(* *)
(* Ferruccio Guidi <fguidi@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* Domenico Lordi <lordi@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* 30/04/2002 *)
+(* Irene Schena <schena@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 10/09/2002 *)
(* *)
(* *)
-exception MQInvalidURI of string
-exception MQConnectionFailed of string
-exception MQInvalidConnection of string
-(* Input types **************************************************************)
-(* main type is mquery *)
-type mqrvar = string (* name *)
-type mqsvar = string (* name *)
-type mqlvar = string (* name *)
-type mqpt = string option (* PROTOCOL TOKENS *)
- (* Some = constant string *)
- (* None = single star: '*' *)
-type mqbt = (* BODY TOKENS *)
- | MQBC of string (* a constant string *)
- | MQBD (* a slash: '/' *)
- | MQBQ (* a question mark: '?' *)
- | MQBS (* a single star: '*' *)
- | MQBSS (* a double star: '**' *)
-type mqft = (* FRAGMENT TOKENS *)
- | MQFC of int (* a constant integer *)
- | MQFS (* a single star: '*' *)
- | MQFSS (* a double star: '**' *)
-type mquref = UriManager.uri * (int list) (* uri, fragment identifier *)
-type mqtref = mqpt * (mqbt list) * (mqft list) (* tokenized pattern reference *)
-type mqfunc =
- | MQName (* Name *)
- | MQTheory (* theory *)
- | MQTitle (* DC properties *)
- | MQContributor
- | MQCreator
- | MQPublisher
- | MQSubject
- | MQDescription
- | MQDate
- | MQType
- | MQFormat
- | MQIdentifier
- | MQLanguage
- | MQRelation
- | MQSource
- | MQCoverage
- | MQRights
- | MQInstitution
- | MQContact
- | MQFirstVersion
- | MQModified
-type mqstring =
- | MQCons of string (* constant *)
- | MQFunc of mqfunc * mqrvar (* function, rvar *)
- | MQStringRVar of mqrvar (* rvar *)
- | MQStringSVar of mqsvar (* svar *)
- | MQMConclusion (* main conclusion *)
- | MQConclusion (* inner conclusion *)
-type mqorder =
- | MQAsc (* ascending order *)
- | MQDesc (* descending order *)
-type mqbool =
- | MQTrue (* true *)
- | MQFalse (* false *)
- | MQAnd of mqbool * mqbool (* conjunction *)
- | MQOr of mqbool * mqbool (* disjunction *)
- | MQNot of mqbool (* negation *)
- | MQIs of mqstring * mqstring (* case-sensitive comparison *)
- | MQSetEqual of mqlist * mqlist (* the two lists denote the same set *)
- | MQSubset of mqlist * mqlist (* the two lists denote two sets, the 1st subset of the 2nd *)
-and mqlist =
- | MQReference of string list (* reference list *)
- | MQPattern of mqtref (* pattern *)
- | MQListLVar of mqlvar (* lvar *)
- | MQListRVar of mqrvar (* rvar *)
- | MQSelect of mqrvar * mqlist * mqbool (* rvar, list, boolean *)
- | MQUse of mqlist * mqsvar (* list, Position attribute *)
- | MQUsedBy of mqlist * mqsvar (* list, Position attribute *)
- | MQUnion of mqlist * mqlist (* operands *)
- | MQIntersect of mqlist * mqlist (* operands *)
- | MQSortedBy of mqlist * mqorder * mqfunc (* ordering *)
- | MQDiff of mqlist * mqlist (* set difference *)
- | MQLetIn of mqlvar * mqlist * mqlist (* explicit lvar assignment *)
-type mquery =
- | MQList of mqlist
-(* Output types *************************************************************)
-(* main type is mqresult *)
-type mqresult =
- | MQRefs of string list
+(* input data structures ****************************************************)
+type svar = string (* the name of a variable for a resource set *)
+type rvar = string (* the name of a variable for a resource *)
+type vvar = string (* the name of a variable for an attribute value *)
+type refine_op = Exact
+ | Sub
+ | Super
+type attr_list = string list
+type set_exp = SVar of svar
+ | RVar of rvar
+ | Ref of val_exp
+ | Pattern of val_exp
+ | Relation of refine_op * string * set_exp * attr_list
+ | Select of rvar * set_exp * boole_exp
+ | Union of set_exp * set_exp
+ | Intersect of set_exp * set_exp
+ | Diff of set_exp * set_exp
+ | Let of svar * set_exp * set_exp
+and boole_exp = False
+ | True
+ | Not of boole_exp
+ | Ex of boole_exp
+ | And of boole_exp * boole_exp
+ | Or of boole_exp * boole_exp
+ | Sub of val_exp * val_exp
+ | Meet of val_exp * val_exp
+ | Eq of val_exp * val_exp
+and val_exp = Const of string list
+ | Refof of set_exp
+ | Record of rvar * vvar
+ | Fun of string * val_exp
+ | Attribute of refine_op * string * val_exp
+(* output data structures ***************************************************)
+type value = string list (* the value of an attribute *)
+type attribute = string * value (* an attribute *)
+type attribute_group = attribute list (* a group of attributes *)
+type attribute_set = attribute_group list (* the attributes of an URI *)
+type resource = string * attribute_set (* an attributed URI *)
+type resource_set = resource list (* the query result *)