contentTable.cmi: cicAst.cmo
+box.cmi: mpresentation.cmi
cexpr2pres.cmi: content_expressions.cmi mpresentation.cmi
-content2pres.cmi: mpresentation.cmi
+content2pres.cmi: box.cmi mpresentation.cmi
cicAstPp.cmi: cicAst.cmo
ast2pres.cmi: box.cmi cicAst.cmo
-sequent2pres.cmi: mpresentation.cmi
+sequent2pres.cmi: box.cmi mpresentation.cmi
cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmi: content_expressions.cmi mpresentation.cmi
acic2Ast.cmi: cicAst.cmo
tacticAstPp.cmi: cicAst.cmo tacticAst.cmo
tacticAst2Box.cmi: box.cmi cicAst.cmo tacticAst.cmo
tacticAst.cmo: cicAst.cmo
tacticAst.cmx: cicAst.cmx
-box.cmo: box.cmi
-box.cmx: box.cmi
contentTable.cmo: cicAst.cmo contentTable.cmi
contentTable.cmx: cicAst.cmx contentTable.cmi
cic2Xml.cmo: cic2Xml.cmi
content_expressions.cmx: content_expressions.cmi
mpresentation.cmo: mpresentation.cmi
mpresentation.cmx: mpresentation.cmi
+box.cmo: mpresentation.cmi box.cmi
+box.cmx: mpresentation.cmx box.cmi
cexpr2pres.cmo: content_expressions.cmi mpresentation.cmi cexpr2pres.cmi
cexpr2pres.cmx: content_expressions.cmx mpresentation.cmx cexpr2pres.cmi
-content2pres.cmo: cexpr2pres.cmi content_expressions.cmi mpresentation.cmi \
- content2pres.cmi
-content2pres.cmx: cexpr2pres.cmx content_expressions.cmx mpresentation.cmx \
- content2pres.cmi
+content2pres.cmo: box.cmi cexpr2pres.cmi content_expressions.cmi \
+ mpresentation.cmi content2pres.cmi
+content2pres.cmx: box.cmx cexpr2pres.cmx content_expressions.cmx \
+ mpresentation.cmx content2pres.cmi
cicAstPp.cmo: cicAst.cmo cicAstPp.cmi
cicAstPp.cmx: cicAst.cmx cicAstPp.cmi
ast2pres.cmo: box.cmi cicAst.cmo cicAstPp.cmi ast2pres.cmi
ast2pres.cmx: box.cmx cicAst.cmx cicAstPp.cmx ast2pres.cmi
-sequent2pres.cmo: cexpr2pres.cmi content_expressions.cmi mpresentation.cmi \
- sequent2pres.cmi
-sequent2pres.cmx: cexpr2pres.cmx content_expressions.cmx mpresentation.cmx \
- sequent2pres.cmi
+sequent2pres.cmo: box.cmi cexpr2pres.cmi content_expressions.cmi \
+ mpresentation.cmi sequent2pres.cmi
+sequent2pres.cmx: box.cmx cexpr2pres.cmx content_expressions.cmx \
+ mpresentation.cmx sequent2pres.cmi
cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmo: cexpr2pres.cmi content_expressions.cmi \
mpresentation.cmi cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmi
cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmx: cexpr2pres.cmx content_expressions.cmx \
applyStylesheets.cmx: cic2Xml.cmx misc.cmx sequentPp.cmx xml2Gdome.cmx \
-applyTransformation.cmo: cexpr2pres.cmi cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmi \
- content2pres.cmi misc.cmi mpresentation.cmi sequent2pres.cmi \
- xml2Gdome.cmi applyTransformation.cmi
-applyTransformation.cmx: cexpr2pres.cmx cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmx \
- content2pres.cmx misc.cmx mpresentation.cmx sequent2pres.cmx \
- xml2Gdome.cmx applyTransformation.cmi
+applyTransformation.cmo: box.cmi cexpr2pres.cmi cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmi \
+ content2pres.cmi misc.cmi sequent2pres.cmi xml2Gdome.cmi \
+ applyTransformation.cmi
+applyTransformation.cmx: box.cmx cexpr2pres.cmx cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmx \
+ content2pres.cmx misc.cmx sequent2pres.cmx xml2Gdome.cmx \
+ applyTransformation.cmi
acic2Ast.cmo: cicAst.cmo acic2Ast.cmi
acic2Ast.cmx: cicAst.cmx acic2Ast.cmi
tacticAstPp.cmo: cicAstPp.cmi tacticAst.cmo tacticAstPp.cmi
# modules which have both a .ml and a .mli
- box.mli contentTable.mli \
+ contentTable.mli \
cic2Xml.mli content_expressions.mli \
- mpresentation.mli cexpr2pres.mli content2pres.mli \
+ mpresentation.mli box.mli cexpr2pres.mli content2pres.mli \
cicAstPp.mli ast2pres.mli \
sequent2pres.mli \
cexpr2pres_hashtbl.mli misc.mli xml2Gdome.mli sequentPp.mli \
let content_sequent = Cic2content.map_sequent asequent in
let pres_sequent =
(Sequent2pres.sequent2pres ~ids_to_inner_sorts content_sequent) in
- let xmlpres = Mpresentation.print_mpres pres_sequent in
- Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl xmlpres,
- (ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_hypotheses)
+ let xmlpres = Box.document_of_box pres_sequent in
+ (* Xml.pp_to_outchan xmlpres stdout ; *)
+ try
+ Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl xmlpres, (ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_hypotheses)
+ with
+ e ->
+ prerr_endline ("LUCA: eccezione in document_of_xml " ^ (Printexc.to_string e)) ;
+ raise e
let mml_of_cic_object ~explode_all uri acic
let pres = Content2pres.content2pres ~ids_to_inner_sorts content in
let time2 = Sys.time () in
(* prerr_endline ("Fine trasformazione:" ^ (string_of_float (time2 -. time1))); *)
- let xmlpres = Mpresentation.print_mpres pres in
+ let xmlpres = Box.document_of_box pres in
let time25 = Sys.time () in
(* alternative: printing to file
prerr_endline ("FINE printing to stream:" ^ (string_of_float (time25 -. time2)));
'expr box =
Text of attr * string
| Space of attr
+ | Ink of attr
| H of attr * ('expr box) list
| V of attr * ('expr box) list
| Object of attr * 'expr
and attr = (string option * string * string) list
-let smallskip = Text([]," ");;
-let skip = Text([]," ");;
+let smallskip = Space([None,"width","0.5em"]);;
+let skip = Space([None,"width","1em"]);;
let indent t = H([],[skip;t]);;
+(* MathML prefix *)
+let prefix = "b";;
+let rec print_box =
+ let module X = Xml in
+ function
+ Text (attr,s) -> X.xml_nempty ~prefix "text" attr (X.xml_cdata s)
+ | Space attr -> X.xml_empty ~prefix "space" attr
+ | Ink attr -> X.xml_empty ~prefix "ink" attr
+ | H (attr,l) ->
+ X.xml_nempty ~prefix "h" attr
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (print_box x) ; i >]) l [<>])
+ >]
+ | V (attr,l) ->
+ X.xml_nempty ~prefix "v" attr
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (print_box x) ; i >]) l [<>])
+ >]
+ | Object (attr,m) ->
+ X.xml_nempty ~prefix "obj" attr [< Mpresentation.print_mpres m >]
+ | Action (attr,l) ->
+ X.xml_nempty ~prefix "action" attr
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (print_box x) ; i >]) l [<>])
+ >]
+let document_of_box pres =
+ [< Xml.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ Xml.xml_cdata "\n";
+ Xml.xml_nempty ~prefix "box"
+ [Some "xmlns","m","" ;
+ Some "xmlns","b","" ;
+ Some "xmlns","helm","" ;
+ Some "xmlns","xlink",""
+ ] (print_box pres)
+ >]
+let b_h a b = H(a,b)
+let b_v a b = V(a,b)
+let b_text a b = Text(a,b)
+let b_object b = Object ([],b)
+let b_indent = indent
+let b_space = Space [None, "width", "0.5em"]
+let b_kw = b_text [None, "color", "red"]
'expr box =
Text of attr * string
| Space of attr
+ | Ink of attr
| H of attr * ('expr box) list
| V of attr * ('expr box) list
| Object of attr * 'expr
val skip: 'expr box
val indent : 'expr box -> 'expr box
+val document_of_box : Mpresentation.mpres box -> Xml.token Stream.t
+val b_h: attr -> 'expr box list -> 'expr box
+val b_v: attr -> 'expr box list -> 'expr box
+val b_text: attr -> string -> 'expr box
+val b_object: 'expr -> 'expr box
+val b_indent: 'expr box -> 'expr box
+val b_space: 'expr box
+val b_kw: string -> 'expr box
(p,n,s)::(make_attributes ( l1) tl)
+let make_math_tail = (fun s -> P.Mtext ([], s))
let rec cexpr2pres ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) t =
let module CE = Content_expressions in
let module P = Mpresentation in
[Some "helm","xref";Some "xlink","href"] [xref;uri] in
if tail = [] then
P.Mi (attr,name)
- else P.Mrow([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ else P.Mrow([],P.Mi (attr,name)::(make_math_tail tail))
| CE.Symbol (xref,name,Some subst,uri) ->
let attr =
P.Mi (attr,name)::
(make_subst subst)@
- (P.Mtext([],"]")::tail))
+ (P.Mtext([],"]")::(make_math_tail tail)))
| CE.LocalVar (xref,name) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
if tail = [] then
P.Mi (attr,name)
- else P.Mrow([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ else P.Mrow([],P.Mi (attr,name)::(make_math_tail tail))
| CE.Meta (xref,name,l) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let l' =
P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,name) :: P.Mo ([],"[") :: l' @ [P.Mo ([],"]")])
- ([],P.Mi (attr,name):: P.Mo ([],"[") :: l' @ [P.Mo ([],"]")] @ tail)
+ ([],P.Mi (attr,name):: P.Mo ([],"[") :: l' @ [P.Mo ([],"]")] @ (make_math_tail tail))
| CE.Num (xref,value) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
if tail = [] then
P.Mn (attr,value)
- else P.Mrow([],P.Mn (attr,value)::tail)
+ else P.Mrow([],P.Mn (attr,value)::(make_math_tail tail))
| CE.Appl (axref,CE.Symbol(sxref,n,subst,uri)::tl) ->
let aattr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [axref] in
let sattr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref";Some "xlink","href"] [sxref;uri] in
f tl ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr)
with notfound ->
- P.Mo([],"(")::P.Mi(sattr,n)::(make_args tl)@(P.Mo([],")")::tail)))
+ P.Mo([],"(")::P.Mi(sattr,n)::(make_args tl)@(P.Mo([],")")::(make_math_tail tail))))
| CE.Appl (xref,l) as t ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some"helm","xref"] [xref] in
- P.Mo([],"(")::(make_args l)@(P.Mo([],")")::tail))
+ P.Mo([],"(")::(make_args l)@(P.Mo([],")")::(make_math_tail tail)))
| CE.Binder (xref, kind,(n,s),body) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let binder =
P.Mtext([],n ^ ":")::
(aux s)::
- (aux body)::tail)
+ (aux body)::(make_math_tail tail))
| CE.Letin (xref,(n,s),body) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
P.Mrow (attr,
P.Mtext([],(n ^ "="))::
(aux s)::
P.Mtext([]," in ")::
- (aux body)::tail)
+ (aux body)::(make_math_tail tail))
| CE.Letrec (xref,defs,body) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let rec make_defs =
P.Mtext([],("let rec "))::
(make_defs defs)@
(P.Mtext([]," in ")::
- (aux body)::tail))
+ (aux body)::(make_math_tail tail)))
| CE.Case (xref,a,np) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let rec make_patterns =
(aux a)::P.smallskip::
- (make_patterns np)@(P.smallskip::P.Mtext([],("]"))::tail)) in
+ (make_patterns np)@(P.smallskip::P.Mtext([],("]"))::(make_math_tail tail))) in
aux t
make_args ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
- [] -> tail
+ [] -> (fun s -> P.Mtext ([], s)) tail
| a::tl -> P.smallskip::(cexpr2pres a)::(make_args ~tail:tail tl)
+let make_box_tail = (Box.b_text [])
let rec make_args_charcount ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
[] -> []
- | [a] ->
- [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.indented (cexpr2pres_charcount ~tail:tail a))])]
+ | [a] -> [Box.indent (cexpr2pres_charcount ~tail:tail a)]
| (a::tl) as l ->
let c = List.fold_left countterm 0 l in
if c > maxsize then
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.indented (cexpr2pres_charcount a))])::
+ (Box.indent (cexpr2pres_charcount a))::
(make_args_charcount ~tail:tail tl)
- else [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.Mrow([],(P.Mspace([None,"width","0.2cm"]))::(make_args ~tail:tail l)))])]
+ else
+ [Box.indent (Box.b_object (P.Mrow ([], (make_args ~tail:tail l))))]
cexpr2pres_charcount ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) t =
- if not(is_big t) then (cexpr2pres ~priority ~assoc ~tail t)
+ if not (is_big t) then
+ Box.b_object (cexpr2pres ~priority ~assoc ~tail t)
else let aux = cexpr2pres_charcount in
match t with
CE.Symbol (xref,name,None,uri) ->
[Some "helm","xref";Some "xlink","href"] [xref;uri] in
if tail = [] then
- P.Mi (attr,name)
- else P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ Box.b_object (P.Mi (attr,name))
+ else
+ Box.b_h [] (Box.b_object (P.Mi (attr,name)) :: (make_box_tail tail))
| CE.Symbol (xref,name,Some subst,uri) ->
let attr =
[] -> assert false
| [(uri,a)] ->
- [(cexpr2pres a);
- P.Mtext([],"/");
- P.Mi([],UriManager.name_of_uri uri)]
+ [Box.b_object (cexpr2pres a);
+ Box.b_text [] "/";
+ Box.b_object (P.Mi([],UriManager.name_of_uri uri))]
| (uri,a)::tl ->
- (cexpr2pres a)::
- P.Mtext([],"/")::
- P.Mi([],UriManager.name_of_uri uri)::
- P.Mtext([],"; ")::
- P.smallskip::
+ Box.b_object (cexpr2pres a) ::
+ Box.b_text [] "/" ::
+ Box.b_object (P.Mi([],UriManager.name_of_uri uri)) ::
+ Box.b_text [] "; " ::
+ Box.smallskip ::
(make_subst tl)) in
- P.Mrow ([],
- P.Mi (attr,name)::
- P.Mtext([],"[")::
+ Box.b_h [] (
+ Box.b_object (P.Mi (attr,name))::
+ Box.b_text [] "["::
(make_subst subst)@
- (P.Mtext([],"]")::tail))
+ (Box.b_text [] "]")::(make_box_tail tail) )
| CE.LocalVar (xref,name) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
if tail = [] then
- P.Mi (attr,name)
- else P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ Box.b_object (P.Mi (attr,name))
+ else
+ Box.b_object (P.Mrow ([], P.Mi (attr,name)::(make_math_tail tail)))
| CE.Meta (xref,name,l) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let l' =
| Some t -> cexpr2pres t
) l
- if tail = [] then
- P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,name) :: P.Mo ([],"[") :: l' @ [P.Mo ([],"]")])
- else
- P.Mrow
- ([],P.Mi (attr,name):: P.Mo ([],"[") :: l' @ [P.Mo ([],"]")] @ tail)
+ Box.b_object (P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,name) :: P.Mo ([],"[") :: l' @ [P.Mo ([],"]")] @ (make_math_tail tail)))
| CE.Num (xref,value) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
if tail = [] then
- P.Mn (attr,value)
- else P.Mrow ([],P.Mn (attr,value)::tail)
+ Box.b_object (P.Mn (attr,value))
+ else
+ Box.b_object (P.Mrow ([], P.Mn (attr,value)::(make_math_tail tail)))
| CE.Appl (axref,CE.Symbol(sxref,n,subst,uri)::tl) ->
let aattr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [axref] in
let sattr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref";Some "xlink","href"] [sxref;uri] in
(let f = Hashtbl.find symbol_table_charcount n in
f tl ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr)
with notfound ->
- P.Mtable (aattr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.Mrow([],
- [P.Mtext([],"(");
- cexpr2pres (CE.Symbol(sxref,n,subst,uri))]))])::
- make_args_charcount ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) tl))
+ Box.b_v aattr (
+ Box.b_h [] [
+ Box.b_text [] "(";
+ Box.b_object (cexpr2pres (CE.Symbol(sxref,n,subst,uri)))
+ ] ::
+ make_args_charcount ~tail:(")"::tail) tl
+ ))
| CE.Appl (xref,l) as t ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
- P.Mtable (attr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.Mrow([],
- [P.Mtext([],"(");
- cexpr2pres_charcount (List.hd l)]))])::
- make_args_charcount ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) ( l))
+ Box.b_v attr (
+ Box.b_h [] [
+ Box.b_text [] "(";
+ cexpr2pres_charcount (List.hd l)
+ ] ::
+ make_args_charcount ~tail:(")"::tail) ( l)
+ )
| CE.Binder (xref, kind,(n,s),body) as t ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let binder =
else if kind = "Exists" then
Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2203
else "unknown" in
- P.Mtable (attr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
- P.Mrow([],
- [P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Blue"],binder);
- P.Mtext([],n ^ ":");
- cexpr2pres_charcount s ~tail:[P.Mtext([],".")]]))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
- P.indented (cexpr2pres_charcount body ~tail:tail))])])
+ Box.b_v attr [
+ Box.b_h [] [
+ Box.b_text [None,"color","blue"] binder;
+ Box.b_text [] (n ^ ":");
+ cexpr2pres_charcount s ~tail:["."]
+ ];
+ Box.b_h [] [ Box.indent (cexpr2pres_charcount body ~tail:tail) ]
+ ]
| CE.Letin (xref,(n,s),body) as t ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
- P.Mtable (attr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
- P.Mrow([],
- [P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Blue"],"let");
- P.smallskip;
- P.Mtext([],n ^ "=");
- cexpr2pres_charcount s;
- P.smallskip;
- P.Mtext([],"in");
- ]))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
- P.indented (cexpr2pres_charcount body))])])
+ Box.b_v attr [
+ Box.b_h [] [
+ Box.b_kw "let";
+ Box.smallskip;
+ Box.b_text [] (n ^ "=");
+ cexpr2pres_charcount s;
+ Box.smallskip;
+ Box.b_kw "in"
+ ];
+ Box.indent (cexpr2pres_charcount body)
+ ]
| CE.Letrec (xref,defs,body) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let rec make_defs =
[] -> assert false
| [(n,bo)] ->
- [P.Mtext([],(n ^ "="));(aux body)]
+ [Box.b_text [] (n ^ "="); (aux body)]
| (n,bo)::tl ->
- P.Mtext([],(n ^ "="))::
- (aux body)::P.Mtext([]," and")::(make_defs tl)) in
- P.Mrow (attr,
- P.Mtext([],("let rec "))::
- (make_defs defs)@
- [P.Mtext([]," in ");
- (aux body)])
+ Box.b_text [] (n ^ "=")::
+ (aux body)::
+ Box.smallskip::
+ Box.b_kw "and"::
+ (make_defs tl)) in
+ Box.b_h attr (
+ Box.b_kw "let" ::
+ Box.smallskip ::
+ Box.b_kw "rec" ::
+ Box.smallskip ::
+ make_defs defs @
+ [ Box.smallskip; Box.b_kw "in"; Box.smallskip; aux body ]
+ )
| CE.Case (xref,a,np) ->
let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in
let arg =
if (is_big a) then
- let tail = P.Mtext([],(" with"))::tail in
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mtext([],("match ")))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],aux a ~tail:tail)])]
+ let tail = " with"::tail in (* LUCA: porcheria all'ennesima potenza, TODO ripensare il meccanismo del tail *)
+ [ Box.b_h [] [ Box.b_kw "match"; Box.smallskip ];
+ aux a ~tail
+ ]
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mrow([],[P.Mtext([],("match"));P.smallskip;aux a ~tail:tail; P.smallskip;P.Mtext([],("with"))]))])] in
+ [ Box.b_h [] [
+ Box.b_kw "match";
+ Box.smallskip;
+ aux a ~tail;
+ Box.smallskip;
+ Box.b_kw "with"
+ ]
+ ] in
let rec make_patterns is_first ~tail =
[] -> []
| [(n,p)] ->
- let sep =
- if is_first then "[ " else "| " in
- [P.Mtr ([],
- [P.Mtd ([],
- make_pattern sep ~tail n p)])]
+ let sep = if is_first then "[ " else "| " in
+ [ Box.b_h [] [make_pattern sep ~tail n p] ]
| (n,p)::tl ->
let sep =
if is_first then "[ " else "| " in
- P.Mtr ([],
- [P.Mtd ([],
- make_pattern sep [] n p)])
- ::(make_patterns false ~tail tl)
+ [ Box.b_h [] ((make_pattern sep [] n p) :: (make_patterns false ~tail tl)) ]
and make_pattern sep ~tail n p =
let rec get_vars_and_body =
[] -> sep ^ n ^ " -> "
| l -> sep ^"(" ^n^" "^(String.concat " " l) ^ ")" ^ " -> " in
if (is_big body) then
- P.Mtable (P.standard_tbl_attr,
- [P.Mtr ([],
- [P.Mtd ([],P.Mtext([],lhs))]);
- P.Mtr ([],
- [P.Mtd ([],P.indented (aux ~tail body ))])])
+ Box.b_v [] [
+ Box.b_text [] lhs;
+ Box.indent (aux ~tail body)
+ ]
- P.Mrow([],[P.Mtext([],lhs);aux ~tail body]) in
+ Box.b_h [] [ Box.b_text [] lhs; aux ~tail body ]
+ in
let patterns =
- make_patterns true np ~tail:(P.Mtext([],"]")::tail) in
- P.Mtable (attr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
- arg@patterns)
+ make_patterns true np ~tail:("]"::tail) in
+ Box.b_v attr (arg@patterns)
Content_expressions.cexpr list ->
priority:int ->
assoc:bool ->
- tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ tail:string list ->
(string option * string * string) list ->
(string option * string * string) list ->
Content_expressions.cexpr list ->
priority:int ->
assoc:bool ->
- tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ tail:string list ->
(string option * string * string) list ->
(string option * string * string) list ->
- Mpresentation.mpres
+ Mpresentation.mpres
) Hashtbl.t
val maxsize : int
val cexpr2pres :
?priority:int ->
?assoc:bool ->
- ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ ?tail:string list ->
Content_expressions.cexpr ->
val cexpr2pres_charcount :
?priority:int ->
?assoc:bool ->
- ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ ?tail:string list ->
Content_expressions.cexpr ->
- Mpresentation.mpres
+ Mpresentation.mpres
| _ -> assert false
+let m_open_fence = P.Mtext([], "(")
+let b_open_fence = Box.b_text [] "("
+let m_close_fence = P.Mtext([], ")")
+let b_close_fence = Box.b_text [] ")"
+let b_h_with_open_fence attrs a b op =
+ Box.b_h attrs [ b_open_fence; a; Box.b_object op; b ]
+let b_h_without_open_fence attrs a b op =
+ Box.b_h attrs [ a; Box.b_object op; b ]
+let b_v_with_open_fence attrs a b op =
+ Box.b_v attrs [
+ Box.b_h [] [ b_open_fence; a];
+ Box.b_indent (Box.b_h [] [ Box.b_object op; b ])
+ ]
+let b_v_without_open_fence attrs a b op =
+ Box.b_v attrs [
+ a;
+ Box.b_indent (Box.b_h [] [ Box.b_object op; b ])
+ ]
+let m_row_with_open_fence = P.row_with_brackets
+let m_row_without_open_fence = P.row_without_brackets
+let m_close_fence = ")"
+let b_close_fence = ")"
let init
?priority:int ->
?assoc:bool ->
- ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ ?tail:string list ->
Content_expressions.cexpr ->
?priority:int ->
?assoc:bool ->
- ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ ?tail:string list ->
Content_expressions.cexpr ->
- Mpresentation.mpres)
+ Mpresentation.mpres
(* arrow *)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "arrow" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 5) || (priority = 5 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:true
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:((m_close_fence)::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2192))
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2192))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "arrow" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2192))
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2192))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "eq" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "eq" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "and" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 20) || (priority = 20 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:20 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:20 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2227))
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:20 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:20 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2227))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "and" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 20) || (priority = 20 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:20 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:20 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2227))
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:20 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:20 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2227))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "or" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 10) || (priority = 10 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:10 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:10 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2228))
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:10 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:10 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2228))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "or" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 10) || (priority = 10 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:10 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:10 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2228))
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:10 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:10 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2228))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "iff" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 5) || (priority = 5 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x21D4))
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x21D4))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "iff" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 5) || (priority = 5 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x21D4))
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x21D4))));
(* not *)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "not" (unary
(fun a ~priority ~assoc ~tail attr sattr ->
- P.Mrow([],[
- P.Mtext([],"(");P.Mo([],Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0xAC);
- cexpr2pres a;P.Mtext([],")")])));
+ (P.Mrow([], [
+ m_open_fence; P.Mo([],Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0xAC);
+ cexpr2pres a; P.Mtext ([], m_close_fence)])))) ;
(* inv *)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "inv" (unary
(fun a ~priority ~assoc ~tail attr sattr ->
- P.Mtext([],"(");
+ m_open_fence;
cexpr2pres a;
- P.Mtext([],")")]),
+ P.Mtext ([], m_close_fence)]),
(fun a ~priority ~assoc ~tail attr sattr ->
- P.Mtext([],"(");
+ m_open_fence;
cexpr2pres a;
- P.Mtext([],")")])));
+ P.Mtext ([], m_close_fence)])));
(* leq *)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "leq" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2264))
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2264))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "leq" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2264))
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2264))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "lt" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "lt" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "geq" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "geq" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))));
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "gt" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "gt" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "plus" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "plus" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "times" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 70) || (priority = 70 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:70 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:70 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:70 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:70 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "times" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 70) || (priority = 70 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:70 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:70 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:70 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:70 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "minus" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "minus" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "div" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
- P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ m_row_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(m_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ m_row_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "div" (binary
(fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
- P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ b_v_with_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
- ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ ~tail:(b_close_fence::tail) b)
- P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ b_v_without_open_fence aattr
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
(cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
(?priority:int ->
?assoc:bool ->
- ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ ?tail:string list ->
Content_expressions.cexpr ->
Mpresentation.mpres) ->
(?priority:int ->
?assoc:bool ->
- ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ ?tail:string list ->
Content_expressions.cexpr ->
- Mpresentation.mpres) ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres ->
and pp_substs substs = String.concat "; " ( pp_subst substs)
and pp_pattern ((head, vars), term) =
- sprintf "%s \Rightarrow %s"
+ sprintf "%s \\Rightarrow %s"
(match vars with
| [] -> head
| _ ->
(* *)
+module P = Mpresentation
+module B = Box
let p_mtr a b = Mpresentation.Mtr(a,b)
let p_mtd a b = Mpresentation.Mtd(a,b)
let p_mtable a b = Mpresentation.Mtable(a,b)
let p_mrow a b = Mpresentation.Mrow(a,b)
let p_mphantom a b = Mpresentation.Mphantom(a,b)
let rec split n l =
if n = 0 then [],l
else let l1,l2 =
let make_row ?(attrs=[]) items concl =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
- (match concl with
- P.Mtable _ -> (* big! *)
- P.Mtable (attrs@[None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mrow([],items))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.indented concl)])])
- | _ -> (* small *)
- P.Mrow(attrs,items@[P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);concl]))
+ match concl with
+ B.V _ -> (* big! *)
+ B.b_v attrs [B.b_h [] items; B.b_indent concl]
+ | _ -> (* small *)
+ B.b_h attrs (items@[B.b_space; concl])
let make_concl ?(attrs=[]) verb concl =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
- (match concl with
- P.Mtable _ -> (* big! *)
- P.Mtable (attrs@[None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],verb))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.indented concl)])])
- | _ -> (* small *)
- P.Mrow(attrs,
- [P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],verb);
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);
- concl]))
+ match concl with
+ B.V _ -> (* big! *)
+ B.b_v attrs [ B.b_kw verb; B.b_indent concl]
+ | _ -> (* small *)
+ B.b_h attrs [ B.b_kw verb; B.b_space; concl ]
let make_args_for_apply term2pres args =
let module Con = Content in
- let module P = Mpresentation in
let make_arg_for_apply is_first arg row =
let res =
match arg with
(match prem.Con.premise_binder with
None -> "previous"
| Some s -> s) in
- P.Mi([],name)::row
+ (B.b_object (P.Mi ([], name)))::row
| Con.Lemma lemma ->
- P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name)::row
+ (B.b_object (P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name)))::row
| Con.Term t ->
if is_first then
(term2pres t)::row
- else P.Mi([],"_")::row
+ else (B.b_object (P.Mi([],"_")))::row
| Con.ArgProof _
| Con.ArgMethod _ ->
- P.Mi([],"_")::row
+ (B.b_object (P.Mi([],"_")))::row
- if is_first then res else P.smallskip::res
+ if is_first then res else B.skip::res
match args with
hd::tl ->
(p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Apply"))) then
let pres_args =
make_args_for_apply term2pres p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_args in
- P.Mrow([],
- P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],"by")::P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"])::
- P.Mo([],"(")::pres_args@[P.Mo([],")")])
+ B.H([],
+ (B.b_kw "by")::B.b_space::
+ B.Text([],"(")::pres_args@[B.Text([],")")])
else proof2pres term2pres p
and proof2pres term2pres p =
let rec proof2pres p =
let module Con = Content in
- let module P = Mpresentation in
let indent =
let is_decl e =
(match e with
let action =
match concl with
None -> body
- P.Maction
- ([None,"actiontype","toggle" ; None,"selection","1"],
- [P.Mtext [] "proof" ; body])
| Some ac ->
- P.Maction
- ([None,"actiontype","toggle" ; None,"selection","1"],
+ B.Action
+ ([None,"type","toggle"],
[(make_concl ~attrs:[Some "helm", "xref", p.Con.proof_id]
"proof of" ac); body])
- P.Mtable ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mfenced([],[P.Mtext ([],name)]))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([], P.indented action)])])
- P.Mtable ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left";Some "helm", "xref", p.Con.proof_id],
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mfenced([],[P.Mtext ([],name)]))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([], P.indented action)])]) *)
+ B.V ([],
+ [B.Text ([],"(" ^ name ^ ")");
+ B.indent action])
and context2pres c continuation =
(* we generate a subtable for each context element, for selection
The table generated by the head-element does not have an xref;
the whole context-proof is already selectable *)
- let module P = Mpresentation in
match c with
[] -> continuation
| hd::tl ->
(fun ce continuation ->
let xref = get_xref ce in
- P.Mtable([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"; Some "helm", "xref", xref ],
- [P.Mtr([Some "helm", "xref", "ce_"^xref],[P.Mtd ([],ce2pres ce)]);
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([], continuation)])])) tl continuation in
+ B.V([Some "helm", "xref", xref ],
+ [B.H([Some "helm", "xref", "ce_"^xref],[ce2pres ce]);
+ continuation])) tl continuation in
let hd_xref= get_xref hd in
- P.Mtable([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr([Some "helm", "xref", "ce_"^hd_xref],
- [P.Mtd ([],ce2pres hd)]);
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([], continuation')])])
+ B.V([],
+ [B.H([Some "helm", "xref", "ce_"^hd_xref],
+ [ce2pres hd]);
+ continuation'])
and ce2pres =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
let module Con = Content in
`Declaration d ->
(match d.Con.dec_name with
Some s ->
let ty = term2pres d.Con.dec_type in
- P.Mrow ([],
- [P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],"Assume");
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);
- P.Mi([],s);
- P.Mtext([],":");
+ B.H ([],
+ [(B.b_kw "Assume");
+ B.b_space;
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi([],s));
+ B.Text([],":");
| None ->
prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
(match h.Con.dec_name with
Some s ->
let ty = term2pres h.Con.dec_type in
- P.Mrow ([],
- [P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],"Suppose");
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);
- P.Mo([],"(");
- P.Mi ([],s);
- P.Mo([],")");
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);
+ B.H ([],
+ [(B.b_kw "Suppose");
+ B.b_space;
+ B.Text([],"(");
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi ([],s));
+ B.Text([],")");
+ B.b_space;
| None ->
prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
(match d.Con.def_name with
Some s ->
let term = term2pres d.Con.def_term in
- P.Mrow ([],
- [P.Mtext([],"Let ");
- P.Mi([],s);
- P.Mtext([]," = ");
+ B.H ([],
+ [B.Text([],"Let ");
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi([],s));
+ B.Text([]," = ");
| None ->
prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
| `Joint ho ->
- P.Mtext ([],"jointdef")
+ B.Text ([],"jointdef")
and acontext2pres ac continuation indent =
let module Con = Content in
- let module P = Mpresentation in
(fun p continuation ->
let hd =
if indent then
- P.indented (proof2pres p)
+ B.indent (proof2pres p)
proof2pres p in
- P.Mtable([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"; Some "helm","xref",p.Con.proof_id],
- [P.Mtr([Some "helm","xref","ace_"^p.Con.proof_id],[P.Mtd ([],hd)]);
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([], continuation)])])) ac continuation
+ B.V([Some "helm","xref",p.Con.proof_id],
+ [B.H([Some "helm","xref","ace_"^p.Con.proof_id],[hd]);
+ continuation])) ac continuation
and conclude2pres conclude indent omit_conclusion =
let module Con = Content in
if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "TD_Conversion" then
make_concl "that is equivalent to" concl
else make_concl "we conclude" concl in
- P.Mtable ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],conclude_body)]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],ann_concl)])])
+ B.V ([], [conclude_body; ann_concl])
| _ -> conclude_aux conclude in
if indent then
- P.indented (P.Mrow ([Some "helm", "xref", conclude.Con.conclude_id],
+ B.indent (B.H ([Some "helm", "xref", conclude.Con.conclude_id],
- P.Mrow ([Some "helm", "xref", conclude.Con.conclude_id],[tconclude_body])
+ B.H ([Some "helm", "xref", conclude.Con.conclude_id],[tconclude_body])
and conclude_aux conclude =
if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "TD_Conversion" then
let expected =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"NO EXPECTED!!!")
+ None -> B.Text([],"NO EXPECTED!!!")
| Some c -> term2pres c) in
let subproof =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
| _ -> assert false) in
let synth =
(match subproof.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"NO SYNTH!!!")
+ None -> B.Text([],"NO SYNTH!!!")
| Some c -> (term2pres c)) in
- P.Mtable
- ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false"; None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],make_concl "we must prove" expected)]);
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],make_concl "or equivalently" synth)]);
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],proof2pres subproof)])])
+ B.V
+ ([],
+ [make_concl "we must prove" expected;
+ make_concl "or equivalently" synth;
+ proof2pres subproof])
else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "BU_Conversion" then
assert false
else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Exact" then
| _ -> assert false) in
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
None ->
- p_mrow []
- [p_mtext [None, "mathcolor", "red"] "Consider" ; P.smallskip; arg]
+ B.b_h [] [B.b_kw "Consider"; B.b_space; arg]
| Some c -> let conclusion = term2pres c in
- [arg; P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);P.Mtext([],"proves")]
+ [arg; B.b_space; B.Text([],"proves")]
else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Intros+LetTac" then
let conclusion =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"NO Conclusion!!!")
+ None -> B.Text([],"NO Conclusion!!!")
| Some c -> term2pres c) in
(match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
[Con.ArgProof p] ->
- P.Mtable
+ B.V
([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],proof2pres p)]);
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],
+ [B.H([],[B.Object([],proof2pres p)]);
+ B.H([],[B.Object([],
(make_concl "we proved 1" conclusion))])]);
| _ -> assert false)
(match List.nth conclude.Con.conclude_args 5 with
Con.Term t -> term2pres t
| _ -> assert false) in
- P.Mtable ([None,"align","baseline 1";None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mrow([],[
- P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],"rewrite");
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);term1;
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);
- P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],"with");
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);term2]))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.indented justif)])]);
+ B.V ([],
+ [B.H ([],[
+ (B.b_kw "rewrite");
+ B.b_space; term1;
+ B.b_space; (B.b_kw "with");
+ B.b_space; term2;
+ B.indent justif])])
else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Apply" then
let pres_args =
make_args_for_apply term2pres conclude.Con.conclude_args in
- P.Mrow([],
- P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],"by")::
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"])::
- P.Mo([],"(")::pres_args@[P.Mo([],")")])
+ B.H([],
+ (B.b_kw "by")::
+ B.b_space::
+ B.Text([],"(")::pres_args@[B.Text([],")")])
- P.Mtable
- ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false"; None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mtext([],"Apply method" ^ conclude.Con.conclude_method ^ " to"))]);
- P.Mtr ([],
- [P.Mtd ([],
- (P.indented
- (P.Mtable
- ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- args2pres conclude.Con.conclude_args))))])])
+ B.V
+ ([],
+ [B.Text([],"Apply method" ^ conclude.Con.conclude_method ^ " to");
+ (B.indent
+ (B.V
+ ([],
+ args2pres conclude.Con.conclude_args)))])
- and args2pres l =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
- (function a -> P.Mtr ([], [P.Mtd ([], arg2pres a)])) l
+ and args2pres l = arg2pres l
and arg2pres =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
let module Con = Content in
Con.Aux n ->
- P.Mtext ([],"aux " ^ n)
+ B.Text ([],"aux " ^ n)
| Con.Premise prem ->
- P.Mtext ([],"premise")
+ B.Text ([],"premise")
| Con.Lemma lemma ->
- P.Mtext ([],"lemma")
+ B.Text ([],"lemma")
| Con.Term t ->
term2pres t
| Con.ArgProof p ->
proof2pres p
| Con.ArgMethod s ->
- P.Mtext ([],"method")
+ B.Text ([],"method")
and case conclude =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
let module Con = Content in
let proof_conclusion =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"No conclusion???")
+ None -> B.Text([],"No conclusion???")
| Some t -> term2pres t) in
let arg,args_for_cases =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
let case_arg =
(match arg with
Con.Aux n ->
- P.Mtext ([],"an aux???")
+ B.Text ([],"an aux???")
| Con.Premise prem ->
(match prem.Con.premise_binder with
- None -> P.Mtext ([],"the previous result")
- | Some n -> P.Mi([],n))
- | Con.Lemma lemma -> P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name)
+ None -> B.Text ([],"the previous result")
+ | Some n -> B.Object ([], P.Mi([],n)))
+ | Con.Lemma lemma -> B.Object ([], P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name))
| Con.Term t ->
term2pres t
| Con.ArgProof p ->
- P.Mtext ([],"a proof???")
+ B.Text ([],"a proof???")
| Con.ArgMethod s ->
- P.Mtext ([],"a method???")) in
+ B.Text ([],"a method???")) in
(make_concl "we proceede by cases on" case_arg) in
let to_prove =
(make_concl "to prove" proof_conclusion) in
- P.Mtable
- ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],case_on)])::
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],to_prove)])::
- (make_cases args_for_cases))
+ B.V
+ ([],
+ case_on::to_prove::(make_cases args_for_cases))
and byinduction conclude =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
let module Con = Content in
let proof_conclusion =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"No conclusion???")
+ None -> B.Text([],"No conclusion???")
| Some t -> term2pres t) in
let inductive_arg,args_for_cases =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
let arg =
(match inductive_arg with
Con.Aux n ->
- P.Mtext ([],"an aux???")
+ B.Text ([],"an aux???")
| Con.Premise prem ->
(match prem.Con.premise_binder with
- None -> P.Mtext ([],"the previous result")
- | Some n -> P.Mi([],n))
- | Con.Lemma lemma -> P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name)
+ None -> B.Text ([],"the previous result")
+ | Some n -> B.Object ([], P.Mi([],n)))
+ | Con.Lemma lemma -> B.Object ([], P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name))
| Con.Term t ->
term2pres t
| Con.ArgProof p ->
- P.Mtext ([],"a proof???")
+ B.Text ([],"a proof???")
| Con.ArgMethod s ->
- P.Mtext ([],"a method???")) in
+ B.Text ([],"a method???")) in
(make_concl "we proceede by induction on" arg) in
let to_prove =
(make_concl "to prove" proof_conclusion) in
- P.Mtable
- ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],induction_on)])::
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],to_prove)])::
+ B.V
+ ([],
+ induction_on::to_prove::
(make_cases args_for_cases))
- and make_cases args_for_cases =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
- (fun p -> P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],make_case p)])) args_for_cases
+ and make_cases l = make_case l
and make_case =
- let module P = Mpresentation in
let module Con = Content in
Con.ArgProof p ->
let name =
(match p.Con.proof_name with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"no name for case!!")
- | Some n -> P.Mi([],n)) in
+ None -> B.Text([],"no name for case!!")
+ | Some n -> B.Object ([], P.Mi([],n))) in
let indhyps,args =
(match h.Con.dec_name with
None -> "NO NAME???"
| Some n ->n) in
- [P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);
- P.Mi ([],name);
- P.Mtext([],":");
+ [B.b_space;
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi ([],name));
+ B.Text([],":");
(term2pres h.Con.dec_type)]
- | _ -> [P.Mtext ([],"???")]) in
+ | _ -> [B.Text ([],"???")]) in
dec@p) args [] in
let pattern =
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mrow([],
- P.Mtext([],"Case")::P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"])::name::pattern_aux@
- [P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);
- P.Mtext([],"->")]))]) in
+ B.H ([],
+ (B.Text([],"Case")::B.b_space::name::pattern_aux)@
+ [B.b_space;
+ B.Text([],"->")]) in
let subconcl =
(match p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"No conclusion!!!")
+ None -> B.Text([],"No conclusion!!!")
| Some t -> term2pres t) in
- let asubconcl =
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],
- P.indented (make_concl "the thesis becomes" subconcl))]) in
+ let asubconcl = B.indent (make_concl "the thesis becomes" subconcl) in
let induction_hypothesis =
(match indhyps with
[] -> []
| _ ->
let text =
- P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([], P.indented
- (P.Mtext([],"by induction hypothesis we know:")))]) in
+ B.indent (B.Text([],"by induction hypothesis we know:")) in
let make_hyp =
`Hypothesis h ->
(match h.Con.dec_name with
None -> "no name"
| Some s -> s) in
- P.indented (P.Mrow ([],
- [P.Mo([],"(");
- P.Mi ([],name);
- P.Mo([],")");
- P.Mspace([None,"width","0.1cm"]);
+ B.indent (B.H ([],
+ [B.Text([],"(");
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi ([],name));
+ B.Text([],")");
+ B.b_space;
term2pres h.Con.dec_type]))
| _ -> assert false in
- let hyps =
- (function ce -> P.Mtr ([], [P.Mtd ([], make_hyp ce)]))
- indhyps in
+ let hyps = make_hyp indhyps in
text::hyps) in
(* let acontext =
acontext2pres_old p.Con.proof_apply_context true in *)
[] -> p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_id
| {Con.proof_id = id}::_ -> id
- P.Maction([None,"actiontype","toggle" ; None,"selection","1"],
- [P.indented
- (P.Mtext
- ([None,"mathcolor","Red" ;
+ B.Action([None,"type","toggle"],
+ [B.indent
+ (B.Text
+ ([None,"color","red" ;
Some "helm", "xref", acontext_id],"Proof")) ;
acontext2pres p.Con.proof_apply_context body true]) in
- P.Mtable ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- pattern::asubconcl::induction_hypothesis@
- [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],presacontext)])])
+ B.V ([], pattern::asubconcl::induction_hypothesis@[presacontext])
| _ -> assert false
and falseind conclude =
let module Con = Content in
let proof_conclusion =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"No conclusion???")
+ None -> B.Text([],"No conclusion???")
| Some t -> term2pres t) in
let case_arg =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
Con.Aux n -> assert false
| Con.Premise prem ->
(match prem.Con.premise_binder with
- None -> [P.Mtext([],"Contradiction, hence")]
+ None -> [B.Text([],"Contradiction, hence")]
| Some n ->
- [P.Mi([],n);P.smallskip;P.Mtext([],"is contradictory, hence")])
+ [B.Object ([],P.Mi([],n)); B.skip;B.Text([],"is contradictory, hence")])
| Con.Lemma lemma ->
- [P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name);P.smallskip;P.Mtext([],"is contradictory, hence")]
+ [B.Object ([], P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name)); B.skip; B.Text([],"is contradictory, hence")]
| _ -> assert false) in
(* let body = proof2pres {proof with Con.proof_context = tl} in *)
make_row arg proof_conclusion
let module Con = Content in
let proof_conclusion =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"No conclusion???")
+ None -> B.Text([],"No conclusion???")
| Some t -> term2pres t) in
let proof,case_arg =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
| Con.Premise prem ->
(match prem.Con.premise_binder with
None -> []
- | Some n -> [P.Mtext([],"by");P.smallskip;P.Mi([],n)])
+ | Some n -> [(B.b_kw "by"); B.b_space; B.Object([], P.Mi([],n))])
| Con.Lemma lemma ->
- [P.Mtext([],"by");P.smallskip;P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name)]
+ [(B.b_kw "by");B.skip; B.Object([], P.Mi([],lemma.Con.lemma_name))]
| _ -> assert false) in
match proof.Con.proof_context with
`Hypothesis hyp1::`Hypothesis hyp2::tl ->
None -> "_"
| Some s -> s) in
let preshyp1 =
- P.Mrow ([],
- [P.Mtext([],"(");
- P.Mi([],get_name hyp1);
- P.Mtext([],")");
- P.smallskip;
+ B.H ([],
+ [B.Text([],"(");
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi([],get_name hyp1));
+ B.Text([],")");
+ B.skip;
term2pres hyp1.Con.dec_type]) in
let preshyp2 =
- P.Mrow ([],
- [P.Mtext([],"(");
- P.Mi([],get_name hyp2);
- P.Mtext([],")");
- P.smallskip;
+ B.H ([],
+ [B.Text([],"(");
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi([],get_name hyp2));
+ B.Text([],")");
+ B.skip;
term2pres hyp2.Con.dec_type]) in
(* let body = proof2pres {proof with Con.proof_context = tl} in *)
let body = conclude2pres proof.Con.proof_conclude false true in
let presacontext =
acontext2pres proof.Con.proof_apply_context body false in
- P.Mtable
- ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
- P.Mrow([],arg@[P.smallskip;P.Mtext([],"we have")]))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],preshyp1)]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mtext([],"and"))]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],preshyp2)]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],presacontext)])]);
+ B.V
+ ([],
+ [B.H ([],arg@[B.skip; B.Text([],"we have")]);
+ preshyp1;
+ B.Text([],"and");
+ preshyp2;
+ presacontext]);
| _ -> assert false
and exists conclude =
let module Con = Content in
let proof_conclusion =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
- None -> P.Mtext([],"No conclusion???")
+ None -> B.Text([],"No conclusion???")
| Some t -> term2pres t) in
let proof =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
None -> "_"
| Some s -> s) in
let presdecl =
- P.Mrow ([],
- [P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],"let");
- P.smallskip;
- P.Mi([],get_name decl);
- P.Mtext([],":"); term2pres decl.Con.dec_type]) in
+ B.H ([],
+ [(B.b_kw "let");
+ B.skip;
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi([],get_name decl));
+ B.Text([],":"); term2pres decl.Con.dec_type]) in
let suchthat =
- P.Mrow ([],
- [P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","Red"],"such that");
- P.smallskip;
- P.Mtext([],"(");
- P.Mi([],get_name hyp);
- P.Mtext([],")");
- P.smallskip;
+ B.H ([],
+ [(B.b_kw "such that");
+ B.skip;
+ B.Text([],"(");
+ B.Object ([], P.Mi([],get_name hyp));
+ B.Text([],")");
+ B.skip;
term2pres hyp.Con.dec_type]) in
(* let body = proof2pres {proof with Con.proof_context = tl} in *)
let body = conclude2pres proof.Con.proof_conclude false true in
let presacontext =
acontext2pres proof.Con.proof_apply_context body false in
- P.Mtable
- ([None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"],
- [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],presdecl)]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],suchthat)]);
- P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],presacontext)])]);
+ B.V
+ ([],
+ [presdecl;
+ suchthat;
+ presacontext]);
| _ -> assert false in
proof2pres p
exception ToDo;;
+let aaa = ref 0
let content2pres term2pres (id,params,metasenv,obj) =
- let module K = Content in
- let module P = Mpresentation in
- match obj with
- `Def (K.Const,thesis,`Proof p) ->
- p_mtable
- [None,"align","baseline 1";
- None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left";
- None,"helm:xref","id"]
- ([p_mtr []
- [p_mtd []
- (p_mrow []
- [p_mtext []
- ("UNFINISHED PROOF" ^ id ^"(" ^
- String.concat " ; " ( UriManager.string_of_uri params)^
- ")")])] ;
- p_mtr []
- [p_mtd []
- (p_mrow []
- [p_mtext [] "THESIS:"])] ;
- p_mtr []
- [p_mtd []
- (p_mrow []
- [p_mphantom []
- (p_mtext [] "__") ;
- term2pres thesis])]] @
- (match metasenv with
- None -> []
- | Some metasenv' ->
- [p_mtr []
- [p_mtd []
- (* Conjectures are in their own table to make *)
- (* diffing the DOM trees easier. *)
- (p_mtable
- [None,"align","baseline 1";
- None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"]
- ((p_mtr []
- [p_mtd []
- (p_mrow []
- [p_mtext [] "CONJECTURES:"])])::
- (function
- (id,n,context,ty) ->
- p_mtr []
- [p_mtd []
- (p_mrow [Some "helm", "xref", id]
- (
- (function
- None ->
- p_mrow []
- [ p_mi [] "_" ;
- p_mo [] ":?" ;
- p_mi [] "_"]
- | Some (`Declaration d)
- | Some (`Hypothesis d) ->
- let
- { K.dec_name = dec_name ;
- K.dec_type = ty } = d
- in
- p_mrow []
- [ p_mi []
- (match dec_name with
- None -> "_"
- | Some n -> n) ;
- p_mo [] ":" ;
- term2pres ty]
- | Some (`Definition d) ->
- let
- { K.def_name = def_name ;
- K.def_term = bo } = d
- in
- p_mrow []
- [ p_mi []
- (match def_name with
- None -> "_"
- | Some n -> n) ;
- p_mo [] ":=" ;
- term2pres bo]
- | Some (`Proof p) ->
- let proof_name = p.K.proof_name in
- p_mrow []
- [ p_mi []
- (match proof_name with
- None -> "_"
- | Some n -> n) ;
- p_mo [] ":=" ;
- proof2pres term2pres p]
- ) (List.rev context) @
- [ p_mo [] "|-" ] @
- [ p_mi [] (string_of_int n) ;
- p_mo [] ":" ;
- term2pres ty ]
- ))
- ]
- ) metasenv'
- ))]]
- ) @
- [p_mtr []
- [p_mtd []
- (p_mrow []
- [proof2pres term2pres p])]])
- | _ -> raise ToDo
+ let module K = Content in
+ match obj with
+ `Def (K.Const,thesis,`Proof p) ->
+ B.b_v
+ [None,"helm:xref","id"]
+ ([B.b_text [] ("UNFINISHED PROOF " ^ id ^"(" ^ String.concat " ; " ( UriManager.string_of_uri params)^ ")") ;
+ B.b_text [] "THESIS:" ;
+ B.indent (term2pres thesis)] @
+ (match metasenv with
+ None -> []
+ | Some metasenv' ->
+ (* Conjectures are in their own table to make *)
+ (* diffing the DOM trees easier. *)
+ (B.b_v []
+ ((B.b_text [] ("CONJECTURES:" ^ (let _ = incr aaa; in (string_of_int !aaa))))::
+ (
+ (function
+ (id,n,context,ty) ->
+ (B.b_h [Some "helm", "xref", id]
+ (((
+ (function
+ None ->
+ B.b_h []
+ [ B.b_object (p_mi [] "_") ;
+ B.b_object (p_mo [] ":?") ;
+ B.b_object (p_mi [] "_")]
+ | Some (`Declaration d)
+ | Some (`Hypothesis d) ->
+ let
+ { K.dec_name = dec_name ;
+ K.dec_type = ty } = d
+ in
+ B.b_h []
+ [ B.b_object (p_mi []
+ (match dec_name with
+ None -> "_"
+ | Some n -> n)) ;
+ B.b_text [] ":" ;
+ term2pres ty]
+ | Some (`Definition d) ->
+ let
+ { K.def_name = def_name ;
+ K.def_term = bo } = d
+ in
+ B.b_h []
+ [ B.b_object (p_mi []
+ (match def_name with
+ None -> "_"
+ | Some n -> n)) ;
+ B.b_text [] ":=" ;
+ term2pres bo]
+ | Some (`Proof p) ->
+ let proof_name = p.K.proof_name in
+ B.b_h []
+ [ B.b_object (p_mi []
+ (match proof_name with
+ None -> "_"
+ | Some n -> n)) ;
+ B.b_text [] ":=" ;
+ proof2pres term2pres p]
+ ) (List.rev context)) @
+ [ B.b_text [] "|-" ;
+ B.b_object (p_mi [] (string_of_int n)) ;
+ B.b_text [] ":" ;
+ term2pres ty ])
+ ))
+ ) metasenv'))
+ )::[proof2pres term2pres p]
+ )
+ )
+ | _ -> raise ToDo
let content2pres ~ids_to_inner_sorts =
(function p ->
- (Cexpr2pres.cexpr2pres_charcount
- (Content_expressions.acic2cexpr ids_to_inner_sorts p)))
+ (Cexpr2pres.cexpr2pres_charcount
+ (Content_expressions.acic2cexpr ids_to_inner_sorts p)))
val content2pres :
ids_to_inner_sorts:(, string) Hashtbl.t ->
- Cic.annterm Content.cobj -> Mpresentation.mpres
+ Cic.annterm Content.cobj -> Mpresentation.mpres
Mtd (attr,m) -> X.xml_nempty ~prefix "mtd" attr [< (print_mpres m) ; X.xml_nempty ~prefix "mphantom" [] (X.xml_nempty ~prefix "mtext" [] (X.xml_cdata "(")) >]
-let print_mpres pres =
+let document_of_mpres pres =
[< Xml.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
Xml.xml_cdata "\n";
Xml.xml_nempty ~prefix "math"
val two_rows_table_without_brackets : attr -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres
val row_with_brackets : attr -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres
val row_without_brackets : attr -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres
-val print_mpres :
- mpres -> Xml.token Stream.t
+val print_mpres : mpres -> Xml.token Stream.t
+val document_of_mpres : mpres -> Xml.token Stream.t
let p_mo a b = Mpresentation.Mo(a,b)
let p_mrow a b = Mpresentation.Mrow(a,b)
let p_mphantom a b = Mpresentation.Mphantom(a,b)
+let b_ink a = Box.Ink a
let sequent2pres term2pres (_,_,context,ty) =
let module K = Content in
let module P = Mpresentation in
- let make_tr r =
- p_mtr [] [p_mtd [] r] in
let context2pres context =
let rec aux accum =
K.dec_id = dec_id ;
K.dec_type = ty } = d in
let r =
- p_mrow [Some "helm", "xref", dec_id]
- [ p_mi []
+ Box.b_h [Some "helm", "xref", dec_id]
+ [ Box.b_object (p_mi []
(match dec_name with
None -> "_"
- | Some n -> n) ;
- p_mo [] ":" ;
+ | Some n -> n)) ;
+ Box.b_text [] ":" ;
term2pres ty] in
- aux ((make_tr r)::accum) tl
+ aux (r::accum) tl
| (Some (`Definition d))::tl ->
{ K.def_name = def_name ;
K.def_id = def_id ;
K.def_term = bo } = d in
let r =
- p_mrow [Some "helm", "xref", def_id]
- [ p_mi []
+ Box.b_h [Some "helm", "xref", def_id]
+ [ Box.b_object (p_mi []
(match def_name with
None -> "_"
- | Some n -> n) ;
- p_mo [] ":=" ;
+ | Some n -> n)) ;
+ Box.b_text [] ":=" ;
term2pres bo] in
- aux ((make_tr r)::accum) tl
+ aux (r::accum) tl
| _::_ -> assert false in
aux [] context in
let pres_context =
- make_tr
- (p_mtable
- [None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"]
+ (Box.b_v
+ []
(context2pres context)) in
- let pres_goal =
- make_tr (term2pres ty) in
- (p_mtable
- [None,"align","baseline 1"; None,"equalrows","false";
- None,"columnalign","left"; None,"rowlines","solid"]
- [pres_context;pres_goal])
+ let pres_goal = term2pres ty in
+ (Box.b_v
+ []
+ [pres_context;
+ b_ink [None,"width","4cm"; None,"height","1px"];
+ pres_goal])
let sequent2pres ~ids_to_inner_sorts =
val sequent2pres :
ids_to_inner_sorts:(, string) Hashtbl.t ->
- Cic.annterm Content.conjecture -> Mpresentation.mpres
+ Cic.annterm Content.conjecture -> Mpresentation.mpres
let document_of_xml (domImplementation : Gdome.domImplementation) strm =
+prerr_endline "LUCA: entro nella document_of_xml" ;
let module G = Gdome in
let module X = Xml in
let rec update_namespaces ((defaultns,bindings) as namespaces) =
| X.NEmpty(p,n,l,c) -> p,n,l,c
| _ -> assert false
+prerr_endline "LUCA: entro nella document_of_xml interna" ;
let namespaces = update_namespaces (None,[]) root_attributes in
let namespaceURI = namespace_of_prefix namespaces root_prefix in
let document =
~qualifiedName:(get_qualified_name p n)
~value:(Gdome.domString v)
) root_attributes ;
+prerr_endline "LUCA: prima di aux" ;
aux namespaces (root : Gdome.element :> Gdome.node) root_content ;
+prerr_endline "LUCA: dopo di aux" ;