exception Success of B.t Terms.bag * int * B.t Terms.unit_clause
- (* let debug s = prerr_endline s;; *)
+ (* let debug s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);; *)
let debug _ = ();;
let enable = true;;
prof_demod.HExtlib.profile (demod table varlist) x
- let mydemod table varlist subterm =
+ let mydemod table varlist subterm =
let cands =
(IDX.DT.retrieve_generalizations table) subterm
- (fun (dir, (id,lit,vl,_)) ->
+ (fun (dir, ((id,lit,vl,_) as c)) ->
+ debug (lazy("candidate: "
+ ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause c));
match lit with
| Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
| Terms.Equation (l,r,_,o) ->
let rec demodulate bag (id, literal, vl, pr) table =
+ debug (lazy "demodulate...");
match literal with
| Terms.Predicate t -> assert false
| Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
visit bag [3]
(fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; x ]) id1 r
(ctx_demod table vl)
- in
+ in
let cl,_,_ = Terms.get_from_bag id2 bag in
let (id,_,_,_) = cl in
let actives = List.map (fun (i,_,_,_) -> i) actives in
let (res,_) = orphan_murder bag actives id in
- if res then debug "Orphan murdered"; res
+ if res then debug (lazy "Orphan murdered"); res
let prof_orphan_murder = HExtlib.profile ~enable "orphan_murder";;
let orphan_murder bag actives x =
(* demodulate and check for subsumption *)
- let simplify table maxvar bag clause =
+ let simplify table maxvar bag clause =
+ debug (lazy "simplify...");
if is_identity_clause ~unify:false clause then bag,None
(* else if orphan_murder bag actives clause then bag,None *)
else let bag, clause = demodulate bag clause table in
match simplify atable maxvar bag new_clause with
| bag,None -> bag,None (* new_clause has been discarded *)
| bag,(Some clause) ->
- let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar IDX.DT.empty clause in
+ let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause IDX.DT.empty clause in
let bag, alist, atable =
(fun (bag, alist, atable) c ->
|bag,None -> (bag,alist,atable)
(* an active clause as been discarded *)
|bag,Some c1 ->
- bag, c :: alist, IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable c)
+ bag, c :: alist, IDX.index_unit_clause atable c)
(bag,[],IDX.DT.empty) alist
bag, Some (clause, (alist,atable))
let simplification_step ~new_cl cl (alist,atable) bag maxvar new_clause =
let atable1 =
if new_cl then atable else
- IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable cl
+ IDX.index_unit_clause atable cl
(* Simplification of new_clause with : *
* - actives and cl if new_clause is not cl *
| bag,Some clause ->
(* Simplification of each active clause with clause *
* which is the simplified form of new_clause *)
- let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar IDX.DT.empty clause in
+ let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause IDX.DT.empty clause in
let bag, newa, alist, atable =
(fun (bag, newa, alist, atable) c ->
|bag,Some c1 ->
if (c1 == c) then
bag, newa, c :: alist,
- IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable c
+ IDX.index_unit_clause atable c
bag, c1 :: newa, alist, atable)
(bag,[],[],IDX.DT.empty) alist
| bag,(None, Some _) -> bag,None
| bag,(Some cl1, Some (clause, (alist,atable), newa)) ->
let alist,atable =
- (clause::alist, IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable clause)
+ (clause::alist, IDX.index_unit_clause atable clause)
keep_simplified_aux ~new_cl:(cl!=cl1) cl1 (alist,atable)
bag (newa@tl)
let bag, clause =
if no_demod then bag, clause else demodulate bag clause table
- if List.exists (are_alpha_eq clause) g_actives then None else
- if (is_identity_clause ~unify:true clause)
+ if List.exists (are_alpha_eq clause) g_actives then None
+ else if (is_identity_clause ~unify:true clause)
then raise (Success (bag, maxvar, clause))
let (id,lit,vl,_) = clause in
(* We demodulate actives clause with current until all *
* active clauses are reduced w.r.t each other *)
(* let bag, (alist,atable) = keep_simplified (alist,atable) bag [current] in *)
- let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar IDX.DT.empty current in
+ let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause IDX.DT.empty current in
(* let bag, (alist, atable) =
let bag, alist =
HExtlib.filter_map_acc (simplify ctable) bag alist
bag, (alist, List.fold_left IDX.index_unit_clause IDX.DT.empty alist)
- debug "Simplified active clauses with fact";
+ debug (lazy "Simplified active clauses with fact");
(* We superpose active clauses with current *)
let bag, maxvar, new_clauses =
bag, maxvar, newc @ acc)
(bag, maxvar, []) alist
- debug "First superpositions";
+ debug (lazy "First superpositions");
(* We add current to active clauses so that it can be *
* superposed with itself *)
let alist, atable =
- current :: alist, IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable current
+ current :: alist, IDX.index_unit_clause atable current
- debug "Indexed";
+ debug (lazy "Indexed");
let fresh_current, maxvar = Utils.fresh_unit_clause maxvar current in
(* We need to put fresh_current into the bag so that all *
* variables clauses refer to are known. *)
let bag, maxvar, additional_new_clauses =
superposition_with_table bag maxvar fresh_current atable
- debug "Another superposition";
+ debug (lazy "Another superposition");
let new_clauses = new_clauses @ additional_new_clauses in
- debug (lazy (Printf.sprintf "Demodulating %d clauses"
- (List.length new_clauses)));
+ (* debug (lazy (Printf.sprintf "Demodulating %d clauses"
+ (List.length new_clauses))); *)
let bag, new_clauses =
HExtlib.filter_map_monad (simplify atable maxvar) bag new_clauses
- debug "Demodulated new clauses";
+ debug (lazy "Demodulated new clauses");
bag, maxvar, (alist, atable), new_clauses
let bag, maxvar, new_goals =
superposition_with_table bag maxvar goal atable
- debug "Superposed goal with active clauses";
+ debug(lazy "Superposed goal with active clauses");
(* We simplify the new goals with active clauses *)
let bag, new_goals =
| Some (bag,g) -> bag,g::acc)
(bag, []) new_goals
- debug "Simplified new goals with active clauses";
+ debug (lazy "Simplified new goals with active clauses");
bag, maxvar, List.rev new_goals