CicUtil.is_meta_closed goalty
-let prop = function (_,_,P) -> true | _ -> false;;
+let prop = function (_,depth,P) -> depth < 9 | _ -> false;;
let calculate_timeout flags =
if flags.timeout = 0. then
(prerr_endline "AUTO WITH NO TIMEOUT";{flags with timeout = infinity})
let _,cc,goalty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goalno metasenv in
- (lazy ("INSPECTING " ^ string_of_int goalno^ ":"^ppterm goalty));
+ (lazy ("INSPECTING " ^ string_of_int goalno^ ":"^ppterm goalty ^
+ "with depth"^string_of_int depth));
debug_print (lazy (AutoCache.cache_print context cache));
if sort = T (* && tl <> []*) then
- Success (metasenv,subst,tl), tables, cache,maxm
+ aux flags tables maxm cache ((metasenv,subst,gl)::tl)
+ (* Success (metasenv,subst,tl), tables, cache,maxm *)
(lazy (" FAILURE(not in prop)"));
aux flags tables maxm cache ((metasenv,subst,gl)::tl)
and aux_single flags tables maxm universe cache metasenv subst (goalno, depth, _) goalty cc =
+ (* let flags = if depth < 10 then {flags with maxwidth=3} else flags in *)
let goalty = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst goalty in
(* else if not (is_in_prop context subst metasenv goalty) then Fail,cache *)
(* FAILURE (euristic cut) *)
let metasenv = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv in
debug_print (lazy (" CACHE HIT!"));
Success (metasenv, subst, []), tables, cache, maxm
- | UnderInspection -> Fail "looping",tables,cache, maxm
+ | UnderInspection ->
+ (* assert (not (is_a_green_cut goalty)); *)
+ Fail "looping",tables,cache, maxm
| Notfound
| Failed_in _ when depth > 0 -> (* we have more depth now *)
let cache = cache_add_underinspection cache goalty depth in