G.NTactic(loc,[G.NCases (loc, what, where)])
| IDENT "change"; what = pattern_spec; "with"; with_what = tactic_term ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NChange (loc, what, with_what)])
- | SYMBOL "@"; num = OPT NUMBER; l = LIST0 tactic_term ->
- G.NTactic(loc,[G.NConstructor (loc, (match num with None -> None | Some x -> Some (int_of_string x)),l)])
+ l = OPT [ SYMBOL "{"; l = LIST1 tactic_term; SYMBOL "}" -> l ] ->
+ G.NTactic(loc,[G.NConstructor (loc, (match num with None -> None | Some x -> Some (int_of_string x)),match l with None -> [] | Some l -> l)])
| IDENT "cut"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NCut (loc, t)])
(* | IDENT "discriminate"; t = tactic_term -> G.NDiscriminate (loc, t)
| IDENT "subst"; t = tactic_term -> G.NSubst (loc, t) *)
paramspec = OPT inverter_param_list ;
outsort = OPT [ SYMBOL ":" ; outsort = term -> outsort ] ->
G.NInverter (loc,name,indty,paramspec,outsort)
- | NLETCOREC ; defs = let_defs ->
+ | LETCOREC ; defs = let_defs ->
nmk_rec_corec `CoInductive defs loc
- | NLETREC ; defs = let_defs ->
+ | LETREC ; defs = let_defs ->
nmk_rec_corec `Inductive defs loc
| IDENT "inductive"; spec = inductive_spec ->
let (params, ind_types) = spec in