open Utils;;
+let string_of_equality ?env =
+ match env with
+ | None -> (
+ function
+ | _, (ty, left, right), _, _ ->
+ Printf.sprintf "{%s}: %s = %s" (CicPp.ppterm ty)
+ (CicPp.ppterm left) (CicPp.ppterm right)
+ )
+ | Some (_, context, _) -> (
+ let names = names_of_context context in
+ function
+ | _, (ty, left, right), _, _ ->
+ Printf.sprintf "{%s}: %s = %s" (CicPp.pp ty names)
+ (CicPp.pp left names) (CicPp.pp right names)
+ )
+let rec metas_of_term = function
+ | Cic.Meta (i, c) -> [i]
+ | Cic.Var (_, ens)
+ | Cic.Const (_, ens)
+ | Cic.MutInd (_, _, ens)
+ | Cic.MutConstruct (_, _, _, ens) ->
+ List.flatten ( (fun (u, t) -> metas_of_term t) ens)
+ | Cic.Cast (s, t)
+ | Cic.Prod (_, s, t)
+ | Cic.Lambda (_, s, t)
+ | Cic.LetIn (_, s, t) -> (metas_of_term s) @ (metas_of_term t)
+ | Cic.Appl l -> List.flatten ( metas_of_term l)
+ | Cic.MutCase (uri, i, s, t, l) ->
+ (metas_of_term s) @ (metas_of_term t) @
+ (List.flatten ( metas_of_term l))
+ | Cic.Fix (i, il) ->
+ List.flatten
+ ( (fun (s, i, t1, t2) ->
+ (metas_of_term t1) @ (metas_of_term t2)) il)
+ | Cic.CoFix (i, il) ->
+ List.flatten
+ ( (fun (s, t1, t2) ->
+ (metas_of_term t1) @ (metas_of_term t2)) il)
+ | _ -> []
exception NotMetaConvertible;;
let meta_convertibility_aux table t1 t2 =
let module C = Cic in
- let rec aux table t1 t2 =
+ let print_table t =
+ String.concat ", "
+ (
+ (fun (k, v) -> Printf.sprintf "(%d, %d)" k v) t)
+ in
+ let rec aux ((table_l, table_r) as table) t1 t2 =
+(* Printf.printf "aux %s, %s\ntable_l: %s, table_r: %s\n" *)
+(* (CicPp.ppterm t1) (CicPp.ppterm t2) *)
+(* (print_table table_l) (print_table table_r); *)
match t1, t2 with
- | t1, t2 when t1 = t2 -> table
| C.Meta (m1, tl1), C.Meta (m2, tl2) ->
- let m1_binding, m2_binding, table =
- let m1b, table =
- try List.assoc m1 table, table
- with Not_found -> m2, (m1, m2)::table
- in
- let m2b, table =
- try List.assoc m2 table, table
- with Not_found -> m1, (m2, m1)::table
- in
- m1b, m2b, table
+ let m1_binding, table_l =
+ try List.assoc m1 table_l, table_l
+ with Not_found -> m2, (m1, m2)::table_l
+ and m2_binding, table_r =
+ try List.assoc m2 table_r, table_r
+ with Not_found -> m1, (m2, m1)::table_r
- if m1_binding <> m2 || m2_binding <> m1 then
+(* let m1_binding, m2_binding, table = *)
+(* let m1b, table = *)
+(* try List.assoc m1 table, table *)
+(* with Not_found -> m2, (m1, m2)::table *)
+(* in *)
+(* let m2b, table = *)
+(* try List.assoc m2 table, table *)
+(* with Not_found -> m1, (m2, m1)::table *)
+(* in *)
+(* m1b, m2b, table *)
+(* in *)
+(* Printf.printf "table_l: %s\ntable_r: %s\n\n" *)
+(* (print_table table_l) (print_table table_r); *)
+ if (m1_binding <> m2) || (m2_binding <> m1) then
raise NotMetaConvertible
else (
| None, Some _ | Some _, None -> raise NotMetaConvertible
| None, None -> res
| Some t1, Some t2 -> (aux res t1 t2))
- table tl1 tl2
+ (table_l, table_r) tl1 tl2
with Invalid_argument _ ->
raise NotMetaConvertible
table il1 il2
with Invalid_argument _ -> raise NotMetaConvertible
+ | t1, t2 when t1 = t2 -> table
| _, _ -> raise NotMetaConvertible
and aux_ens table ens1 ens2 =
and _, (ty', left', right'), _, _ = eq2 in
if ty <> ty' then
+ else if (left = left') && (right = right') then
+ true
+ else if (left = right') && (right = left') then
+ true
- let print_table t w =
- Printf.printf "table %s is:\n" w;
- List.iter
- (fun (k, v) -> Printf.printf "?%d: ?%d\n" k v)
- t;
- print_newline ();
- in
- let table = meta_convertibility_aux [] left left' in
+ let table = meta_convertibility_aux ([], []) left left' in
let _ = meta_convertibility_aux table right right' in
-(* Printf.printf "meta_convertibility_eq, ok:\n%s\n%s\n" *)
-(* (string_of_equality eq1) (string_of_equality eq2); *)
-(* print_newline (); *)
with NotMetaConvertible ->
- let table = meta_convertibility_aux [] left right' in
+ let table = meta_convertibility_aux ([], []) left right' in
let _ = meta_convertibility_aux table right left' in
-(* Printf.printf "meta_convertibility_eq, ok:\n%s\n%s\n" *)
-(* (string_of_equality eq1) (string_of_equality eq2); *)
-(* print_newline (); *)
with NotMetaConvertible ->
let meta_convertibility t1 t2 =
- try
- let _ = meta_convertibility_aux [] t1 t2 in
+ let f t =
+ String.concat ", "
+ (
+ (fun (k, v) -> Printf.sprintf "(%d, %d)" k v) t)
+ in
+ if t1 = t2 then
- with NotMetaConvertible ->
- false
+ else
+ try
+ let l, r = meta_convertibility_aux ([], []) t1 t2 in
+ (* Printf.printf "meta_convertibility:\n%s\n%s\n\n" (f l) (f r); *)
+ true
+ with NotMetaConvertible ->
+ false
+let replace_metas (* context *) term =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | C.Meta (i, c) ->
+(* let irl = *)
+(* CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable context *)
+(* in *)
+(* if c = irl then *)
+(* C.Implicit (Some (`MetaIndex i)) *)
+(* else ( *)
+(* Printf.printf "WARNING: c non e` un identity_relocation_list!\n%s\n" *)
+(* (String.concat "\n" *)
+(* ( *)
+(* (function None -> "" | Some t -> CicPp.ppterm t) c)); *)
+(* C.Meta (i, c) *)
+(* ) *)
+ C.Implicit (Some (`MetaInfo (i, c)))
+ | C.Var (u, ens) -> C.Var (u, aux_ens ens)
+ | C.Const (u, ens) -> C.Const (u, aux_ens ens)
+ | C.Cast (s, t) -> C.Cast (aux s, aux t)
+ | C.Prod (name, s, t) -> C.Prod (name, aux s, aux t)
+ | C.Lambda (name, s, t) -> C.Lambda (name, aux s, aux t)
+ | C.LetIn (name, s, t) -> C.LetIn (name, aux s, aux t)
+ | C.Appl l -> C.Appl ( aux l)
+ | C.MutInd (uri, i, ens) -> C.MutInd (uri, i, aux_ens ens)
+ | C.MutConstruct (uri, i, j, ens) -> C.MutConstruct (uri, i, j, aux_ens ens)
+ | C.MutCase (uri, i, s, t, l) ->
+ C.MutCase (uri, i, aux s, aux t, aux l)
+ | C.Fix (i, il) ->
+ let il' =
+ (fun (s, i, t1, t2) -> (s, i, aux t1, aux t2)) il in
+ C.Fix (i, il')
+ | C.CoFix (i, il) ->
+ let il' =
+ (fun (s, t1, t2) -> (s, aux t1, aux t2)) il in
+ C.CoFix (i, il')
+ | t -> t
+ and aux_ens ens =
+ (fun (u, t) -> (u, aux t)) ens
+ in
+ aux term
+let restore_metas (* context *) term =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | C.Implicit (Some (`MetaInfo (i, c))) ->
+(* let c = *)
+(* CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable context *)
+(* in *)
+(* C.Meta (i, c) *)
+(* let local_context:(C.term option) list = *)
+(* Marshal.from_string mc 0 *)
+(* in *)
+(* C.Meta (i, local_context) *)
+ C.Meta (i, c)
+ | C.Var (u, ens) -> C.Var (u, aux_ens ens)
+ | C.Const (u, ens) -> C.Const (u, aux_ens ens)
+ | C.Cast (s, t) -> C.Cast (aux s, aux t)
+ | C.Prod (name, s, t) -> C.Prod (name, aux s, aux t)
+ | C.Lambda (name, s, t) -> C.Lambda (name, aux s, aux t)
+ | C.LetIn (name, s, t) -> C.LetIn (name, aux s, aux t)
+ | C.Appl l -> C.Appl ( aux l)
+ | C.MutInd (uri, i, ens) -> C.MutInd (uri, i, aux_ens ens)
+ | C.MutConstruct (uri, i, j, ens) -> C.MutConstruct (uri, i, j, aux_ens ens)
+ | C.MutCase (uri, i, s, t, l) ->
+ C.MutCase (uri, i, aux s, aux t, aux l)
+ | C.Fix (i, il) ->
+ let il' =
+ (fun (s, i, t1, t2) -> (s, i, aux t1, aux t2)) il in
+ C.Fix (i, il')
+ | C.CoFix (i, il) ->
+ let il' =
+ (fun (s, t1, t2) -> (s, aux t1, aux t2)) il in
+ C.CoFix (i, il')
+ | t -> t
+ and aux_ens ens =
+ (fun (u, t) -> (u, aux t)) ens
+ in
+ aux term
+let rec restore_subst (* context *) subst =
+ (fun (i, (c, t, ty)) ->
+ i, (c, restore_metas (* context *) t, ty))
+ subst
let beta_expand ?(metas_ok=true) ?(match_only=false)
what type_of_what where context metasenv ugraph =
let module S = CicSubstitution in
let module C = Cic in
+ let print_info = false in
(* let _ = *)
(* let names = names_of_context context in *)
(* Printf.printf "beta_expand:\nwhat: %s, %s\nwhere: %s, %s\n" *)
| C.Meta _ when (not metas_ok) ->
res, lifted_term
| _ ->
+(* let term' = *)
+(* if match_only then replace_metas context term *)
+(* else term *)
+(* in *)
let subst', metasenv', ugraph' =
(* Printf.printf "provo a unificare %s e %s\n" *)
if match_only then
let t' = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst' term in
if not (meta_convertibility term t') then (
- let names = names_of_context context in
-(* Printf.printf "\nbeta_expand: term e t' sono diversi!:\n%s\n%s\n\n" *)
-(* (CicPp.pp term names) (CicPp.pp t' names); *)
+(* if print_info then ( *)
+(* let names = names_of_context context in *)
+(* Printf.printf *)
+(* "\nbeta_expand: term e t' sono diversi!:\n%s\n%s\n\n" *)
+(* (CicPp.pp term names) (CicPp.pp t' names) *)
+(* ); *)
res, lifted_term
- )
- else
+ ) else (
+ let metas = metas_of_term term in
+(* let ok = ref false in *)
+ let fix_subst = function
+ | (i, (c, C.Meta (j, lc), ty)) when List.mem i metas ->
+(* Printf.printf "fix_subst: scambio ?%d e ?%d\n" i j; *)
+(* ok := true; *)
+ (j, (c, C.Meta (i, lc), ty))
+ | s -> s
+ in
+ let subst' = fix_subst subst' in
+(* if !ok then ( *)
+(* Printf.printf "aaa:\nterm: %s\nt'%s\n term subst': %s\n" *)
+(* (CicPp.ppterm term) *)
+(* (CicPp.ppterm t') *)
+(* (CicPp.ppterm (CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst' term)) *)
+(* ); *)
((C.Rel (1 + lift_amount), subst', metasenv', ugraph')::res,
+ )
+(* ((C.Rel (1 + lift_amount), restore_subst context subst', *)
+(* metasenv', ugraph')::res, lifted_term) *)
((C.Rel (1 + lift_amount), subst', metasenv', ugraph')::res,
with e ->
-(* print_endline ("beta_expand ERROR!: " ^ (Printexc.to_string e)); *)
+ if print_info then (
+ print_endline ("beta_expand ERROR!: " ^ (Printexc.to_string e));
+ );
res, lifted_term
(* Printf.printf "exit aux\n"; *)
) exp_named_subst ([], [])
- let expansions, _ = aux 0 where context metasenv [] ugraph in
- (fun (term, subst, metasenv, ugraph) ->
- let term' = C.Lambda (C.Anonymous, type_of_what, term) in
-(* Printf.printf "term is: %s\nsubst is:\n%s\n\n" *)
-(* (CicPp.ppterm term') (print_subst subst); *)
- (term', subst, metasenv, ugraph))
- expansions
+ let expansions, _ =
+(* let where = *)
+(* if match_only then replace_metas (\* context *\) where *)
+(* else where *)
+(* in *)
+ if print_info then (
+ Printf.printf "searching %s inside %s\n"
+ (CicPp.ppterm what) (CicPp.ppterm where);
+ );
+ aux 0 where context metasenv [] ugraph
+ in
+ let mapfun =
+(* if match_only then *)
+(* (fun (term, subst, metasenv, ugraph) -> *)
+(* let term' = *)
+(* C.Lambda (C.Anonymous, type_of_what, restore_metas term) *)
+(* and subst = restore_subst subst in *)
+(* (term', subst, metasenv, ugraph)) *)
+(* else *)
+ (fun (term, subst, metasenv, ugraph) ->
+ let term' = C.Lambda (C.Anonymous, type_of_what, term) in
+ (term', subst, metasenv, ugraph))
+ in
+ mapfun expansions
(i, context, term)::menv)
menv []
+ let ty = repl ty
+ and left = repl left
+ and right = repl right in
+ let metas = (metas_of_term left) @ (metas_of_term right) in
+ let menv' = List.filter (fun (i, _, _) -> List.mem i metas) menv'
+ and newargs =
+ List.filter
+ (function Cic.Meta (i, _) -> List.mem i metas | _ -> assert false) newargs
+ in
(newmeta + (List.length newargs) + 1,
- (repl proof, (repl ty, repl left, repl right), menv', newargs))
+ (repl proof, (ty, left, right), menv', newargs))
let proof, (eq_ty, left, right), _, _ = target in
let eqproof, (ty, t1, t2), newmetas, args = source in
- (* ALB: TODO check that ty and eq_ty are indeed equal... *)
- (* assert (eq_ty = ty); *)
+ let compare_terms = !Utils.compare_terms in
if eq_ty <> ty then
let where, is_left =
- match nonrec_kbo left right with
+ match compare_terms left right with
| Lt -> right, false
| Gt -> left, true
| _ -> (
let metasenv' = newmetas @ metasenv in
- let res1 =
- List.filter
- (fun (t, s, m, ug) ->
- nonrec_kbo (M.apply_subst s t1) (M.apply_subst s t2) = Gt)
- (beta_expand t1 ty where context metasenv' ugraph)
- and res2 =
- List.filter
- (fun (t, s, m, ug) ->
- nonrec_kbo (M.apply_subst s t2) (M.apply_subst s t1) = Gt)
- (beta_expand t2 ty where context metasenv' ugraph)
+ let result = compare_terms t1 t2 in
+ let res1, res2 =
+ match result with
+ | Gt -> (beta_expand t1 ty where context metasenv' ugraph), []
+ | Lt -> [], (beta_expand t2 ty where context metasenv' ugraph)
+ | _ ->
+ let res1 =
+ List.filter
+ (fun (t, s, m, ug) ->
+ compare_terms (M.apply_subst s t1) (M.apply_subst s t2) = Gt)
+ (beta_expand t1 ty where context metasenv' ugraph)
+ and res2 =
+ List.filter
+ (fun (t, s, m, ug) ->
+ compare_terms (M.apply_subst s t2) (M.apply_subst s t1) = Gt)
+ (beta_expand t2 ty where context metasenv' ugraph)
+ in
+ res1, res2
(* let what, other = *)
(* if is_left then left, right *)
let eqp', (ty', t1, t2), newm', args' = source in
let maxmeta = ref newmeta in
- (* TODO check if ty and ty' are equal... *)
- (* assert (eq_ty = ty'); *)
+ let compare_terms = !Utils.compare_terms in
if eq_ty <> ty' then
newmeta, []
(* in *)
let condition left right what other (t, s, m, ug) =
let subst = M.apply_subst s in
- let cmp1 = nonrec_kbo (subst what) (subst other) in
- let cmp2 = nonrec_kbo (subst left) (subst right) in
+ let cmp1 = compare_terms (subst what) (subst other) in
+ let cmp2 = compare_terms (subst left) (subst right) in
(* cmp1 = Gt && cmp2 = Gt *)
cmp1 <> Lt && cmp1 <> Le && cmp2 <> Lt && cmp2 <> Le
(* && (ok t s other right ug) *)
let metasenv' = metasenv @ newmetas @ newm' in
let beta_expand = beta_expand ~metas_ok:false in
- let res1 =
- List.filter
- (condition left right t1 t2)
- (beta_expand t1 eq_ty left context metasenv' ugraph)
- and res2 =
- List.filter
- (condition left right t2 t1)
- (beta_expand t2 eq_ty left context metasenv' ugraph)
- and res3 =
- List.filter
- (condition right left t1 t2)
- (beta_expand t1 eq_ty right context metasenv' ugraph)
- and res4 =
- List.filter
- (condition right left t2 t1)
- (beta_expand t2 eq_ty right context metasenv' ugraph)
+ let cmp1 = compare_terms left right
+ and cmp2 = compare_terms t1 t2 in
+ let res1, res2, res3, res4 =
+ let res l r s t =
+ List.filter
+ (condition l r s t)
+ (beta_expand s eq_ty l context metasenv' ugraph)
+ in
+ match cmp1, cmp2 with
+ | Gt, Gt ->
+ (beta_expand t1 eq_ty left context metasenv' ugraph), [], [], []
+ | Gt, Lt ->
+ [], (beta_expand t2 eq_ty left context metasenv' ugraph), [], []
+ | Lt, Gt ->
+ [], [], (beta_expand t1 eq_ty right context metasenv' ugraph), []
+ | Lt, Lt ->
+ [], [], [], (beta_expand t2 eq_ty right context metasenv' ugraph)
+ | Gt, _ ->
+ let res1 = res left right t1 t2
+ and res2 = res left right t2 t1 in
+ res1, res2, [], []
+ | Lt, _ ->
+ let res3 = res right left t1 t2
+ and res4 = res right left t2 t1 in
+ [], [], res3, res4
+ | _, Gt ->
+ let res1 = res left right t1 t2
+ and res3 = res right left t1 t2 in
+ res1, [], res3, []
+ | _, Lt ->
+ let res2 = res left right t2 t1
+ and res4 = res right left t2 t1 in
+ [], res2, [], res4
+ | _, _ ->
+ let res1 = res left right t1 t2
+ and res2 = res left right t2 t1
+ and res3 = res right left t1 t2
+ and res4 = res right left t2 t1 in
+ res1, res2, res3, res4
let newmetas = newmetas @ newm' in
let newargs = args @ args' in
let proof, (eq_ty, left, right), metas, args = target
and proof', (ty, t1, t2), metas', args' = source in
+ let compare_terms = !Utils.compare_terms in
if eq_ty <> ty then
newmeta, target
- let get_params step =
- match step with
- | 3 -> true, t1, t2, HL.Logic.eq_ind_URI
- | 2 -> false, t1, t2, HL.Logic.eq_ind_URI
- | 1 -> true, t2, t1, HL.Logic.eq_ind_r_URI
- | 0 -> false, t2, t1, HL.Logic.eq_ind_r_URI
- | _ -> assert false
+ let first_step, get_params =
+ match compare_terms t1 t2 with
+ | Gt -> 1, (function
+ | 1 -> true, t1, t2, HL.Logic.eq_ind_URI
+ | 0 -> false, t1, t2, HL.Logic.eq_ind_URI
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Lt -> 1, (function
+ | 1 -> true, t2, t1, HL.Logic.eq_ind_r_URI
+ | 0 -> false, t2, t1, HL.Logic.eq_ind_r_URI
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ ->
+ let first_step = 3 in
+ let get_params step =
+ match step with
+ | 3 -> true, t1, t2, HL.Logic.eq_ind_URI
+ | 2 -> false, t1, t2, HL.Logic.eq_ind_URI
+ | 1 -> true, t2, t1, HL.Logic.eq_ind_r_URI
+ | 0 -> false, t2, t1, HL.Logic.eq_ind_r_URI
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ first_step, get_params
let rec demodulate newmeta step metasenv target =
let proof, (eq_ty, left, right), metas, args = target in
(* print_newline (); *)
let ok (t, s, m, ug) =
- nonrec_kbo (M.apply_subst s what) (M.apply_subst s other) = Gt
+ compare_terms (M.apply_subst s what) (M.apply_subst s other) = Gt
let res =
let r = (beta_expand ~metas_ok:false ~match_only:true
what ty (if is_left then left else right)
context (metasenv @ metas) ugraph)
-(* print_endline "res:"; *)
-(* List.iter (fun (t, s, m, ug) -> print_endline (CicPp.pp t names)) r; *)
-(* print_newline (); *)
-(* Printf.printf "metasenv:\n%s\n" (print_metasenv (metasenv @ metas)); *)
-(* print_newline (); *)
+(* let m' = metas_of_term what *)
+(* and m'' = metas_of_term (if is_left then left else right) in *)
+(* if (List.mem 527 m'') && (List.mem 6 m') then ( *)
+(* Printf.printf *)
+(* "demodulate\ntarget: %s\nwhat: %s\nother: %s\nis_left: %s\n" *)
+(* (string_of_equality ~env target) (CicPp.pp what names) *)
+(* (CicPp.pp other names) (string_of_bool is_left); *)
+(* Printf.printf "step: %d" step; *)
+(* print_newline (); *)
+(* print_endline "res:"; *)
+(* List.iter (fun (t, s, m, ug) -> print_endline (CicPp.pp t names)) r; *)
+(* print_newline (); *)
+(* Printf.printf "metasenv:\n%s\n" (print_metasenv (metasenv @ metas)); *)
+(* print_newline (); *)
+(* ); *)
List.filter ok r
match res with
let newterm, newproof =
match t with
| C.Lambda (nn, ty, bo) ->
- let bo' = M.apply_subst s (S.subst other bo) in
+(* let bo' = M.apply_subst s (S.subst other bo) in *)
+ let bo' = S.subst (M.apply_subst s other) bo in
let bo'' =
C.Appl (
[C.MutInd (HL.Logic.eq_URI, 0, []);
else [S.lift 1 left; bo'])
let t' = C.Lambda (nn, ty, bo'') in
- M.apply_subst s (S.subst other bo),
+(* M.apply_subst s (S.subst other bo), *)
+ bo',
M.apply_subst s
(C.Appl [C.Const (eq_URI, []); ty; what; t';
proof; other; proof'])
let newmeta, newtarget =
let left, right =
- if is_left then (newterm, M.apply_subst s right)
- else (M.apply_subst s left, newterm) in
- let newmetasenv = metasenv @ metas in
- let newargs = args @ args' in
- fix_metas newmeta
- (newproof, (eq_ty, left, right), newmetasenv, newargs)
+(* if is_left then (newterm, M.apply_subst s right) *)
+(* else (M.apply_subst s left, newterm) in *)
+ if is_left then newterm, right
+ else left, newterm
+ in
+(* let newmetasenv = metasenv @ metas in *)
+(* let newargs = args @ args' in *)
+(* fix_metas newmeta *)
+(* (newproof, (eq_ty, left, right), newmetasenv, newargs) *)
+ let m = (metas_of_term left) @ (metas_of_term right) in
+ let newmetasenv = List.filter (fun (i, _, _) -> List.mem i m) metas
+ and newargs =
+ List.filter
+ (function C.Meta (i, _) -> List.mem i m | _ -> assert false)
+ args
+ in
+ newmeta, (newproof, (eq_ty, left, right), newmetasenv, newargs)
- Printf.printf
- "demodulate, newtarget: %s\ntarget was: %s\n"
- (string_of_equality ~env newtarget)
- (string_of_equality ~env target);
- print_newline ();
+(* Printf.printf *)
+(* "demodulate, newtarget: %s\ntarget was: %s\n" *)
+(* (string_of_equality ~env newtarget) *)
+(* (string_of_equality ~env target); *)
+(* (\* let _, _, newm, newa = newtarget in *\) *)
+(* (\* Printf.printf "newmetasenv:\n%s\nnewargs:\n%s\n" *\) *)
+(* (\* (print_metasenv newm) *\) *)
+(* (\* (String.concat "\n" ( CicPp.ppterm newa)); *\) *)
+(* print_newline (); *)
if is_identity env newtarget then
newmeta, newtarget
- demodulate newmeta step metasenv newtarget
+ demodulate newmeta first_step metasenv newtarget
- demodulate newmeta 3 (metasenv @ metas') target
+ demodulate newmeta first_step (metasenv @ metas') target
+let symbols_of_equality (_, (_, left, right), _, _) =
+ TermSet.union (symbols_of_term left) (symbols_of_term right)
+let symbols_of_equality ((_, (_, left, right), _, _) as equality) =
+ let m1 = symbols_of_term left in
+ let m =
+ TermMap.fold
+ (fun k v res ->
+ try
+ let c = TermMap.find k res in
+ TermMap.add k (c+v) res
+ with Not_found ->
+ TermMap.add k v res)
+ (symbols_of_term right) m1
+ in
+(* Printf.printf "symbols_of_equality %s:\n" *)
+(* (string_of_equality equality); *)
+(* TermMap.iter (fun k v -> Printf.printf "%s: %d\n" (CicPp.ppterm k) v) m; *)
+(* print_newline (); *)
+ m
module OrderedEquality =
type t = Inference.equality
let weight_age_ratio = ref 0;; (* settable by the user from the command line *)
let weight_age_counter = ref !weight_age_ratio;;
-let set_selection = ref (fun set -> EqualitySet.min_elt set);;
+let symbols_ratio = ref 0;;
+let symbols_counter = ref 0;;
-let select env passive =
+let select env passive active =
let (neg_list, neg_set), (pos_list, pos_set) = passive in
+ let remove eq l =
+ List.filter (fun e -> not (e = eq)) l
+ in
if !weight_age_ratio > 0 then
weight_age_counter := !weight_age_counter - 1;
match !weight_age_counter with
(Positive, hd), (([], neg_set), (tl, EqualitySet.remove hd pos_set))
| _, _ -> assert false
- | _ ->
- let remove eq l =
- List.filter (fun e -> not (e = eq)) l
+ | _ when (!symbols_counter > 0) && (EqualitySet.is_empty neg_set) -> (
+ symbols_counter := !symbols_counter - 1;
+ let cardinality map =
+ TermMap.fold (fun k v res -> res + v) map 0
+ match active with
+ | (Negative, e)::_ ->
+ let symbols = symbols_of_equality e in
+ let card = cardinality symbols in
+ let f equality (i, e) =
+ let common, others =
+ TermMap.fold
+ (fun k v (r1, r2) ->
+ if TermMap.mem k symbols then
+ let c = TermMap.find k symbols in
+ let c1 = abs (c - v) in
+ let c2 = v - c1 in
+ r1 + c2, r2 + c1
+ else
+ r1, r2 + v)
+ (symbols_of_equality equality) (0, 0)
+ in
+(* Printf.printf "equality: %s, common: %d, others: %d\n" *)
+(* (string_of_equality ~env equality) common others; *)
+ let c = others + (abs (common - card)) in
+ if c < i then (c, equality)
+ else (i, e)
+ in
+ let e1 = EqualitySet.min_elt pos_set in
+ let initial =
+ let common, others =
+ TermMap.fold
+ (fun k v (r1, r2) ->
+ if TermMap.mem k symbols then
+ let c = TermMap.find k symbols in
+ let c1 = abs (c - v) in
+ let c2 = v - (abs (c - v)) in
+ r1 + c1, r2 + c2
+ else
+ r1, r2 + v)
+ (symbols_of_equality e1) (0, 0)
+ in
+ (others + (abs (common - card))), e1
+ in
+ let _, current = EqualitySet.fold f pos_set initial in
+ Printf.printf "\nsymbols-based selection: %s\n\n"
+ (string_of_equality ~env current);
+ (Positive, current),
+ (([], neg_set),
+ (remove current pos_list, EqualitySet.remove current pos_set))
+ | _ ->
+ let current = EqualitySet.min_elt pos_set in
+ let passive =
+ (neg_list, neg_set),
+ (remove current pos_list, EqualitySet.remove current pos_set)
+ in
+ (Positive, current), passive
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ symbols_counter := !symbols_ratio;
+ let set_selection set = EqualitySet.min_elt set in
if EqualitySet.is_empty neg_set then
- let current = !set_selection pos_set in
+ let current = set_selection pos_set in
let passive =
(neg_list, neg_set),
(remove current pos_list, EqualitySet.remove current pos_set)
(Positive, current), passive
- let current = !set_selection neg_set in
+ let current = set_selection neg_set in
let passive =
(remove current neg_list, EqualitySet.remove current neg_set),
(pos_list, pos_set)
-let forward_simplify env (sign, current) active =
+let forward_simplify env ?(active=[]) ?passive (sign, current) =
(* first step, remove already present equalities *)
+ let pn, pp =
+ match passive with
+ | None -> [], []
+ | Some ((pn, _), (pp, _)) ->
+ ( (fun e -> Negative, e) pn),
+ ( (fun e -> Positive, e) pp)
+ in
+ let all = active @ pn @ pp in
let duplicate =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> false
else aux tl
| _::tl -> aux tl
- aux active
+ aux all
if duplicate then
| [] -> Some (sign, current)
| (Negative, _)::tl -> aux env (sign, current) tl
| (Positive, equality)::tl ->
- let newmeta, current =
+ let newmeta, newcurrent =
demodulation !maxmeta env current equality in
maxmeta := newmeta;
- if is_identity env current then
+ if is_identity env newcurrent then
+ else if newcurrent <> current then
+ aux env (sign, newcurrent) active
- aux env (sign, current) tl
+ aux env (sign, newcurrent) tl
- aux env (sign, current) active
+ aux env (sign, current) all
-let forward_simplify_new env (new_neg, new_pos) active =
+let forward_simplify_new env ?(active=[]) ?passive (new_neg, new_pos) =
+ let pn, pp =
+ match passive with
+ | None -> [], []
+ | Some ((pn, _), (pp, _)) ->
+ ( (fun e -> Negative, e) pn),
+ ( (fun e -> Positive, e) pp)
+ in
+ let all = active @ pn @ pp in
let remove_identities equalities =
let ok eq = not (is_identity env eq) in
List.filter ok equalities
- let rec simpl active target =
- match active with
+ let rec simpl all' target =
+ match all' with
| [] -> target
| (Negative, _)::tl -> simpl tl target
| (Positive, source)::tl ->
- let newmeta, target = demodulation !maxmeta env target source in
+ let newmeta, newtarget = demodulation !maxmeta env target source in
maxmeta := newmeta;
- if is_identity env target then target
- else simpl tl target
+ if is_identity env newtarget then newtarget
+ else if newtarget <> target then (
+(* Printf.printf "OK:\n%s\n%s\n" *)
+(* (string_of_equality ~env target) *)
+(* (string_of_equality ~env newtarget); *)
+(* print_newline (); *)
+ simpl all newtarget
+ )
+ else simpl tl newtarget
+ in
+ let new_neg = (simpl all) new_neg
+ and new_pos = remove_identities ( (simpl all) new_pos) in
+ let new_pos_set =
+ List.fold_left (fun s e -> EqualitySet.add e s) EqualitySet.empty new_pos
- let new_neg = (simpl active) new_neg
- and new_pos = (simpl active) new_pos in
- new_neg, remove_identities new_pos
+ new_neg, EqualitySet.elements new_pos_set
-let backward_simplify env (sign, current) active =
+let backward_simplify_active env (sign, current) active =
match sign with
| Negative -> active
| Positive ->
(fun (s, eq) res -> if find eq res then res else (s, eq)::res)
active []
+let backward_simplify_active env (new_neg, new_pos) active =
+ let new_pos = (fun e -> Positive, e) new_pos in
+ let active =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (s, equality) res ->
+ match forward_simplify env ~active:new_pos (s, equality) with
+ | None -> res
+ | Some e -> e::res)
+ active []
+ in
+ let find eq1 where =
+ List.exists (fun (s, e) -> meta_convertibility_eq eq1 e) where
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (s, eq) res ->
+ if (is_identity env eq) || (find eq res) then
+ res
+ else
+ (s, eq)::res)
+ active []
+let backward_simplify_passive env (new_neg, new_pos) passive =
+ let new_pos = (fun e -> Positive, e) new_pos in
+ let (nl, ns), (pl, ps) = passive in
+ let f sign equality (resl, ress, newn) =
+ match forward_simplify env ~active:new_pos (sign, equality) with
+ | None -> resl, EqualitySet.remove equality ress, newn
+ | Some (s, e) ->
+ if equality = e then
+ equality::resl, ress, newn
+ else
+ let ress = EqualitySet.remove equality ress in
+ resl, ress, e::newn
+ in
+ let nl, ns, newn = List.fold_right (f Negative) nl ([], ns, [])
+ and pl, ps, newp = List.fold_right (f Positive) pl ([], ps, []) in
+ match newn, newp with
+ | [], [] -> ((nl, ns), (pl, ps)), None
+ | _, _ -> ((nl, ns), (pl, ps)), Some (newn, newp)
+let backward_simplify env ?(active=[]) ?passive new' =
+ let active = backward_simplify_active env new' active in
+ match passive with
+ | None ->
+ active, (([], EqualitySet.empty), ([], EqualitySet.empty)), None
+ | Some passive ->
+ let passive, new' =
+ backward_simplify_passive env new' passive in
+ active, passive, new'
let rec given_clause env passive active =
match passive_is_empty passive with
| true -> Failure
| false ->
(* Printf.printf "before select\n"; *)
- let (sign, current), passive = select env passive in
+ let (sign, current), passive = select env passive active in
(* Printf.printf "before simplification: sign: %s\ncurrent: %s\n\n" *)
(* (string_of_sign sign) (string_of_equality ~env current); *)
- match forward_simplify env (sign, current) active with
+ match forward_simplify env (sign, current) ~active ~passive with
| None when sign = Negative ->
Printf.printf "OK!!! %s %s" (string_of_sign sign)
(string_of_equality ~env current);
(* print_newline (); *)
given_clause env passive active
| Some (sign, current) ->
-(* Printf.printf "selected: %s %s" *)
-(* (string_of_sign sign) (string_of_equality ~env current); *)
-(* print_newline (); *)
+ print_endline "\n================================================";
+ Printf.printf "selected: %s %s"
+ (string_of_sign sign) (string_of_equality ~env current);
+ print_newline ();
let new' = infer env sign current active in
- let new' = forward_simplify_new env new' active in
- let active =
- backward_simplify env (sign, current) active
-(* match new' with *)
-(* | [], [] -> backward_simplify env (sign, current) active *)
-(* | _ -> active *)
- in
+ let res, proof = contains_empty env new' in
+ if res then
+ Success (proof, env)
+ else
+ let new' = forward_simplify_new env new' ~active in
+ (* let active, passive, retained = *)
+ (* backward_simplify env [(sign, current)] ~active ~passive *)
+ (* in *)
+ let active =
+ match sign with
+ | Negative -> active
+ | Positive ->
+ let active, _, _ =
+ backward_simplify env ([], [current]) ~active
+ in
+ active
+ in
+ let _ =
+ Printf.printf "active:\n%s\n"
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ ((
+ (fun (s, e) -> (string_of_sign s) ^ " " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e)) active)));
+ print_newline ();
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match new' with
+ | neg, pos ->
+ Printf.printf "new':\n%s\n"
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ ((
+ (fun e -> "Negative " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e)) neg) @
+ (
+ (fun e -> "Positive " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e)) pos)));
+ print_newline ();
+ in
+ match contains_empty env new' with
+ | false, _ ->
+ let active =
+ match sign with
+ | Negative -> (sign, current)::active
+ | Positive -> active @ [(sign, current)]
+ in
+ let passive = add_to_passive passive new' in
+ let (_, ns), (_, ps) = passive in
+ Printf.printf "passive:\n%s\n"
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ (( (fun e -> "Negative " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e))
+ (EqualitySet.elements ns)) @
+ ( (fun e -> "Positive " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e))
+ (EqualitySet.elements ps))));
+ print_newline ();
+ given_clause env passive active
+ | true, proof ->
+ Success (proof, env)
- print_endline "\n================================================";
- let _ =
- Printf.printf "active:\n%s\n"
+let rec given_clause env passive active =
+ match passive_is_empty passive with
+ | true -> Failure
+ | false ->
+(* Printf.printf "before select\n"; *)
+ let (sign, current), passive = select env passive active in
+(* Printf.printf "before simplification: sign: %s\ncurrent: %s\n\n" *)
+(* (string_of_sign sign) (string_of_equality ~env current); *)
+ print_endline "\n================================================";
+ Printf.printf "selected: %s %s"
+ (string_of_sign sign) (string_of_equality ~env current);
+ print_newline ();
+ let new' = infer env sign current active in
+ let rec simplify new' active passive =
+ let new' = forward_simplify_new env new' ~active ~passive in
+ let active, passive, retained =
+ backward_simplify env new' ~active ~passive
+ in
+ match retained with
+ | None -> active, passive, new'
+ | Some (rn, rp) ->
+ let nn, np = new' in
+ simplify (nn @ rn, np @ rp) active passive
+ in
+ let active, passive, new' = simplify new' active passive in
+ let _ =
+ Printf.printf "active:\n%s\n"
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ ((
+ (fun (s, e) -> (string_of_sign s) ^ " " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e)) active)));
+ print_newline ();
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match new' with
+ | neg, pos ->
+ Printf.printf "new':\n%s\n"
(String.concat "\n"
- (fun (s, e) -> (string_of_sign s) ^ " " ^
- (string_of_equality ~env e)) active)));
+ (fun e -> "Negative " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e)) neg) @
+ (
+ (fun e -> "Positive " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e)) pos)));
print_newline ();
+ in
+ match contains_empty env new' with
+ | false, _ ->
+ let active =
+ match sign with
+ | Negative -> (sign, current)::active
+ | Positive -> active @ [(sign, current)]
-(* let _ = *)
-(* match new' with *)
-(* | neg, pos -> *)
-(* Printf.printf "new':\n%s\n" *)
-(* (String.concat "\n" *)
-(* (( *)
-(* (fun e -> "Negative " ^ *)
-(* (string_of_equality ~env e)) neg) @ *)
-(* ( *)
-(* (fun e -> "Positive " ^ *)
-(* (string_of_equality ~env e)) pos))); *)
-(* print_newline (); *)
-(* in *)
- match contains_empty env new' with
- | false, _ ->
- let active =
- match sign with
- | Negative -> (sign, current)::active
- | Positive -> active @ [(sign, current)]
- in
- let passive = add_to_passive passive new' in
- given_clause env passive active
- | true, proof ->
- Success (proof, env)
+ let passive = add_to_passive passive new' in
+ let (_, ns), (_, ps) = passive in
+ Printf.printf "passive:\n%s\n"
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ (( (fun e -> "Negative " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e))
+ (EqualitySet.elements ns)) @
+ ( (fun e -> "Positive " ^
+ (string_of_equality ~env e))
+ (EqualitySet.elements ps))));
+ print_newline ();
+ given_clause env passive active
+ | true, proof ->
+ Success (proof, env)
let get_from_user () =
(function (_, (ty, t1, t2), _, _) ->
let w1 = weight_of_term t1 in
let w2 = weight_of_term t2 in
- let res = nonrec_kbo t1 t2 in
+ let res = !compare_terms t1 t2 in
Printf.printf "{%s}: %s<%s> %s %s<%s>\n" (PP.ppterm ty)
(PP.ppterm t1) (string_of_weight w1)
(string_of_comparison res)
(PP.ppterm t2) (string_of_weight w2))
print_endline "--------------------------------------------------";
- let start = Sys.time () in
+ let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
print_endline "GO!";
let res = given_clause env passive active in
- let finish = Sys.time () in
+ let finish = Unix.gettimeofday () in
match res with
| Failure ->
Printf.printf "NO proof found! :-(\n\n"
let configuration_file = ref "../../gTopLevel/gTopLevel.conf.xml";;
let _ =
- let set_ratio v = weight_age_ratio := v; weight_age_counter := v
- and set_sel () = set_selection := (fun s -> EqualitySet.max_elt s)
+ let set_ratio v = weight_age_ratio := (v+1); weight_age_counter := (v+1)
+ and set_sel v = symbols_ratio := v; symbols_counter := v;
and set_conf f = configuration_file := f
+ and set_lpo () = Utils.compare_terms := lpo
+ and set_kbo () = Utils.compare_terms := nonrec_kbo
Arg.parse [
- "-r", Arg.Int set_ratio, "Weight-Age equality selection ratio";
+ "-r", Arg.Int set_ratio, "Weight-Age equality selection ratio (default: 0)";
- "-i", Arg.Unit set_sel,
- "Inverse selection (select heaviest equalities before)";
+ "-s", Arg.Int set_sel,
+ "symbols-based selection ratio (relative to the weight ratio)";
"-c", Arg.String set_conf, "Configuration file (for the db connection)";
+ "-lpo", Arg.Unit set_lpo, "Use lpo term ordering";
+ "-kbo", Arg.Unit set_kbo, "Use (non-recursive) kbo term ordering (default)";
] (fun a -> ()) "Usage:"
Helm_registry.load_from !configuration_file;