PKGNAME = http
-COMMON_OPTS = $(DEBUG_OPTS) -pp camlp4o -package "unix,pcre,netstring"
+COMMON_OPTS = $(DEBUG_OPTS) -pp camlp4o -thread -package "unix,pcre,netstring,threads"
OCAMLFIND = ocamlfind
DISTNAME = ocaml-http
EXTRA_DIST = INSTALL LICENSE README Makefile Makefile.defs .depend tophttp
-- add Http_daemon.respond_ok ~body
- add a perlish Http_daemon.daemon class, e.g.:
let d = new daemon ... in
while true do
req = d#accept ()
-- add the possibility to chdir and/or chroot in a given dir before starting
- parse also header and contents of http requests and add corresponding methods
to requests objects
+- add the possibility to chdir in a given dir before starting -> DONE
+- add support for multi threaded daemon -> DONE
+- add Http_daemon.respond -> DONE
OBJS_OPT = ../http.cmxa
EXAMPLES_OPTS = -I .. -linkpkg
-EXAMPLES = always_ok_daemon webfsd obj_foo dump_args timeout dont_fork
+ always_ok_daemon webfsd obj_foo dump_args timeout dont_fork threads chdir
all: $(EXAMPLES)
opt: $(patsubst %,%.opt,$(EXAMPLES))
open Http_daemon;;
-open Http_response;;
(* start an http daemon that alway respond with a 200 status code and an empty
content *)
-start ~port:9999 (fun _ _ -> respond_with (new Http_response.response))
+start ~port:9999 (fun _ _ outchan -> respond outchan)
--- /dev/null
+ OCaml HTTP - do it yourself (fully OCaml) HTTP daemon
+ Copyright (C) <2002> Stefano Zacchiroli <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+open Http_daemon;;
+open Printf;;
+ ~port:9999
+ ~root:"/etc"
+ (fun _ _ outchan -> respond ~body:(sprintf "%s\n" (Sys.getcwd ())) outchan)
let callback req outchan =
- Http_daemon.respond_error ~body:"AH AH AH :-P" outchan
+ Http_daemon.respond_error ~body:"AH AH AH :-P\n" outchan
-Http_daemon.start' ~port:9999 ~fork:false ~timeout:(Some 5) callback
+Http_daemon.start' ~port:9999 ~mode:`Single ~timeout:(Some 5) callback
--- /dev/null
+ OCaml HTTP - do it yourself (fully OCaml) HTTP daemon
+ Copyright (C) <2002> Stefano Zacchiroli <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+let m = Mutex.create () in
+let i = ref 10 in
+let dump_i outchan =
+ Http_daemon.respond ~body:(Printf.sprintf "i = %d\n" !i) outchan
+let callback req outchan =
+ match req#path with
+ | "/incr" ->
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ incr i;
+ dump_i outchan;
+ Unix.sleep 5;
+ Mutex.unlock m
+ | "/decr" ->
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ decr i;
+ dump_i outchan;
+ Unix.sleep 5;
+ Mutex.unlock m
+ | "/get" ->
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ dump_i outchan;
+ Mutex.unlock m
+ | bad_request -> Http_daemon.respond_error outchan
+Http_daemon.start' ~port:9999 ~mode:`Thread callback
open Printf;;
+open Http_common;;
open Http_parser;;
let debug = true
let default_addr = ""
let default_port = 80
let default_timeout = 300
-let default_fork = true
+let default_mode = `Fork
(** send raw data on outchan, flushing it afterwards *)
let send_raw ~data outchan =
output_string outchan data;
flush outchan
-let send_CRLF = send_raw ~data:Http_common.crlf
+let send_CRLF = send_raw ~data:crlf
(** TODO perform some sanity test on header and value *)
let send_header ~header ~value =
- send_raw ~data:(header ^ ": " ^ value ^ Http_common.crlf)
+ send_raw ~data:(header ^ ": " ^ value ^ crlf)
let send_headers ~headers outchan =
List.iter (fun (header, value) -> send_header ~header ~value outchan) headers
fun ~code ~status ->
(match code, status with
| Some c, None -> c
- | None, Some s -> Http_common.code_of_status s
+ | None, Some s -> code_of_status s
| Some _, Some _ ->
failwith (func_name ^ " you must give 'code' or 'status', not both")
| None, None ->
let status_line =
" "
- [ Http_common.string_of_version version;
+ [ string_of_version version;
string_of_int code;
- Http_common.reason_phrase_of_code code ]
+ reason_phrase_of_code code ]
- send_raw ~data:(status_line ^ Http_common.crlf)
+ send_raw ~data:(status_line ^ crlf)
-let send_status_line
- ?(version = Http_common.http_version) ?code ?status outchan
- =
+let send_status_line ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan =
~code:(get_code_argument "Daemon.send_status_line" ~code ~status)
(* FIXME duplication of code between this and response#addBasicHeaders *)
-let send_basic_headers
- ?(version = Http_common.http_version) ?code ?status outchan
- =
+let send_basic_headers ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan =
~version ~code:(get_code_argument "Daemon.send_basic_headers" ~code ~status)
- ~headers:["Date", Http_misc.date_822 (); "Server", Http_common.server_string]
+ ~headers:["Date", Http_misc.date_822 (); "Server", server_string]
- (** internal: send a fooish body explaining in HTML form the 'reason phrase'
- of an HTTP response; body, if given, will be appended to the body *)
-let send_foo_body ~code ~body =
- let reason_phrase = Http_common.reason_phrase_of_code code in
- let body =
- sprintf
+ (** internal: given a status code and an additional body return a string
+ representing an HTML document that explains the meaning of given status code.
+ Additional data can be added to the body via 'body' argument *)
+let foo_body code body =
+ let reason_phrase = reason_phrase_of_code code in
+ sprintf
<TITLE>%d %s</TITLE>
<H1>%d - %s</H1>%s
- code reason_phrase code reason_phrase
- (match body with None -> "" | Some text -> "\n" ^ text)
+ code reason_phrase code reason_phrase body
+ (** internal: send a fooish body explaining in HTML form the 'reason phrase'
+ of an HTTP response; body, if given, will be appended to the body *)
+let send_foo_body code body = send_raw ~data:(foo_body code body)
+ (* TODO add the computation of Content-Length header *)
+let respond
+ ?(body = "") ?(headers = [])
+ ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 200) ?status outchan
+ =
+ let code =
+ match status with
+ | None -> code
+ | Some s -> code_of_status s
- send_raw ~data:body
+ send_basic_headers ~version ~code outchan;
+ send_headers ~headers outchan;
+ send_CRLF outchan;
+ send_raw ~data:body outchan
(** internal: low level for respond_redirect, respond_error, ...
This function send a status line corresponding to a given code, some basic
reason phrase; if body is given it will be included in the body of the HTML
page *)
let send_empty_response
- f_name ?(is_valid_status = fun _ -> true) ?(headers = []) ~body () =
- fun ?(version = Http_common.http_version) ?code ?status outchan ->
- let code = get_code_argument f_name ~code ~status in
+ func_name ?(is_valid_status = fun _ -> true) ?(headers = []) ~body () =
+ fun ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan ->
+ let code = get_code_argument func_name ~code ~status in
if not (is_valid_status code) then
- failwith (sprintf "'%d' isn't a valid status code for %s" code f_name)
+ failwith
+ (sprintf "'%d' isn't a valid status code for %s" code func_name)
else begin (* status code suitable for answering *)
+ let headers =
+ [
+ "Connection", "close";
+ "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
+ ] @ headers
+ in
+ let body = (foo_body code body) ^ body in
+ respond ~version ~code ~headers ~body outchan
+ (* OLD VERSION, now use 'respond' function *)
send_basic_headers ~version ~code outchan;
send_header ~header:"Connection" ~value:"close" outchan;
send_headers ~headers outchan;
send_CRLF outchan;
send_foo_body ~code ~body outchan
(* TODO sanity tests on location *)
let respond_redirect
- ~location ?body
- ?(version = Http_common.http_version) ?(code = 301) ?status outchan =
- let code =
- match status with
- | None -> code
- | Some (s: Http_types.redirection_status) -> Http_common.code_of_status s
- in
- send_empty_response
- "Daemon.respond_redirect" ~is_valid_status:Http_common.is_redirection
- ~headers:["Location", location] ~body ()
- ~version ~code outchan
+ ~location ?(body = "") ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 301) ?status outchan
+ =
+ let code =
+ match status with
+ | None -> code
+ | Some (s: Http_types.redirection_status) -> code_of_status s
+ in
+ send_empty_response
+ "Daemon.respond_redirect" ~is_valid_status:is_redirection
+ ~headers:["Location", location] ~body ()
+ ~version ~code outchan
let respond_error
- ?body
- ?(version = Http_common.http_version) ?(code = 400) ?status outchan =
+ ?(body = "") ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 400) ?status outchan =
let code =
match status with
| None -> code
- | Some s -> Http_common.code_of_status s
+ | Some s -> code_of_status s
- "Daemon.respond_error" ~is_valid_status:Http_common.is_error ~body ()
+ "Daemon.respond_error" ~is_valid_status:is_error ~body ()
~version ~code outchan
-let respond_not_found ~url ?(version = Http_common.http_version) outchan =
+let respond_not_found ~url ?(version = http_version) outchan =
- "Daemon.respond_not_found" ~body:None ()
- ~version ~code:404 outchan
+ "Daemon.respond_not_found" ~body:"" () ~version ~code:404 outchan
-let respond_forbidden ~url ?(version = Http_common.http_version) outchan =
+let respond_forbidden ~url ?(version = http_version) outchan =
- "Daemon.respond_permission_denied" ~body:None ()
- ~version ~code:403 outchan
+ "Daemon.respond_permission_denied" ~body:"" () ~version ~code:403 outchan
let send_file ?name ?file outchan =
let buflen = 1024 in
fprintf outchan "</body>\n</html>";
flush outchan
-let respond_file ~fname ?(version = Http_common.http_version) outchan =
+let respond_file ~fname ?(version = http_version) outchan =
(** ASSUMPTION: 'fname' doesn't begin with a "/"; it's relative to the current
document root (usually the daemon's cwd) *)
let droot = Sys.getcwd () in (* document root *)
res#serialize outchan;
flush outchan
+ (* TODO support also chroot to 'root', not only chdir *)
(* curried request *)
let start
?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port)
- ?(timeout = Some default_timeout) ?(fork = default_fork)
- callback
+ ?(timeout = Some default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
+ (match root with (* chdir to document root *)
+ | Some dir -> Sys.chdir dir
+ | None -> ());
let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_of_string addr, port) in
let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
| Malformed_query query ->
- ~code:400 ~body:("Malformed query string '" ^ query ^ "'") outchan
+ ~code:400 ~body:(sprintf "Malformed query string '%s'" query) outchan
| Malformed_query_binding (binding, query) ->
sprintf "Malformed query element '%s' in query '%s'" binding query)
- match fork with
- | true -> Http_tcp_server.ocaml_builtin ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
- | false -> Http_tcp_server.simple ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
+ match mode with
+ | `Single -> Http_tcp_server.simple ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
+ | `Fork -> Http_tcp_server.ocaml_builtin ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
+ | `Thread -> Http_tcp_server.thread ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
(* OO request *)
let start'
?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port)
- ?(timeout = Some default_timeout) ?(fork = default_fork)
- (callback: (Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit))
+ ?(timeout = Some default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
let wrapper path params outchan =
let req = new Http_request.request ~path ~params in
callback req outchan
- start ~addr ~port ~timeout ~fork wrapper
+ match root with
+ | None -> start ~addr ~port ~timeout ~mode wrapper
+ | Some root -> start ~addr ~port ~timeout ~mode ~root wrapper
module Trivial =
(if 'file' is given) or as a file name (if 'name' is given) *)
val send_file: ?name:string -> ?file:in_channel -> out_channel -> unit
+ (** high level response function, respond on outchan sending: basic headers,
+ headers probided via 'headers' argument, body given via 'body' argument.
+ Default response status is 200, default response HTTP version is
+ Http_common.http_version *)
+val respond:
+ ?body:string -> ?headers:(string * string) list ->
+ ?version:Http_types.version -> ?code:int -> ?status:Http_types.status ->
+ out_channel ->
+ unit
(** send a 404 (not found) HTTP response *)
val respond_not_found:
url:string -> ?version: Http_types.version -> out_channel -> unit
the HTTP client to which the user can write directly. 'timeout' parameter sets
a timeout for each request processed by the daemon, if it's set to None,
daemon waits forever for completed requests (use with care!), default is 5
- minute. 'fork' parameter (default 'true') sets whether the daemon forks a
- child for each request or not, if children aren't forked request are server
- one at a time (backlog is 10) and callbacks live in the same address space of
- the process invoking 'start' *)
+ minute. 'mode' parameter has 3 possible values: `Single means that all request
+ are handled by the same process, `Fork means that each request is handled by a
+ separate process, `Thread means that each request is handled by a separate
+ thread, default is `Fork; 'root' (mnemonic "document root") is the directory
+ where the daemon chdir before starting up, default is current working
+ directory *)
val start:
- ?addr: string -> ?port: int -> ?timeout: int option -> ?fork: bool ->
+ ?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
+ ?timeout: int option -> ?mode: Http_types.daemon_mode -> ?root: string ->
(string -> (string * string) list -> out_channel -> unit) ->
one is an out_channel as per 'start', but the secondo one is a Request.request
object *)
val start':
- ?addr: string -> ?port: int -> ?timeout: int option -> ?fork: bool ->
+ ?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
+ ?timeout: int option -> ?mode: Http_types.daemon_mode -> ?root: string ->
(Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit) ->
+ (** OO interface to HTTP daemons *)
+class daemon:
+ ?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
+ ?timeout: int option -> ?mode: Http_types.daemon_mode ->?root:; string ->
+ (Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit) ->
+ Http_types.daemon
(** Trivial static pages HTTP daemon *)
module Trivial :
open Http_common;;
open Http_daemon;;
+open Printf;;
exception Invalid_status_line of string
exception Header_not_found of string
(* "version code reason_phrase" *)
let status_line_re = Pcre.regexp "^(HTTP/\d\.\d) (\d{3}) (.*)$" in
object (self)
- val mutable version = Http_common.http_version
+ val mutable version = http_version
val mutable code = default_code
val mutable reason: string option = None
val contentsBuf = Buffer.create 1024
method setStatusLine s =
let subs = Pcre.extract ~rex:status_line_re s in
- self#setVersion (Http_common.version_of_string subs.(1));
+ self#setVersion (version_of_string subs.(1));
self#setCode (int_of_string subs.(2));
self#setReason subs.(3)
with Not_found ->
(* FIXME duplication of code between this and send_basic_headers *)
method addBasicHeaders =
self#addHeader ~name:"Date" ~value:(Http_misc.date_822 ());
- self#addHeader ~name:"Server" ~value:(Http_common.server_string)
+ self#addHeader ~name:"Server" ~value:server_string
method replaceHeader ~name ~value = Hashtbl.replace headers name value
method removeHeader ~name = hashtbl_remove_all headers name
method hasHeader ~name = Hashtbl.mem headers name
method server = self#header "Server"
method setServer s = self#replaceHeader "Server" s
+ method toString =
+ sprintf
+ "%s%s%s%s%s"
+ self#statusLine (* status line *)
+ crlf
+ (String.concat (* headers, crlf terminated *)
+ ""
+ ( (fun (h,v) -> h ^ ": " ^ v ^ crlf) self#headers))
+ crlf
+ (Buffer.contents contentsBuf) (* body *)
method serialize outchan =
+ output_string outchan self#toString;
+ flush outchan
output_string outchan self#statusLine;
send_CRLF outchan;
send_headers self#headers outchan;
send_CRLF outchan;
Buffer.output_buffer outchan contentsBuf;
flush outchan
(** raised when a client timeouts *)
exception Timeout;;
+let backlog = 10;;
(** if timeout is given (Some _) @return a new callback which establish
timeout_callback as callback for signal Sys.sigalrm and register an alarm
(expiring after timeout seconds) before invoking the real callback given. If
ignore (Unix.alarm timeout);
callback inchan outchan)
- (** Http_daemon.start function low level which use Unix.establish_server which
- in turn forks a child for each request *)
+ (** tcp_server which doesn't fork, requests are server sequentially and in the
+ same address space of the calling process *)
+let simple ~sockaddr ~timeout callback =
+ let suck = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
+ Unix.setsockopt suck Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
+ Unix.bind suck sockaddr;
+ Unix.listen suck backlog;
+ let timeout_callback signo =
+ if signo = Sys.sigalrm then
+ raise Timeout
+ in
+ let callback = wrap_callback_w_timeout ~callback ~timeout ~timeout_callback in
+ while true do
+ let (client, _) = Unix.accept suck in
+ (* client is now connected *)
+ let (inchan, outchan) =
+ (Unix.in_channel_of_descr client, Unix.out_channel_of_descr client)
+ in
+ (try
+ callback inchan outchan;
+ ignore (Unix.alarm 0) (* reset alarm *)
+ with Timeout -> ());
+ close_out outchan (* this close also inchan, because socket is the same *)
+ done
+ (** tcp_server which use Unix.establish_server which in turn forks a child for
+ each request *)
let ocaml_builtin ~sockaddr ~timeout callback =
let timeout_callback signo =
if signo = Sys.sigalrm then
(wrap_callback_w_timeout ~callback ~timeout ~timeout_callback)
- (** Http_daemon.start function low level which doesn't fork, requests are
- server sequentially and in the same address space of the calling process *)
-let simple ~sockaddr ~timeout callback =
+ (* TODO this is a cut-and-paste from 'simple' *)
+ (** tcp_server which creates a new thread for each request to be served *)
+let thread ~sockaddr ~timeout callback =
let suck = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Unix.setsockopt suck Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
Unix.bind suck sockaddr;
- Unix.listen suck 10;
+ Unix.listen suck backlog;
let timeout_callback signo =
if signo = Sys.sigalrm then
raise Timeout
let callback = wrap_callback_w_timeout ~callback ~timeout ~timeout_callback in
+ let callback (i, o) =
+ try
+ callback i o;
+ close_out o
+ with
+ | Timeout -> close_out o
+ | e ->
+ close_out o;
+ raise e
+ in
while true do
- let (suck, _) = Unix.accept suck in
+ let (client, _) = Unix.accept suck in
(* client is now connected *)
let (inchan, outchan) =
- (Unix.in_channel_of_descr suck, Unix.out_channel_of_descr suck)
+ (Unix.in_channel_of_descr client, Unix.out_channel_of_descr client)
- (try
- callback inchan outchan;
- ignore (Unix.alarm 0)
- with Timeout -> ());
- close_out outchan (* this close also inchan, because socket is the same *)
+ ignore (Thread.create callback (inchan, outchan));
-val ocaml_builtin:
- sockaddr:Unix.sockaddr -> timeout:int option ->
- (in_channel -> out_channel -> unit) ->
- unit
-val simple:
- sockaddr:Unix.sockaddr -> timeout:int option ->
- (in_channel -> out_channel -> unit) ->
- unit
+val simple: Http_types.tcp_server
+val ocaml_builtin: Http_types.tcp_server
+val thread: Http_types.tcp_server
type meth = [ `GET ]
+type daemon_mode = [ `Single | `Fork | `Thread ]
+type tcp_server =
+ sockaddr:Unix.sockaddr -> timeout:int option ->
+ (in_channel -> out_channel -> unit) ->
+ unit
type informational_substatus =
[ `Continue
| `Switching_protocols
method setExpires: string -> unit
method server: string
method setServer: string -> unit
+ method toString: string
method serialize: out_channel -> unit
class type request =