GMisc.image ~packing:viewport#add ~xalign:0. ~yalign:0. ~xpad:0 ~ypad:0 ()
let parse_coords s =
- match float_of_string (HExtlib.split ~sep:',' s) with
+ let xys = HExtlib.split ~sep:' ' s in
+ let xys = List.flatten ( (HExtlib.split ~sep:',') xys) in
+ match float_of_string xys with
| [x1; y1; x2; y2 ] -> x1, y1, x2, y2
| _ -> assert false in
object (self)
let is_rect l =
try List.assoc "shape" l = "rect" with Not_found -> false
+ let is_poly l =
+ try List.assoc "shape" l = "poly" with Not_found -> false
+ in
+ let rectify l =
+ (
+ function "coords",c ->
+ let xys = HExtlib.split ~sep:' ' c in
+ let xys =
+ (fun s ->
+ match HExtlib.split ~sep:',' s with
+ | [x; y] -> int_of_string x, int_of_string y
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ xys
+ in
+ let xs, ys = List.split xys in
+ let max_x = string_of_int (List.fold_left max 0 xs) in
+ let max_y = string_of_int (List.fold_left max 0 ys) in
+ let min_x = string_of_int (List.fold_left min max_int xs) in
+ let min_y = string_of_int (List.fold_left min max_int ys) in
+ "coords", min_x^","^min_y^" "^max_x^","^max_y
+ | x -> x) l
+ in
let p =
{ XmlPushParser.default_callbacks with
Some (fun elt attrs ->
match elt with
| "area" when is_rect attrs -> areas := attrs :: !areas
+ | "area" when is_poly attrs -> areas := rectify attrs :: !areas
| _ -> ()) } in
XmlPushParser.parse p (`File fname);
map <- !areas
method center_on_href href =
(*eprintf "Centering viewport on uri %s\n%!" href;*)
- let attrs =
- List.find
- (fun attrs ->
- try List.assoc "href" attrs = href with Not_found -> false)
- map in
+ let attrs =
+ List.find
+ (fun attrs ->
+ try List.assoc "href" attrs = href with Not_found -> false)
+ map
+ in
let x1, y1, x2, y2 = parse_coords (List.assoc "coords" attrs) in
viewport#hadjustment#clamp_page ~lower:x1 ~upper:x2;
viewport#vadjustment#clamp_page ~lower:y1 ~upper:y2;