTactics.intro_tac names_to_intro)) status
+ | NCic.Appl [_;_;_;_;_] ->
+ (* JMeq *)
+ let streicher_id = mk_id "streicherK"
+ in
+ let names_to_gen, _ =
+ cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context skip cur_eq in
+ let names_to_gen = names_to_gen (* @ [eq_name]*) in
+ let gen_tac x =
+ NTactics.generalize_tac
+ ~where:("",0,(Some (mk_id x),[], Some CicNotationPt.UserInput)) in
+ let gen_eq = NTactics.generalize_tac
+ ~where:("",0,(Some (mk_appl [mk_id "jmeq_to_eq";
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ mk_id eq_name]),[], Some CicNotationPt.UserInput)) in
+ NTactics.block_tac (( gen_tac names_to_gen)@gen_eq::
+ [NTactics.clear_tac names_to_gen;
+ NTactics.try_tac (NTactics.clear_tac [eq_name]);
+ NTactics.apply_tac ("",0, mk_appl [streicher_id;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne]);
+ NTactics.reduce_tac ~reduction:(`Normalize true)
+ ~where:default_pattern] @
+ (let names_to_intro = List.rev names_to_gen in
+ NTactics.intro_tac names_to_intro)) status
+ | _ -> assert false
let get_ctx st goal =
(* = select + classify *)
-let select_eq ctx acc status goal =
+let select_eq ctx acc domain status goal =
let classify ~subst ctx' l r =
(* FIXME: metasenv *)
if NCicReduction.are_convertible ~metasenv:[] ~subst ctx' l r
status, Some (List.length ctx - i), kind
| `Cycle | `Blob | `NonEq -> aux (i+1) (* XXX: skip cyclic/blob equations for now *)
| _ ->
- if (List.for_all (fun x -> x <> n) acc) then
- status, Some (List.length ctx - i), kind
+ if (List.for_all (fun x -> x <> n) acc) &&
+ (List.exists (fun x -> x = n) domain)
+ then status, Some (List.length ctx - i), kind
else aux (i+1))
with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> status, None, `Blob
in aux 0
-let rec destruct_tac0 nprods acc status goal =
+let rec destruct_tac0 nprods acc domain skip status goal =
let ctx = get_ctx status goal in
let subst = get_subst status in
let get_newgoal os ns ogoal =
let go' = ([ogoal] @- gc) @+ go in
match go' with [] -> assert false | g::_ -> g
- let status, selection, kind = select_eq ctx acc status goal in
+ let status, selection, kind = select_eq ctx acc domain status goal in
pp (lazy ("destruct: acc is " ^ String.concat "," acc ));
match selection, kind with
| None, _ ->
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "destruct: nprods is %d, no selection, context is %s" nprods (NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst ctx)));
- if nprods > 0 then
- let status' = NTactics.exec (NTactics.intro_tac (mk_fresh_name ctx 'e' 0)) status goal in
- destruct_tac0 (nprods-1) acc status' (get_newgoal status status' goal)
+ if nprods > 0 then
+ let fresh = mk_fresh_name ctx 'e' 0 in
+ let status' = NTactics.exec (NTactics.intro_tac fresh) status goal in
+ destruct_tac0 (nprods-1) acc (fresh::domain) skip status' (get_newgoal status status' goal)
| Some cur_eq, `Discriminate (newprods,conflict) ->
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "destruct: discriminate - nprods is %d, selection is %d, context is %s" nprods cur_eq (NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst ctx)));
let status' = NTactics.exec (discriminate_tac ~context:ctx cur_eq) status goal in
if conflict then status'
- else destruct_tac0 (nprods+newprods)
- (name_of_rel ~context:ctx cur_eq::acc) status' (get_newgoal status status' goal)
+ else
+ destruct_tac0 (nprods+newprods)
+ (name_of_rel ~context:ctx cur_eq::acc)
+ (List.filter (fun x -> x <> name_of_rel ~context:ctx cur_eq) domain)
+ skip
+ status' (get_newgoal status status' goal)
| Some cur_eq, `Subst dir ->
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "destruct: subst - nprods is %d, selection is %d, context is %s" nprods cur_eq (NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst ctx)));
- let status' = NTactics.exec (subst_tac ~context:ctx ~dir cur_eq) status goal in
+ let status' = NTactics.exec (subst_tac ~context:ctx ~dir skip cur_eq) status goal in
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf " ctx after subst = %s" (NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst (get_ctx status' (get_newgoal status status' goal)))));
let eq_name,_ = List.nth ctx (cur_eq-1) in
- destruct_tac0 nprods (List.filter (fun x -> x <> eq_name) acc) status' (get_newgoal status status' goal)
- | Some cur_eq, `Identity ->
+ let newgoal = get_newgoal status status' goal in
+ let has_cleared =
+ try
+ let _ = NTactics.find_in_context eq_name (get_ctx status' newgoal) in false
+ with _ -> true in
+ let rm_eq b l = if b then List.filter (fun x -> x <> eq_name) l else l in
+ let acc = rm_eq has_cleared acc in
+ let skip = rm_eq has_cleared skip in
+ let domain = rm_eq has_cleared domain in
+ destruct_tac0 nprods acc domain skip status' newgoal
+ | Some cur_eq, `Identity ->
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "destruct: identity - nprods is %d, selection is %d, context is %s" nprods cur_eq (NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst ctx)));
let eq_name,_ = List.nth ctx (cur_eq-1) in
- let status' = NTactics.exec (clearid_tac ~context:ctx cur_eq) status goal in
- destruct_tac0 nprods (List.filter (fun x -> x <> eq_name) acc) status' (get_newgoal status status' goal)
+ let status' = NTactics.exec (clearid_tac ~context:ctx skip cur_eq) status goal in
+ let newgoal = get_newgoal status status' goal in
+ let has_cleared =
+ try
+ let _ = NTactics.find_in_context eq_name (get_ctx status' newgoal) in false
+ with _ -> true in
+ let rm_eq b l = if b then List.filter (fun x -> x <> eq_name) l else l in
+ let acc = rm_eq has_cleared acc in
+ let skip = rm_eq has_cleared skip in
+ let domain = rm_eq has_cleared domain in
+ destruct_tac0 nprods acc domain skip status' newgoal
| Some cur_eq, `Cycle -> (* TODO, should never happen *)
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "destruct: cycle - nprods is %d, selection is %d, context is %s" nprods cur_eq (NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst ctx)));
assert false
| _ -> assert false
-let destruct_tac s = NTactics.distribute_tac (destruct_tac0 0 []) s;;
+let destruct_tac dom skip s =
+ NTactics.distribute_tac
+ (fun s' g ->
+ let ctx = get_ctx s' g in
+ let domain = match dom with
+ | None -> (fun (n,_) -> n) ctx
+ | Some l -> l
+ in
+ destruct_tac0 0 [] domain skip s' g) s;;