| t1, t2 when t1 = t2 -> Eq
- | C.Rel n, C.Rel m -> if n > m then Lt else Gt (* ALB: changed < to > *)
+ | C.Rel n, C.Rel m -> if n > m then Lt else Gt
| C.Rel _, _ -> Lt
| _, C.Rel _ -> Gt
-let string_of_equality ?env =
- match env with
- | None -> (
- function
- | _, (ty, left, right), _, _ ->
- Printf.sprintf "{%s}: %s = %s" (CicPp.ppterm ty)
- (CicPp.ppterm left) (CicPp.ppterm right)
- )
- | Some (_, context, _) -> (
- let names = names_of_context context in
- function
- | _, (ty, left, right), _, _ ->
- Printf.sprintf "{%s}: %s = %s" (CicPp.pp ty names)
- (CicPp.pp left names) (CicPp.pp right names)
+module OrderedTerm =
+ type t = Cic.term
+ let compare = Pervasives.compare
+module TermSet = Set.Make(OrderedTerm);;
+module TermMap = Map.Make(OrderedTerm);;
+let symbols_of_term term =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let rec aux map = function
+ | C.Meta _ -> map
+ | C.Appl l ->
+ List.fold_left (fun res t -> (aux res t)) map l
+ | t ->
+ let map =
+ try
+ let c = TermMap.find t map in
+ TermMap.add t (c+1) map
+ with Not_found ->
+ TermMap.add t 1 map
+ in
+ map
+ in
+ aux TermMap.empty term
+let metas_of_term term =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | C.Meta _ as t -> TermSet.singleton t
+ | C.Appl l ->
+ List.fold_left (fun res t -> TermSet.union res (aux t)) TermSet.empty l
+ | t -> TermSet.empty (* TODO: maybe add other cases? *)
+ in
+ aux term
+let rec lpo t1 t2 =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ match t1, t2 with
+ | t1, t2 when t1 = t2 -> Eq
+ | t1, (C.Meta _ as m) ->
+ if TermSet.mem m (metas_of_term t1) then Gt else Incomparable
+ | (C.Meta _ as m), t2 ->
+ if TermSet.mem m (metas_of_term t2) then Lt else Incomparable
+ | C.Appl (hd1::tl1), C.Appl (hd2::tl2) -> (
+ let res =
+ let f o r t =
+ if r then true else
+ match lpo t o with
+ | Gt | Eq -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let res1 = List.fold_left (f t2) false tl1 in
+ if res1 then Gt
+ else let res2 = List.fold_left (f t1) false tl2 in
+ if res2 then Lt
+ else Incomparable
+ in
+ if res <> Incomparable then
+ res
+ else
+ let f o r t =
+ if not r then false else
+ match lpo o t with
+ | Gt -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ match aux_ordering hd1 hd2 with
+ | Gt ->
+ let res = List.fold_left (f t1) false tl2 in
+ if res then Gt
+ else Incomparable
+ | Lt ->
+ let res = List.fold_left (f t2) false tl1 in
+ if res then Lt
+ else Incomparable
+ | Eq -> (
+ let lex_res =
+ try
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun r t1 t2 -> if r <> Eq then r else lpo t1 t2)
+ Eq tl1 tl2
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ Incomparable
+ in
+ match lex_res with
+ | Gt ->
+ if List.fold_left (f t1) false tl2 then Gt
+ else Incomparable
+ | Lt ->
+ if List.fold_left (f t2) false tl1 then Lt
+ else Incomparable
+ | _ -> Incomparable
+ )
+ | _ -> Incomparable
+ | t1, t2 -> aux_ordering t1 t2
+(* settable by the user... *)
+let compare_terms = ref nonrec_kbo;;