let xml_parser = P.create_parser callbacks in
ctxt.xml_parser <- Some xml_parser;
- P.parse xml_parser (`Gzip_file filename);
+ (try
+ P.parse xml_parser (`Gzip_file filename);
+ with exn ->
+ ctxt.xml_parser <- None;
+ (* ZACK: the above "<- None" is vital for garbage collection. Without it
+ * we keep in memory a circular structure parser -> callbacks -> ctxt ->
+ * parser. I don't know if the ocaml garbage collector is supposed to
+ * collect such structures, but for sure the expat bindings will (orribly)
+ * leak when used in conjunction with such structures *)
+ raise exn);
+ ctxt.xml_parser <- None; (* ZACK: same comment as above *)
(* debug_print (string_of_stack stack);*)
+ (* assert (List.length ctxt.stack = 1) *)
List.hd ctxt.stack
| Failure "int_of_string" -> parse_error ctxt "integer number expected"