let assume name ty eqty =
distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
- try exec (lambda_abstract_tac name ty eqty status goal) status goal
- with
- | NotAProduct -> fail (lazy "You can't assume without an universal quantification")
- | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The assumed type is wrong")
- | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The two given types are not equivalent")
- )
+ try exec (lambda_abstract_tac name ty eqty status goal) status goal
+ with
+ | NotAProduct -> fail (lazy "You can't assume without an universal quantification")
+ | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The assumed type is wrong")
+ | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The two given types are not equivalent")
+ )
let suppose t1 id t2 =
distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
- try exec (lambda_abstract_tac id t1 t2 status goal) status goal
- with
- | NotAProduct -> fail (lazy "You can't suppose without a logical implication")
- | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The supposed proposition is different from the premise")
- | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The two given propositions are not equivalent")
- )
+ try exec (lambda_abstract_tac id t1 t2 status goal) status goal
+ with
+ | NotAProduct -> fail (lazy "You can't suppose without a logical implication")
+ | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The supposed proposition is different from the premise")
+ | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The two given propositions are not equivalent")
+ )
let assert_tac t1 t2 status goal continuation =
let l =
if mustdot then List.append l [dot_tac] else l
- block_tac l status
+ block_tac l status
let we_need_to_prove t id t1 status =
assert_tac ty' None status goal (block_tac [change_tac ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some
- Ast.UserInput))
- ~with_what:ty; bydone wrappedjust]
- status )
+ Ast.UserInput))
+ ~with_what:ty; bydone wrappedjust]
+ status )
| FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The second proposition is not the same as the conclusion")
| NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The given propositions are not equivalent")
let existselim just id1 t1 t2 id2 =
distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
- let (_,_,t1) = t1 in
- let (_,_,t2) = t2 in
- let just = mk_just status goal just in
- exec (block_tac [
- cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("ex",None); t1; Ast.Binder (`Lambda,(Ast.Ident
- (id1,None), Some t1),t2)]));
- branch_tac ~force:false;
- just;
- shift_tac;
- case1_tac "_";
- intros_tac ~names_ref:(ref []) [id1;id2];
- merge_tac
- ]) status goal
- )
+ let (_,_,t1) = t1 in
+ let (_,_,t2) = t2 in
+ let just = mk_just status goal just in
+ exec (block_tac [
+ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("ex",None); t1; Ast.Binder (`Lambda,(Ast.Ident
+ (id1,None), Some t1),t2)]));
+ branch_tac ~force:false;
+ just;
+ shift_tac;
+ case1_tac "_";
+ intros_tac ~names_ref:(ref []) [id1;id2];
+ merge_tac
+ ]) status goal
+ )
let andelim just t1 id1 t2 id2 =
distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
- let (_,_,t1) = t1 in
- let (_,_,t2) = t2 in
- let just = mk_just status goal just in
- exec (block_tac [
- cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("And",None); t1 ; t2]));
- branch_tac ~force:false;
- just;
- shift_tac;
- case1_tac "_";
- intros_tac ~names_ref:(ref []) [id1;id2];
- merge_tac
- ]) status goal
- )
+ let (_,_,t1) = t1 in
+ let (_,_,t2) = t2 in
+ let just = mk_just status goal just in
+ exec (block_tac [
+ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("And",None); t1 ; t2]));
+ branch_tac ~force:false;
+ just;
+ shift_tac;
+ case1_tac "_";
+ intros_tac ~names_ref:(ref []) [id1;id2];
+ merge_tac
+ ]) status goal
+ )
let type_of_tactic_term status ctx t =
let obtain id t1 status =
- let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
- let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in
- let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in
- let cicty = type_of_tactic_term status ctx t1 in
- let _,ty = term_of_cic_term status cicty ctx in
- let (_,_,t1) = t1 in
- block_tac [ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("eq",None); Ast.NCic ty; t1; Ast.Implicit
- `JustOne]));
- swap_first_two_goals_tac;
- branch_tac; shift_tac; shift_tac; intro_tac id; merge_tac; dot_tac;
- ]
- status
+ let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
+ let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in
+ let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in
+ let cicty = type_of_tactic_term status ctx t1 in
+ let _,ty = term_of_cic_term status cicty ctx in
+ let (_,_,t1) = t1 in
+ block_tac [ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("eq",None); Ast.NCic ty; t1; Ast.Implicit
+ `JustOne]));
+ swap_first_two_goals_tac;
+ branch_tac; shift_tac; shift_tac; intro_tac id; merge_tac; dot_tac;
+ ]
+ status
let conclude t1 =
distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
- let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in
- let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in
- let _,gty = term_of_cic_term status cicgty ctx in
- match gty with
- NCic.Appl [_;_;plhs;_] ->
- if alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm t1 plhs status goal then
- exec id_tac status goal
- else
- fail (lazy "The given conclusion is different from the left-hand side of the current conclusion")
- | _ -> fail (lazy "Your conclusion needs to be an equality")
+ let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in
+ let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in
+ let _,gty = term_of_cic_term status cicgty ctx in
+ match gty with
+ NCic.Appl [_;_;plhs;_] ->
+ if alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm t1 plhs status goal then
+ exec id_tac status goal
+ else
+ fail (lazy "The given conclusion is different from the left-hand side of the current conclusion")
+ | _ -> fail (lazy "Your conclusion needs to be an equality")
[] -> "Anonymous"
| hd :: tl -> match hd with
`Name n -> n
- | _ -> find_name_aux tl
+ | _ -> find_name_aux tl
let name = find_name_aux meta_attrs
let newmeta = gnum,newconj in
newmeta :: (add_names_to_metasenv tl mtl)
- let newmetasenv = add_names_to_metasenv !cl metasenv in
- status#set_obj (olduri,oldint,newmetasenv,oldsubst,oldkind)
+ let newmetasenv = add_names_to_metasenv !cl metasenv in
+ status#set_obj (olduri,oldint,newmetasenv,oldsubst,oldkind)
let we_proceed_by_induction_on t1 t2 status =
let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
let cl = ref [] in
assert_tac t2 None status goal (block_tac [
- analyze_indty_tac ~what:t1 indtyinfo;
- sort_of_goal_tac sort;
- (fun status ->
- let ity = HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo in
- let NReference.Ref (uri, _) = ref_of_indtyinfo ity in
- let name =
- NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ "_" ^
- snd (NCicElim.ast_of_sort
- (match !sort with NCic.Sort x -> x | _ -> assert false))
- in
- let eliminator =
- let l = [Ast.Ident (name,None); Ast.Implicit `JustOne] in
- (* Generating as many implicits as open goals *)
- let l = l @ HExtlib.mk_list (Ast.Implicit `JustOne) ity.consno in
- let _,_,t1 = t1 in
- let l = l @ [t1] in
- Ast.Appl l
- in
- cl := ity.cl;
- exact_tac ("",0,eliminator) status);
- add_names_to_goals_tac cl; dot_tac] status)
+ analyze_indty_tac ~what:t1 indtyinfo;
+ sort_of_goal_tac sort;
+ (fun status ->
+ let ity = HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo in
+ let NReference.Ref (uri, _) = ref_of_indtyinfo ity in
+ let name =
+ NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ "_" ^
+ snd (NCicElim.ast_of_sort
+ (match !sort with NCic.Sort x -> x | _ -> assert false))
+ in
+ let eliminator =
+ let l = [Ast.Ident (name,None); Ast.Implicit `JustOne] in
+ (* Generating as many implicits as open goals *)
+ let l = l @ HExtlib.mk_list (Ast.Implicit `JustOne) ity.consno in
+ let _,_,t1 = t1 in
+ let l = l @ [t1] in
+ Ast.Appl l
+ in
+ cl := ity.cl;
+ exact_tac ("",0,eliminator) status);
+ add_names_to_goals_tac cl; dot_tac] status)
| FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "What you want to prove is different from the conclusion")
let cl = ref [] in
assert_tac t2 None status goal (block_tac [
- analyze_indty_tac ~what:npt1 indtyinfo;
- cases_tac ~what:t1 ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some
- Ast.UserInput));
- print_goals_names_tac "Pre Adding";
- (
- fun status ->
- let ity = HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo in
- cl := ity.cl; add_names_to_goals_tac cl status
- );
- print_goals_names_tac "Post Adding";
- dot_tac] status)
+ analyze_indty_tac ~what:npt1 indtyinfo;
+ cases_tac ~what:t1 ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some
+ Ast.UserInput));
+ print_goals_names_tac "Pre Adding";
+ (
+ fun status ->
+ let ity = HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo in
+ cl := ity.cl; add_names_to_goals_tac cl status
+ );
+ print_goals_names_tac "Post Adding";
+ dot_tac] status)
| FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "What you want to prove is different from the conclusion")
[] -> "Anonymous"
| hd::tl ->
match hd with
- `Name n -> n
+ `Name n -> n
| _ -> search_name tl
search_name mattrs