open Fourier
+let debug x = print_string x ; flush stdout;;
Operations on linear combinations.
((Array.to_list v)@[rop h.hflin.fcste],h.hstrict))
lineq1 in
+ debug ("chiamo unsolvable sul sistema di "^ string_of_int (List.length sys) ^"\n");
unsolvable sys
let rec strip_outer_cast c = match c with
| Cic.Cast (c,_) -> strip_outer_cast c
| _ -> c
+let find_in_context id context =
+ let rec find_in_context_aux c n =
+ match c with
+ [] -> failwith (id^" not found in context")
+ | a::next -> (match a with
+ Some (Cic.Name(name),Cic.Decl(t)) when name = id -> n
+ | _ -> find_in_context_aux next (n+1))
+ in find_in_context_aux context 1 (*?? bisogna invertire il contesto? ??*)
+(* mi sembra quadratico *)
+let rec filter_real_hyp context =
+ match context with
+ [] -> []
+ | Some(Cic.Name(h),Cic.Def(t))::next -> [(Cic.Rel(find_in_context h next),t)] @
+ filter_real_hyp next
+ | a::next -> filter_real_hyp next
(* se pf_concl estrae la concl*)
-(*let rec fourier ~status:(((p_uri,p_meta,p_incom,p_tes) as proof,goal) as status)=
- let goal = strip_outer_cast p_tes in
- let fhyp = String.copy "new_hyp_for_fourier" in *)
+let rec fourier ~status:(proof,goal)=
+ debug ("invoco fourier_tac sul goal"^string_of_int(goal)^"\n");
+ let curi,metasenv,pbo,pty = proof in
+ let metano,context,ty = List.find (function (m,_,_) -> m=goal) metasenv in
+ (* il goal di prima dovrebbe essere ty
+ let goal = strip_outer_cast (pf_concl gl) in*)
+ let fhyp = String.copy "new_hyp_for_fourier" in
(* si le but est une inéquation, on introduit son contraire,
et le but à prouver devient False *)
-(* try (let tac =
- match goal with
+ try (let tac =
+ match ty with
Cic.Appl ( Cic.Const(u,boh)::args) ->
(match UriManager.string_of_uri u with
"cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rlt.con" ->
|_->assert false)
|_->assert false
- in tac status)
- with _ -> *)
+ in tac (proof,goal) )
+ with _ ->
(* les hypothèses *)
- (***** Come estraggo pf_hyps?????????????? *******)
-(* let hyps = (fun (h,t) -> (Cic.Var(h),t))
- (list_of_sign (pf_hyps gl)) in
+ (* ? fix if None ?????*)
+ debug ("estraggo hp da context "^ string_of_int(List.length context)^"\n");
+ let hyps = filter_real_hyp context in
+ debug ("trasformo in eq "^ string_of_int (List.length hyps)^"\n");
let lineq =ref [] in
- List.iter (fun h -> try (lineq:=(ineq1_of_constr h)@(!lineq))
+ List.iter (fun h -> try (lineq:=(ineq1_of_term h)@(!lineq))
with _-> ())
- *)
(* lineq = les inéquations découlant des hypothèses *)
+ debug ("applico fourier a "^ string_of_int (List.length !lineq)^"\n");
let res=fourier_lineq (!lineq) in
- let tac=ref tclIDTAC in
+ (*let tac=ref tclIDTAC in*)
if res=[]
then (print_string "Tactic Fourier fails.\n";
flush stdout)
+;debug "fine\n";
(* l'algorithme de Fourier a réussi: on va en tirer une preuve Coq *)
(*open CicReduction*)
(*open PrimitiveTactics*)
(*open ProofEngineTypes*)
-let fourier_tac ~status:(proof,goal) = (proof,[goal]) ;;
+let fourier_tac ~status:(proof,goal) = ignore(fourier (proof,goal)) ; (proof,[goal]) ;;