raise (UniverseInconsistency s)
-let fill_empty_nodes_with_uri g l uri =
+let fill_empty_nodes_with_uri (g, already_contained) l uri =
let fill_empty_universe u =
match u with
(i,None) -> (i,Some uri)
MAL.add (fill_empty_universe k) (fill_empty_entry v) m) m MAL.empty
let l' = List.map fill_empty_universe l in
- m',l'
+ (m', already_contained),l'
(** World interface **)
-type universe_graph = bag
+type universe_graph = bag * UriManager.UriSet.t
+(* the graph , the cache of already merged ugraphs *)
-let empty_ugraph = empty_bag
+let empty_ugraph = empty_bag, UriManager.UriSet.empty
let current_index_anon = ref (-1)
let current_index_named = ref (-1)
| (i, None) -> (i, Some uri)
| _ -> u
-let print_ugraph g =
+let print_ugraph (g, _) =
prerr_endline (string_of_bag g)
let add_eq ?(fast=(!fast_implementation)) u v b =
(** START: Decomment this for performance comparisons **)
-let add_eq ?(fast=(!fast_implementation)) u v b =
+let add_eq ?(fast=(!fast_implementation)) u v (b,already_contained) =
+ (*prerr_endline "add_eq";*)
begin_spending ();
let rc = add_eq ~fast u v b in
- rc
+ rc,already_contained
-let add_ge ?(fast=(!fast_implementation)) u v b =
+let add_ge ?(fast=(!fast_implementation)) u v (b,already_contained) =
+(* prerr_endline "add_ge"; *)
begin_spending ();
let rc = add_ge ~fast u v b in
- rc
+ rc,already_contained
-let add_gt ?(fast=(!fast_implementation)) u v b =
+let add_gt ?(fast=(!fast_implementation)) u v (b,already_contained) =
+(* prerr_endline "add_gt"; *)
begin_spending ();
let rc = add_gt ~fast u v b in
- rc
+ rc,already_contained
(** END: Decomment this for performance comparisons **)
-let merge_ugraphs u v =
+let merge_ugraphs ~base_ugraph ~increment:(increment, uri_of_increment) =
(* this sucks *)
- let merge_brutal u v =
- if u = empty_bag then v
- else if v = empty_bag then u
+ let merge_brutal (u,_) v =
+ if u = empty_bag then
+ ((*prerr_endline "HIT2";*)v)
+ else if fst v = empty_bag then
+ ((*prerr_endline "HIT3";*) u, snd v)
+ ((*prerr_endline "MISS";*)
let m1 = u in
let m2 = v in
MAL.fold (
fun u x ->
let m = add_eq k u x in m)
(SOF.union v.one_s_eq v.eq_closure) x)))
- ) m1 m2
+ ) m1 m2)
- merge_brutal v u
+ let _, already_contained = base_ugraph in
+ if UriManager.UriSet.mem uri_of_increment already_contained then
+ ((*prerr_endline "HIT1";*)
+ base_ugraph)
+ else
+ fst (merge_brutal increment base_ugraph),
+ UriManager.UriSet.add uri_of_increment already_contained
(** Xml sesialization and parsing **)
let content = xml_of_entry_content e in
ent content
-let write_xml_of_ugraph filename m l =
+let write_xml_of_ugraph filename (m,_) l =
let tokens =
Xml.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
let univno = fst
-let rec clean_ugraph m f =
+let rec clean_ugraph (m,already_contained) f =
let m' =
MAL.fold (fun k v x -> if (f k) then MAL.add k v x else x ) m MAL.empty in
let m'' = MAL.fold (fun k v x ->
k::l end else l) m'' []
if e_l != [] then
- clean_ugraph m'' (fun u -> (f u) && not (List.mem u e_l))
+ clean_ugraph
+ (m'', already_contained) (fun u -> (f u) && not (List.mem u e_l))
(fun k v x -> if v <> empty_entry then MAL.add k v x else x)
- m'' MAL.empty
+ m'' MAL.empty,
+ already_contained
let clean_ugraph g l =
clean_ugraph g (fun u -> List.mem u l)
let xml_source = `Gzip_file filename in
(try XPP.parse xml_parser xml_source
with (XPP.Parse_error err) as exn -> raise exn);
- !result_map, !result_list
+ (!result_map,UriManager.UriSet.empty), !result_list
one_s_gt = recons_set entry.one_s_gt;
-let recons_graph graph =
+let recons_graph (graph,uriset) =
(fun universe entry map ->
MAL.add (recons_univ universe) (recons_entry entry) map)
- graph MAL.empty
+ graph
+ MAL.empty,
+ UriManager.UriSet.fold
+ (fun u acc ->
+ UriManager.UriSet.add
+ (UriManager.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri u)) acc)
+ uriset UriManager.UriSet.empty
let assert_univ u =
match u with
| (_,None) -> raise (UniverseInconsistency "This universe graph has a hole")
| _ -> ()
-let assert_univs_have_uri graph univlist =
+let assert_univs_have_uri (graph,_) univlist =
let assert_set s =
SOF.iter (fun u -> assert_univ u) s
(* get the uri, if we trust it will be added to the cacheOfCookedObjects *)
-let get_cooked_obj_with_univlist ?(trust=true) base_univ uri =
+let get_cooked_obj_with_univlist ?(trust=true) base_ugraph uri =
(* the object should be in the cacheOfCookedObjects *)
let o,u,l = Cache.find_cooked uri in
- o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs base_univ u),l
+ o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs ~base_ugraph ~increment:(u,uri)),l
with Not_found ->
(* this should be an error case, but if we trust the uri... *)
if trust && trust_obj uri then
(* trusting means that we will fetch cook it on the fly *)
let o,u,l = add_trusted_uri_to_cache uri in
- o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs base_univ u),l
+ o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs ~base_ugraph ~increment:(u,uri)),l
(* we don't trust the uri, so we fail *)
raise Not_found
-let get_cooked_obj ?trust base_univ uri =
- let o,g,_ = get_cooked_obj_with_univlist ?trust base_univ uri in
+let get_cooked_obj ?trust base_ugraph uri =
+ let o,g,_ = get_cooked_obj_with_univlist ?trust base_ugraph uri in
(* This has not the old semantic :( but is what the name suggests
* as the get_cooked_obj but returns a type_checked_obj
-let is_type_checked ?(trust=true) base_univ uri =
+let is_type_checked ?(trust=true) base_ugraph uri =
let o,u,_ = Cache.find_cooked uri in
- CheckedObj (o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs base_univ u))
+ CheckedObj (o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs ~base_ugraph ~increment:(u,uri)))
with Not_found ->
(* this should return UncheckedObj *)
if trust && trust_obj uri then
(* trusting means that we will fetch cook it on the fly *)
let o,u,_ = add_trusted_uri_to_cache uri in
- CheckedObj ( o, CicUniv.merge_ugraphs u base_univ )
+ CheckedObj ( o, CicUniv.merge_ugraphs ~base_ugraph ~increment:(u,uri))
let o,u,_ = find_or_add_to_unchecked uri in
Cache.unchecked_to_frozen uri;
(* as the get cooked, but if not present the object is only fetched,
* not unfreezed and committed
-let get_obj base_univ uri =
+let get_obj base_ugraph uri =
(* the object should be in the cacheOfCookedObjects *)
let o,u,_ = Cache.find_cooked uri in
- o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs base_univ u)
+ o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs ~base_ugraph ~increment:(u,uri))
with Not_found ->
(* this should be an error case, but if we trust the uri... *)
let o,u,_ = find_or_add_to_unchecked uri in
- o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs base_univ u)
+ o,(CicUniv.merge_ugraphs ~base_ugraph ~increment:(u,uri))
let in_cache uri =