(* equality-selection related globals *)
let use_fullred = ref true;;
-let weight_age_ratio = ref (* 5 *) 3;; (* settable by the user *)
+let weight_age_ratio = ref (* 5 *) 4;; (* settable by the user *)
let weight_age_counter = ref !weight_age_ratio;;
-let symbols_ratio = ref (* 0 *) 2;;
+let symbols_ratio = ref (* 0 *) 3;;
let symbols_counter = ref 0;;
(* non-recursive Knuth-Bendix term ordering by default *)
let (nl, ns), (pl, ps), tbl = passive in
let howmany = float_of_int howmany
and ratio = float_of_int !weight_age_ratio in
- let in_weight = int_of_float (howmany *. ratio /. (ratio +. 1.))
- and in_age = int_of_float (howmany /. (ratio +. 1.)) in
+ let round v =
+ let t = ceil v in
+ int_of_float (if t -. v < 0.5 then t else v)
+ in
+ let in_weight = round (howmany *. ratio /. (ratio +. 1.))
+ and in_age = round (howmany /. (ratio +. 1.)) in
debug_print (Printf.sprintf "in_weight: %d, in_age: %d\n" in_weight in_age);
let symbols, card =
match active with
let _, ps, pl = picka in_age ps pl in
if not (EqualitySet.is_empty ps) then
(* maximal_weight := Some (weight_of_equality (EqualitySet.max_elt ps)); *)
- maximal_retained_equality := Some (EqualitySet.max_elt ps);
+ maximal_retained_equality := Some (EqualitySet.max_elt ps);
let tbl =
(fun e tbl -> Indexing.index tbl e) ps (Indexing.empty_table ())
derived_clauses := !derived_clauses + (List.length new_neg) +
(List.length new_pos);
- match (* !maximal_weight *)!maximal_retained_equality with
+ match !maximal_retained_equality with
| None -> new_neg, new_pos
- | Some (* w *) eq ->
- let new_pos =
- List.filter (fun e -> (* (weight_of_equality e) <= w *) OrderedEquality.compare e eq <= 0) new_pos in
+ | Some eq ->
+ (* if we have a maximal_retained_equality, we can discard all equalities
+ "greater" than it, as they will never be reached... An equality is
+ greater than maximal_retained_equality if it is bigger
+ wrt. OrderedEquality.compare and it is less similar than
+ maximal_retained_equality to the current goal *)
+ let symbols, card =
+ match active_list with
+ | (Negative, e)::_ ->
+ let symbols = symbols_of_equality e in
+ let card = TermMap.fold (fun k v res -> res + v) symbols 0 in
+ Some symbols, card
+ | _ -> None, 0
+ in
+ let new_pos =
+ match symbols with
+ | None ->
+ List.filter (fun e -> OrderedEquality.compare e eq <= 0) new_pos
+ | Some symbols ->
+ let filterfun e =
+ if OrderedEquality.compare e eq <= 0 then
+ true
+ else
+ let foldfun k v (r1, r2) =
+ if TermMap.mem k symbols then
+ let c = TermMap.find k symbols in
+ let c1 = abs (c - v) in
+ let c2 = v - c1 in
+ r1 + c2, r2 + c1
+ else
+ r1, r2 + v
+ in
+ let initial =
+ let common, others =
+ TermMap.fold foldfun (symbols_of_equality eq) (0, 0) in
+ others + (abs (common - card))
+ in
+ let common, others =
+ TermMap.fold foldfun (symbols_of_equality e) (0, 0) in
+ let c = others + (abs (common - card)) in
+ if c < initial then true else false
+ in
+ List.filter filterfun new_pos
+ in
new_neg, new_pos
let all = if pl = [] then active_list else active_list @ pl in
-(* let rec find_duplicate sign current = function *)
+ (* let rec find_duplicate sign current = function *)
(* | [] -> false *)
(* | (s, eq)::tl when s = sign -> *)
(* if meta_convertibility_eq current eq then true *)