open MetadataTypes
let critical_value = 7
-let just_factor = 3
+let just_factor = 1
module UriManagerSet = UriManager.UriSet
module SetSet = Set.Make (UriManagerSet)
(* Printf.fprintf stderr "all: %d\n" (List.length all);flush_all (); *)
- List.filter (function (_,uri) -> at_most ~dbd ~where constants uri) all in
+ List.filter (function (_,uri) ->
+ prerr_endline ("W" ^UriManager.string_of_uri uri);
+ at_most ~dbd ~where constants uri) all
+ in
let equal_to = compute_exactly ~dbd ~facts ~where main prefixes in
greater_than @ equal_to
let types_no = List.length types in (function (n,l) -> (n+types_no,types@l)) subsets
+ prerr_endline ("critical_value exceded..." ^ string_of_int constants_no);
let all_constants =
let all = match main with None -> types | Some m -> m::types in
List.fold_right UriManagerSet.add all constants
metasenv current_ctx ty CicUniv.empty_ugraph
+ let set = Constr.UriManagerSet.union set(Constr.constants_of ty)in
match sort with
| Cic.Sort Cic.Prop -> set, hyp::current_ctx
| _ -> Constr.UriManagerSet.union set (Constr.constants_of t),
let apply_tac_verbose = PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac_verbose
let cmatch' = Constr.cmatch'
-let signature_of_goal ~(dbd:HMysql.dbd) ((proof, goal) as _status) =
- let (_, metasenv, _, _) = proof in
- let (_, context, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
- let main, sig_constants = Constr.signature_of ty in
- let set = signature_of_hypothesis context metasenv in
- let set =
- match main with
- None -> set
- | Some (main,l) ->
- List.fold_right Constr.UriManagerSet.add (main::l) set in
- let set = Constr.UriManagerSet.union set sig_constants in
- let all_constants_closed = close_with_types set metasenv context in
- let uris =
- sigmatch ~dbd ~facts:false ~where:`Statement (None,all_constants_closed) in
- let uris = List.filter nonvar ( snd uris) in
- let uris = List.filter Hashtbl_equiv.not_a_duplicate uris in
- uris
-let filter_predicate set ctx menv =
- let is_predicate t =
+let is_predicate u =
let ty, _ =
try CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] []
- (CicUtil.term_of_uri t) CicUniv.empty_ugraph
+ (CicUtil.term_of_uri u) CicUniv.empty_ugraph
with CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ -> assert false
let rec check_last_pi = function
| Cic.Sort Cic.Prop -> true
| _ -> false
- not (check_last_pi ty)
+ check_last_pi ty
+let universe_of_goals ~(dbd:HMysql.dbd) proof goals =
+ let (_, metasenv, _, _) = proof in
+ let add_uris_for acc goal =
+ let (_, context, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
+ let main, sig_constants = Constr.signature_of ty in
+ let set = signature_of_hypothesis context metasenv in
+ let set =
+ match main with
+ None -> set
+ | Some (main,l) ->
+ List.fold_right Constr.UriManagerSet.add (main::l) set in
+ let set = Constr.UriManagerSet.union set sig_constants in
+ let all_constants_closed = close_with_types set metasenv context in
+ Constr.UriManagerSet.union all_constants_closed acc
+ in
+ let all_constants_closed =
+ List.fold_left add_uris_for Constr.UriManagerSet.empty goals in
+ (* we split predicates from the rest *)
+ let predicates, rest =
+ Constr.UriManagerSet.partition is_predicate all_constants_closed
+ in
+ let uris =
+ Constr.UriManagerSet.fold
+ (fun u acc ->
+ let uris =
+ sigmatch ~dbd ~facts:false ~where:`Statement
+ (Some (u,[]),all_constants_closed)
+ in
+ acc @ uris)
+ predicates []
+ in
+ let uris =
+ sigmatch ~dbd ~facts:false ~where:`Statement (None,all_constants_closed)
- Constr.UriManagerSet.filter is_predicate set
+ let uris = List.filter nonvar ( snd uris) in
+ let uris = List.filter Hashtbl_equiv.not_a_duplicate uris in
+ uris
+let filter_out_predicate set ctx menv =
+ Constr.UriManagerSet.filter (fun u -> not (is_predicate u)) set
let equations_for_goal ~(dbd:HMysql.dbd) ?signature ((proof, goal) as _status) =
let set = signature_of_hypothesis context metasenv in
(* Printf.printf "\nsignature_of_hypothesis: %s\n\n" (to_string set); *)
let set = Constr.UriManagerSet.union set sig_constants in
- let set = filter_predicate set context metasenv in
+ let set = filter_out_predicate set context metasenv in
let set = close_with_types set metasenv context in
(* Printf.printf "\ndopo close_with_types: %s\n\n" (to_string set); *)
let set = close_with_constructors set metasenv context in