Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-(** Common functionalities *)
+(** Common functionalities shared by other OCaml HTTP modules *)
open Http_types;;
(** whether debugging messages are enabled or not, can be changed at runtime
val debug: bool ref
(** print a string on stderr only if debugging is enabled *)
val debug_print: string -> unit
+ (** see {! Http_constants.version} *)
val http_version: version
+ (** see {! Http_constants.server_string} *)
val server_string: string
+ (** pretty print an HTTP version *)
val string_of_version: version -> string
+ (** parse an HTTP version from a string
+ @raise Invalid_HTTP_version if given string doesn't represent a supported HTTP
+ version *)
val version_of_string: string -> version
+ (** pretty print an HTTP method *)
val string_of_method: meth -> string
+ (** parse an HTTP method from a string
+ @raise Invalid_HTTP_method if given string doesn't represent a supported
+ method *)
val method_of_string: string -> meth
+ (** converts an integer HTTP status to the corresponding status value
+ @raise Invalid_code if given integer isn't a valid HTTP status code *)
val status_of_code: int -> status
+ (** converts an HTTP status to the corresponding integer value *)
val code_of_status: [< status] -> int
+ (** @return true on "informational" status codes, false elsewhere *)
val is_informational: int -> bool
+ (** @return true on "success" status codes, false elsewhere *)
val is_success: int -> bool
+ (** @return true on "redirection" status codes, false elsewhere *)
val is_redirection: int -> bool
+ (** @return true on "client error" status codes, false elsewhere *)
val is_client_error: int -> bool
+ (** @return true on "server error" status codes, false elsewhere *)
val is_server_error: int -> bool
+ (** @return true on "client error" and "server error" status code, false
+ elsewhere *)
val is_error: int -> bool
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(** Main OCaml HTTP module.
+ Here you can find two set of functions:
+ - functions which let you start an HTTP Daemon (start* functions)
+ - facility functions which let you sent responses back to clients *)
(** send a CRLF sequence on the given output channel, this is mandatory after
the last header was sent and before start sending the response body *)
val send_CRLF: out_channel -> unit
(Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit) ->
- (** Trivial static pages HTTP daemon *)
+ (** Object oriented interface to HTTP daemons.
+ @param addr address on which daemon will listen for connections
+ @param port port which daemon will bind
+ see {! Http_types.daemon} *)
+class daemon:
+ ?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
+ unit ->
+ Http_types.daemon
+ (** Trivial static pages HTTP daemon.
+ Daemons created using this module will serve directory indexes and files found
+ starting from the working directory *)
module Trivial :
+ (** callback function, exposed if you like to use it as a basis to define
+ a more powerful daemon *)
val callback : string -> 'a -> out_channel -> unit
+ (** start the "trivial" HTTP daemon *)
val start : ?addr:string -> ?port:int -> unit -> unit
-class daemon: ?addr: string -> ?port: int -> unit -> Http_types.daemon
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(** Object Oriented representation of HTTP messages *)
open Http_types;;
(** OO representation of an HTTP message
clisockaddr: Unix.sockaddr -> srvsockaddr: Unix.sockaddr ->
+ (** @return message HTTP version, it can be None because older version
+ of the HTTP protocol don't require HTTP version to be told between
+ message source and destination *)
method version: version option
+ (** set message HTTP version *)
method setVersion: version -> unit
+ (** @return message body *)
method body: string
+ (** set message body *)
method setBody: string -> unit
+ (** @return a Buffer.t connected to message body (Warning: changing this
+ buffer will change message body too) *)
method bodyBuf: Buffer.t
+ (** set a new Buffer.t used to keep message body *)
method setBodyBuf: Buffer.t -> unit
+ (** append a string to message body *)
method addBody: string -> unit
+ (** append a whole buffer to message body *)
method addBodyBuf: Buffer.t -> unit
+ (** {i header name comparison are performed in a case-insensitive manner
+ as required by RFC2616, actually the implementation works converting all
+ header names in lowercase} *)
+ (** add an HTTP header
+ @param name header's name
+ @param value header's value *)
method addHeader: name:string -> value:string -> unit
+ (** add a list of HTTP headers
+ @param headers a list of pairs: header_name, header_value *)
method addHeaders: (string * string) list -> unit
+ (** like addHeader but replace previous definition of the same header *)
method replaceHeader: name:string -> value:string -> unit
+ (** like addHeaders but replace previous definition of headers that were
+ already defined *)
method replaceHeaders: (string * string) list -> unit
+ (** remove _all_ occurences of an HTTP header from the message
+ @param name name of the header to be removed *)
method removeHeader: name:string -> unit
+ (** @return true if given header exists in message, false otherwise *)
method hasHeader: name:string -> bool
+ (** @return value associated to a given header
+ @param name name of the header to lookup
+ @raise Header_not_found if given header wasn't defined in message *)
method header: name:string -> string
+ (** @return the full set of headers defined for this message, the value
+ returned is an association list from headers name to headers value, an
+ header may occurs more that once in the list *)
method headers: (string * string) list
+ (** @return client Unix.sockaddr *)
method clientSockaddr: Unix.sockaddr
+ (** @return client address pretty printed *)
method clientAddr: string
+ (** @return client port *)
method clientPort: int
+ (** @return server Unix.sockaddr *)
method serverSockaddr: Unix.sockaddr
+ (** @return server address pretty printed *)
method serverAddr: string
+ (** @return server port *)
method serverPort: int
+ (** @return for requests first request line, for responses first
+ response line.
+ User by derived requests and responses to implement toString method *)
method private virtual fstLineToString: string
+ (** @return a string representation of the message *)
method toString: string
+ (** serialize the message over an output channel *)
method serialize: out_channel -> unit
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(** HTTP messages parsing *)
open Http_types;;
+ (** given an HTTP like query string (e.g. "name1=value1&name2=value2&...")
+ @return a list of pairs [("name1", "value1"); ("name2", "value2")]
+ @raise Malformed_query if the string isn't a valid query string
+ @raise Malformed_query_part if some piece of the query isn't valid
+ *)
val split_query_params: string -> (string * string) list
+ (** parse 1st line of an HTTP request
+ @param inchan input channel from which parse request
+ @return a triple meth * url * version, meth is the HTTP method invoked, url is
+ the requested url, version is the HTTP version specified or None if no version
+ was specified
+ @raise Malformed_request if request 1st linst isn't well formed
+ @raise Malformed_request_URI if requested URI isn't well formed *)
val parse_request_fst_line: in_channel -> meth * Neturl.url * version option
+ (** parse HTTP GET parameters from an URL; paramater which were passed with no
+ value (like 'x' in "/foo.cgi?a=10&x=&c=9") are returned associated with the
+ empty ("") string.
+ @return a list of pairs param_name * param_value *)
val parse_query_get_params: Neturl.url -> (string * string) list
+ (** parse the base path (removing query string, fragment, ....) from an URL *)
val parse_path: Neturl.url -> string
+ (** parse HTTP headers. Consumes also trailing CRLF at the end of header list
+ @param inchan input channel from which parse headers
+ @return a list of pairs header_name * header_value
+ @raise Invalid_header if a not well formed header is encountered *)
val parse_headers: in_channel -> (string * string) list
(** given an input channel, reads from it a GET HTTP request and
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(** Sanity test functions related to HTTP message parsing *)
+ (** @param name an HTTP header name
+ @raise Invalid_header_name if name isn't a valid HTTP header name *)
val heal_header_name: string -> unit
+ (** @param value an HTTP header value
+ @raise Invalid_header_value if value isn't a valid HTTP header value *)
val heal_header_value: string -> unit
+ (** @param header a pair header_name * header_value
+ @raise Invalid_header_name if name isn't a valid HTTP header name
+ @raise Invalid_header_value if value isn't a valid HTTP header value *)
val heal_header: string * string -> unit
(** remove heading and/or trailing LWS sequences as per RFC2616 *)
(** parse an URL from a string.
@raise Malformed_URL if an invalid URL is encountered *)
val url_of_string: string -> Neturl.url
+ (** pretty print an URL *)
val string_of_url: Neturl.url -> string
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(** Object Oriented representation of HTTP requests *)
open Http_types;;
(** OO representation of an HTTP request
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(** Object Oriented representation of HTTP responses *)
open Http_types;;
+ (** OO representation of an HTTP response. *)
class response:
?body:string -> ?headers:(string * string) list -> ?version: version ->
?clisockaddr: Unix.sockaddr -> ?srvsockaddr: Unix.sockaddr ->
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- (** servers *)
+(** TCP servers used as low-levels for HTTP daemons *)
+(** {2 servers} *)
(** single process server *)
val simple: Http_types.tcp_server
(** multi threaded server *)
val thread: Http_types.tcp_server
(** multi process server *)
val fork: Http_types.tcp_server
- (** low level functions *)
+(** {2 low level functions} *)
+ (** initialize a passive socket listening on given Unix.sockaddr *)
val init_socket: Unix.sockaddr -> Unix.file_descr