--- /dev/null
+requires="helm-acic_content helm-grafite helm-lexicon"
lexicon \
grafite_engine \
grafite_parser \
+ tptp_grafite \
acic2astMatcher.cmx: cicNotationUtil.cmx cicNotationPt.cmx cicNotationPp.cmx \
termAcicContent.cmo: cicNotationUtil.cmi cicNotationPt.cmo cicNotationPp.cmi \
- acic2astMatcher.cmi termAcicContent.cmi
+ acic2content.cmi acic2astMatcher.cmi termAcicContent.cmi
termAcicContent.cmx: cicNotationUtil.cmx cicNotationPt.cmx cicNotationPp.cmx \
- acic2astMatcher.cmx termAcicContent.cmi
+ acic2content.cmx acic2astMatcher.cmx termAcicContent.cmi
-BINARIES=extractor table_creator utilities saturate tptp2grafite
+BINARIES=extractor table_creator utilities saturate
all: $(BINARIES:%=rec@all@%)
opt: $(BINARIES:%=rec@opt@%)
+++ /dev/null
-OCAMLC = OCAMLPATH=../../METAS ocamlfind ocamlc -package helm-grafite_parser
-opt all: tptp2grafite
- echo -n
-tptp2grafite: ast.ml parser.mly lexer.mll main.ml
- $(OCAMLC) -c ast.ml
- ocamlyacc parser.mly
- $(OCAMLC) -c parser.mli
- $(OCAMLC) -c parser.ml
- ocamllex lexer.mll
- $(OCAMLC) -c lexer.ml
- $(OCAMLC) -c main.ml
- $(OCAMLC) -linkpkg -o tptp2grafite ast.cmo lexer.cmo parser.cmo main.cmo
- rm -f tptp2grafite *.cmo *.cmi parser.mli parser.ml lexer.ml rm *.output
-test: tptp2grafite
- cat $(TPTPDIR)/`head -n 1 unit_equality_problems` | ./tptp2grafite
-testall: tptp2grafite
- for X in `cat unit_equality_problems`; do\
- cat $(TPTPDIR)/$$X | ./tptp2grafite || echo ERROR PARSING $$X;\
- done
- for X in `cat unit_equality_problems`; do\
- ./tptp2grafite -tptppath $(TPTPDIR) $$X \
- > ../../../matita/tests/TPTP/$$X.ma || echo Failed: $$X; \
- done
- for X in `cat unit_equality_problems`; do\
- echo "Parsing $$X"; \
- ./tptp2grafite -tptppath $(TPTPDIR) $$X \
- > /dev/null || echo Failed: $$X; \
- done
+++ /dev/null
-type kinds_of_formulae =
- | Axiom | Hypothesis | Definition | Lemma | Theorem | Conjecture
- | Lemma_conjecture | Negated_conjecture | Plain | Unknown
-type source = NoSource
-type info = NoInfo
-type term =
- | Variable of string
- | Constant of string
- | Function of string * term list
-type atom =
- | Proposition of string
- | Predicate of string * term list
- | True
- | False
- | Eq of term * term
- | NotEq of term * term
-type formulae =
- | Disjunction of formulae * formulae
- | NegAtom of atom
- | Atom of atom
-type ast =
- | Comment of string
- | Inclusion of string * (string list)
- | AnnotatedFormula of
- string * kinds_of_formulae * formulae * source * info list
+++ /dev/null
- open Parser
- exception BadToken of string
- let incr_linenum lexbuf =
- let pos = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- { pos with
- Lexing.pos_lnum = pos.Lexing.pos_lnum + 1;
- Lexing.pos_bol = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum;
- }
- ;;
-let dust = ' ' | '\t'
-let comment = '%' [^ '\n' ] * '\n'
-let lname =
- ['a'-'z'] ['a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9''_']*
-let uname =
- ['A'-'Z'] ['a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9''_']*
-let qstring = ''' [^ ''' ]+ '''
-let type_ =
- "axiom" | "hypothesis" | "definition" | "lemma" | "theorem" |
- "conjecture" | "lemma_conjecture" | "negated_conjecture" |
- "plain" | "unknown"
-let ieq = "="
-let peq = "equal"
-let nieq = "!="
-rule yylex = parse
- | dust { yylex lexbuf }
- | '\n' { incr_linenum lexbuf; yylex lexbuf }
- | comment { incr_linenum lexbuf; COMMENT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | "include" { INCLUSION }
- | type_ { TYPE (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | "cnf" { CNF }
- | "$true" { TRUE }
- | "$false" { FALSE }
- | "equal" { PEQ }
- | lname { LNAME (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | uname { UNAME (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | ['0' - '9']+ { NUM (int_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
- | ',' { COMMA }
- | '.' { DOT }
- | '(' { LPAREN }
- | ')' { RPAREN }
- | '|' { IOR }
- | '~' { NOT }
- | '=' { IEQ }
- | "!=" { NIEQ }
- | qstring { QSTRING (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | eof { EOF }
- | _ { raise (BadToken (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
-{ (* trailer *) }
+++ /dev/null
-module GA = GrafiteAst;;
-module LA = LexiconAst;;
-module PT = CicNotationPt;;
-module A = Ast;;
-let floc = HExtlib.dummy_floc;;
-let universe = "Univ" ;;
-let kw = [
- "and","myand"
-let mk_ident s =
- PT.Ident ((try List.assoc s kw with Not_found -> s),None)
-let rec collect_arities_from_term = function
- | A.Constant name -> [name,0]
- | A.Variable name -> []
- | A.Function (name,l) ->
- (name,List.length l)::List.flatten (List.map collect_arities_from_term l)
-let rec collect_fv_from_term = function
- | A.Constant name -> []
- | A.Variable name -> [name]
- | A.Function (_,l) ->
- List.flatten (List.map collect_fv_from_term l)
-let collect_arities_from_atom a =
- let aux = function
- | A.Proposition name -> assert false
- | A.Predicate _ -> assert false
- | A.True -> []
- | A.False -> []
- | A.Eq (t1,t2) -> collect_arities_from_term t1 @ collect_arities_from_term t2
- | A.NotEq (t1,t2) -> collect_arities_from_term t1 @ collect_arities_from_term t2
- in
- aux a
-let collect_fv_from_atom a =
- let aux = function
- | A.Proposition name -> assert false
- | A.Predicate _ -> assert false
- | A.True -> []
- | A.False -> []
- | A.Eq (t1,t2) -> collect_fv_from_term t1 @ collect_fv_from_term t2
- | A.NotEq (t1,t2) -> collect_fv_from_term t1 @ collect_fv_from_term t2
- in
- HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort compare (aux a))
-let collect_fv_from_formulae = function
- | A.Disjunction _ -> assert false
- | A.NegAtom a
- | A.Atom a -> collect_fv_from_atom a
-let rec convert_term = function
- | A.Variable x -> mk_ident x
- | A.Constant x -> mk_ident x
- | A.Function (name, args) ->
- PT.Appl (mk_ident name :: List.map convert_term args)
-let atom_of_formula = function
- | A.Disjunction _ -> assert false
- | A.NegAtom a -> a (* removes the negation *)
- | A.Atom a -> a
-let rec mk_arrow component = function
- | 0 -> mk_ident component
- | n ->
- PT.Binder
- (`Forall,
- ((mk_ident "_"),Some (mk_ident component)),
- mk_arrow component (n-1))
-let build_ctx_for_arities univesally arities t =
- let binder = if univesally then `Forall else `Exists in
- let rec aux = function
- | [] -> t
- | (name,nargs)::tl ->
- PT.Binder
- (binder,
- (mk_ident name,Some (mk_arrow universe nargs)),
- aux tl)
- in
- aux arities
-let convert_atom universally a =
- let aux = function
- | A.Proposition _ -> assert false
- | A.Predicate (name,params) ->
- prerr_endline ("Predicate is unsupported: " ^ name);
- assert false
- | A.True -> mk_ident "True"
- | A.False -> mk_ident "False"
- | A.Eq (l,r)
- | A.NotEq (l,r) -> (* removes the negation *)
- PT.Appl [mk_ident "eq";mk_ident universe;convert_term l;convert_term r]
- in
- build_ctx_for_arities universally
- (List.map (fun x -> (x,0)) (collect_fv_from_atom a)) (aux a)
-let collect_arities atom ctx =
- let atoms = atom::(List.map atom_of_formula ctx) in
- HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort (fun (a,_) (b,_) -> compare a b)
- (List.flatten (List.map collect_arities_from_atom atoms)))
-let assert_formulae_is_1eq_negated f =
- let atom = atom_of_formula f in
- match atom with
- | A.Eq (l,r) -> failwith "Negated formula is not negated"
- | A.NotEq (l,r) -> ()
- | _ -> failwith "Not a unit equality formula"
-let rec convert_formula fv no_arities context f =
- let atom = atom_of_formula f in
- let t = convert_atom (fv = []) atom in
- let rec build_ctx n = function
- | [] -> t
- | hp::tl ->
- PT.Binder
- (`Forall,
- (mk_ident ("H" ^ string_of_int n),
- Some (convert_formula [] true [] hp)),
- build_ctx (n+1) tl)
- in
- let arities = if no_arities then [] else collect_arities atom context in
- build_ctx_for_arities true arities (build_ctx 0 context)
-let check_if_atom_is_negative = function
- | A.True | A.False | A.Proposition _ | A.Predicate _ -> assert false
- | A.Eq _ -> false
- | A.NotEq _ -> true
-let check_if_formula_is_negative = function
- | A.Disjunction _ -> assert false
- | A.NegAtom a -> not (check_if_atom_is_negative a)
- | A.Atom a -> check_if_atom_is_negative a
-let convert_ast statements context = function
- | A.Comment s ->
- let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in
- let s =
- if s.[String.length s - 1] = '\n' then
- String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1)
- else
- s
- in
- statements @ [GA.Comment (floc,GA.Note (floc,s))],
- context
- | A.Inclusion (s,_) ->
- statements @ [
- GA.Comment (
- floc, GA.Note (
- floc,"Inclusion of: " ^ s))], context
- | A.AnnotatedFormula (name,kind,f,_,_) ->
- match kind with
- | A.Axiom
- | A.Hypothesis ->
- statements, f::context
- | A.Negated_conjecture when not (check_if_formula_is_negative f) ->
- statements, f::context
- | A.Negated_conjecture ->
- assert_formulae_is_1eq_negated f;
- let fv = collect_fv_from_formulae f in
- if fv <> [] then
- prerr_endline ("FREE VARIABLES: " ^ String.concat "," fv);
- let f =
- PT.Binder
- (`Forall,
- (mk_ident universe,Some (PT.Sort `Set)),
- convert_formula fv false context f)
- in
- let o = PT.Theorem (`Theorem,name,f,None) in
- statements @ [
- GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc,GA.Obj(floc,o)));
- GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Tactic(floc,
- GA.Intros (floc,None,[])),Some (GA.Dot(floc))))] @
- (if fv <> [] then
- (List.flatten
- (List.map
- (fun _ ->
- [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Tactic(floc,
- GA.Exists floc),Some (GA.Branch floc)));
- GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc,
- GA.Pos (floc,[2]),None))])
- fv))
- else [])@
- [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Tactic(floc,
- GA.Auto (floc,["paramodulation",""])),
- Some (GA.Dot(floc))))]@
- (if fv <> [] then
- (List.flatten
- (List.map
- (fun _ ->
- [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Shift floc, None));
- GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Skip floc,Some
- (GA.Merge floc)))])
- fv))
- else [])@
- [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Try(floc,
- GA.Tactic (floc, GA.Assumption floc)), Some (GA.Dot(floc))));
- GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, GA.Qed(floc)))],
- context
- | A.Definition
- | A.Lemma
- | A.Theorem
- | A.Conjecture
- | A.Lemma_conjecture
- | A.Plain
- | A.Unknown -> assert false
-(* OPTIONS *)
-let tptppath = ref "./";;
-let librarymode = ref false;;
-let spec = [
- ("-tptppath",
- Arg.String (fun x -> tptppath := x),
- "Where to find the Axioms/ and Problems/ directory");
- ("-librarymode",
- Arg.Set librarymode,
- "... not supported yet")
-(* HELPERS *)
-let resolve s =
- let resolved_name =
- if Filename.check_suffix s ".p" then
- (assert (String.length s > 5);
- let prefix = String.sub s 0 3 in
- !tptppath ^ "/Problems/" ^ prefix ^ "/" ^ s)
- else
- !tptppath ^ "/" ^ s
- in
- if HExtlib.is_regular resolved_name then
- resolved_name
- else
- begin
- prerr_endline ("Unable to find " ^ s ^ " (" ^ resolved_name ^ ")");
- exit 1
- end
-(* MAIN *)
-let _ =
- let usage = "Usage: tptp2grafite [options] file" in
- let inputfile = ref "" in
- Arg.parse spec (fun s -> inputfile := s) usage;
- if !inputfile = "" then
- begin
- prerr_endline usage;
- exit 1
- end;
- let rec aux = function
- | [] -> []
- | ((A.Inclusion (file,_)) as hd) :: tl ->
- let file = resolve file in
- let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel (open_in file) in
- let statements = Parser.main Lexer.yylex lexbuf in
- hd :: aux (statements @ tl)
- | hd::tl -> hd :: aux tl
- in
- let statements = aux [A.Inclusion (!inputfile ^ ".p",[])] in
- let grafite_ast_statements,_ =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (st, ctx) f ->
- let newst, ctx = convert_ast st ctx f in
- newst, ctx)
- ([],[]) statements
- in
- let pp t =
- (* ZACK: setting width to 80 will trigger a bug of BoxPp.render_to_string
- * which will show up using the following command line:
- * ./tptp2grafite -tptppath ~tassi/TPTP-v3.1.1 GRP170-1 *)
- let width = max_int in
- let term_pp content_term =
- let pres_term = TermContentPres.pp_ast content_term in
- let dummy_tbl = Hashtbl.create 1 in
- let markup = CicNotationPres.render dummy_tbl pres_term in
- let s = BoxPp.render_to_string List.hd width markup in
- Pcre.substitute
- ~pat:"\\\\forall [Ha-z][a-z0-9_]*" ~subst:(fun x -> "\n" ^ x) s
- in
- CicNotationPp.set_pp_term term_pp;
- let lazy_term_pp = fun x -> assert false in
- let obj_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_obj in
- print_endline
- (GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp t)
- in
- let extra_statements_start = [
- GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc,
- GA.Set(floc,"baseuri","cic:/matita/TPTP/" ^ !inputfile)));
- GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, GA.Include(floc,"logic/equality.ma")))]
- in
- List.iter pp extra_statements_start;
- List.iter
- (fun (n,s) ->
- print_endline
- (LexiconAstPp.pp_command
- (LA.Alias(floc,
- LA.Ident_alias(n,s))) ^ "."))
- [(*("eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1)");
- ("trans_eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/trans_eq.con");
- ("eq_ind_r","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq_ind_r.con");
- ("eq_ind","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq_ind.con");
- ("sym_eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/sym_eq.con");
- ("refl_equal","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1/1)") *)];
- List.iter pp grafite_ast_statements;
- exit 0
+++ /dev/null
- (* header *)
- open Ast
- open Parsing
- open Lexing
- let parse_error s = Printf.eprintf "%s: " s ;;
- let rm_q s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2) ;;
- %token <string> TYPE
- %token <string> COMMENT
- %token <int> NUM
- %token <string> LNAME
- %token <string> UNAME
- %token <string> QSTRING
- %token COMMA
- %token INCLUSION
- %token LPAREN
- %token RPAREN
- %token CNF
- %token TRUE
- %token FALSE
- %token IOR
- %token NOT
- %token NIEQ
- %token IEQ
- %token PEQ
- %token DOT
- %token EOF
- %type <Ast.ast list> main
- %start main
- main:
- | tptp_input EOF {[$1]}
- | tptp_input main {$1::$2}
- | error {
- let start_pos = rhs_start_pos 1 in
- let end_pos = rhs_end_pos 1 in
- Printf.eprintf "from line %d char %d to line %d char %d\n"
- start_pos.pos_lnum (start_pos.pos_cnum - start_pos.pos_bol)
- end_pos.pos_lnum (end_pos.pos_cnum - end_pos.pos_bol);
- exit 1
- }
- ;
- tptp_input:
- | annot_formula {$1}
- | include_ {$1}
- | comment {$1}
- ;
- annot_formula:
- name COMMA formula_type COMMA formula formula_source_and_infos
- AnnotatedFormula ($3,$5,$7,fst $8,snd $8)
- }
- ;
- formula_type:
- | TYPE {
- match $1 with
- | "axiom" -> Axiom
- | "hypothesis" -> Hypothesis
- | "definition" -> Definition
- | "lemma" -> Lemma
- | "theorem" -> Theorem
- | "conjecture" -> Conjecture
- | "lemma_conjecture" -> Lemma_conjecture
- | "negated_conjecture" -> Negated_conjecture
- | "plain" -> Plain
- | "unknown" -> Unknown
- | _ -> assert false
- }
- ;
- formula:
- | LPAREN disjunction RPAREN {$2}
- | disjunction {$1}
- ;
- disjunction:
- | literal {$1}
- | literal IOR disjunction {
- Disjunction ($1,$3)
- }
- ;
- literal:
- | NOT atom { NegAtom $2 }
- | atom { Atom $1 }
- ;
- atom:
- | atomic_word LPAREN term_list RPAREN { Predicate ($1,$3) }
- | atomic_word { Proposition $1 }
- | TRUE { True }
- | FALSE { False }
- | term IEQ term { Eq ($1,$3) }
- | term NIEQ term { NotEq ($1,$3) }
- | PEQ LPAREN term COMMA term RPAREN { Eq ($3,$5) }
- ;
- term_list:
- | term { [$1] }
- | term COMMA term_list { $1 :: $3 }
- ;
- term:
- | upper_word { Variable $1 }
- | atomic_word LPAREN term_list RPAREN { Function ($1,$3) }
- | atomic_word { Constant $1 }
- ;
- upper_word: UNAME { $1 } ;
- atomic_word:
- | LNAME { $1 }
- | QSTRING { rm_q $1 }
- ;
- formula_source_and_infos:
- | { NoSource, [NoInfo] }
- | COMMA { assert false }
- ;
- include_:
- | INCLUSION LPAREN QSTRING selection_of_formulae RPAREN DOT {
- let fname = rm_q $3 in
- Inclusion (fname,$4)
- }
- ;
- selection_of_formulae:
- | { [] }
- | COMMA name selection_of_formulae { $2::$3 }
- ;
- comment: COMMENT {Comment $1} ;
- name: NUM { string_of_int $1} | LNAME { $1 } | UNAME { $1 } ;
- (* trailer *)
+++ /dev/null
let set_default what l =
match what,l with
- "equality",[eq_URI;sym_eq_URI;trans_eq_URI;eq_ind_URI;eq_ind_r_URI] ->
+ "equality",[eq_URI;sym_eq_URI;trans_eq_URI;eq_ind_URI;
+ eq_ind_r_URI;eq_f_URI;eq_f_sym_URI] ->
eq_URIs_ref :=
- insert_unique (eq_URI,sym_eq_URI,trans_eq_URI,eq_ind_URI,eq_ind_r_URI)
- (fun x,_,_,_,_ -> x) !eq_URIs_ref
+ insert_unique
+ (eq_URI,sym_eq_URI,trans_eq_URI,eq_ind_URI,
+ eq_ind_r_URI,eq_f_URI,eq_f_sym_URI)
+ (fun x,_,_,_,_,_,_ -> x) !eq_URIs_ref
| "true",[true_URI] ->
true_URIs_ref := insert_unique true_URI (fun x -> x) !true_URIs_ref
| "false",[false_URI] ->
false_URIs_ref := insert_unique false_URI (fun x -> x) !false_URIs_ref
| "absurd",[absurd_URI] ->
absurd_URIs_ref := insert_unique absurd_URI (fun x -> x) !absurd_URIs_ref
- | _,_ -> raise (NotRecognized what)
+ | _,l ->
+ raise
+ (NotRecognized (what^" with "^string_of_int(List.length l)^" params"))
let reset_defaults () =
eq_URIs_ref := default_eq_URIs;
let eq_URI () =
- try let eq,_,_,_,_ = List.hd !eq_URIs_ref in Some eq
+ try let eq,_,_,_,_,_,_ = List.hd !eq_URIs_ref in Some eq
with Failure "hd" -> None
let is_eq_URI uri =
- List.exists (fun (eq,_,_,_,_) -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref
+ List.exists (fun (eq,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref
let is_eq_refl_URI uri =
let urieq = UriManager.strip_xpointer uri in
let is_eq_ind_URI uri =
- List.exists (fun (_,_,_,eq_ind,_) -> UriManager.eq eq_ind uri) !eq_URIs_ref
+ List.exists (fun (_,_,_,eq_ind,_,_,_) -> UriManager.eq eq_ind uri) !eq_URIs_ref
let is_eq_ind_r_URI uri =
- List.exists (fun (_,_,_,_,eq_ind_r) -> UriManager.eq eq_ind_r uri) !eq_URIs_ref
+ List.exists (fun (_,_,_,_,eq_ind_r,_,_) -> UriManager.eq eq_ind_r uri) !eq_URIs_ref
let is_trans_eq_URI uri =
- List.exists (fun (_,_,trans_eq,_,_) -> UriManager.eq trans_eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref
+ List.exists (fun (_,_,trans_eq,_,_,_,_) -> UriManager.eq trans_eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref
let is_sym_eq_URI uri =
- List.exists (fun (_,sym_eq,_,_,_) -> UriManager.eq sym_eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref
+ List.exists (fun (_,sym_eq,_,_,_,_,_) -> UriManager.eq sym_eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref
+let is_eq_f_URI uri =
+ List.exists (fun (_,_,_,_,_,eq_f,_) -> UriManager.eq eq_f uri) !eq_URIs_ref
+let is_eq_f_sym_URI uri =
+ List.exists (fun (_,_,_,_,_,_,eq_f1) -> UriManager.eq eq_f1 uri) !eq_URIs_ref
let eq_refl_URI ~eq:uri =
let uri = UriManager.strip_xpointer uri in
UriManager.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ "#xpointer(1/1/1)")
let sym_eq_URI ~eq:uri =
- let _,x,_,_,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
+ let _,x,_,_,_,_,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
let trans_eq_URI ~eq:uri =
- let _,_,x,_,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
+ let _,_,x,_,_,_,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
let eq_ind_URI ~eq:uri =
- let _,_,_,x,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
+ let _,_,_,x,_,_,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
let eq_ind_r_URI ~eq:uri =
- let _,_,_,_,x = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
+ let _,_,_,_,x,_,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
+ with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
+let eq_f_URI ~eq:uri =
+ try
+ let _,_,_,_,_,x,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
+let eq_f_sym_URI ~eq:uri =
+ try
+ let _,_,_,_,_,_,x = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
+ with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
+let eq_URI_of_eq_f_URI eq_f_URI =
+ try
+ let x,_,_,_,_,_,_ =
+ List.find (fun _,_,_,_,_,u,_ -> UriManager.eq eq_f_URI u) !eq_URIs_ref
+ in x
+ with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri eq_f_URI))
let true_URI () =
try Some (List.hd !true_URIs_ref) with Failure "hd" -> None
let false_URI () =
val is_eq_ind_r_URI : UriManager.uri -> bool
val is_trans_eq_URI : UriManager.uri -> bool
val is_sym_eq_URI : UriManager.uri -> bool
+val is_eq_f_URI : UriManager.uri -> bool
+val is_eq_f_sym_URI : UriManager.uri -> bool
+val eq_URI_of_eq_f_URI : UriManager.uri -> UriManager.uri
exception NotRecognized of string;;
val eq_ind_r_URI : eq:UriManager.uri -> UriManager.uri
val trans_eq_URI : eq:UriManager.uri -> UriManager.uri
val sym_eq_URI : eq:UriManager.uri -> UriManager.uri
+val eq_f_URI : eq:UriManager.uri -> UriManager.uri
+val eq_f_sym_URI : eq:UriManager.uri -> UriManager.uri
val false_URI : unit -> UriManager.uri option
UriManager.string_of_uri (*UriManager.name_of_uri*) uri ^ pp_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst l
| C.Meta (n,l1) ->
"?" ^ (string_of_int n) ^ "[" ^
String.concat " ; "
(List.rev_map (function None -> "_" | Some t -> pp t l) l1) ^
| C.Sort s ->
(match s with
cicNotationPres.cmi: mpresentation.cmi box.cmi
-boxPp.cmi: cicNotationPres.cmi
+boxPp.cmi: mpresentation.cmi cicNotationPres.cmi box.cmi
content2pres.cmi: cicNotationPres.cmi
sequent2pres.cmi: cicNotationPres.cmi
renderingAttrs.cmo: renderingAttrs.cmi
cicNotationPres.cmi box.cmi content2pres.cmi
content2pres.cmx: termContentPres.cmx renderingAttrs.cmx mpresentation.cmx \
cicNotationPres.cmx box.cmx content2pres.cmi
-objPp.cmo: content2pres.cmi boxPp.cmi objPp.cmi
-objPp.cmx: content2pres.cmx boxPp.cmx objPp.cmi
+objPp.cmo: content2pres.cmi cicNotationPres.cmi boxPp.cmi objPp.cmi
+objPp.cmx: content2pres.cmx cicNotationPres.cmx boxPp.cmx objPp.cmi
sequent2pres.cmo: termContentPres.cmi mpresentation.cmi cicNotationPres.cmi \
box.cmi sequent2pres.cmi
sequent2pres.cmx: termContentPres.cmx mpresentation.cmx cicNotationPres.cmx \
| Include of loc * string
| Set of loc * string * string
| Drop of loc
+ | Print of loc * string
| Qed of loc
| Coercion of loc * UriManager.uri * bool (* add composites *)
| Obj of loc * 'obj
| Include (_,path) -> "include \"" ^ path ^ "\""
| Qed _ -> "qed"
| Drop _ -> "drop"
+ | Print (_,s) -> "print " ^ s
| Set (_, name, value) -> sprintf "set \"%s\" \"%s\"" name value
| Coercion (_, uri, do_composites) -> pp_coercion uri do_composites
| Obj (_,obj) -> obj_pp obj
let status,cmd = disambiguate_command status (text,prefix_len,cmd) in
let status,uris =
match cmd with
+ | GrafiteAst.Print (_,"proofterm") ->
+ let _,_,p,_ = GrafiteTypes.get_current_proof status in
+ print_endline (AutoTactic.pp_proofterm p);
+ status,[]
+ | GrafiteAst.Print (_,_) -> status,[]
| GrafiteAst.Default (loc, what, uris) as cmd ->
LibraryObjects.set_default what uris;
GrafiteTypes.add_moo_content [cmd] status,[]
let get_current_proof status =
match status.proof_status with
| Incomplete_proof { proof = p } -> p
+ | Proof p -> p
| _ -> raise (Statement_error "no ongoing proof")
let get_proof_metasenv status =
| GrafiteAst.Coercion _
| GrafiteAst.Default _
| GrafiteAst.Drop _
+ | GrafiteAst.Print _
| GrafiteAst.Include _
| GrafiteAst.Qed _
| GrafiteAst.Set _ as cmd ->
IDENT "set"; n = QSTRING; v = QSTRING ->
GrafiteAst.Set (loc, n, v)
| IDENT "drop" -> GrafiteAst.Drop loc
+ | IDENT "print"; s = IDENT -> GrafiteAst.Print (loc,s)
| IDENT "qed" -> GrafiteAst.Qed loc
| IDENT "variant" ; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":";
typ = term; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> ; newname = IDENT ->
xmlunivgraphpath, univgraphuri
let save_object_to_disk uri obj ugraph univlist =
+ let write f x =
+ if not (Helm_registry.get_opt_default
+ Helm_registry.bool "matita.nodisk" ~default:false)
+ then
+ f x
+ in
let ensure_path_exists path =
let dir = Filename.dirname path in
HExtlib.mkdir dir
xmlunivgraphpath, univgraphuri =
paths_and_uris_of_obj uri
- List.iter HExtlib.mkdir (List.map Filename.dirname [xmlpath]);
+ write (List.iter HExtlib.mkdir) (List.map Filename.dirname [xmlpath]);
(* now write to disk *)
- ensure_path_exists xmlpath;
- Xml.pp ~gzip:true xml (Some xmlpath);
- CicUniv.write_xml_of_ugraph xmlunivgraphpath ugraph univlist;
+ write ensure_path_exists xmlpath;
+ write (Xml.pp ~gzip:true xml) (Some xmlpath);
+ write (CicUniv.write_xml_of_ugraph xmlunivgraphpath ugraph) univlist;
(* we return a list of uri,path we registered/created *)
(uri,xmlpath) ::
(univgraphuri,xmlunivgraphpath) ::
(match bodyxml,bodyuri with
None,_ -> []
| Some bodyxml,Some bodyuri->
- ensure_path_exists xmlbodypath;
- Xml.pp ~gzip:true bodyxml (Some xmlbodypath);
+ write ensure_path_exists xmlbodypath;
+ write (Xml.pp ~gzip:true bodyxml) (Some xmlbodypath);
[bodyuri, xmlbodypath]
| _-> assert false)
stop label extra
Quotation.add "profiler" (Quotation.ExStr banner);;
Quotation.add "profile" (Quotation.ExStr profile_start_stop);;
Quotation.add "start" (Quotation.ExStr profile_start);;
Quotation.add "stop" (Quotation.ExStr profile_stop);;
Quotation.add "show" (Quotation.ExStr profile_show);;
| CicUnification.UnificationFailure msg
| CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure msg ->
raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail msg))
+let pp_proofterm = Equality.pp_proofterm;;
val applyS_tac: dbd:HMysql.dbd -> term: Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+val pp_proofterm: Cic.term -> string
* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;;
+(* let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;; *)
(* $Id: inference.ml 6245 2006-04-05 12:07:51Z tassi $ *)
id w (CicPp.ppterm ty)
(CicPp.ppterm left)
(Utils.string_of_comparison o) (CicPp.ppterm right)
- (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))
+ (*(String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))*)
+ "..."
| Some (_, context, _) ->
let names = Utils.names_of_context context in
let w, _, (ty, left, right, o), m , id = open_equality eq in
id w (CicPp.pp ty names)
(CicPp.pp left names) (Utils.string_of_comparison o)
(CicPp.pp right names)
- (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))
+(* (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m)) *)
+ "..."
let compare (_,_,_,s1,_,_) (_,_,_,s2,_,_) =
(canonical context (mk_sym uri_sym ty m r p2))
(canonical context (mk_sym uri_sym ty l m p1))
| Cic.Appl (([Cic.Const(uri_feq,ens);ty1;ty2;f;x;y;p])) ->
- let eq_f_sym =
- Cic.Const (UriManager.uri_of_string
- "cic:/matita/logic/equality/eq_f1.con",[])
+ let eq = LibraryObjects.eq_URI_of_eq_f_URI uri_feq in
+ let eq_f_sym =
+ Cic.Const (LibraryObjects.eq_f_sym_URI ~eq, [])
Cic.Appl (([eq_f_sym;ty1;ty2;f;x;y;p]))
| t ->
(* let uri_sym = LibraryObjects.sym_eq_URI ~eq:uri in *)
(* let uri_ind = LibraryObjects.eq_ind_URI ~eq:uri in *)
- let uri_feq =
- UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/matita/logic/equality/eq_f.con"
- in
+ let uri_feq = LibraryObjects.eq_f_URI ~eq:uri in
let pred =
(* let r = CicSubstitution.lift 1 (put_in_ctx ctx_d left) in *)
let l =
(fun (instance,p,n) m ->
- (Cic.Name ("x"^string_of_int n),
+ (Cic.Name ("X"^string_of_int n),
CicSubstitution.lift (lift_no - n - 1) (ty_of_m m),
| Exact t ->
Printf.sprintf "%d = %s: %s = %s [%s]" id
(CicPp.pp t names) (CicPp.pp l names) (CicPp.pp r names)
- (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))
+ "..."
+(* (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m)) *)
| Step (_,(step,id1, (_,id2), _) ) ->
Printf.sprintf "%6d: %s %6d %6d %s = %s [%s]" id
(string_of_rule step)
id1 id2 (CicPp.pp l names) (CicPp.pp r names)
- (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))
+(* (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m)) *)
+ "..."
Not_found -> assert false
let n_purged = ref 0;;
let collect alive1 alive2 alive3 =
- let _ = <:start<collect>> in
+(* let _ = <:start<collect>> in *)
let deps_of id =
let p,_,_ = proof_of_id id in
match p with
n_purged := !n_purged + List.length to_purge;
List.iter (Hashtbl.remove id_to_eq) to_purge;
- let _ = <:stop<collect>> in ()
+(* let _ = <:stop<collect>> in () *)
let id_of e =
let _,_,_,_,id = open_equality e in id
-let get_stats () =
+let get_stats () = ""
<:show<Equality.>> ^
"# of purged eq by the collector: " ^ string_of_int !n_purged ^ "\n"
+let rec pp_proofterm name t context =
+ let rec skip_lambda tys ctx = function
+ | Cic.Lambda (n,s,t) -> skip_lambda (s::tys) ((Some n)::ctx) t
+ | t -> ctx,tys,t
+ in
+ let rename s name =
+ match name with
+ | Cic.Name s1 -> Cic.Name (s ^ s1)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let rec skip_letin ctx = function
+ | Cic.LetIn (n,b,t) ->
+ pp_proofterm (Some (rename "Lemma " n)) b ctx::
+ skip_letin ((Some n)::ctx) t
+ | t ->
+ let ppterm t = CicPp.pp t ctx in
+ let rec pp inner = function
+ | Cic.Appl [Cic.Const (uri,[]);_;l;m;r;p1;p2]
+ when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"trans_eq" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)->
+ if not inner then
+ (" " ^ ppterm l) :: pp true p1 @
+ [ " = " ^ ppterm m ] @ pp true p2 @
+ [ " = " ^ ppterm r ]
+ else
+ pp true p1 @
+ [ " = " ^ ppterm m ] @ pp true p2
+ | Cic.Appl [Cic.Const (uri,[]);_;l;m;p]
+ when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"sym_eq" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)->
+ pp true p
+ | Cic.Appl [Cic.Const (uri,[]);_;_;_;_;_;p]
+ when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"eq_f" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)->
+ pp true p
+ | Cic.Appl [Cic.Const (uri,[]);_;_;_;_;_;p]
+ when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"eq_f1" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)->
+ pp true p
+ | Cic.Appl [Cic.MutConstruct (uri,_,_,[]);_;_;t;p]
+ when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"ex.ind" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)->
+ [ "witness " ^ ppterm t ] @ pp true p
+ | Cic.Appl (t::_) ->[ " [by " ^ ppterm t ^ "]"]
+ | t ->[ " [by " ^ ppterm t ^ "]"]
+ in
+ let rec compat = function
+ | a::b::tl -> (b ^ a) :: compat tl
+ | h::[] -> [h]
+ | [] -> []
+ in
+ let compat l = List.hd l :: compat (List.tl l) in
+ compat (pp false t) @ ["";""]
+ in
+ let names, tys, body = skip_lambda [] context t in
+ let ppname name = (match name with Some (Cic.Name s) -> s | _ -> "") in
+ ppname name ^ ":\n" ^
+ (if context = [] then
+ let rec pp_l ctx = function
+ | (t,name)::tl ->
+ " " ^ ppname name ^ ": " ^ CicPp.pp t ctx ^ "\n" ^
+ pp_l (name::ctx) tl
+ | [] -> "\n\n"
+ in
+ pp_l [] (List.rev (List.combine tys names))
+ else "")
+ ^
+ String.concat "\n" (skip_letin names body)
+let pp_proofterm t =
+ "\n\n" ^
+ pp_proofterm (Some (Cic.Name "Hypothesis")) t []
(Cic.name option) list -> goal_proof -> proof -> Subst.substitution -> int ->
Cic.term -> string
+val pp_proofterm: Cic.term -> string
val reset : unit -> unit
val mk_equality :
UriManager.uri -> goal_proof -> proof -> Cic.term-> int list ->
Cic.context -> Cic.metasenv ->
Cic.term * Cic.term list
-val build_proof_term : UriManager.uri -> (int * Cic.term) list -> int -> proof -> Cic.term
+val build_proof_term :
+ UriManager.uri -> (int * Cic.term) list -> int -> proof -> Cic.term
val refl_proof: UriManager.uri -> Cic.term -> Cic.term -> Cic.term
(** ensures that metavariables in equality are unique *)
val fix_metas_goal: int -> goal -> int * goal
* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;;
+(* let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;; *)
(* $Id$ *)
let s =
match mode with
| Matching ->
- let _ = <:start<retrieve_generalizations>> in
- <:stop<retrieve_generalizations
Index.retrieve_generalizations tree term
- >>
| Unification ->
- let _ = <:start<retrieve_unifiables>> in
- <:stop<retrieve_unifiables
Index.retrieve_unifiables tree term
- >>
Index.PosEqSet.elements s
| None -> do_right ()
-let get_stats () = <:show<Indexing.>> ;;
+let get_stats () = "" ;;
* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;;
+(* let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;; *)
(* $Id$ *)
let equations_blacklist = UriManager.UriSet.empty;;
let tty_of_u u =
- let _ = <:start<tty_of_u>> in
+(* let _ = <:start<tty_of_u>> in *)
let t = CicUtil.term_of_uri u in
let ty, _ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] [] t CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
- let _ = <:stop<tty_of_u>> in
+(* let _ = <:stop<tty_of_u>> in *)
t, ty
let module C = Cic in
let module S = CicSubstitution in
let module T = CicTypeChecker in
- let _ = <:start<equations_for_goal>> in
+(* let _ = <:start<equations_for_goal>> in *)
let signature =
if caso_strano then
let eqs = (MetadataQuery.equations_for_goal ~dbd ?signature status) in
- let _ = <:stop<equations_for_goal>> in
+(* let _ = <:stop<equations_for_goal>> in *)
let candidates =
(fun l uri ->
-let get_stats () = <:show<Inference.>> ;;
+let get_stats () = "" (*<:show<Inference.>>*) ;;
* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;;
+(* let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;; *)
(* $Id$ *)
if w < 30 then
hd, (tl, EqualitySet.remove hd pos_set)
("+++ skipping giant of size "^string_of_int w^" +++");
- select env g (tl@[hd],pos_set))
+ select env g (tl@[hd],pos_set)
| _ -> assert false
skip_giant pos_list pos_set)
(eq::list, set), no)
pos_list (([],pos_set),0)
if no_pruned > 0 then
prerr_endline ("+++ pruning "^ string_of_int no_pruned ^" passives +++");
let maxm, copy_of_current = Equality.fix_metas !maxmeta current in
maxmeta := maxm;
let active_table = Indexing.index active_table copy_of_current in
- let _ = <:start<current contro active>> in
+(* let _ = <:start<current contro active>> in *)
let maxm, res =
Indexing.superposition_right eq_uri !maxmeta env active_table current
- let _ = <:stop<current contro active>> in
+(* let _ = <:stop<current contro active>> in *)
if Utils.debug_metas then
(function current ->
maxmeta := maxm;
let curr_table = Indexing.index Indexing.empty current in
- let _ = <:start<active contro current>> in
+(* let _ = <:start<active contro current>> in *)
let pos = infer_positive curr_table ((*copy_of_current::*)active_list) in
- let _ = <:stop<active contro current>> in
+(* let _ = <:stop<active contro current>> in *)
if Utils.debug_metas then
(function current ->
(* match Indexing.subsumption env table goal_equation with*)
match Indexing.unification env table goal_equation with
| Some (subst, equality, swapped ) ->
- ("GOAL SUBSUMED IS: " ^ Equality.string_of_equality goal_equation ~env);
+ ("GOAL SUBSUMED IS: "^Equality.string_of_equality goal_equation ~env);
- ("GOAL IS SUBSUMED BY: " ^ Equality.string_of_equality equality ~env);
- prerr_endline ("SUBST:" ^ Subst.ppsubst ~names subst);
+ ("GOAL IS SUBSUMED BY: "^Equality.string_of_equality equality ~env);
+ prerr_endline ("SUBST:"^Subst.ppsubst ~names subst);
let (_,p,(ty,l,r,_),m,id) = Equality.open_equality equality in
let cicmenv = Subst.apply_subst_metasenv subst (m @ menv) in
let p =
| [] -> active_goals, []
| hd::tl ->
let changed,selected = simplify_goal env hd active in
if changed then
prerr_endline ("--------------- goal semplificato");
let (_,_,t1) = selected in
let already_in =
List.exists (fun (_,_,t) -> Equality.meta_convertibility t t1)
(snd goals);
+let print_status iterno goals active passive =
+ print_endline
+ (Printf.sprintf "\n%d #ACTIVES: %d #PASSIVES: %d #GOALSET: %d(%d)"
+ iterno (size_of_active active) (size_of_passive passive)
+ (size_of_goal_set_a goals) (size_of_goal_set_p goals))
(** given-clause algorithm with full reduction strategy: NEW implementation *)
(* here goals is a set of goals in OR *)
let given_clause
else if Unix.gettimeofday () > max_time then
(ParamodulationFailure "No more time to spend")
- let _ = prerr_endline "simpl goal with active" in
- let _ = <:start<simplify goal set active>> in
- let goals = simplify_goal_set env goals passive active in
- let _ = <:stop<simplify goal set active>> in
let _ =
- prerr_endline
- (Printf.sprintf "%d #ACTIVES: %d #PASSIVES: %d #GOALSET: %d(%d)\n"
- iterno (size_of_active active) (size_of_passive passive)
- (size_of_goal_set_a goals) (size_of_goal_set_p goals))
+(* print_status iterno goals active passive *)
+ Printf.printf ".%!";
let passive =
match check_if_goals_set_is_solved env active goals with
| Some p ->
- prerr_endline
- (Printf.sprintf "Found a proof in: %f\n"
+ print_endline
+ (Printf.sprintf "\nFound a proof in: %f\n"
(Unix.gettimeofday() -. initial_time));
ParamodulationSuccess p
| None ->
if iterno mod 40 = 0 then
+ print_status iterno goals active passive;
let active = List.map Equality.id_of (fst active) in
let passive = List.map Equality.id_of (fst passive) in
let goal = ids_of_goal_set goals in
let current, passive = select env goals passive in
("Selected : " ^
Equality.string_of_equality ~env current);
let res =
forward_simplify eq_uri env current active
match res with
| None -> step goals theorems passive active (iterno+1)
| Some current ->
- prerr_endline
- ("Selected simpl: " ^
- Equality.string_of_equality ~env current);
- prerr_endline "infer";
+(* prerr_endline "infer"; *)
let new' = infer eq_uri env current active in
- prerr_endline "infer goal";
+(* prerr_endline "infer goal"; *)
match check_if_goals_set_is_solved env active goals with
| Some p ->
infer_goal_set_with_current env current goals active
- prerr_endline "fwd/back simpl";
+(* prerr_endline "fwd/back simpl"; *)
let rec simplify new' active passive head =
let new' =
forward_simplify_new eq_uri env new' active
let active, passive, new', head =
simplify new' active passive []
- prerr_endline "simpl goal with new";
+(* prerr_endline "simpl goal with new"; *)
let goals =
let a,b,_ = build_table new' in
- let _ = <:start<simplify_goal_set new>> in
+(* let _ = <:start<simplify_goal_set new>> in *)
let rc = simplify_goal_set env goals (a,b) in
- let _ = <:stop<simplify_goal_set new>> in
+(* let _ = <:stop<simplify_goal_set new>> in *)
let passive = add_to_passive passive new' head in
raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("NO proof found: " ^ s)))
| ParamodulationSuccess
(goalproof,newproof,subsumption_id,subsumption_subst, proof_menv) ->
- prerr_endline "OK, found a proof!";
- prerr_endline
+ print_endline "Proof:";
+ print_endline
(Equality.pp_proof names goalproof newproof subsumption_subst
subsumption_id type_of_goal);
- prerr_endline "ENDOFPROOFS___";
+(* prerr_endline "ENDOFPROOFS"; *)
prerr_endline ("max weight: " ^
(string_of_int (Equality.max_weight goalproof newproof)));
(* generation of the CIC proof *)
let side_effects =
List.filter (fun i -> i <> goalno)
eq_uri goalproof initial type_of_goal side_effects
context proof_menv
- prerr_endline ("PROOF: " ^ CicPp.pp goal_proof names);
+(* prerr_endline ("PROOF: " ^ CicPp.pp goal_proof names); *)
let goal_proof = Subst.apply_subst subsumption_subst goal_proof in
let metas_still_open_in_proof = Utils.metas_of_term goal_proof in
(*prerr_endline (CicPp.pp goal_proof names);*)
List.map (Subst.apply_subst subsumption_subst) side_effects_t
(* replacing fake mets with real ones *)
- prerr_endline "replacing metas...";
+(* prerr_endline "replacing metas..."; *)
let irl=CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable context in
let goal_proof_menv, what, with_what,free_meta =
~oldmetasenv:metasenv ~newmetasenv:goal_proof_menv)
-prerr_endline ("freemetas: " ^ String.concat "," (List.map string_of_int free_metas) );
+(* prerr_endline ("freemetas: " ^ String.concat "," (List.map string_of_int
+ * free_metas) ); *)
(* check/refine/... build the new proof *)
let replaced_goal =
let final_subst =
-prerr_endline ("MENVreal_menv: " ^ CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] real_menv);
+(* prerr_endline ("MENVreal_menv: " ^ CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] real_menv); *)
let _ =
CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' real_menv context goal_proof
let open_goals =
match free_meta with Some(Cic.Meta(m,_)) when m<>goalno ->[m] | _ ->[]
(String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_int open_goals))
(CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metasenv)
(CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] real_metasenv);
- prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "\nTIME NEEDED: %8.2f" time);
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf "\nTIME NEEDED: %8.2f" time);
proof, open_goals
-let get_stats () =
+let get_stats () = ""
<:show<Saturation.>> ^ Indexing.get_stats () ^ Inference.get_stats () ^
Equality.get_stats ()
--- /dev/null
+parser.cmi: ast.cmo
+lexer.cmo: parser.cmi
+lexer.cmx: parser.cmx
+parser.cmo: ast.cmo parser.cmi
+parser.cmx: ast.cmx parser.cmi
+tptp2grafite.cmo: parser.cmi lexer.cmo ast.cmo tptp2grafite.cmi
+tptp2grafite.cmx: parser.cmx lexer.cmx ast.cmx tptp2grafite.cmi
--- /dev/null
+PACKAGE = tptp_grafite
+INTERFACE_FILES= parser.mli tptp2grafite.mli
+IMPLEMENTATION_FILES = ast.ml lexer.ml $(INTERFACE_FILES:%.mli=%.ml)
+all: tptp2grafite
+clean: clean_tests
+ rm -f tptp2grafite
+parser.mli parser.ml:parser.mly
+ ocamlyacc parser.mly
+ ocamllex lexer.mll
+LOCAL_LINKOPTS = -package helm-$(PACKAGE) -linkpkg
+tptp2grafite: main.ml tptp_grafite.cma
+ @echo " OCAMLC $<"
+ @$(OCAMLC) $(LOCAL_LINKOPTS) -o $@ $<
+test: tptp2grafite
+testall: tptp2grafite
+ for X in `cat unit_equality_problems`; do\
+ cat $(TPTPDIR)/$$X | ./tptp2grafite || echo ERROR PARSING $$X;\
+ done
+ for X in `cat unit_equality_problems`; do\
+ ./tptp2grafite -tptppath $(TPTPDIR) $$X \
+ > ../../../matita/tests/TPTP/$$X.ma || echo Failed: $$X; \
+ done
+ for X in `cat unit_equality_problems`; do\
+ echo "Parsing $$X"; \
+ ./tptp2grafite -tptppath $(TPTPDIR) $$X \
+ > /dev/null || echo Failed: $$X; \
+ done
+include ../../Makefile.defs
+include ../Makefile.common
--- /dev/null
+type kinds_of_formulae =
+ | Axiom | Hypothesis | Definition | Lemma | Theorem | Conjecture
+ | Lemma_conjecture | Negated_conjecture | Plain | Unknown
+type source = NoSource
+type info = NoInfo
+type term =
+ | Variable of string
+ | Constant of string
+ | Function of string * term list
+type atom =
+ | Proposition of string
+ | Predicate of string * term list
+ | True
+ | False
+ | Eq of term * term
+ | NotEq of term * term
+type formulae =
+ | Disjunction of formulae * formulae
+ | NegAtom of atom
+ | Atom of atom
+type ast =
+ | Comment of string
+ | Inclusion of string * (string list)
+ | AnnotatedFormula of
+ string * kinds_of_formulae * formulae * source * info list
--- /dev/null
+ open Parser
+ exception BadToken of string
+ let incr_linenum lexbuf =
+ let pos = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- { pos with
+ Lexing.pos_lnum = pos.Lexing.pos_lnum + 1;
+ Lexing.pos_bol = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum;
+ }
+ ;;
+let dust = ' ' | '\t'
+let comment = '%' [^ '\n' ] * '\n'
+let lname =
+ ['a'-'z'] ['a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9''_']*
+let uname =
+ ['A'-'Z'] ['a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9''_']*
+let qstring = ''' [^ ''' ]+ '''
+let type_ =
+ "axiom" | "hypothesis" | "definition" | "lemma" | "theorem" |
+ "conjecture" | "lemma_conjecture" | "negated_conjecture" |
+ "plain" | "unknown"
+let ieq = "="
+let peq = "equal"
+let nieq = "!="
+rule yylex = parse
+ | dust { yylex lexbuf }
+ | '\n' { incr_linenum lexbuf; yylex lexbuf }
+ | comment { incr_linenum lexbuf; COMMENT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+ | "include" { INCLUSION }
+ | type_ { TYPE (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+ | "cnf" { CNF }
+ | "$true" { TRUE }
+ | "$false" { FALSE }
+ | "equal" { PEQ }
+ | lname { LNAME (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+ | uname { UNAME (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+ | ['0' - '9']+ { NUM (int_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ | ',' { COMMA }
+ | '.' { DOT }
+ | '(' { LPAREN }
+ | ')' { RPAREN }
+ | '|' { IOR }
+ | '~' { NOT }
+ | '=' { IEQ }
+ | "!=" { NIEQ }
+ | qstring { QSTRING (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+ | eof { EOF }
+ | _ { raise (BadToken (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+{ (* trailer *) }
--- /dev/null
+(* OPTIONS *)
+let tptppath = ref "./";;
+let spec = [
+ ("-tptppath",
+ Arg.String (fun x -> tptppath := x),
+ "Where to find the Axioms/ and Problems/ directory")
+(* MAIN *)
+let _ =
+ let usage = "Usage: tptp2grafite [options] file" in
+ let inputfile = ref "" in
+ Arg.parse spec (fun s -> inputfile := s) usage;
+ if !inputfile = "" then
+ begin
+ prerr_endline usage;
+ exit 1
+ end;
+ print_endline
+ (Tptp2grafite.tptp2grafite ~filename:!inputfile ~tptppath:!tptppath ());
+ exit 0
--- /dev/null
+ (* header *)
+ open Ast
+ open Parsing
+ open Lexing
+ let parse_error s = Printf.eprintf "%s: " s ;;
+ let rm_q s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2) ;;
+ %token <string> TYPE
+ %token <string> COMMENT
+ %token <int> NUM
+ %token <string> LNAME
+ %token <string> UNAME
+ %token <string> QSTRING
+ %token COMMA
+ %token INCLUSION
+ %token LPAREN
+ %token RPAREN
+ %token CNF
+ %token TRUE
+ %token FALSE
+ %token IOR
+ %token NOT
+ %token NIEQ
+ %token IEQ
+ %token PEQ
+ %token DOT
+ %token EOF
+ %type <Ast.ast list> main
+ %start main
+ main:
+ | tptp_input EOF {[$1]}
+ | tptp_input main {$1::$2}
+ | error {
+ let start_pos = rhs_start_pos 1 in
+ let end_pos = rhs_end_pos 1 in
+ Printf.eprintf "from line %d char %d to line %d char %d\n"
+ start_pos.pos_lnum (start_pos.pos_cnum - start_pos.pos_bol)
+ end_pos.pos_lnum (end_pos.pos_cnum - end_pos.pos_bol);
+ exit 1
+ }
+ ;
+ tptp_input:
+ | annot_formula {$1}
+ | include_ {$1}
+ | comment {$1}
+ ;
+ annot_formula:
+ name COMMA formula_type COMMA formula formula_source_and_infos
+ AnnotatedFormula ($3,$5,$7,fst $8,snd $8)
+ }
+ ;
+ formula_type:
+ | TYPE {
+ match $1 with
+ | "axiom" -> Axiom
+ | "hypothesis" -> Hypothesis
+ | "definition" -> Definition
+ | "lemma" -> Lemma
+ | "theorem" -> Theorem
+ | "conjecture" -> Conjecture
+ | "lemma_conjecture" -> Lemma_conjecture
+ | "negated_conjecture" -> Negated_conjecture
+ | "plain" -> Plain
+ | "unknown" -> Unknown
+ | _ -> assert false
+ }
+ ;
+ formula:
+ | LPAREN disjunction RPAREN {$2}
+ | disjunction {$1}
+ ;
+ disjunction:
+ | literal {$1}
+ | literal IOR disjunction {
+ Disjunction ($1,$3)
+ }
+ ;
+ literal:
+ | NOT atom { NegAtom $2 }
+ | atom { Atom $1 }
+ ;
+ atom:
+ | atomic_word LPAREN term_list RPAREN { Predicate ($1,$3) }
+ | atomic_word { Proposition $1 }
+ | TRUE { True }
+ | FALSE { False }
+ | term IEQ term { Eq ($1,$3) }
+ | term NIEQ term { NotEq ($1,$3) }
+ | PEQ LPAREN term COMMA term RPAREN { Eq ($3,$5) }
+ ;
+ term_list:
+ | term { [$1] }
+ | term COMMA term_list { $1 :: $3 }
+ ;
+ term:
+ | upper_word { Variable $1 }
+ | atomic_word LPAREN term_list RPAREN { Function ($1,$3) }
+ | atomic_word { Constant $1 }
+ ;
+ upper_word: UNAME { $1 } ;
+ atomic_word:
+ | LNAME { $1 }
+ | QSTRING { rm_q $1 }
+ ;
+ formula_source_and_infos:
+ | { NoSource, [NoInfo] }
+ | COMMA { assert false }
+ ;
+ include_:
+ | INCLUSION LPAREN QSTRING selection_of_formulae RPAREN DOT {
+ let fname = rm_q $3 in
+ Inclusion (fname,$4)
+ }
+ ;
+ selection_of_formulae:
+ | { [] }
+ | COMMA name selection_of_formulae { $2::$3 }
+ ;
+ comment: COMMENT {Comment $1} ;
+ name: NUM { string_of_int $1} | LNAME { $1 } | UNAME { $1 } ;
+ (* trailer *)
--- /dev/null
+module GA = GrafiteAst;;
+module LA = LexiconAst;;
+module PT = CicNotationPt;;
+module A = Ast;;
+let floc = HExtlib.dummy_floc;;
+let universe = "Univ" ;;
+let kw = [
+ "and","myand"
+let mk_ident s =
+ PT.Ident ((try List.assoc s kw with Not_found -> s),None)
+let rec collect_arities_from_term = function
+ | A.Constant name -> [name,0]
+ | A.Variable name -> []
+ | A.Function (name,l) ->
+ (name,List.length l)::List.flatten (List.map collect_arities_from_term l)
+let rec collect_fv_from_term = function
+ | A.Constant name -> []
+ | A.Variable name -> [name]
+ | A.Function (_,l) ->
+ List.flatten (List.map collect_fv_from_term l)
+let collect_arities_from_atom a =
+ let aux = function
+ | A.Proposition name -> assert false
+ | A.Predicate _ -> assert false
+ | A.True -> []
+ | A.False -> []
+ | A.Eq (t1,t2) -> collect_arities_from_term t1 @ collect_arities_from_term t2
+ | A.NotEq (t1,t2) -> collect_arities_from_term t1 @ collect_arities_from_term t2
+ in
+ aux a
+let collect_fv_from_atom a =
+ let aux = function
+ | A.Proposition name -> assert false
+ | A.Predicate _ -> assert false
+ | A.True -> []
+ | A.False -> []
+ | A.Eq (t1,t2) -> collect_fv_from_term t1 @ collect_fv_from_term t2
+ | A.NotEq (t1,t2) -> collect_fv_from_term t1 @ collect_fv_from_term t2
+ in
+ HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort compare (aux a))
+let collect_fv_from_formulae = function
+ | A.Disjunction _ -> assert false
+ | A.NegAtom a
+ | A.Atom a -> collect_fv_from_atom a
+let rec convert_term = function
+ | A.Variable x -> mk_ident x
+ | A.Constant x -> mk_ident x
+ | A.Function (name, args) ->
+ PT.Appl (mk_ident name :: List.map convert_term args)
+let atom_of_formula = function
+ | A.Disjunction _ -> assert false
+ | A.NegAtom a -> a (* removes the negation *)
+ | A.Atom a -> a
+let rec mk_arrow component = function
+ | 0 -> mk_ident component
+ | n ->
+ PT.Binder
+ (`Forall,
+ ((mk_ident "_"),Some (mk_ident component)),
+ mk_arrow component (n-1))
+let build_ctx_for_arities univesally arities t =
+ let binder = if univesally then `Forall else `Exists in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> t
+ | (name,nargs)::tl ->
+ PT.Binder
+ (binder,
+ (mk_ident name,Some (mk_arrow universe nargs)),
+ aux tl)
+ in
+ aux arities
+let convert_atom universally a =
+ let aux = function
+ | A.Proposition _ -> assert false
+ | A.Predicate (name,params) ->
+ prerr_endline ("Predicate is unsupported: " ^ name);
+ assert false
+ | A.True -> mk_ident "True"
+ | A.False -> mk_ident "False"
+ | A.Eq (l,r)
+ | A.NotEq (l,r) -> (* removes the negation *)
+ PT.Appl [mk_ident "eq";mk_ident universe;convert_term l;convert_term r]
+ in
+ build_ctx_for_arities universally
+ (List.map (fun x -> (x,0)) (collect_fv_from_atom a)) (aux a)
+let collect_arities atom ctx =
+ let atoms = atom::(List.map atom_of_formula ctx) in
+ HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort (fun (a,_) (b,_) -> compare a b)
+ (List.flatten (List.map collect_arities_from_atom atoms)))
+let assert_formulae_is_1eq_negated f =
+ let atom = atom_of_formula f in
+ match atom with
+ | A.Eq (l,r) -> failwith "Negated formula is not negated"
+ | A.NotEq (l,r) -> ()
+ | _ -> failwith "Not a unit equality formula"
+let rec convert_formula fv no_arities context f =
+ let atom = atom_of_formula f in
+ let t = convert_atom (fv = []) atom in
+ let rec build_ctx n = function
+ | [] -> t
+ | hp::tl ->
+ PT.Binder
+ (`Forall,
+ (mk_ident ("H" ^ string_of_int n),
+ Some (convert_formula [] true [] hp)),
+ build_ctx (n+1) tl)
+ in
+ let arities = if no_arities then [] else collect_arities atom context in
+ build_ctx_for_arities true arities (build_ctx 0 context)
+let check_if_atom_is_negative = function
+ | A.True | A.False | A.Proposition _ | A.Predicate _ -> assert false
+ | A.Eq _ -> false
+ | A.NotEq _ -> true
+let check_if_formula_is_negative = function
+ | A.Disjunction _ -> assert false
+ | A.NegAtom a -> not (check_if_atom_is_negative a)
+ | A.Atom a -> check_if_atom_is_negative a
+let convert_ast statements context = function
+ | A.Comment s ->
+ let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in
+ let s =
+ if s.[String.length s - 1] = '\n' then
+ String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1)
+ else
+ s
+ in
+ statements @ [GA.Comment (floc,GA.Note (floc,s))],
+ context
+ | A.Inclusion (s,_) ->
+ statements @ [
+ GA.Comment (
+ floc, GA.Note (
+ floc,"Inclusion of: " ^ s))], context
+ | A.AnnotatedFormula (name,kind,f,_,_) ->
+ match kind with
+ | A.Axiom
+ | A.Hypothesis ->
+ statements, f::context
+ | A.Negated_conjecture when not (check_if_formula_is_negative f) ->
+ statements, f::context
+ | A.Negated_conjecture ->
+ assert_formulae_is_1eq_negated f;
+ let fv = collect_fv_from_formulae f in
+ if fv <> [] then
+ prerr_endline ("FREE VARIABLES: " ^ String.concat "," fv);
+ let f =
+ PT.Binder
+ (`Forall,
+ (mk_ident universe,Some (PT.Sort `Set)),
+ convert_formula fv false context f)
+ in
+ let o = PT.Theorem (`Theorem,name,f,None) in
+ statements @ [
+ GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc,GA.Obj(floc,o)));
+ GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Tactic(floc,
+ GA.Intros (floc,None,[])),Some (GA.Dot(floc))))] @
+ (if fv <> [] then
+ (List.flatten
+ (List.map
+ (fun _ ->
+ [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Tactic(floc,
+ GA.Exists floc),Some (GA.Branch floc)));
+ GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc,
+ GA.Pos (floc,[2]),None))])
+ fv))
+ else [])@
+ [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Tactic(floc,
+ GA.Auto (floc,["paramodulation",""])),
+ Some (GA.Dot(floc))));
+ GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Try(floc,
+ GA.Tactic (floc, GA.Assumption floc)), Some (GA.Dot(floc))))
+ ]@
+ (if fv <> [] then
+ (List.flatten
+ (List.map
+ (fun _ ->
+ [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Shift floc, None));
+ GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Skip floc,Some
+ (GA.Merge floc)))])
+ fv))
+ else [])@
+ [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, GA.Print(floc,"proofterm")));
+ GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, GA.Qed(floc)))],
+ context
+ | A.Definition
+ | A.Lemma
+ | A.Theorem
+ | A.Conjecture
+ | A.Lemma_conjecture
+ | A.Plain
+ | A.Unknown -> assert false
+(* HELPERS *)
+let resolve ~tptppath s =
+ let resolved_name =
+ if Filename.check_suffix s ".p" then
+ (assert (String.length s > 5);
+ let prefix = String.sub s 0 3 in
+ tptppath ^ "/Problems/" ^ prefix ^ "/" ^ s)
+ else
+ tptppath ^ "/" ^ s
+ in
+ if HExtlib.is_regular resolved_name then
+ resolved_name
+ else
+ begin
+ prerr_endline ("Unable to find " ^ s ^ " (" ^ resolved_name ^ ")");
+ exit 1
+ end
+(* MAIN *)
+let tptp2grafite ?raw_preamble ~tptppath ~filename () =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | ((A.Inclusion (file,_)) as hd) :: tl ->
+ let file = resolve ~tptppath file in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel (open_in file) in
+ let statements = Parser.main Lexer.yylex lexbuf in
+ hd :: aux (statements @ tl)
+ | hd::tl -> hd :: aux tl
+ in
+ let statements = aux [A.Inclusion (filename,[])] in
+ let grafite_ast_statements,_ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (st, ctx) f ->
+ let newst, ctx = convert_ast st ctx f in
+ newst, ctx)
+ ([],[]) statements
+ in
+ let pp t =
+ (* ZACK: setting width to 80 will trigger a bug of BoxPp.render_to_string
+ * which will show up using the following command line:
+ * ./tptp2grafite -tptppath ~tassi/TPTP-v3.1.1 GRP170-1 *)
+ let width = max_int in
+ let term_pp content_term =
+ let pres_term = TermContentPres.pp_ast content_term in
+ let dummy_tbl = Hashtbl.create 1 in
+ let markup = CicNotationPres.render dummy_tbl pres_term in
+ let s = BoxPp.render_to_string List.hd width markup in
+ Pcre.substitute
+ ~pat:"\\\\forall [Ha-z][a-z0-9_]*" ~subst:(fun x -> "\n" ^ x) s
+ in
+ CicNotationPp.set_pp_term term_pp;
+ let lazy_term_pp = fun x -> assert false in
+ let obj_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_obj in
+ GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp t
+ in
+ let buri = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\.p$" ("cic:/matita/TPTP/" ^ filename) in
+ let extra_statements_start = [
+ GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc,
+ GA.Set(floc,"baseuri",buri)))]
+ in
+ let preamble =
+ match raw_preamble with
+ | None ->
+ pp (GA.Executable(floc,
+ GA.Command(floc,GA.Include(floc,"logic/equality.ma"))))
+ | Some s -> s buri
+ in
+ let extra_statements_end = [] in
+ let aliases = []
+ (*[("eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1)");
+ ("trans_eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/trans_eq.con");
+ ("eq_ind_r","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq_ind_r.con");
+ ("eq_ind","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq_ind.con");
+ ("sym_eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/sym_eq.con");
+ ("refl_equal","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1/1)")] *)
+ in
+ let s1 = List.map pp extra_statements_start in
+ let s2 =
+ List.map
+ (fun (n,s) ->
+ LexiconAstPp.pp_command (LA.Alias(floc, LA.Ident_alias(n,s))) ^ ".")
+ aliases
+ in
+ let s3 = List.map pp grafite_ast_statements in
+ let s4 = List.map pp extra_statements_end in
+ String.concat "\n" (s1@[preamble]@s2@s3@s4)
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2006, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
+ *)
+val tptp2grafite:
+ ?raw_preamble:(string -> string) ->
+ tptppath:string -> filename:string -> unit ->
+ string
--- /dev/null
helm-cic_disambiguation \
helm-grafite \
helm-grafite_engine \
+helm-tptp_grafite \
helm-grafite_parser \
helm-hgdome \
helm-tactics \
matitaExcPp.cmi matitaEngine.cmi buildTimeConf.cmi matitacLib.cmi
matitacLib.cmx: matitamakeLib.cmx matitaMisc.cmx matitaInit.cmx \
matitaExcPp.cmx matitaEngine.cmx buildTimeConf.cmx matitacLib.cmi
-matitac.cmo: matitamake.cmi matitadep.cmi matitaclean.cmi matitacLib.cmi \
- gragrep.cmi
-matitac.cmx: matitamake.cmx matitadep.cmx matitaclean.cmx matitacLib.cmx \
- gragrep.cmx
+matitac.cmo: matitaprover.cmo matitamake.cmi matitadep.cmi matitaclean.cmi \
+ matitacLib.cmi gragrep.cmi
+matitac.cmx: matitaprover.cmx matitamake.cmx matitadep.cmx matitaclean.cmx \
+ matitacLib.cmx gragrep.cmx
matitadep.cmo: matitaInit.cmi matitadep.cmi
matitadep.cmx: matitaInit.cmx matitadep.cmi
matitaEngine.cmo: matitaEngine.cmi
matitamake.cmo: matitamakeLib.cmi matitaInit.cmi matitamake.cmi
matitamake.cmx: matitamakeLib.cmx matitaInit.cmx matitamake.cmi
matitaMathView.cmo: matitaTypes.cmi matitaScript.cmi matitaMisc.cmi \
- matitaGuiTypes.cmi matitaGtkMisc.cmi matitaExcPp.cmi buildTimeConf.cmi \
- applyTransformation.cmi matitaMathView.cmi
+ matitaGuiTypes.cmi matitaGtkMisc.cmi matitaExcPp.cmi lablGraphviz.cmi \
+ buildTimeConf.cmi applyTransformation.cmi matitaMathView.cmi
matitaMathView.cmx: matitaTypes.cmx matitaScript.cmx matitaMisc.cmx \
- matitaGuiTypes.cmi matitaGtkMisc.cmx matitaExcPp.cmx buildTimeConf.cmx \
- applyTransformation.cmx matitaMathView.cmi
+ matitaGuiTypes.cmi matitaGtkMisc.cmx matitaExcPp.cmx lablGraphviz.cmx \
+ buildTimeConf.cmx applyTransformation.cmx matitaMathView.cmi
matitaMisc.cmo: buildTimeConf.cmi matitaMisc.cmi
matitaMisc.cmx: buildTimeConf.cmx matitaMisc.cmi
matita.cmo: matitaTypes.cmi matitaScript.cmi matitaMathView.cmi \
- matitaInit.cmi matitaGui.cmi matitaGtkMisc.cmi lablGraphviz.cmi \
- buildTimeConf.cmi
+ matitaInit.cmi matitaGui.cmi matitaGtkMisc.cmi buildTimeConf.cmi
matita.cmx: matitaTypes.cmx matitaScript.cmx matitaMathView.cmx \
- matitaInit.cmx matitaGui.cmx matitaGtkMisc.cmx lablGraphviz.cmx \
+ matitaInit.cmx matitaGui.cmx matitaGtkMisc.cmx buildTimeConf.cmx
+matitaprover.cmo: matitaInit.cmi matitaExcPp.cmi matitaEngine.cmi \
+ buildTimeConf.cmi
+matitaprover.cmx: matitaInit.cmx matitaExcPp.cmx matitaEngine.cmx \
matitaScript.cmo: matitamakeLib.cmi matitaTypes.cmi matitaMisc.cmi \
matitaGtkMisc.cmi matitaEngine.cmi buildTimeConf.cmi \
INSTALL_PROGRAMS= matita matitac
-INSTALL_PROGRAMS_LINKS_MATITAC= matitadep matitamake matitaclean
+INSTALL_PROGRAMS_LINKS_MATITAC= matitadep matitamake matitaclean matitaprover
MATITA_FLAGS = -noprofile
matitaExcPp.cmo \
matitaEngine.cmo \
matitacLib.cmo \
+ matitaprover.cmo \
matitadep.cmo \
gragrep.cmo \
- matita matitac cicbrowser matitadep matitaclean matitamake
+ matita matitac cicbrowser matitadep matitaclean matitamake matitaprover
PROGRAMS_OPT = $(patsubst %,%.opt,$(PROGRAMS_BYTE))
NOINST_PROGRAMS = dump_moo gragrep
$(H)echo " OCAMLC $<"
$(H)$(OCAMLC) $(CPKGS) -linkpkg -o $@ toplevellib.cma $(CCMOS) $<
+matitaprover: matitac
+ $(H)test -f $@ || ln -s $< $@
+matitaprover.opt: matitac.opt
+ $(H)test -f $@ || ln -s $< $@
matitadep: matitac
$(H)test -f $@ || ln -s $< $@
matitadep.opt: matitac.opt
strip $@
matitadep.opt.static: matitac.opt.static
$(H)test -f $@ || ln -s $< $@
+matitaprover.opt.static: matitac.opt.static
+ $(H)test -f $@ || ln -s $< $@
matitaclean.opt.static: matitac.opt.static
$(H)test -f $@ || ln -s $< $@
matitamake.opt.static: matitac.opt.static
sprintf "Grafite Grep v%s
Usage: gragrep [ -r ] PATH
+ BuildTimeConf.version;
+ "matitaprover",
+ sprintf "Matita's prover v%s
+Usage: matitaprover [ -tptppath ] FILE.p
| "matitadep" | "matitadep.opt" -> Matitadep.main ()
| "matitaclean" | "matitaclean.opt" -> Matitaclean.main ()
| "matitamake" | "matitamake.opt" -> Matitamake.main ()
+ | "matitaprover" | "matitaprover.opt" -> Matitaprover.main ()
| _ ->
let _ = Paramodulation.Saturation.init () in *)
--- /dev/null
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- TODO=Unsatisfiable/[A-Z]*.ma
+ if [ $prover = 'y' ]; then
+ TODO=`cat elenco_unsatisfiable.txt`
+ else
+ TODO=Unsatisfiable/[A-Z]*.ma
+ fi
TODO=`cat $1`
for X in $TODO; do
echo -n "$X ... "
LOGNAME=logs/log.`basename $X`
- $MATITAC -nodb $X > $LOGNAME 2>&1
- RATING=`grep "Rating" $X | sed 's/v.*//' | sed 's/(\*//'`
+ if [ $prover = 'y' ]; then
+ else
+ $MATITAC -nodb $X > $LOGNAME 2>&1
+ fi
+ if [ $prover = 'y' ]; then
+ BASE=`echo $X | cut -c 1-3`
+ RATING=`grep "Rating" $TPTPPATH/Problems/$BASE/$X | sed 's/v.*//' | sed 's/%//'`
+ else
+ RATING=`grep "Rating" $X | sed 's/v.*//' | sed 's/(\*//'`
+ fi
if [ `grep "Found a proof" $LOGNAME | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then
MAXWEIGHT=`grep "max weight:" $LOGNAME`