+++ /dev/null
-#set -x
-TEMP=`getopt -o c:d:m: -- "$@"`
-eval set -- "$TEMP"
-while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- -d) libdir="$2"; shift 2 ;;
- -c) matitac="$2"; shift 2 ;;
- -m) devel="$2"; shift 2 ;;
- --) shift; break ;;
- *) echo "Usage: errors_bench [-c MATITAC_PATH] [-d LIBRARY_DIR] [-m MATITAMAKE_DEVEL]"; exit 1 ;;
- esac
-if ! [ -d "$libdir" ] ; then
- echo "Can't find library directory '$libdir'"
- exit 2
-if ! [ -x "$matitac" ] ; then
- echo "Can't find executable Matita compiler '$matitac'"
- exit 2
-ma_s=$(find $libdir -name "*.ma" -type f)
-sorted_ma_s=$($matitadep -order $ma_s)
-rm -f "$log"
-# format: tab-separated fields:
-# field descriptions:
-# OUTCOME is one of {"OK","KO","UNKNOWN(n)"}, n is an exit code
-# EXPECTED_ERROR is FROM-TO, where FROM and TO are character counts
-# ERRORS, same format as above (FROM-TO)
-# SPURIOUS_ERRORS, same format as above (FROM-TO)
-log_outcome ()
- echo -e "$1|$2|$3|$4|$5" >> "$log"
-for ma in $sorted_ma_s ; do
- mo=`echo $ma | sed 's/\.ma$/.mo/'`
- make -C $libdir $mo # ensure deps for $mo have been built
- rotten_mas=$(ls $libdir/$ma.*.rottened)
- for rotten_ma in $rotten_mas ; do
- rotten_ma=$(echo $rotten_ma | sed s@^$(pwd)/@@) # prettier names
- echo "$rotten_ma ..."
- tmp="bench_disamberrors.tmp"
- $matitac $rotten_ma &> $tmp
- outcome=$?
- if [ "$outcome" = 3 ] ; then
- outcome="KO"
- elif [ "$outcome" = 0 ] ; then
- outcome="OK"
- else
- outcome="UNKNOWN($outcome)"
- fi
- supposed_error=$(grep ^error-at: $rotten_ma | cut -f 2 -d' ')
- errors=""
- spurious_errors=""
- error_pass=""
- error_loc=""
- while read e ; do
- if echo "$e" | grep -q "Error at" && [ -n "$error_pass" ] ; then
- # this is an error location line
- if echo "$e" | grep -q "Spurious" ; then
- loc=$(echo "$e" | sed 's/:.*$//' | cut -f 4 -d ' ')
- if ! echo "$spurious_errors" | grep -q "$loc"; then
- if ! [ -z "$spurious_errors" ] ; then spurious_errors="$spurious_errors," ; fi
- spurious_errors="$spurious_errors$loc"
- fi
- else
- loc=$(echo "$e" | sed 's/:.*$//' | cut -f 3 -d ' ')
- if ! echo "$errors" | grep -q "$loc"; then
- if ! [ -z "$errors" ] ; then errors="$errors," ; fi
- errors="$errors$loc"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- error_pass=$(echo "$e" | grep "during phases " | sed 's/:.*$//' | cut -f 6 -d' ' | grep "4\|6")
- done < $tmp
- log_outcome $rotten_ma $outcome $supposed_error $errors $spurious_errors
- done
-echo "See $log for benchmark results"
+++ /dev/null
-import sys
-stats = {}
-stats['total'] = []
-stats['precise'] = []
-stats['imprecise'] = []
-stats['false-positives'] = []
-stats['undetected'] = []
-for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
- line = line.rstrip()
- if line[0] == '#':
- continue
- cols = line.split('|')
- name = cols[0]
- if cols[1] != 'KO':
- print "Warning: outcome of %s is %s, skipping it" % (name, cols[1])
- continue
- expected_error = cols[2]
- real_errors = cols[3].split(',')
- spurious_errors = cols[4].split(',')
- stats['total'].append((name,real_errors))
- if set([expected_error]) == set(real_errors):
- if expected_error in spurious_errors:
- stats['false-positives'].append((name,real_errors))
- else:
- stats['precise'].append((name,real_errors))
- elif expected_error in real_errors:
- if expected_error in spurious_errors:
- stats['false-positives'].append((name,real_errors))
- else:
- stats['imprecise'].append((name,real_errors))
- else:
- if expected_error in spurious_errors:
- stats['false-positives'].append((name,real_errors))
- else:
- stats['undetected'].append((name,real_errors))
-for field in ['undetected', 'imprecise', 'false-positives']:
- print "===================="
- print "%s:" % field
- for name,_ in stats[field]:
- print " %s" % name
-def average(l):
- if not(len(l)):
- return "N/A"
- else:
- return "%6.1f" % (reduce(lambda acc,x: acc+x,l,0)/float(len(l)))
-def mymax(l):
- if not(len(l)):
- return 0
- else:
- return max(l)
-def format_stat(field):
- global stats
- lista = stats[field]
- errors = map(lambda x: len(x[1]),lista)
- locations = map(lambda x: len(set(x[1])),lista)
- return r'%-15s & %6d & %6s & %6d & %6s & %6d & %6.1f\%% \\' % \
- (field, len(lista), average(locations),mymax(locations),
- average(errors),mymax(errors),float(len(lista)) /
- len(stats['total']) * 100)
-print "\n"
-print format_stat('precise')
-print format_stat('imprecise')
-print format_stat('false-positives')
-print format_stat('undetected')
-print r'\hline'
-print format_stat('total')
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
-# filter converting from .depend to .dot
-# tested on .depend generated by ocamldep
-# $Id$
-require 'set'
-edges = Set.new
-$stdin.each {|line|
- target, deps = line.split(/\s*:\s*/)
- while deps =~ /\\\s*$/ # deal with lines continued with trailing \
- deps.sub!(/\s*\\\s*$/, '')
- line = $stdin.readline
- deps += ' ' + line.lstrip
- end
- sources, targets = target.split, deps.split
- for src in sources
- for tgt in targets # ignore file extensions
- src.sub!(/\.[^.]+/, '')
- tgt.sub!(/\.[^.]+/, '')
- edges << [src, tgt] unless src == tgt # ignore self deps
- end
- end
-puts 'digraph G {'
-for src, tgt in edges
- print "\"#{src}\" -> \"#{tgt}\";\n"
-puts '}'
+++ /dev/null
-set -x
-make clean-rottened
-./rottener.opt -r library/