Appl args -> Appl (args@[x])
| _ -> Appl [f;x]
+let mk_tappl f l =
+ match f with
+ TAppl args -> TAppl (args@l)
+ | _ -> TAppl (f::l)
let rec size_of_term =
| Rel _ -> 1
module GlobalNames = Set.Make(String)
type info_el =
- string * [`Type of typ_context * typ option | `Constructor | `Function ]
+ string * [`Type of typ_context * typ option | `Constructor of typ | `Function of typ ]
type info = (NReference.reference * info_el) list
type db = info_el ReferenceMap.t * GlobalNames.t
= fun o -> {< extraction_db = o#extraction_db >}
+let xdo_pretty_print_type = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
+let do_pretty_print_type status ctx t =
+ !xdo_pretty_print_type (status : #status :> status) ctx t
+let xdo_pretty_print_term = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
+let do_pretty_print_term status ctx t =
+ !xdo_pretty_print_term (status : #status :> status) ctx t
+let term_ctx_of_type_ctx =
+ (function
+ None -> None
+ | Some (name,k) -> Some (name,`OfKind k))
let rec split_kind_prods context =
| KArrow (so,ta)-> split_kind_prods (Some ("_",so)::context) ta
match snd (ReferenceMap.find ref (fst status#extraction_db)) with
`Type (ctx,_) -> List.rev ctx
- | `Constructor
- | `Function -> assert false
+ | `Constructor _
+ | `Function _ -> assert false
Not_found ->
(* This can happen only when we are processing the type of
| NCic.Sort _
| NCic.Implicit _
| NCic.LetIn _ -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *)
- | NCic.Lambda _ -> assert false (* LAMBDA-LIFT INNER DECLARATION *)
+ | NCic.Lambda _ -> Top (*assert false (* LAMBDA-LIFT INNER DECLARATION *)*)
| NCic.Rel n -> Var n
| NCic.Const ref -> TConst ref
| NCic.Match (_,_,_,_)
let rec fomega_subst k t1 =
| Var n ->
- if k=n then fomega_lift_type k t1
+ if k=n then fomega_lift_type (k-1) t1
else if n < k then Var n
else Var (n-1)
| Top -> Top
| Arrow (ty1,ty2) -> Arrow (fomega_subst k t1 ty1, fomega_subst (k+1) t1 ty2)
| TSkip t -> TSkip (fomega_subst (k+1) t1 t)
| Forall (n,kind,t) -> Forall (n,kind,fomega_subst (k+1) t1 t)
- | TAppl args -> TAppl ( (fomega_subst k t1) args)
+ | TAppl (he::args) ->
+ mk_tappl (fomega_subst k t1 he) ( (fomega_subst k t1) args)
+ | TAppl [] -> assert false
let fomega_lookup status ref =
match snd (ReferenceMap.find ref (fst status#extraction_db)) with
`Type (_,bo) -> bo
- | `Constructor
- | `Function -> assert false
+ | `Constructor _
+ | `Function _ -> assert false
Not_found ->
prerr_endline ("BUG, THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref); None
| Some ty -> fomega_whd status (List.fold_right (fomega_subst 1) args ty))
| _ -> ty
+let rec fomega_conv_kind k1 k2 =
+ match k1,k2 with
+ Type,Type -> true
+ | KArrow (s1,t1), KArrow (s2,t2) ->
+ fomega_conv_kind s1 s2 && fomega_conv_kind t1 t2
+ | KSkip k1, KSkip k2 -> fomega_conv_kind k1 k2
+ | _,_ -> false
+let rec fomega_conv status t1 t2 =
+ match fomega_whd status t1, fomega_whd status t2 with
+ Var n, Var m -> n=m
+ | Unit, Unit -> true
+ | Top, Top -> true
+ | TConst r1, TConst r2 -> NReference.eq r1 r2
+ | Arrow (s1,t1), Arrow (s2,t2) ->
+ fomega_conv status s1 s2 && fomega_conv status t1 t2
+ | TSkip t1, TSkip t2 -> fomega_conv status t1 t2
+ | Forall (_,k1,t1), Forall (_,k2,t2) ->
+ fomega_conv_kind k1 k2 && fomega_conv status t1 t2
+ | TAppl tl1, TAppl tl2 ->
+ (try
+ List.fold_left2 (fun b t1 t2 -> b && fomega_conv status t1 t2)
+ true tl1 tl2
+ with
+ Invalid_argument _ -> false)
+ | _,_ -> false
+exception PatchMe (* BUG: constructor of singleton type :-( *)
+let type_of_constructor status ref =
+ try
+ match snd (ReferenceMap.find ref (fst status#extraction_db)) with
+ `Constructor ty -> ty
+ | _ -> assert false
+ with
+ Not_found -> raise PatchMe (* BUG: constructor of singleton type :-( *)
+let type_of_appl_he status ~metasenv context =
+ function
+ NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Con _) as ref)
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Def _) as ref)
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Decl) as ref)
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix _) as ref)
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.CoFix _) as ref) ->
+ (try
+ match snd (ReferenceMap.find ref (fst status#extraction_db)) with
+ `Type _ -> assert false
+ | `Constructor ty
+ | `Function ty -> ty
+ with
+ Not_found -> assert false)
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Ind _)) ->
+ assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *)
+ | NCic.Rel n ->
+ (match List.nth context (n-1) with
+ _,NCic.Decl typ
+ | _,NCic.Def (_,typ) ->
+ (* recomputed every time *)
+ typ_of status ~metasenv context
+ (NCicSubstitution.lift status n typ))
+ | (NCic.Lambda _
+ | NCic.LetIn _
+ | NCic.Match _) as t ->
+ (* BUG: here we should implement a real type-checker since we are
+ trusting the translation of the Cic one that could be wrong
+ (e.g. pruned abstractions, etc.) *)
+ (typ_of status ~metasenv context
+ (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst:[] context t))
+ | NCic.Meta _ -> assert false (* TODO *)
+ | NCic.Sort _ | NCic.Implicit _ | NCic.Appl _ | NCic.Prod _ ->
+ assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *)
let rec term_of status ~metasenv context =
| NCic.Implicit _
| NCic.Rel n -> Rel n
| NCic.Const ref -> Const ref
| NCic.Appl (he::args) ->
- eat_args status metasenv
- (term_of status ~metasenv context he) context
- (*BUG: recomputing every time the type of the head*)
- (typ_of status ~metasenv context
- (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst:[] context he))
- args
+ let hety = type_of_appl_he status ~metasenv context he in
+ eat_args status metasenv (term_of status ~metasenv context he) context
+ hety args
| NCic.Appl _ -> assert false (* TODO: when head is a match/let rec;
otherwise NOT A TYPE *)
| NCic.Meta _ -> assert false (* TODO *)
| NCic.Match (ref,_,t,pl) ->
let patterns_of pl =
- let constructors, leftno =
- let _,leftno,tys,_,n = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys status ref in
- let _,_,_,cl = List.nth tys n in
- cl,leftno
- in
+ let _,leftno,_,_,_ = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys status ref in
let rec eat_branch n ty context ctx pat =
match (ty, pat) with
| TSkip t,_
| _, _ -> context,ctx, pat
- List.map2
- (fun (_, _name, ty) pat ->
- (*BUG: recomputing every time the type of the constructor*)
- let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv context ty in
+ HExtlib.list_mapi
+ (fun pat i ->
+ let ref = NReference.mk_constructor (i+1) ref in
+ let ty =
+ try
+ type_of_constructor status ref
+ with
+ PatchMe ->
+ typ_of status ~metasenv context
+ (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst:[] context
+ (NCic.Const ref))
+ in
let context,lhs,rhs = eat_branch leftno ty context [] pat in
let rhs =
(* UnsafeCoerce not always required *)
UnsafeCoerce (term_of status ~metasenv context rhs)
- ) constructors pl
+ ) pl
with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
(match classify_not_term status [] (NCic.Const ref) with
| arg::tl ->
match fomega_whd status tyhe with
Arrow (s,t) ->
- let arg =
+ let acc =
match s with
- Unit -> UnitTerm
- | _ -> term_of status ~metasenv context arg in
- eat_args status metasenv (mk_appl acc arg) context t tl
+ Unit -> mk_appl acc UnitTerm
+ | _ ->
+ let foarg = term_of status ~metasenv context arg in
+ (* BUG HERE, we should implement a real type-checker instead of
+ trusting the Cic type *)
+ let inferredty =
+ typ_of status ~metasenv context
+ (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst:[] context arg)in
+ if fomega_conv status inferredty s then
+ mk_appl acc foarg
+ else
+prerr_endline ("ARG = " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst:[] ~context arg);
+let context = fst context in
+prerr_endline ("HE = " ^ do_pretty_print_term status context acc);
+prerr_endline ("CONTEXT= " ^ String.concat " " context);
+prerr_endline ("NOT CONV: " ^ do_pretty_print_type status context inferredty ^ " vs " ^ do_pretty_print_type status context s);
+ mk_appl acc (UnsafeCoerce foarg)
+ in
+ eat_args status metasenv acc context (fomega_subst 1 Unit t) tl
| Top ->
let arg =
match classify status ~metasenv context arg with
| `Term `TypeFormerOrTerm
| `Term `Term -> term_of status ~metasenv context arg
+ (* BUG: what if an argument of Top has been erased??? *)
eat_args status metasenv
(UnsafeCoerce (mk_appl acc (UnsafeCoerce arg)))
context Top tl
| Forall (_,_,t) ->
+prerr_endline "FORALL";
+let xcontext = fst context in
+prerr_endline ("TYPE: " ^ do_pretty_print_type status xcontext (fomega_whd status tyhe));
+prerr_endline ("fARG = " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst:[] ~context arg);
+prerr_endline ("fHE = " ^ do_pretty_print_term status xcontext acc);
+prerr_endline ("fCONTEXT= " ^ String.concat " " xcontext);
(match classify status ~metasenv context arg with
| `PropKind -> assert false (*TODO: same as below, coercion needed???*)
| `Proposition
- | `Term `TypeFormer
| `Kind ->
eat_args status metasenv (UnsafeCoerce (Inst acc))
context (fomega_subst 1 Unit t) tl
- | `Term _ -> assert false (*TODO: ????*)
| `KindOrType
+ | `Term `TypeFormer
| `Type ->
eat_args status metasenv (Inst acc)
context (fomega_subst 1 (typ_of status ~metasenv context arg) t)
- tl)
+ tl
+ | `Term _ -> assert false (*TODO: ????*))
| TSkip t ->
eat_args status metasenv acc context t tl
| Unit | Var _ | TConst _ | TAppl _ -> assert false (* NOT A PRODUCT *)
| `KindOrType (* ??? *)
| `Type ->
let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv [] ty in
- let info = ref,`Function in
+ let info = ref,`Function ty in
let status,info = register_name_and_info status info in
Success ([info],ref, TermDefinition (split_typ_prods [] ty,
let ctx,ty =
NCicReduction.split_prods status ~subst:[] [] leftno ty in
let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv ctx ty in
+ let left = term_ctx_of_type_ctx left in
+ let full_ty = glue_ctx_typ left ty in
let ref = NReference.mk_constructor j ref in
- let info = ref,`Constructor in
+ let info = ref,`Constructor full_ty in
let status,info = register_name_and_info status info in
) (1,status,[],[]) cl
| `Type
| `KindOrType (*???*) ->
let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv [] ty in
- let info = ref,`Function in
+ let info = ref,`Function ty in
let status,info = register_name_and_info status info in
status,Success ([info],ref,
TermDeclaration (split_typ_prods [] ty))
match snd (ReferenceMap.find ref (fst status#extraction_db)) with
`Type _ -> `TypeName
- | `Constructor -> `Constructor
- | `Function -> `FunctionName
+ | `Constructor _ -> `Constructor
+ | `Function _ -> `FunctionName
Not_found ->
prerr_endline ("BUG, THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref); `FunctionName
(fun t -> bracket ~prec:0 size_of_type
(pretty_print_type status ctxt) t) tl)
+xdo_pretty_print_type := pretty_print_type;;
let pretty_print_term_context status ctx1 ctx2 =
let name_context, rev_res =
| Inst t -> pretty_print_term status ctxt t
+xdo_pretty_print_term := pretty_print_term;;
let rec pp_obj status (_,ref,obj_kind) =
let pretty_print_context ctx =
String.concat " " (List.rev (snd
(function (ref,el) ->
match el with
- _,`Constructor
- | _,`Function -> refresh_uri_in_reference ref,el
+ name,`Constructor typ ->
+ let typ = refresh_uri_in_typ ~refresh_uri_in_reference typ in
+ refresh_uri_in_reference ref, (name,`Constructor typ)
+ | name,`Function typ ->
+ let typ = refresh_uri_in_typ ~refresh_uri_in_reference typ in
+ refresh_uri_in_reference ref, (name,`Function typ)
| name,`Type (ctx,typ) ->
let typ =
match typ with