This was not the case for cicCooking, that simply worked using side-effects
(i.e. registering one function of him to cicEnvironment).
So, I have created a new init function to initialize the wall proof-checker.
cook_all_levels obj (List.rev params)
-CicEnvironment.set_cooking_function cook_obj;;
+let init () =
+ CicEnvironment.set_cooking_function cook_obj
exception WrongUriToConstant
exception WrongUriToVariable of string
exception WrongUriToInductiveDefinition
-val cook_obj : Cic.obj -> UriManager.uri -> (int * Cic.obj) list
+(* init register the cooking function defined in this module so that it *)
+(* will be used to retrieve the cooked objects from the environment *)
+val init : unit -> unit