NCicLibrary.dump_obj status (record_index_obj data)
-let index_eq uri status =
+module EmptyC =
+ struct
+ let metasenv = []
+ let subst = []
+ let context = []
+ end
+let index_eq print uri (status:#NCic.status) =
let eq_status = status#eq_cache in
- let eq_status = NCicParamod.index_obj status eq_status uri in
- status#set_eq_cache eq_status
+ let eq_status,clause = NCicParamod.index_obj status eq_status uri in
+ if print then
+ ((*let module NCicBlob =
+ struct
+ include NCicBlob.NCicBlob(EmptyC)
+ let pp t = status#ppterm ~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ~context:[] t
+ end in
+ let module Pp = Pp.Pp(NCicBlob) in*)
+ (match clause with
+ | Some (*clause*) (_,Terms.Equation (_,_,_,o),_,_) ->
+ HLog.debug ("Indexed with orientation: " ^ Pp.string_of_comparison o);
+ (*HLog.debug ("Indexed as:" ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause clause)*)
+ | _ -> HLog.debug "Not indexed (i.e. pruned)")) ;
+ status#set_eq_cache eq_status
let record_index_eq =
let basic_index_eq uri
~refresh_uri_in_universe ~refresh_uri_in_term ~refresh_uri_in_reference
~alias_only status
- = if not alias_only then index_eq (NCicLibrary.refresh_uri uri) status else
- status
+ = if not alias_only then index_eq false (NCicLibrary.refresh_uri uri) status
+ else
+ status
GrafiteTypes.Serializer.register#run "index_eq" basic_index_eq
let index_eq_for_auto status uri =
if NnAuto.is_a_fact_obj status uri then
- let newstatus = index_eq uri status in
+ let newstatus = index_eq true uri status in
if newstatus#eq_cache == status#eq_cache then status
((*prerr_endline ("recording " ^ (NUri.string_of_uri uri));*)
(* $Id: 9058 2008-10-13 17:42:30Z tassi $ *)
+let string_of_comparison = function
+ | Terms.Lt -> "=<="
+ | Terms.Gt -> "=>="
+ | Terms.Eq -> "==="
+ | Terms.Incomparable -> "=?="
+ | Terms.Invertible -> "=<->="
module Pp (B : Terms.Blob) = struct
(* Main pretty printing functions *)
Format.fprintf f "@]"
-let string_of_comparison = function
- | Terms.Lt -> "=<="
- | Terms.Gt -> "=>="
- | Terms.Eq -> "==="
- | Terms.Incomparable -> "=?="
- | Terms.Invertible -> "=<->="
let pp_unit_clause ~formatter:f c =
let (id, l, vars, proof) = c in
Format.fprintf f "Id : %3d, " id ;