| a::ta, b::tb, [] -> f a b def && list_forall_default3 f ta tb def []
+exception FailureAt of int;;
+let list_forall_default3_var f l1 l2 def l3 =
+ let rec aux f l1 l2 def l3 i =
+ match l1,l2,l3 with
+ | [], [], _ -> true
+ | [], _, _
+ | _, [], _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "list_forall_default3")
+ | a::ta, b::tb, c::tc ->
+ if f a b c then aux f ta tb def tc (i+1)
+ else raise (FailureAt i)
+ | a::ta, b::tb, [] ->
+ if f a b def then aux f ta tb def [] (i+1)
+ else raise (FailureAt i)
+ in aux f l1 l2 def l3 0
let sharing_map f l =
let unchanged = ref true in
let rec aux b = function
let (===) x y = Pervasives.compare x y = 0 ;;
-exception Dance;;
-let prof = HExtlib.profiling_enabled := true;HExtlib.profile "cache failures";;
-let prof2 = HExtlib.profiling_enabled := true;HExtlib.profile "dancing sorts";;
(* t1, t2 must be well-typed *)
-let are_convertible ?(subst=[]) get_relevance =
- let get_relevance_p ~subst context t args =
- (match prof with {HExtlib.profile = p} -> p)
- (fun (a,b,c,d) -> get_relevance ~subst:a b c d)
- (subst,context,t,args)
- in
- let dance () = (match prof2 with {HExtlib.profile = p} -> p) (fun () -> ()) ()
- in
+let are_convertible ?(subst=[]) get_exact_relev =
let rec aux test_eq_only context t1 t2 =
let alpha_eq test_eq_only t1 t2 =
if t1 === t2 then
aux test_eq_only context t1 term
with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ -> false)
- | (C.Appl ((C.Const r1) as _hd1::tl1), C.Appl (C.Const r2::tl2))
+ | (C.Appl ((C.Const r1) as hd1::tl1), C.Appl (C.Const r2::tl2))
when (Ref.eq r1 r2 &&
List.length (E.get_relevance r1) >= List.length tl1) ->
let relevance = E.get_relevance r1 in
HExtlib.mk_list false lno @ relevance
| _ -> relevance
- let fail = ref ~-1 in
- let res = (try
- HExtlib.list_forall_default3
- (fun t1 t2 b -> fail := !fail+1; not b || aux test_eq_only context t1 t2)
+ (try
+ HExtlib.list_forall_default3_var
+ (fun t1 t2 b -> not b || aux test_eq_only context t1 t2 )
tl1 tl2 true relevance
- with Invalid_argument _ -> false)
- in res
- (* if res then true
- else
- let relevance = get_relevance_p ~subst context _hd1 tl1 in
- let _,relevance = HExtlib.split_nth !fail relevance in
- let b,relevance = (match relevance with
- | [] -> assert false
- | b::tl -> b,tl) in
- let _,tl1 = HExtlib.split_nth (!fail+1) tl1 in
- let _,tl2 = HExtlib.split_nth (!fail+1) tl2 in
- if (not b) then
- (dance ();
- try
- HExtlib.list_forall_default3
- (fun t1 t2 b -> not b || aux test_eq_only context t1 t2)
- tl1 tl2 true relevance
- with Invalid_argument _ -> false)
- else false *)
- | (C.Appl (hd1::tl1), C.Appl (hd2::tl2)) ->
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> false
+ | HExtlib.FailureAt fail ->
+ let relevance = get_exact_relev ~subst context hd1 tl1 in
+ let _,relevance = HExtlib.split_nth fail relevance in
+ let b,relevance = (match relevance with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | b::tl -> b,tl) in
+ if (not b) then
+ let _,tl1 = HExtlib.split_nth (fail+1) tl1 in
+ let _,tl2 = HExtlib.split_nth (fail+1) tl2 in
+ try
+ HExtlib.list_forall_default3
+ (fun t1 t2 b -> not b || aux test_eq_only context t1 t2)
+ tl1 tl2 true relevance
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> false
+ else false)
+ | (C.Appl (hd1::tl1), C.Appl (hd2::tl2)) ->
aux test_eq_only context hd1 hd2 &&
- let relevance = get_relevance ~subst context hd1 tl1 in
- (try
+ let relevance = get_exact_relev ~subst context hd1 tl1 in
+ (try
(fun t1 t2 b -> not b || aux test_eq_only context t1 t2)
tl1 tl2 true relevance