C.Rel m ->
if m <=k then
- C.Rel m (*CSC: che succede se c'e' un Def? Dovrebbe averlo gia' *)
- (*CSC: deliftato la regola per il LetIn *)
- (*CSC: FALSO! La regola per il LetIn non lo fa *)
+ C.Rel m
match List.nth context (m-k-1) with
Some (_,C.Def (t,_)) ->
(*CSC: Hmmm. This bit of reduction is not in the spirit of *)
(*CSC: first order unification. Does it help or does it harm? *)
+ (*CSC: ANSWER: it hurts performances since it is possible to *)
+ (*CSC: have an exponential explosion of the size of the proof.*)
+ (*CSC: However, without this bit of reduction some "apply" in *)
+ (*CSC: the library fail (e.g. nat/ *)
deliftaux k (S.lift m t)
| Some (_,C.Decl t) ->
C.Rel ((position (m-k) l) + k)