(* thread who do the dirty work *)
let slave (state, musing_id) =
+ try
prerr_endline (sprintf "Hi, I'm the slave for musing %s" musing_id);
let (proof, goal) = Hbugs_tutors_common.load_state state in
let hint =
| hd::tl -> hd
let uris =
- TacticChaser.searchPattern ~choose_must () ~status:(proof, goal)
-(* ["cic:/pippo.con"; "cic:/pluto.con"] *)
+ TacticChaser.searchPattern
+ ~output_html:prerr_endline ~choose_must () ~status:(proof, goal)
if uris = [] then
ignore (Hbugs_messages.submit_req ~url:Hbugs_tutors_common.broker_url answer);
(sprintf "Bye, I've completed my duties (success = %b)" (hint <> Sorry))
+ with
+ (Pxp_types.At _) as e ->
+ let rec unbox_exception =
+ function
+ Pxp_types.At (_,e) -> unbox_exception e
+ | e -> e
+ in
+ prerr_endline ("Uncaught PXP exception: " ^ Pxp_types.string_of_exn e) ;
+ (* e could be the Thread.exit exception; otherwise we will release an *)
+ (* uncaught exception and the Pxp_types.At was already an uncaught *)
+ (* exception ==> no additional arm *)
+ raise (unbox_exception e)
let hbugs_callback =
+ let ids = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let forbidden () =
prerr_endline "ignoring request from unauthorized broker";
Exception ("forbidden", "")
if is_authenticated broker_id then begin
prerr_endline "received Start_musing";
let new_musing_id = Hbugs_id_generator.new_musing_id () in
+ let id = Hbugs_deity.create slave (state, new_musing_id) in
- (sprintf "starting a new musing (id = %s)" new_musing_id);
- ignore (Thread.create slave (state, new_musing_id));
+ (sprintf "starting a new musing (tid = %d, id = %s)" id new_musing_id);
+ Hashtbl.add ids new_musing_id id ;
+ (*ignore (Thread.create slave (state, new_musing_id));*)
Musing_started (my_own_id, new_musing_id)
end else (* broker unauthorized *)
forbidden ();
| Abort_musing (broker_id, musing_id) ->
+ prerr_endline "CSC: Abort_musing received" ;
if is_authenticated broker_id then begin
- prerr_endline "Ignoring 'Abort_musing' message ...";
+ (* prerr_endline "Ignoring 'Abort_musing' message ..."; *)
+ (try
+ Hbugs_deity.kill (Hashtbl.find ids musing_id) ;
+ Hashtbl.remove ids musing_id ;
+ with
+ Not_found
+ | Hbugs_deity.Can_t_kill _ ->
+ prerr_endline ("Can not kill slave " ^ musing_id)) ;
Musing_aborted (my_own_id, musing_id)
end else (* broker unauthorized *)
forbidden ();