Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-let m = Mutex.create () in
-let i = ref 10 in
+open Http_types
+let m = Mutex.create ()
+let m_locked = ref true
+let critical f =
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ m_locked := true;
+ Lazy.force f;
+ m_locked := false;
+ Mutex.unlock m
+ (** ocaml's Thread.unlock suspend the invoking process if the mutex is already
+ * unlocked, therefore we unlock it only if we know that it's currently locked
+ *)
+let safe_unlock _ _ = if !m_locked then Mutex.unlock m
+let i = ref 10
let dump_i outchan =
Http_daemon.respond ~body:(Printf.sprintf "i = %d\n" !i) outchan
let callback req outchan =
match req#path with
- | "/incr" ->
- Mutex.lock m;
- incr i;
- dump_i outchan;
- Unix.sleep 5;
- Mutex.unlock m
- | "/decr" ->
- Mutex.lock m;
- decr i;
- dump_i outchan;
- Unix.sleep 5;
- Mutex.unlock m
- | "/get" ->
- Mutex.lock m;
- dump_i outchan;
- Mutex.unlock m
+ | "/incr" -> critical (lazy (incr i; dump_i outchan; Unix.sleep 5))
+ | "/decr" -> critical (lazy (decr i; dump_i outchan; Unix.sleep 5))
+ | "/get" -> critical (lazy (dump_i outchan))
| bad_request -> Http_daemon.respond_error outchan
-Http_daemon.start' ~port:9999 ~mode:`Thread callback
+let spec =
+ { Http_daemon.default_spec with
+ port = 9999;
+ mode = `Thread;
+ callback = callback;
+ exn_handler = Some safe_unlock;
+ (** ocaml-http's default exn_handler is Pervasives.ignore. This means
+ * that threads holding the "m" mutex above may die without unlocking it.
+ * Using safe_unlock as an exception handler we ensure that "m" mutex is
+ * unlocked in case of exceptions (e.g. SIGPIPE) *)
+ }
+let _ = Http_daemon.main spec