| None -> None
| Some id -> (try Some (Hashtbl.find ids_to_uris id) with Not_found -> None)
- let make_href xref uris =
+ let make_href xmlattrs xref uris =
let xref_uri = lookup_uri xref in
let raw_uris = List.map UriManager.string_of_uri uris in
let uri =
| None, raw_uris -> Some (String.concat " " raw_uris)
| Some uri, raw_uris -> Some (String.concat " " (uri :: raw_uris))
- make_attributes [Some "helm", "xref"; Some "xlink", "href"] [xref; uri]
+ xmlattrs
+ @ make_attributes [Some "helm", "xref"; Some "xlink", "href"] [xref; uri]
let make_xref xref = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let make_box = function
| m -> Box.Object ([], m)
(* when mathonly is true no boxes should be generated, only mrows *)
- let rec aux mathonly xref pos prec uris t =
+ let rec aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t =
match t with
| A.AttributedTerm (attr, t) ->
- aux_attribute mathonly xref pos prec uris t attr
- | A.Ident (literal, _) -> P.Mi (make_href xref [], to_unicode literal)
- | A.Num (literal, _) -> P.Mn (make_href xref [], to_unicode literal)
- | A.Symbol (literal, _) -> P.Mo (make_href xref uris, to_unicode literal)
- | A.Uri (literal, _) -> P.Mi (make_href xref [], to_unicode literal)
- | A.Literal l -> aux_literal xref prec uris l
+ aux_attribute xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t attr
+ | A.Ident (literal, _) ->
+ P.Mi (make_href xmlattrs xref [], to_unicode literal)
+ | A.Num (literal, _) ->
+ P.Mn (make_href xmlattrs xref [], to_unicode literal)
+ | A.Symbol (literal, _) ->
+ P.Mo (make_href xmlattrs xref uris, to_unicode literal)
+ | A.Uri (literal, _) ->
+ P.Mi (make_href xmlattrs xref [], to_unicode literal)
+ | A.Literal l -> aux_literal xmlattrs xref prec uris l
| A.Layout l -> aux_layout mathonly xref pos prec uris l
| A.Magic _
| A.Variable _ -> assert false (* should have been instantiated *)
| t ->
prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t);
assert false
- and aux_attribute mathonly xref pos prec uris t =
+ and aux_attribute xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t =
- | `Loc _ -> aux mathonly xref pos prec uris t
+ | `Loc _ -> aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t
| `Level (child_prec, child_assoc) ->
- let t' = aux mathonly xref pos child_prec uris t in
+ let t' = aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos child_prec uris t in
add_parens child_prec child_assoc pos prec t'
- | `IdRef xref -> aux mathonly (Some xref) pos prec uris t
- | `Href uris' -> aux mathonly xref pos prec uris' t
- and aux_literal xref prec uris l =
- let attrs = make_href xref uris in
+ | `IdRef xref -> aux xmlattrs mathonly (Some xref) pos prec uris t
+ | `Href uris' -> aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris' t
+ | `XmlAttrs xmlattrs -> aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t
+ and aux_literal xmlattrs xref prec uris l =
+ let attrs = make_href xmlattrs xref uris in
match l with
| `Symbol s -> P.Mo (attrs, to_unicode s)
- | `Keyword s -> P.Mo (keyword_attributes @ attrs, to_unicode s)
+ | `Keyword s -> P.Mo (attrs, to_unicode s)
| `Number s -> P.Mn (attrs, to_unicode s)
and aux_layout mathonly xref pos prec uris l =
let attrs = make_xref xref in
- let invoke' t = aux true None pos prec uris t in
+ let invoke' t = aux [] true None pos prec uris t in
match l with
| A.Sub (t1, t2) -> P.Msub (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
| A.Sup (t1, t2) -> P.Msup (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
| A.Box (kind, terms) ->
let children = aux_children mathonly xref pos prec uris terms in
box_of mathonly kind attrs children
+ | A.Break -> assert false (* TODO? *)
and aux_children mathonly xref pos prec uris terms =
let rec aux_list first =
| `Right -> `Right
| `Left -> `Inner
- [aux mathonly xref pos' prec uris t]
+ [aux [] mathonly xref pos' prec uris t]
| t :: tl ->
let pos' =
match pos, first with
| `Right, _ -> `Inner
| `Inner, _ -> `Inner
- (aux mathonly xref pos' prec uris t) :: aux_list false tl
+ (aux [] mathonly xref pos' prec uris t) :: aux_list false tl
match terms with
- [t] -> [aux mathonly xref pos prec uris t]
+ | [t] -> [aux [] mathonly xref pos prec uris t]
| tl -> aux_list true tl
- aux false None `None 0 []
+ aux [] false None `None 0 []
let render_to_boxml id_to_uri t =
let rec print_box (t: CicNotationPres.boxml_markup) =
uri: (Cic.id, string) Hashtbl.t;
-let warning s = prerr_endline ("CicNotation WARNING: " ^ s)
let get_types uri =
let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in
match o with
| `Forall -> "\\forall"
| `Exists -> "\\exists"
+let binder_attributes = [None, "mathcolor", "blue"]
+let atop_attributes = [None, "linethickness", "0pt"]
+let indent_attributes = [None, "indent", "1em"]
+let keyword_attributes = [None, "mathcolor", "blue"]
let pp_ast0 t k =
let reset_href t = Ast.AttributedTerm (`Href [], t) in
let builtin_symbol s = reset_href (Ast.Literal (`Symbol s)) in
+ let binder_symbol s =
+ Ast.AttributedTerm (`XmlAttrs binder_attributes, builtin_symbol s)
+ in
let rec aux = function
| Ast.Appl ts ->
Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level (Parser.apply_prec, Parser.apply_assoc),
Ast.Layout (Ast.Box ((Ast.HV, false, true), [
aux_ty ty;
Ast.Layout (Ast.Box ((Ast.H, false, false), [
- builtin_symbol "\\to";
+ binder_symbol "\\to";
k body]))])))
| Ast.Binder (binder_kind, (id, ty), body) ->
Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level (Parser.binder_prec, Parser.binder_assoc),
Ast.Layout (Ast.Box ((Ast.HV, false, true), [
Ast.Layout (Ast.Box ((Ast.H, false, false), [
- builtin_symbol (resolve_binder binder_kind);
+ binder_symbol (resolve_binder binder_kind);
k id;
builtin_symbol ":";
aux_ty ty ]));
assert (CicNotationEnv.well_typed expected_ty value);
[ CicNotationEnv.term_of_value value ]
| Ast.Magic m -> subst_magic env m
+ | Ast.Literal (`Keyword k) as t ->
+ [ Ast.AttributedTerm (`XmlAttrs keyword_attributes, t) ]
| Ast.Literal _ as t -> [ t ]
| Ast.Layout l -> [ Ast.Layout (subst_layout env l) ]
| t -> [ CicNotationUtil.visit_ast (subst_singleton env) t ]