| e -> raise e
-let exp_implicit ~localise metasenv context expty t =
- let foo x = match expty with Some t -> `WithType t | None -> x in
+let exp_implicit rdb ~localise metasenv subst context expty t =
+ let foo x = function Some t -> `WithType t | None -> x in
- | `Closed -> NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv [] (foo `Term)
- | `Type -> NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context (foo `Type)
- | `Term -> NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context (foo `Term)
+ | `Closed ->
+ let metasenv,subst,expty =
+ match expty with
+ None -> metasenv,subst,None
+ | Some typ ->
+ let (metasenv,subst),typ =
+ try
+ NCicMetaSubst.delift
+ ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
+ try Some (NCicUnification.unify rdb m s c t1 t2)
+ with NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _ | NCicUnification.Uncertain _ -> None)
+ metasenv subst context 0 (0,NCic.Irl 0) typ
+ with
+ NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure _
+ | NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain _ ->
+ raise (RefineFailure (lazy (localise t,"Trying to create a closed meta with a non closed type")))
+ in
+ metasenv,subst,Some typ
+ in
+ NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv [] (foo `Term expty),subst
+ | `Type -> NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context (foo `Type expty),subst
+ | `Term -> NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context (foo `Term expty),subst
| `Tagged s ->
- NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ~attrs:[`Name s] metasenv context (foo `Term)
+ NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ~attrs:[`Name s] metasenv context (foo `Term expty),subst
| `Vector ->
raise (RefineFailure (lazy (localise t, "A vector of implicit terms " ^
"can only be used in argument position")))
raise (RefineFailure (lazy (localise t, Lazy.force msg)))
| NCicEnvironment.AssertFailure msg -> raise (AssertFailure msg))
| C.Implicit infos ->
- let metasenv,_,t,ty =
- exp_implicit ~localise metasenv context expty t infos
+ let (metasenv,_,t,ty),subst =
+ exp_implicit rdb ~localise metasenv subst context expty t infos
metasenv, subst, t, ty
| C.Meta (n,l) as t ->
and eat_prods rdb ~localise force_ty metasenv subst context expty orig_t orig_he he ty_he args =
(*D*)inside 'E'; try let rc =
- let rec aux metasenv subst args_so_far he ty_he = function
+ let rec aux metasenv subst args_so_far he ty_he xxx =
+ (*D*)inside 'V'; try let rc =
+ match xxx with
| [] ->
let res = NCicUntrusted.mk_appl he (List.rev args_so_far) in
pp(lazy("FORCE FINAL APPL: " ^
(List.length args) (List.length args_so_far))))
aux metasenv subst [] newhead newheadty (arg :: tl)
+ (*D*)in outside true; rc with exc -> outside false; raise exc
(* We need to reverse the order of the new created metas since they
are pushed on top of the metasenv in the wrong order *)