; ps: i_n_var list (* the n-th inert must become n *)
; sigma: (int * nf) list (* the computed substitution *)
; deltas: (int * nf) list ref list (* collection of all branches *)
- }
-(* let heads = Util.sort_uniq (List.map hd_of_i_var p.ps) in
-for all head
- List.map (fun (_, bs) -> List.map (fun (x,_) -> List.nth p.ps x) !bs) p.deltas *)
-(* let ($) f x = f x;; *)
-(* let subterms tms freshno =
- let apply_var =
- let no = ref freshno in
- function t -> incr no; mk_app t (`Var !no) in
- let applicative hd args = snd (
- List.fold_left (fun (hd, acc) t -> let hd = mk_app hd t in hd, hd::acc) (hd, []) args) in
- let rec aux t = match t with
- | `Var _ -> []
- | `I(v,ts) ->
- (* applicative (`Var v) (Listx.to_list ts) @ *)
- Util.concat_map aux (Listx.to_list ts) @ List.map apply_var (Listx.to_list ts)
- | `Lam(_,_,t) -> aux (lift ~-1 t)
- | `Match(u,_,bs_lift,bs,args) ->
- aux (u :> nf) @
- (* applicative (`Match(u,bs_lift,bs,[])) args @ *)
- Util.concat_map aux args @ List.map apply_var args
- (* @ Util.concat_map (aux ++ (lift bs_lift) ++ snd) !bs *)
- | `N _ -> []
- in let tms' = (* Util.sort_uniq ~compare:eta_compare*) (Util.concat_map aux tms) in
- tms @ tms'
- (* List.map (fun (t, v) -> match t with `N _ -> t | _ -> mk_app t v) (List.combine tms (List.mapi (fun i _ -> `Var(freshno+i)) tms)) *)
-;; *)
let all_terms p =
-(match p.div with None -> [] | Some t -> [(t :> i_n_var)])
-@ p.conv
-@ p.ps
+ (match p.div with None -> [] | Some t -> [(t :> i_n_var)])
+ @ p.conv
+ @ p.ps
let problem_measure p = 0 ;;
let make_fresh_vars p arities =
- (* fold_left vs. fold_right hides/shows the bug in problem q7 *)
(fun arity (p, vars) -> let p, var = make_fresh_var p arity in p, var::vars)
(p, [])
let simple_expand_match ps =
- let rec aux level = function
+ let rec aux level = function
| #i_num_var as t -> aux_i_num_var level t
| `Lam(b,t) -> `Lam(b,aux (level+1) t)
- and aux_i_num_var level = function
+ and aux_i_num_var level = function
| `Match(u,v,bs_lift,bs,args) as torig ->
let u = aux_i_num_var level u in
bs := List.map (fun (n, x) -> n, aux 0 x) !bs;
`Match(cast_to_i_num_var u,v,bs_lift,bs,List.map (aux level) args))
| `I(v,args) -> `I(v,Listx.map (aux level) args)
| `N _ | `Var _ as t -> t
-in aux_i_num_var 0;;
+ in aux_i_num_var 0
let fixpoint f =
let rec aux x = let x' = f x in if x <> x' then aux x' else x in aux
| x::_, _ ->
prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING " ^ string_of_var x);
x in
-(* Strategy that decreases the special_k to 0 first (round robin)
+(* Strategy that decreases the special_k to 0 first (round robin)
1:11m42 2:14m5 3:11m16s 4:14m46s 5:12m7s 6:6m31s *)
let x =