+let string_of_path_string ps =
+ String.concat "." (List.map CicPp.ppterm ps)
module OrderedPathStringElement = struct
type t = path_string_elem
module PSMap = Map.Make(OrderedPathStringElement);;
+module OrderedPosEquality = struct
+ type t = Utils.pos * Inference.equality
+ let compare = Pervasives.compare
+module PosEqSet = Set.Make(OrderedPosEquality);;
+module DiscriminationTree = Trie.Make(PSMap);;
module DiscriminationTree = struct
type key = path_string
- type t = Node of (Utils.pos * Inference.equality) option * (t PSMap.t)
+ type t = Node of PosEqSet.t option * (t PSMap.t)
let empty = Node (None, PSMap.empty)
let rec remove l t =
match (l, t) with
| [], Node (_, m) -> Node (None, m)
- | x::r, Node (v, m) ->
+ | x::r, Node (v, m) ->
let t' = remove r (PSMap.find x m) in
- Node (v, if t' = empty then PSMap.remove x m else PSMap.add x t' m)
+ let m' = if t' = empty then PSMap.remove x m else PSMap.add x t' m in
+ Node (v, m')
with Not_found ->
traverse [] t acc
+let string_of_discrimination_tree tree =
+ let rec to_string level = function
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (value, map) ->
+ let s =
+ match value with
+ | Some v ->
+ (String.make (2 * level) ' ') ^
+ "{" ^ (String.concat "; "
+ (List.map
+ (fun (p, e) ->
+ "(" ^ (Utils.string_of_pos p) ^ ", " ^
+ (Inference.string_of_equality e) ^ ")")
+ (PosEqSet.elements v))) ^ "}"
+ | None -> ""
+ in
+ let rest =
+ String.concat "\n"
+ (PSMap.fold
+ (fun k v s ->
+ let ks = CicPp.ppterm k in
+ let rs = to_string (level+1) v in
+ ((String.make (2 * level) ' ') ^ ks ^ "\n" ^ rs)::s)
+ map [])
+ in
+ s ^ rest
+ in
+ to_string 0 tree
let index tree equality =
let _, (_, l, r, ordering), _, _ = equality in
let psl = path_string_of_term l
and psr = path_string_of_term r in
+ let index pos tree ps =
+ let ps_set =
+ try DiscriminationTree.find ps tree with Not_found -> PosEqSet.empty in
+ let tree =
+ DiscriminationTree.add ps (PosEqSet.add (pos, equality) ps_set) tree in
+ tree
+ in
match ordering with
- | Utils.Gt -> DiscriminationTree.add psl (Utils.Left, equality) tree
- | Utils.Lt -> DiscriminationTree.add psr (Utils.Right, equality) tree
+ | Utils.Gt -> index Utils.Left tree psl
+ | Utils.Lt -> index Utils.Right tree psr
| _ ->
- let tree = DiscriminationTree.add psl (Utils.Left, equality) tree in
- DiscriminationTree.add psr (Utils.Right, equality) tree
+ let tree = index Utils.Left tree psl in
+ index Utils.Right tree psr
let _, (_, l, r, ordering), _, _ = equality in
let psl = path_string_of_term l
and psr = path_string_of_term r in
+ let remove_index pos tree ps =
+ try
+ let ps_set =
+ PosEqSet.remove (pos, equality) (DiscriminationTree.find ps tree) in
+ if PosEqSet.is_empty ps_set then
+ DiscriminationTree.remove ps tree
+ else
+ DiscriminationTree.add ps ps_set tree
+ with Not_found ->
+ tree
+ in
match ordering with
- | Utils.Gt -> DiscriminationTree.remove psl tree
- | Utils.Lt -> DiscriminationTree.remove psr tree
+ | Utils.Gt -> remove_index Utils.Left tree psl
+ | Utils.Lt -> remove_index Utils.Right tree psr
| _ ->
- let tree = DiscriminationTree.remove psl tree in
- DiscriminationTree.remove psr tree
+ let tree = remove_index Utils.Left tree psl in
+ remove_index Utils.Right tree psr
and psr = path_string_of_term r in
let meta_convertibility = Inference.meta_convertibility_eq equality in
let ok ps =
- try let _, eq = DiscriminationTree.find ps tree in meta_convertibility eq
- with Not_found -> false
+ try
+ let set = DiscriminationTree.find ps tree in
+ PosEqSet.exists (fun (p, e) -> meta_convertibility e) set
+ with Not_found ->
+ false
(ok psl) || (ok psr)
let head_of_term = function
| Cic.Appl (hd::tl) -> hd
+(* | Cic.Meta _ -> Cic.Implicit None *)
| term -> term
-let next_t pos term =
- let t = subterm_at_pos pos term in
- try
- let t2 = subterm_at_pos [1] t in
- pos @ [1]
- with Not_found ->
- match pos with
- | [] -> [1]
- | pos -> List.fold_right (fun i r -> if r = [] then [i+1] else i::r) pos []
let rec after_t pos term =
let pos' =
match pos with
+let next_t pos term =
+ let t = subterm_at_pos pos term in
+ try
+ let _ = subterm_at_pos [1] t in
+ pos @ [1]
+ with Not_found ->
+ match pos with
+ | [] -> [1]
+ | pos -> after_t pos term
let retrieve_generalizations tree term =
- let rec retrieve tree term pos =
+ let rec retrieve tree term pos =
match tree with
- | DiscriminationTree.Node (value, map) ->
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) when pos = [] -> s
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (_, map) ->
let res =
let hd_term = head_of_term (subterm_at_pos pos term) in
let n = PSMap.find hd_term map in
match n with
- | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> [s]
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> s
| DiscriminationTree.Node (None, _) ->
- retrieve n term (next_t pos term)
+ let newpos = try next_t pos term with Not_found -> [] in
+ retrieve n term newpos
with Not_found ->
- []
+ PosEqSet.empty
let n = PSMap.find (Cic.Implicit None) map in
- res @ (retrieve n term (after_t pos term))
+ let newpos = try after_t pos term with _ -> [-1] in
+ if newpos = [-1] then
+ match n with
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> PosEqSet.union s res
+ | _ -> res
+ else
+ PosEqSet.union res (retrieve n term newpos)
with Not_found ->
let retrieve_unifiables tree term =
let rec retrieve tree term pos =
match tree with
- | DiscriminationTree.Node (value, map) ->
- let res =
- try
- match subterm_at_pos pos term with
- | Cic.Meta _ ->
- List.concat
- (List.map
- (fun t -> retrieve t term (next_t pos term))
- (jump_list tree))
- | subterm ->
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) when pos = [] -> s
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (_, map) ->
+ let subterm =
+ try Some (subterm_at_pos pos term) with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match subterm with
+ | None -> PosEqSet.empty
+ | Some (Cic.Meta _) ->
+ let newpos = try next_t pos term with Not_found -> [] in
+ let jl = jump_list tree in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun r s -> PosEqSet.union r s)
+ PosEqSet.empty
+ (List.map (fun t -> retrieve t term newpos) jl)
+ | Some subterm ->
+ let res =
+ try
let hd_term = head_of_term subterm in
let n = PSMap.find hd_term map in
match n with
- | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> [s]
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> s
| DiscriminationTree.Node (None, _) ->
retrieve n term (next_t pos term)
- with Not_found ->
- []
- in
- try
- let n = PSMap.find (Cic.Implicit None) map in
- res @ (retrieve n term (after_t pos term))
- with Not_found ->
- res
+ with Not_found ->
+ PosEqSet.empty
+ in
+ try
+ let n = PSMap.find (Cic.Implicit None) map in
+ let newpos = try after_t pos term with _ -> [-1] in
+ if newpos = [-1] then
+ match n with
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> PosEqSet.union s res
+ | _ -> res
+ else
+ PosEqSet.union res (retrieve n term newpos)
+ with Not_found ->
+ res
retrieve tree term []
type retrieval_mode = Matching | Unification;;
+let print_candidates mode term res =
+(* match res with *)
+(* | [] -> () *)
+(* | _ -> *)
+ let _ =
+ match mode with
+ | Matching ->
+ Printf.printf "| candidates Matching %s\n" (CicPp.ppterm term)
+ | Unification ->
+ Printf.printf "| candidates Unification %s\n" (CicPp.ppterm term)
+ in
+ print_endline
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ (List.map
+ (fun (p, e) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "| (%s, %s)" (Utils.string_of_pos p)
+ (Inference.string_of_equality e))
+ res));
+ print_endline "|";
let empty_table () =
and in_index = Path_indexing.in_index;;
let get_candidates mode trie term =
- let s =
- match mode with
- | Matching -> Path_indexing.retrieve_generalizations trie term
- | Unification -> Path_indexing.retrieve_unifiables trie term
+ let res =
+ let s =
+ match mode with
+ | Matching -> Path_indexing.retrieve_generalizations trie term
+ | Unification -> Path_indexing.retrieve_unifiables trie term
+ in
+ Path_indexing.PosEqSet.elements s
- Path_indexing.PosEqSet.elements s
+ print_candidates mode term res;
+ res
let empty_table () =
and in_index = Discrimination_tree.in_index;;
let get_candidates mode tree term =
- match mode with
- | Matching -> Discrimination_tree.retrieve_generalizations tree term
- | Unification -> Discrimination_tree.retrieve_unifiables tree term
+ let res =
+ let s =
+ match mode with
+ | Matching -> Discrimination_tree.retrieve_generalizations tree term
+ | Unification -> Discrimination_tree.retrieve_unifiables tree term
+ in
+ Discrimination_tree.PosEqSet.elements s
+ in
+(* print_candidates mode term res; *)
+ res
let rec find_matches metasenv context ugraph lift_amount term =
let module S = CicSubstitution in
let module M = CicMetaSubst in
let module HL = HelmLibraryObjects in
- let candidates = get_candidates Matching table term in
match term with
| C.Meta _ -> None
| term ->
+ let candidates = get_candidates Matching table term in
let res =
find_matches metasenv context ugraph lift_amount term candidates
let module S = CicSubstitution in
let module M = CicMetaSubst in
let module HL = HelmLibraryObjects in
- let candidates = get_candidates Unification table term in
let res, lifted_term =
match term with
| C.Meta (i, l) ->
match term with
| C.Meta _ -> res, lifted_term
| term ->
+ let candidates = get_candidates Unification table term in
let r =
find_all_matches metasenv context ugraph lift_amount term candidates
b = Rel 4
c = Rel 5
-let main_test () =
+let path_indexing_test () =
let module C = Cic in
let terms = [
C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Rel 3; C.Meta (1, [])]; C.Rel 5];
+let discrimination_tree_test () =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let terms = [
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Rel 3; C.Meta (1, [])]; C.Rel 5];
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Meta (1, []); C.Rel 4]; C.Meta (1, [])];
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Rel 3; C.Rel 4]; C.Rel 5];
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Meta (1, []); C.Rel 5]; C.Rel 4];
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 10; C.Meta (5, []); C.Rel 11]
+ ] in
+ let path_strings =
+ List.map Discrimination_tree.path_string_of_term terms in
+ let table =
+ List.fold_left
+ Discrimination_tree.index
+ Discrimination_tree.DiscriminationTree.empty
+ (List.map build_equality terms)
+ in
+(* let query = *)
+(* C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Meta (1, []); C.Rel 4]; C.Rel 5] in *)
+ let query = C.Appl [C.Rel 10; C.Meta (14, []); C.Meta (13, [])] in
+ let matches = Discrimination_tree.retrieve_generalizations table query in
+ let unifications = Discrimination_tree.retrieve_unifiables table query in
+ let eq1 = build_equality (C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Meta (1, []); C.Meta (1, [])])
+ and eq2 = build_equality (C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Meta (1, []); C.Meta (2, [])]) in
+ let res1 = Discrimination_tree.in_index table eq1
+ and res2 = Discrimination_tree.in_index table eq2 in
+ let print_results res =
+ String.concat "\n"
+ (Discrimination_tree.PosEqSet.fold
+ (fun (p, e) l ->
+ let s =
+ "(" ^ (Utils.string_of_pos p) ^ ", " ^
+ (Inference.string_of_equality e) ^ ")"
+ in
+ s::l)
+ res [])
+ in
+ Printf.printf "path_strings:\n%s\n\n"
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ (List.map Discrimination_tree.string_of_path_string path_strings));
+ Printf.printf "table:\n%s\n\n"
+ (Discrimination_tree.string_of_discrimination_tree table);
+ Printf.printf "matches:\n%s\n\n" (print_results matches);
+ Printf.printf "unifications:\n%s\n\n" (print_results unifications);
+ Printf.printf "in_index %s: %s\n"
+ (Inference.string_of_equality eq1) (string_of_bool res1);
+ Printf.printf "in_index %s: %s\n"
+ (Inference.string_of_equality eq2) (string_of_bool res2);
(* differing ();; *)
-(* main_test ();; *)
-next_after ();;
+(* next_after ();; *)
+discrimination_tree_test ();;
+(* path_indexing_test ();; *)