let subst_meta_in_proof proof meta term newmetasenv =
let uri,metasenv,bo,ty = proof in
- (* empty context is ok for term since it wont be used by apply_subst *)
- let subst_in = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst [meta,([], term)] in
+ (* empty context is ok for term since it wont be used by apply_subst *)
+ (* hack: since we do not know the context and the type of term, we
+ create a substitution with cc =[] and type = Implicit; they will be
+ in any case dropped by apply_subst, but it would be better to rewrite
+ the code. Cannot we just use apply_subst_metasenv, etc. ?? *)
+ let subst_in = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst [meta,([], term,Cic.Implicit None)] in
let metasenv' =
newmetasenv @ (List.filter (function (m,_,_) -> m <> meta) metasenv)