before @ produced_metas @ after, goals
let apply_tactic ~disambiguate_tactic (text,prefix_len,tactic) (status, goal) =
-(* prerr_endline "apply_tactic"; *)
-(* prerr_endline (Continuationals.Stack.pp (GrafiteTypes.get_stack status)); *)
let starting_metasenv = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv status in
let before = (fun g, _, _ -> g) starting_metasenv in
-(* prerr_endline "disambiguate"; *)
let status, tactic = disambiguate_tactic status goal (text,prefix_len,tactic) in
let metasenv_after_refinement = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv status in
let proof = GrafiteTypes.get_current_proof status in
let proof_status = proof, goal in
let needs_reordering, always_opens_a_goal = classify_tactic tactic in
let tactic = tactic_of_ast status tactic in
- (* apply tactic will change the lexicon_status ... *)
-(* prerr_endline "apply_tactic bassa"; *)
let (proof, opened) = ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic tactic proof_status in
let after = ProofEngineTypes.goals_of_proof proof in
let opened_goals, closed_goals = Tacticals.goals_diff ~before ~after ~opened in
-(* prerr_endline("before: " ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_int before));
-prerr_endline("after: " ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_int after));
-prerr_endline("opened: " ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_int opened)); *)
-(* prerr_endline("opened_goals: " ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_int opened_goals));
-prerr_endline("closed_goals: " ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_int closed_goals)); *)
let proof, opened_goals =
if needs_reordering then begin
let uri, metasenv_after_tactic, t, ty, attrs = proof in
-(* prerr_endline ("goal prima del riordino: " ^ String.concat " " ( string_of_int (ProofEngineTypes.goals_of_proof proof))); *)
let reordered_metasenv, opened_goals =
opened goal always_opens_a_goal
let proof' = uri, reordered_metasenv, t, ty, attrs in
-(* prerr_endline ("goal dopo il riordino: " ^ String.concat " " ( string_of_int (ProofEngineTypes.goals_of_proof proof'))); *)
proof', opened_goals
{ incomplete_proof with GrafiteTypes.proof = proof } },
opened_goals, closed_goals
+let apply_atomic_tactical ~disambiguate_tactic ~patch (text,prefix_len,tactic) (status, goal) =
+ let starting_metasenv = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv status in
+ let before = (fun g, _, _ -> g) starting_metasenv in
+ let status, tactic = disambiguate_tactic status goal (text,prefix_len,tactic) in
+ let metasenv_after_refinement = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv status in
+ let proof = GrafiteTypes.get_current_proof status in
+ let proof_status = proof, goal in
+ let needs_reordering, always_opens_a_goal = classify_tactic tactic in
+ let tactic = tactic_of_ast status tactic in
+ let tactic = patch tactic in
+ let (proof, opened) = ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic tactic proof_status in
+ let after = ProofEngineTypes.goals_of_proof proof in
+ let opened_goals, closed_goals = Tacticals.goals_diff ~before ~after ~opened in
+ let proof, opened_goals =
+ if needs_reordering then begin
+ let uri, metasenv_after_tactic, t, ty, attrs = proof in
+ let reordered_metasenv, opened_goals =
+ reorder_metasenv
+ starting_metasenv
+ metasenv_after_refinement metasenv_after_tactic
+ opened goal always_opens_a_goal
+ in
+ let proof' = uri, reordered_metasenv, t, ty, attrs in
+ proof', opened_goals
+ end
+ else
+ proof, opened_goals
+ in
+ let incomplete_proof =
+ match status.GrafiteTypes.proof_status with
+ | GrafiteTypes.Incomplete_proof p -> p
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ { status with GrafiteTypes.proof_status =
+ GrafiteTypes.Incomplete_proof
+ { incomplete_proof with GrafiteTypes.proof = proof } },
+ opened_goals, closed_goals
type eval_ast =
'term 'lazy_term 'reduction 'obj 'ident.
let focus goal (status, _, _) = (status, goal)
- let module MatitaTacticals = Tacticals.Make (MatitaStatus) in
- let rec tactical_of_ast l (text,prefix_len,tac) =
+ let rec atomic_tactical_of_ast (text,prefix_len,tac) =
+ match tac with
+ | GrafiteAst.Tactic (loc, tactic) ->
+ cic_tactic_of_ast ~disambiguate_tactic (text,prefix_len,tactic)
+ (status,~-1)
+ | GrafiteAst.Seq (loc,tacticals) ->
+ Tacticals.seq
+ ( atomic_tactical_of_ast
+ ( (fun x -> text,prefix_len,x) tacticals))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let module MatitaTacticals = Continuationals.Make(MatitaStatus) in
+ let tactical_of_ast l (text,prefix_len,tac) =
let apply_tactic t = apply_tactic (text, prefix_len, t) in
- let tactical_of_ast l t = tactical_of_ast l (text,prefix_len,t) in
match tac with
| GrafiteAst.Tactic (loc, tactic) ->
- MatitaTacticals.tactic (MatitaStatus.mk_tactic (apply_tactic tactic))
+ MatitaTacticals.eval
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactical
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactic
+ (MatitaStatus.mk_tactic (apply_tactic tactic))))
| GrafiteAst.Seq (loc, tacticals) -> (* tac1; tac2; ... *)
assert (l > 0);
MatitaTacticals.seq ~tactics:( (tactical_of_ast (l+1)) tacticals)
| GrafiteAst.Do (loc, n, tactical) ->
MatitaTacticals.do_tactic ~n ~tactic:(tactical_of_ast (l+1) tactical)
- | GrafiteAst.Repeat (loc, tactical) ->
- MatitaTacticals.repeat_tactic ~tactic:(tactical_of_ast (l+1) tactical)
+ | GrafiteAst.Repeat (loc, GrafiteAst.Tactic (_,tactical)) ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactical
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactic
+ (MatitaStatus.mk_tactic
+ (apply_atomic_tactical ~disambiguate_tactic
+ ~patch:(fun tactic -> Tacticals.repeat_tactic ~tactic)
+ (text,prefix_len,tactical)))))
| GrafiteAst.Then (loc, tactical, tacticals) -> (* tac; [ tac1 | ... ] *)
assert (l > 0);
MatitaTacticals.thens ~start:(tactical_of_ast (l+1) tactical)
~continuations:( (tactical_of_ast (l+1)) tacticals)
- | GrafiteAst.First (loc, tacticals) ->
- MatitaTacticals.first
- ~tactics:( (fun t -> "", tactical_of_ast (l+1) t) tacticals)
- | GrafiteAst.Try (loc, tactical) ->
- MatitaTacticals.try_tactic ~tactic:(tactical_of_ast (l+1) tactical)
- | GrafiteAst.Solve (loc, tacticals) ->
- MatitaTacticals.solve_tactics
- ~tactics:( (fun t -> "", tactical_of_ast (l+1) t) tacticals)
- | GrafiteAst.Progress (loc, tactical) ->
- MatitaTacticals.progress_tactic ~tactic:(tactical_of_ast (l+1) tactical)
- | GrafiteAst.Skip _loc -> MatitaTacticals.skip
- | GrafiteAst.Dot _loc ->
- | GrafiteAst.Semicolon _loc -> MatitaTacticals.semicolon
- | GrafiteAst.Branch _loc -> MatitaTacticals.branch
- | GrafiteAst.Shift _loc -> MatitaTacticals.shift
- | GrafiteAst.Pos (_loc, i) -> MatitaTacticals.pos i
- | GrafiteAst.Merge _loc -> MatitaTacticals.merge
- | GrafiteAst.Focus (_loc, goals) -> MatitaTacticals.focus goals
- | GrafiteAst.Unfocus _loc -> MatitaTacticals.unfocus
- | GrafiteAst.Wildcard _loc -> MatitaTacticals.wildcard
+ | GrafiteAst.First (loc, [GrafiteAst.Tactic (_,tacticals)]) ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactical
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactic
+ (MatitaStatus.mk_tactic
+ (apply_atomic_tactical ~disambiguate_tactic
+ ~patch:(fun tactic ->Tacticals.first ~tactics:["",tactic])
+ (text,prefix_len,tacticals)))))
+ | GrafiteAst.Try (loc, GrafiteAst.Tactic (_,tactical)) ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactical
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactic
+ (MatitaStatus.mk_tactic
+ (apply_atomic_tactical ~disambiguate_tactic
+ ~patch:(fun tactic -> Tacticals.try_tactic ~tactic)
+ (text,prefix_len,tactical)))))
+ | GrafiteAst.Solve (loc, [GrafiteAst.Tactic (_,tacticals)]) ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactical
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactic
+ (MatitaStatus.mk_tactic
+ (apply_atomic_tactical ~disambiguate_tactic
+ ~patch:(fun tactic ->Tacticals.solve_tactics ~tactics:["",tactic])
+ (text,prefix_len,tacticals)))))
+ | GrafiteAst.Progress (loc, GrafiteAst.Tactic (_,tactical)) ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactical
+ (MatitaTacticals.Tactic
+ (MatitaStatus.mk_tactic
+ (apply_atomic_tactical ~disambiguate_tactic
+ ~patch:(fun tactic -> Tacticals.progress_tactic ~tactic)
+ (text,prefix_len,tactical)))))
+ | GrafiteAst.Skip _loc ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval (MatitaTacticals.Tactical MatitaTacticals.Skip)
+ | GrafiteAst.Dot _loc ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval (MatitaTacticals.Dot)
+ | GrafiteAst.Semicolon _loc ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval (MatitaTacticals.Semicolon)
+ | GrafiteAst.Branch _loc ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval MatitaTacticals.Branch
+ | GrafiteAst.Shift _loc ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval MatitaTacticals.Shift
+ | GrafiteAst.Pos (_loc, i) ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval (MatitaTacticals.Pos i)
+ | GrafiteAst.Merge _loc ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval MatitaTacticals.Merge
+ | GrafiteAst.Focus (_loc, goals) ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval (MatitaTacticals.Focus goals)
+ | GrafiteAst.Unfocus _loc ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval MatitaTacticals.Unfocus
+ | GrafiteAst.Wildcard _loc ->
+ MatitaTacticals.eval MatitaTacticals.Wildcard
let status, _, _ = tactical_of_ast 0 tac (status, ~-1) in
let status = (* is proof completed? *)
sort_opened opened add, remove
-module type T =
- type tactic
- val first: tactics: (string * tactic) list -> tactic
- val thens: start: tactic -> continuations: tactic list -> tactic
- val then_: start: tactic -> continuation: tactic -> tactic
- val seq: tactics: tactic list -> tactic
- val repeat_tactic: tactic: tactic -> tactic
- val do_tactic: n: int -> tactic: tactic -> tactic
- val try_tactic: tactic: tactic -> tactic
- val solve_tactics: tactics: (string * tactic) list -> tactic
- val progress_tactic: tactic: tactic -> tactic
- val tactic: tactic -> tactic
- val skip: tactic
- val dot: tactic
- val semicolon: tactic
- val branch: tactic
- val shift: tactic
- val pos: int list -> tactic
- val wildcard: tactic
- val merge: tactic
- val focus: int list -> tactic
- val unfocus: tactic
-module Make (S: Continuationals.Status) : T with type tactic = S.tactic =
- module C = Continuationals.Make (S)
- type tactic = S.tactic
- let fold_eval status ts =
- let istatus =
- List.fold_left (fun istatus t -> S.focus ~-1 (C.eval t istatus)) status ts
- in
- S.inject istatus
- (**
- naive implementation of ORELSE tactical, try a sequence of tactics in turn:
- if one fails pass to the next one and so on, eventually raises (failure "no
- tactics left")
- *)
- let first ~tactics =
- let rec first ~(tactics: (string * tactic) list) istatus =
- info (lazy "in Tacticals.first");
- match tactics with
- | (descr, tac)::tactics ->
- info (lazy ("Tacticals.first IS TRYING " ^ descr));
- (try
- let res = S.apply_tactic tac istatus in
- info (lazy ("Tacticals.first: " ^ descr ^ " succedeed!!!"));
- res
- with
- e ->
- match e with
- | (PET.Fail _)
- | (CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _)
- | (CicUnification.UnificationFailure _) ->
- info (lazy (
- "Tacticals.first failed with exn: " ^
- Printexc.to_string e));
- first ~tactics istatus
- | _ -> raise e) (* [e] must not be caught ; let's re-raise it *)
- | [] -> raise (PET.Fail (lazy "first: no tactics left"))
- in
- S.mk_tactic (first ~tactics)
- let thens ~start ~continuations =
- S.mk_tactic
- (fun istatus ->
- fold_eval istatus
- ([ C.Tactical (C.Tactic start); C.Branch ]
- @ (HExtlib.list_concat ~sep:[ C.Shift ]
- ( (fun t -> [ C.Tactical (C.Tactic t) ]) continuations))
- @ [ C.Merge ]))
- let then_ ~start ~continuation =
- S.mk_tactic
- (fun istatus ->
- let ostatus = C.eval (C.Tactical (C.Tactic start)) istatus in
- let opened,closed = S.goals ostatus in
- match opened with
- [] -> ostatus
- | _ ->
- fold_eval (S.focus ~-1 ostatus)
- [ C.Semicolon;
- C.Tactical (C.Tactic continuation) ])
- let seq ~tactics =
- S.mk_tactic
- (fun istatus ->
- fold_eval istatus
- (HExtlib.list_concat ~sep:[ C.Semicolon ]
- ( (fun t -> [ C.Tactical (C.Tactic t) ]) tactics)))
- (* TODO: x debug: i due tatticali seguenti non contano quante volte hanno
- * applicato la tattica *)
- let rec step f output_status opened closed =
- match opened with
- | [] -> output_status, [], closed
- | head :: tail ->
- let status = S.focus head output_status in
- let output_status' = f status in
- let opened', closed' = S.goals output_status' in
- let output_status'', opened'', closed'' =
- step f output_status' tail []
- in
- output_status'', opened' @ opened'', closed' @ closed''
- (* This keep on appling tactic until it fails. When <tactic> generates more
- * than one goal, you have a tree of application on the tactic, repeat_tactic
- * works in depth on this tree *)
- let repeat_tactic ~tactic =
- let rec repeat_tactic ~tactic status =
- info (lazy "in repeat_tactic");
- try
- let output_status = S.apply_tactic tactic status in
- let opened, closed = S.goals output_status in
- let output_status, opened', closed' =
- step (repeat_tactic ~tactic) output_status opened closed
- in
- S.set_goals (opened', closed') output_status
- with
- (PET.Fail _) as e ->
- info (lazy
- ("Tacticals.repeat_tactic failed after nth time with exception: "
- ^ Printexc.to_string e));
- S.apply_tactic S.id_tactic status
- in
- S.mk_tactic (repeat_tactic ~tactic)
- (* This tries to apply tactic n times *)
- let do_tactic ~n ~tactic =
- let rec do_tactic ~n ~tactic status =
- if n = 0 then
- S.apply_tactic S.id_tactic status
- else
- try
- let output_status = S.apply_tactic tactic status in
- let opened, closed = S.goals output_status in
- let output_status, opened', closed' =
- step (do_tactic ~n:(n-1) ~tactic) output_status opened closed
- in
- S.set_goals (opened', closed') output_status
- with
- (PET.Fail _) as e ->
- info (lazy
- ("Tacticals.do_tactic failed after nth time with exception: "
- ^ Printexc.to_string e)) ;
- S.apply_tactic S.id_tactic status
- in
- S.mk_tactic (do_tactic ~n ~tactic)
- (* This applies tactic and catches its possible failure *)
- let try_tactic ~tactic =
- let try_tactic status =
- info (lazy "in Tacticals.try_tactic");
- try
- S.apply_tactic tactic status
- with
- (PET.Fail _) as e ->
- info (lazy (
- "Tacticals.try_tactic failed with exn: " ^ Printexc.to_string e));
- S.apply_tactic S.id_tactic status
- in
- S.mk_tactic try_tactic
- (* This tries tactics until one of them doesn't _solve_ the goal *)
- (* TODO: si puo' unificare le 2(due) chiamate ricorsive? *)
- let solve_tactics ~tactics =
- let rec solve_tactics ~(tactics: (string * tactic) list) status =
- info (lazy "in Tacticals.solve_tactics");
- match tactics with
- | (descr, currenttactic)::moretactics ->
- info (lazy ("Tacticals.solve_tactics is trying " ^ descr));
- (try
- let output_status = S.apply_tactic currenttactic status in
- let opened, closed = S.goals output_status in
- match opened with
- | [] -> info (lazy ("Tacticals.solve_tactics: " ^ descr ^
- " solved the goal!!!"));
- (* questo significa che non ci sono piu' goal, o che current_tactic non ne ha
- * aperti di nuovi? (la 2a!) ##### nel secondo caso basta per dire che
- * solve_tactics has solved the goal? (si!) *)
- output_status
- | _ -> info (lazy ("Tacticals.solve_tactics: try the next tactic"));
- solve_tactics ~tactics:(moretactics) status
- with
- (PET.Fail _) as e ->
- info (lazy (
- "Tacticals.solve_tactics: current tactic failed with exn: "
- ^ Printexc.to_string e));
- solve_tactics ~tactics status
- )
- | [] ->
- raise (PET.Fail
- (lazy "solve_tactics cannot solve the goal"))
- in
- S.mk_tactic (solve_tactics ~tactics)
- let progress_tactic ~tactic =
- let msg = lazy "Failed to progress" in
- let get_sequent (proof, goal) =
- let (_, metasenv, _, _, _) = proof in
- let _, context, ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
- context, ty
- in
- let progress_tactic ist =
- let before = get_sequent (S.get_status ist) in
- let ost = S.apply_tactic tactic ist in
- match S.goals ost with
- | [goal], _ when before <> get_sequent (S.get_proof ost, goal) ->
- raise (PET.Fail msg)
- | _ -> ost
- in
- S.mk_tactic progress_tactic
- let cont_proxy cont = S.mk_tactic (C.eval cont)
- let tactic t = cont_proxy (C.Tactical (C.Tactic t))
- let skip = cont_proxy (C.Tactical C.Skip)
- let dot = cont_proxy C.Dot
- let semicolon = cont_proxy C.Semicolon
- let branch = cont_proxy C.Branch
- let shift = cont_proxy C.Shift
- let pos i = cont_proxy (C.Pos i)
- let wildcard = cont_proxy C.Wildcard
- let merge = cont_proxy C.Merge
- let focus goals = cont_proxy (C.Focus goals)
- let unfocus = cont_proxy C.Unfocus
module ProofEngineStatus =
module Stack = Continuationals.Stack
+ (* The stack is used and saved only at the very end of the eval function;
+ it is read only at the beginning of the eval;
+ we need it just to apply several times in a row this machine to an
+ initial stack, i.e. to chain several applications of the machine together,
+ i.e. to dump and restore the state of the machine.
+ The stack is never used by the tactics: each tactic of type
+ PET.tactic ignore the stack. To make a tactic from the eval function
+ of a machine we apply the eval on a fresh stack (via the mk_tactic). *)
type input_status =
PET.status (* (proof, goal) *) * Stack.t
let id_tactic = id_tac
+ (* f is an eval function of a machine;
+ the machine is applied to a fresh stack and the final stack is read
+ back to obtain the result of the tactic *)
let mk_tactic f =
(fun (proof, goal) as pstatus ->
let stack = [ [ 1, Stack.Open goal ], [], [], `NoTag ] in
let istatus = pstatus, stack in
-(* let ostatus = f istatus in
- let ((proof, opened, _), _) = ostatus in *)
let (proof, _, _), stack = f istatus in
let opened = Continuationals.Stack.open_goals stack in
proof, opened)
+ (* it applies a tactic ignoring (and preserving) the stack *)
let apply_tactic tac ((proof, _) as pstatus, stack) =
let proof', opened = PET.apply_tactic tac pstatus in
-(* let _ = prerr_endline ("goal aperti dalla tattica " ^ String.concat "," ( string_of_int opened)) in *)
let before = PET.goals_of_proof proof in
let after = PET.goals_of_proof proof' in
let opened_goals, closed_goals = goals_diff ~before ~after ~opened in
-(* let _ = prerr_endline ("goal ritornati dalla tattica " ^ String.concat "," ( string_of_int opened_goals)) in *)
(proof', opened_goals, closed_goals), stack
let get_status (status, _) = status
let set_goals (opened, closed) ((proof, _, _), stack) =
(proof, opened, closed), stack
+ (* Done only at the beginning of the eval of the machine *)
let get_stack = snd
+ (* Done only at the end of the eval of the machine *)
let set_stack stack (opstatus, _) = opstatus, stack
let inject ((proof, _), stack) = ((proof, [], []), stack)
let focus goal ((proof, _, _), stack) = (proof, goal), stack
-module ProofEngineTacticals = Make (ProofEngineStatus)
+module S = ProofEngineStatus
+module C = Continuationals.Make (S)
+type tactic = S.tactic
+let fold_eval status ts =
+ let istatus =
+ List.fold_left (fun istatus t -> S.focus ~-1 (C.eval t istatus)) status ts
+ in
+ S.inject istatus
+(* Tacticals implemented on top of tynycals *)
+let thens ~start ~continuations =
+ S.mk_tactic
+ (fun istatus ->
+ fold_eval istatus
+ ([ C.Tactical (C.Tactic start); C.Branch ]
+ @ (HExtlib.list_concat ~sep:[ C.Shift ]
+ ( (fun t -> [ C.Tactical (C.Tactic t) ]) continuations))
+ @ [ C.Merge ]))
+let then_ ~start ~continuation =
+ S.mk_tactic
+ (fun istatus ->
+ let ostatus = C.eval (C.Tactical (C.Tactic start)) istatus in
+ let opened,closed = S.goals ostatus in
+ match opened with
+ [] -> ostatus
+ | _ ->
+ fold_eval (S.focus ~-1 ostatus)
+ [ C.Semicolon;
+ C.Tactical (C.Tactic continuation) ])
+let seq ~tactics =
+ S.mk_tactic
+ (fun istatus ->
+ fold_eval istatus
+ (HExtlib.list_concat ~sep:[ C.Semicolon ]
+ ( (fun t -> [ C.Tactical (C.Tactic t) ]) tactics)))
+(* Tacticals that cannot be implemented on top of tynycals *)
+let first ~tactics =
+ let rec first ~(tactics: (string * tactic) list) status =
+ info (lazy "in Tacticals.first");
+ match tactics with
+ [] -> raise (PET.Fail (lazy "first: no tactics left"))
+ | (descr, tac)::tactics ->
+ info (lazy ("Tacticals.first IS TRYING " ^ descr));
+ try
+ let res = PET.apply_tactic tac status in
+ info (lazy ("Tacticals.first: " ^ descr ^ " succedeed!!!"));
+ res
+ with
+ PET.Fail _ -> first ~tactics status
+ in
+ PET.mk_tactic (first ~tactics)
-include ProofEngineTacticals
+let rec do_tactic ~n ~tactic =
+ PET.mk_tactic
+ (function status ->
+ if n = 0 then
+ PET.apply_tactic id_tac status
+ else
+ PET.apply_tactic
+ (then_ ~start:tactic ~continuation:(do_tactic ~n:(n-1) ~tactic))
+ status)
+(* This applies tactic and catches its possible failure *)
+let try_tactic ~tactic =
+ let try_tactic status =
+ try
+ PET.apply_tactic tactic status
+ with (PET.Fail _) as e ->
+ info (lazy (
+ "Tacticals.try_tactic failed with exn: " ^ Printexc.to_string e));
+ PET.apply_tactic id_tac status
+ in
+ PET.mk_tactic try_tactic
+let rec repeat_tactic ~tactic =
+ ProofEngineTypes.mk_tactic
+ (fun status ->
+ ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
+ (then_ ~start:tactic
+ ~continuation:(try_tactic (repeat_tactic ~tactic))) status)
+(* This tries tactics until one of them solves the goal *)
+let solve_tactics ~tactics =
+ let rec solve_tactics ~(tactics: (string * tactic) list) status =
+ info (lazy "in Tacticals.solve_tactics");
+ match tactics with
+ | (descr, currenttactic)::moretactics ->
+ info (lazy ("Tacticals.solve_tactics is trying " ^ descr));
+ (try
+ let (proof, opened) as output_status =
+ PET.apply_tactic currenttactic status
+ in
+ match opened with
+ | [] -> info (lazy ("Tacticals.solve_tactics: " ^ descr ^
+ " solved the goal!!!"));
+ output_status
+ | _ -> info (lazy ("Tacticals.solve_tactics: try the next tactic"));
+ raise (PET.Fail (lazy "Goal not solved"))
+ with (PET.Fail _) as e ->
+ info (lazy (
+ "Tacticals.solve_tactics: current tactic failed with exn: "
+ ^ Printexc.to_string e));
+ solve_tactics ~tactics:moretactics status)
+ | [] ->
+ raise (PET.Fail
+ (lazy "solve_tactics cannot solve the goal"))
+ in
+ PET.mk_tactic (solve_tactics ~tactics)
+let progress_tactic ~tactic =
+ let msg = lazy "Failed to progress" in
+ let progress_tactic (((_,metasenv,_,_,_),_) as istatus) =
+ let ((_,metasenv',_,_,_),_) as ostatus =
+ PET.apply_tactic tactic istatus
+ in
+ (*CSC: Warning
+ If just the index of some metas changes the tactic is recognized
+ as a progressing one. This is wrong. *)
+ if metasenv' = metasenv then
+ raise (PET.Fail msg)
+ else
+ ostatus
+ in
+ PET.mk_tactic progress_tactic