| NGeneralize of loc * npattern
| NId of loc
| NIntro of loc * string
+ | NIntros of loc * string list
| NInversion of loc * CicNotationPt.term * npattern
| NLApply of loc * CicNotationPt.term
| NLetIn of loc * npattern * CicNotationPt.term * string
| NCheck of loc * CicNotationPt.term
| Screenshot of loc * string
| NAutoInteractive of loc * CicNotationPt.term auto_params
+ | NIntroGuess of loc
(** To be increased each time the command type below changes, used for "safe"
* marshalling *)
NTactics.generalize_tac ~where:(text,prefix_len,where)
| GrafiteAst.NId _ -> (fun x -> x)
| GrafiteAst.NIntro (_loc,n) -> NTactics.intro_tac n
+ | GrafiteAst.NIntros (_loc,ns) -> NTactics.intros_tac ns
| GrafiteAst.NInversion (_loc, what, where) ->
| Some `Trace ->
G.NAutoInteractive (loc, (None,["slir","";"depth",depth]@params))))
+ | IDENT "nintros" -> G.NMacro (loc, G.NIntroGuess loc)
| IDENT "ncheck"; t = term -> G.NMacro(loc,G.NCheck (loc,t))
| IDENT "screenshot"; fname = QSTRING ->
G.NMacro(loc,G.Screenshot (loc, fname))
(List.map (function G.NTactic(_,t) -> t | _ -> assert false) l) in
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NBlock (loc,l)])
| IDENT "nassumption" -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NAssumption loc])
- | SYMBOL "#"; n=IDENT -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NIntro (loc,n)])
+ | SYMBOL "#"; ns=LIST0 IDENT -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NIntros (loc,ns)])
| SYMBOL "#"; SYMBOL "_" -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NIntro (loc,"_")])
| SYMBOL "*" -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NCase1 (loc,"_")])
| SYMBOL "*"; n=IDENT -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NCase1 (loc,n)])
if name = "_" then clear_tac [name] else id_tac ]
+let name_counter = ref 0;;
+let intros_tac ?names_ref names s =
+ let names_ref, prefix =
+ match names_ref with | None -> ref [], "__" | Some r -> r, "H"
+ in
+ if names = [] then
+ repeat_tac
+ (fun s ->
+ incr name_counter;
+ (* TODO: generate better names *)
+ let name = prefix ^ string_of_int !name_counter in
+ let s = intro_tac name s in
+ names_ref := !names_ref @ [name];
+ s)
+ s
+ else
+ block_tac (List.map intro_tac names) s
let cases ~what status goal =
let gty = get_goalty status goal in
let status, what = disambiguate status (ctx_of gty) what None in
what:NTacStatus.tactic_term -> where:NTacStatus.tactic_pattern ->
's NTacStatus.tactic
val intro_tac: string -> 's NTacStatus.tactic
+val intros_tac:
+ ?names_ref:string list ref -> string list -> 's NTacStatus.tactic
val cases_tac:
what:NTacStatus.tactic_term -> where:NTacStatus.tactic_pattern ->
's NTacStatus.tactic
guistuff.mathviewer#show_entry (`NCic (t,ctx,m,s));
[status, parsed_text], "", parsed_text_length
+ | TA.NIntroGuess _loc ->
+ let names_ref = ref [] in
+ let s =
+ NTactics.intros_tac ~names_ref [] script#grafite_status
+ in
+ let rex = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`MULTILINE] "\\A([\\n\\t\\r ]*).*\\Z" in
+ let nl = Pcre.replace ~rex ~templ:"$1" parsed_text in
+ [s, nl ^ "#" ^ String.concat " " !names_ref ^ ";"], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.NAutoInteractive (_loc, (None,a)) ->
let trace_ref = ref [] in
let s =
nlemma in_l_inv_e:
∀S,w. in_l S w (e ?) → w = [].
- #S; #w; #H; ninversion H
- [ #a; #b; ndestruct; //
- | #a; #b; #c; ndestruct
- | #a; #b; #c; #d; #e; #f; #g; #h; #i; #l; ndestruct
- | #a; #b; #c; #d; #e; #f; #g; ndestruct
- | #a; #b; #c; #d; #e; #f; #g; ndestruct
- | #a; #b; #c; ndestruct
- | #a; #b; #c; #d; #e; #f; #g; #h; #i; ndestruct ]
+ #S; #w; #H; ninversion H; #; ndestruct; //.
naxiom in_l_inv_s:
true = fst bool (pre S) (eclose S E) → in_l S [] (forget S E).
#S; #E; nelim E; nnormalize; //
[ #H; ncases (?: False); /2/
- | #x; #H; ncases (?: False); /2/
+ | #x H; #H; ncases (?: False); /2/
| #x; #H; ncases (?: False); /2/
| #w1; #w2; ncases (fst … (eclose S w1)); nnormalize; /3/;
#_; #_; #H; ncases (?:False); /2/
ntheorem in_l_empty_c:
∀S,E1,E2. in_l S [] (c … E1 E2) → in_l S [] E2.
#S; #E1; #E2; #H; ninversion H
- [ #_; #H2; ndestruct
- | #x; #K; ndestruct
+ [##1,2,4,5,6,7: #; ndestruct
| #w1; #w2; #E1'; #E2'; #H1; #H2; #H3; #H4; #H5; #H6;
nrewrite < H5; nlapply (eq_append_nil_to_eq_nil2 … w1 w2 ?); //;
- ndestruct; //
- | #w; #E1'; #E2'; #H1; #H2; #H3; #H4; ndestruct
- | #w; #E1'; #E2'; #H1; #H2; #H3; #H4; ndestruct
- | #E; #_; #K; ndestruct
- | #w1; #w2; #w3; #H1; #H2; #H3; #H4; #H5; #H6; ndestruct ]
+ ndestruct; // ]
ntheorem eclose_true':
| #E1; #E2; ncases (fst … (eclose S E1)); nnormalize
[ #H1; #H2; #H3; ninversion H3; /3/;
##| #H1; #H2; #H3; ninversion H3
- [ #_; #K; ndestruct
- | #x; #K; ndestruct
+ [ ##1,2,4,5,6,7: #; ndestruct
| #w1; #w2; #E1'; #E2'; #H4; #H5; #K1; #K2; #K3; #K4; ndestruct;
- napply H1; nrewrite < (eq_append_nil_to_eq_nil1 … w1 w2 ?); //
- | #w1; #E1'; #E2'; #H4; #H5; #H6; #H7; ndestruct
- | #w1; #E1'; #E2'; #H4; #H5; #H6; #H7; ndestruct
- | #E'; #_; #K; ndestruct
- | #a; #b; #c; #d; #e; #f; #g; #h; #i; ndestruct ]##]
+ napply H1; nrewrite < (eq_append_nil_to_eq_nil1 … w1 w2 ?); //]##]
##| #E1; ncases (fst … (eclose S E1)); nnormalize; //;
#E2; #H1; #H2; #H3; ninversion H3
- [ #_; #K; ndestruct
- | #w; #_; #K; ndestruct
- | #a; #b; #c; #d; #e; #f; #g; #h; #i; #l; ndestruct
+ [ ##1,2,3,5,6,7: #; ndestruct; /2/
| #w; #E1'; #E2'; #H1'; #H2'; #H3'; #H4; ndestruct;
ncases (?: False); napply (absurd ?? (not_eq_true_false …));
- /2/
- | #w; #E1'; #E2'; #H1'; #H2'; #H3'; #H4; ndestruct; /2/
- | #a; #b; #c; ndestruct
- | #a; #b; #c; #d; #e; #f; #g; #h; #i; ndestruct]##]
+ /2/ ]##]